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Does Bioware and the dev team care about the players?


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I am 100 % sure that Musca isn't going to reply or even read this, but might he stamble upon this i would like him to see how does the community rate their work:


From 1 to 10 rate the Dev's team job over the years, tell us how horrible, bad, mediocre, normal,g good, outstanding amazing you would assess them.

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They started out around a 6.5 to 7, but have been on a steady slope downward with some spikes of smart ever since. With 5.1, I believe they're reached a point where their score can no longer decline. Unless of course you want to expand your scale to allow for scores below zero.
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I think on some level they do...it is their job after all.


I've never had bad issues with their customer service, they've always gone above and beyond to be nice and solve my issues for me.


As for the dev team, I can't say they haven't 'listened'...


I remember making a suggestion years ago about wanting more companions and more romanceable companions so that we have more variety...and they complied to a degree.


I remember asking for story, actually downright pestering them about it to be honest, and they complied to that as well...to a degree.


I've asked for many smaller things over the years as well...before pets came out, I requested that they miniaturize some of the cuter beasts, cause I wanted a monkey lizard and vrrblthr. Other things, I didn't get yet...like the ability to put facial tattoos on cyborgs and different colour varients (brighter jewel tones) for twi'leks...and specific romances like Scourge, Marr, Ravage, Vowrawn etc.


So, I do think they listen...it's just the quality of listening that doesn't quite emerge in their work. Like, I wanted more class story, we get streamlined stories, first, one for each side, then one for everyone no matter what you were.


As for the companions, variety is great, but not at the expense of the loved ones we had. I had wanted them to expand on romances, give more dialogues and companion story/questlines. And when I suggested more variety of romanceable companions, it was my thought to make all romance interests in the game, available to all classes...so that didn't exactly happen either.


Right now my main disappointments are, that there is no word when we'll get our loved ones back...or even when there will be more story. Romances are important and they are that extra something that makes an adventure story that much more special.


I'm also disappointed with the GC and RNG aspects of it, but with the new steps they're taking, I'm almost afraid to complain, because they might take the boxes out and there goes any chance of me getting anything good at all.


I think it wouldn't hurt if Bioware was a little less chintzy with the rewards. They award xp at a snails pace and have restrictions so we don't race through and have nothing to do, but the thing is, you can raise the tiers to 500 or a 1000 for GC, people will work for it, just don't make the grind so mind numbingly slow that you actually want to...do laundry, or clean, or god forbid cut the grass.


Also the rewards need to be better...I'm getting tired of getting trooper style armors for my Force users and guns for my Force users. They're the ones running KotFE and KoTet because the story fits them best.


And packs too, they rarely give anything decent anymore when you buy them, so they're not fun...so I have this to say...STOP BEING SO DAMN CHEAP and CHINTZY!


Give us something of worth for our effort and money.

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Nope, They care about you spending money to sub and in the cash shop, but that's as far as it goes. As long as you do those things, they're set. If they actually played the game they'd know why we're so upset and they never would have gone with GC for gearing in the first place, but if you don't play and you don't care about your customers, 5.0 is what you get.
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Woah, when did he say that?

He mentioned it in a couple podcasts, e.g. this one (Passionately Casual Podcast #24 from October 5, 2016, starting at 38:22), but obviously it is not something he talks very openly about, which is why you have to dig to find such information.

They are playing a lot on dev servers to test the new content but if they never play with real players, there is this disconnect where the devs don't know what the players think about content, and they can just use cheats to get gear or credits. When it actually took you hundreds of hours to get the gear, and repairing it costs hard-earned credits, and you are not paid for playing, you will feel different about it.


It is so sad when I compare it to other games. Like Lore, one of the Community Managers from WoW, is always talking about the game on Twitter, he even sometimes streams while he is playing.

Edited by Jerba
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Its a job I don't think they are paid to care, though equally I suspect much like Galactic Command it has become a grind for them more than a labor of love.


They have perhaps the biggest IP in the world as far as MMO's go. Sure Marlboro, Coca Cola and Budwiser are bigger but short of a bar tending game your going to have a hard time making an MMO out of those IP's. A reported 300 million budget, more dialogue than any other game and established lore so you don't have to establish every fact of the galaxy. And we get dead static worlds and each 'expansion' adding less than the last culminating in 2 years of being relogated to a bit player in 'Keeping up with the Karda,,,Valkorians' striping the player of almost any identity and companions while invalidating everything up until this point. And this is from two years of focusing on Story.


