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New: Excited and intimidated


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I just discovered these ship battles a couple of days ago, and am really intrigued by them. I have done perhaps four of them so far and performed terribly. My damage was low, I died 4 to 7 times each battle, got 2-3 asists and no kills (even though it REALLY looked like I killed some). We won every time, no thanks to me.


After my first battle, I was given currency as a reward and have been reluctant to spend it for fear of wasting it. Even after browsing Stacie's amazingly detailed and comprehensive guide, I am still more confused by this system than I have ever been in any game system.


So while I could use tons of advice, I will narrow my question to one: What is the FIRST thing I should spend this currency on? A new ship? a follower? specific weapons?


All advice is appreciated.



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There are two kinds of important currency, fleet req and ship req.


The fleet req you want to spend on unlocking new ships or on new crew members.


The general advice is to get


Quarrel/Mangler gunship

Rampart/Razorwire bomber

Flashfire/Sting Scout

Warcarrier/Legion bomber

Condor/Jurgoran gunship

Spearpoint/Bloodmark scout

in more or less that order, and then whatever uncompetitive ships strike your fancy.


For crewmembers, Republic faction should get Felix Iresso or Akavi Spar for Wingman (Imperials get Salana Rok free), and make them your copilot choice. It's a huge damage increase. Then get Qyzen republic side or Jaesa imperial side for the firing arc and accuracy passives. Xalek or Broonmark for imperial side minelayers, M1-4X for republic.


The fleet req is rare, so don't waste it.


Ship req is the green stuff, and you'll earn a lot, so it's ok if some is mis-spent. This is a bit trickier, because it depends more on which specific ship you're talking about, and how you want to play that ship. Some ships have 2 to 3 distinct playstyles depending on build.


For the stock scout, Armor piercing on Rocket pods, The first two upgrades on lightweight armor, unlocking and two upgrades on Rdegeneration thrusters, and the first two upgrades on barrel roll are a good start. Then maybe unlock targeting telemetry and laser cannons.


I didn't mention distortion field for a very specific reason. If you're that new, it won't do you much good. Distortion field is extremely powerful, if you press it before you get shot at. It doesn't last all that long, so you need experience to know when getting shot at is going to happen. Despite what it feels like as a new player, it's not really, "all the time." Play enough to get that other stuff upgraded, and if you pay attention while playing you should start having enough of a feel for it to merit distortion field as the next item on the list. It is very good once you know how to use it well, so be motivated to figure out when you're in danger and when you're not.


That should get you started, I'll try to dig around and link to Siraka's more in depth post on this stuff.


Ok, so not exactly his post, but there's a brief excerpt and links to more resources in the posts near the bottom of this page

Edited by Ramalina
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There are two kinds of important currency, fleet req and ship req.


The fleet req you want to spend on unlocking new ships or on new crew members.


The general advice is to get


Quarrel/Mangler gunship

Rampart/Razorwire bomber

Flashfire/Sting Scout

Warcarrier/Legion bomber

Condor/Jurgoran gunship

Spearpoint/Bloodmark scout

in more or less that order, and then whatever uncompetitive ships strike your fancy.


For crewmembers, Republic faction should get Felix Iresso or Akavi Spar for Wingman (Imperials get Salana Rok free), and make them your copilot choice. It's a huge damage increase. Then get Qyzen republic side or Jaesa imperial side for the firing arc and accuracy passives. Xalek or Broonmark for imperial side minelayers, M1-4X for republic.


The fleet req is rare, so don't waste it.


Ship req is the green stuff, and you'll earn a lot, so it's ok if some is mis-spent. This is a bit trickier, because it depends more on which specific ship you're talking about, and how you want to play that ship. Some ships have 2 to 3 distinct playstyles depending on build.


For the stock scout, Armor piercing on Rocket pods, The first two upgrades on lightweight armor, unlocking and two upgrades on Rdegeneration thrusters, and the first two upgrades on barrel roll are a good start. Then maybe unlock targeting telemetry and laser cannons.


I didn't mention distortion field for a very specific reason. If you're that new, it won't do you much good. Distortion field is extremely powerful, if you press it before you get shot at. It doesn't last all that long, so you need experience to know when getting shot at is going to happen. Despite what it feels like as a new player, it's not really, "all the time." Play enough to get that other stuff upgraded, and if you pay attention while playing you should start having enough of a feel for it to merit distortion field as the next item on the list. It is very good once you know how to use it well, so be motivated to figure out when you're in danger and when you're not.


That should get you started, I'll try to dig around and link to Siraka's more in depth post on this stuff.


Ok, so not exactly his post, but there's a brief excerpt and links to more resources in the posts near the bottom of this page


Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! This is exactly what I wanted! have a great day!

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hi cluck the link in my signature to watch my twitch and youtube to learn


my suggestion would be to get the flashfire or sting or quarrel or mangler in the beginning. the bombers can be good. once you reach top status you will see the dustmaker and cometbreaker can be top ships as well thanks have a good day :)

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Continuing on from the excellent points Ramalina made;


type /cjoingsf into your chat and you'll enter a channel where pilots usually hang out. Feel free to ask questions and ask for a group; it can be daunting as a new player, and Bioware's algorithms can lead to unbalanced matches, so having a good group alongside you might be helpful.


