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Come VOTE for SWToR as the best MMO of the year on MMORPG.COM player choice awards


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I cannot, in good conscience, vote SWTOr as "best"MMORPG of 2016. It offered no MMO type of content. SWTOR is in terrible shape at this point in time and it would take a serious miracle to save the game. I will not miss it when it shuts down, unlike SWG which I miss greatly.


Whoever nominated SWTOR for that award had to have been paid off. It should never have been considered.

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I cannot, in good conscience, vote SWTOr as "best"MMORPG of 2016. It offered no MMO type of content. SWTOR is in terrible shape at this point in time and it would take a serious miracle to save the game. I will not miss it when it shuts down, unlike SWG which I miss greatly.


Whoever nominated SWTOR for that award had to have been paid off. It should never have been considered.


This. Even the devs and PR people no longer seem to think this is an MMO. Therefore it should not even be nominated.

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I can't in good conscience vote for TOR. Not only have the last two expansions been crap on a cracker, but it's not really an MMO anymore. It's a serialized single-player button mash fest with an optional 3D chatroom interface.


I wish they'd follow the example of FFXIV. The original release of that game was absolutely absymal, but instead of just slapping tiny bandaids onto a hemorrhaging artery and ignoring all negative player feedback, the creators of that game apologized for their mistakes, took the game down, and remade it into a much better game that people now love. If we could get a SWTOR remake like that, I think it would be absolutely epic.


But that's now how EA does things. If something starts making less money than they like, they just shut it down and fire all the employees working on it, like they have every other underperforming studio under their banner.

Edited by AscendingSky
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Guess I know why I stay off forums. So much hate for a game people are subbed to. Sad =-\


It's not hate to say this game doesn't deserve to be nominated at all, it's pure objectivity. I don't even imagine that the auto-congratulating dev's would dare to say that they deserve it.

I get that people can still like this game, but to think it's even one of the best mmo's, one must be really drunk, high or completely blinding himself. :p


And since they claimed that thread was '"off topic", it is clear that they recognize themselves that this game don't deserve it. :D

Edited by RswanBing
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because if you don't vote and support the game regardless of how you think of it this game you love to play is going to be gone. You have to show its worth the time and effort to listen to its consumers and put more effort into making it better than it is now.


I wouldn't say that's true. Plenty supported City of Heroes, was even making profit, constant updates, and it got shut down. :p


Final Fantasy was being hailed as one of the worst MMOs, people just leaving in troves, it's developers didn't abandon it, they came in with a total turn around to make a great MMO.

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