To get it all so horribly wrong, it does not feel like the people making the decisions understand the customer base or the game. Is it any wonder people flocked back to Kotfe thinking it was going to be a return to the early days of chapters 1 to 3 only to find the player was now a generic companion (nicely fitting in with all the generics that had been picked up to replace the 5 meaningful companions each class lost), resulting in so many less people returned for Kotet.

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They are either intensely stupid or they dont care at all about the game or the players. In fact if anything there is a disdain for the players for existing, they just want to get on to the next thing and because we keep playing they have to keep working on this crap that they dont want too. This is why they intentionally(unless they are impossibly stupid) wreck the game over and over.


Rating -10 (negative 10)


Give the game to another studio.


And if this is really your best work, quit your jobs and leave the industry.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Since Summer of 2015 this game has headed horribly off course. It's as if it is being lead by someone who really doesn't know what they are doing.


They made good strides with 2.0 and 3.0 and went off into la-la land with 4.0 and 5.0.


So what happened in Summer of 2015 you ask?


Ben became producer.

Edited by Wayshuba
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I am 100 % sure that Musca isn't going to reply or even read this, but might he stamble upon this i would like him to see how does the community rate their work:


From 1 to 10 rate the Dev's team job over the years, tell us how horrible, bad, mediocre, normal,g good, outstanding amazing you would assess them.


The original release I gave them a 9, for awesome, and stayed there for maybe 6 months.


The only reason I never gave a 10 was the game engine. Ilum was awesome until you had a framerate of 2 when 80 Jedi where battling it out.


Since then then, it has been a steady decrease, I bumped it back to 7 when Revan was released, but I just canceled my Sub today, so I have to say we are below a 3 now.


Can I blame the Devs? Not sure, I wonder how much of it is Money. How many of the original programmers are still around. WoW (which I do not play) just brought back the creator and he has one of highest Achievements point in the game. That says something about his love for the product.


The loss of Kira (though there is a chance for redemption) still burns and worse

Vette. They have effectively removed Vette from the game

. *** All the new companions stink. Looking on the fleet, old companions still rules. That says a lot.


Other then a 9 month break before Revan I have been a Sub since release, today I just Stopped my Sub. May I will check in again in the summer, put this latest patch brought NO replay for me no connection with my Companion friends left.

Edited by MikadoWu
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They care about the 99% of players who are playing and having fun with 5.0. They ignore the 1% of players on the forums who come here to complain.


And they ignore the ones who are dreaming that 99% of the players are still playing after 5.0.


  • 4 livestreams in less than two months since launch (all about changes to the GC system).
  • A first ever survey on an expansion from EA.
  • Massive changes on the GC system in the very first patch after release.
  • And Ben doing interviews trying to convince people that the system is great (when even the MMO sites have trashed how stupid it is).


Yeah.. sorry but the evidence isn't there that 99% of players are happy with it. More like 1% are.

Edited by Wayshuba
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They care about the 99% of players who are playing and having fun with 5.0. They ignore the 1% of players on the forums who come here to complain.


Not everyone who's playing enjoys 5.0


Would you care to throw some more fictional numbers at that? I'm sure you can cook up some more random numbers.


Some people are making the best of what 5.0 has brought into the game. They enjoy the game IN SPITE of the 5.0 changes or they hang in there hoping 5.1 is going to make things at least somewhat better.


There usually are more than two sides to a debate you see. Life isn't as black and white as you suggest.

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They care about the 99% of players who are playing and having fun with 5.0. They ignore the 1% of players on the forums who come here to complain.


This is really an ignorant statement. There are very few players happy with the changes. In fact there is so much wrong with it that BW A is immediately effecting changes in it. Back up your info before you post it.

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This is really an ignorant statement. There are very few players happy with the changes. In fact there is so much wrong with it that BW A is immediately effecting changes in it. Back up your info before you post it.


When I used to go to to Church, every single person I spoke to said they were a Christian, so the entire population of the world must be Christian too.



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