Check out the Stickied Guide for upgrades here; I find this very handy, at least until I get a feel for my own preferences.


This fellow is pretty handy at GSF, and you can ask him questions here, alternatively, you might catch his stream here.


Another handy resource can be found in the GSF School YouTube channelhere.


And because I want to overwhelm you with GSF content, you can check out the

Shadowlands Reconnaissance Wing here.


A few YouTube channels:




Close-Shave Clean-Cut



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Welcome to GSF Autumnsbane!


I have a few questions for you myself if you don't mind, what server are you playing on? What faction are you currently playing on and at what times?


If you're interested we could hang out a bit and I could get you started with a ton of basics.



If that's a bit too personal, I have some tutorial videos up on my YouTube channel which is in my signature that shows off some of the ship builds I play and the order I recommend to get the upgrades. Each one of those videos has a followup one showing me playing it and some of the tips/tricks of playing it.


This game is really overwhelming and has a steep learning curve but you sound super motivated so stick with it and don't be afraid to ask any questions.

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Just Wow!


After Remalina's excellent post, I hadn't expected so many more responses. The fact that they were all helpful and completely without flaming or condescention was a huge plus!


As for Drakkolich's questions:


I was a founder that played heavily until FTP occurred, then dropped out, but occasionally checked back in. About three weeks ago I popped back in, and after a few days, decided to subscribe again. My intention is to continue this for the future. I don't see myself leaving any time soon.


The character I am playing with currently is Hildreth Autumnsbane, a level 70 Jedi Shadow on Republic side of Ebon Hawk. I can most commonly be found playing in the range of 7 to 10:45 PM EST weekdays, depending on work and life, and almost any time on weekends.


I am currently not in a guild, and due to my current inexperience, have been reluctant to find one, so as not to bring anybody down with my incompetence. But my plan is definately to play with others once my confidence is higher.


Thanks everyone who responded. I don't know if this system is cross-server (like dungeons in warcraft) so I may see some of you in game.

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Ebon hawk you say?


Ive got 4 characters pub side and 2 Imps side ill keep an eye out for you and if you have any questions be glad to help.


Look for Kae'ra or Phyera which are my mains there for flying. :)


GSF isn't cross server unfortunately so were all stuck on our own little servers save for those of us that server hop a lot.

Edited by catsi
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Ebon Hawk is my primary server, so you're likely to see me around on Sríía sometime. There's a guide linked in my signature, and you should consider joining the GSF Discord server, also linked in my signature. It's a great place to ask questions or connect with others who are playing.


I'd be happy to group with you sometime! I'll keep an eye on the /gsf channel.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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kudos to drakolich?? what about the hand crafted, tailor made reply that came first?..... KUDOS TO DRAKO? ....


Kudos to Drako for stepping down from gsf heaven and gracing us with the gift of some of your time.....


I doubt Drako appreciates your snide, backhanded attempt to patronize him in such a fiendish and sniveling way.... the great king krixarcs would have your head if you spoke to him with such insolence....

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my advice is the best advice because i am the top pilot and dogfighting extraordinairy


even with stock ship on red eclipsed there hasnt been a single sole to kill me more than once and that was just a fluke

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Ebon Hawker here, too. I mostly fly Impside (Hygel'ak, Ashatal, Rebecc) right now, but I dabble on a couple of Pubside characters (Colbrand, Ainnahlandra) when guildies want to. I know I recognize your name from recent matches - welcome!
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Ebon Hawker here, too. I mostly fly Impside (Hygel'ak, Ashatal, Rebecc) right now, but I dabble on a couple of Pubside characters (Colbrand, Ainnahlandra) when guildies want to. I know I recognize your name from recent matches - welcome!


Thanks! The Pubs on Ebon Hawk have been very generous by inviting me along, knowing I would not be contributing. If I get one or two kills in per match I am doing well. I am impressed with how friendly this group is on both sides of the faction line. I have not experienced that in any other kind of PVP except in a couple of Overwatch matches. I THINK I am learning and improving, but it is as difficult as it is fun.

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couple quick tricks :


- Ship requisition (the daily/weekly one) you gain PER ship you possess. So if a daily gives 938 ship requisitions PER ship, when you consume your daily token and you have 4 ships you'll see "+3752".

If you have cartel coins/are willing to spend them, it's useful because you can convert green requisition into purple requisition to max out a ship faster... thanks to points coming from ships you're not using.


- Learn to use the target camera button. The tutorial is a great place to try it. No more looking left and right frantically wondering who just shot at you!


- Especially with scouts, you can start a match directly with a barrel roll to get to a base faster and capture it. Of course you need to have activated engine power conversion to pump out more juice!


- if you see a gunship and it has your name on it as a target, start moving sideways - they hate it - and try to get cover. Also, if it's still kind of far, just make sure it's no closer than 15 km. Because you'll be in its firing range!

Edited by BenduKundalini
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