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The cancer that is Hard Mode Flashpoints.


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Those are the perils of the group finder. If you want a completely smooth run get a guild group going.


The game shouldn't be nerfed and streamlined more than it already is just cus you had a bad experience finding people for HM FP. That's the point of HM in the first place. It's not supposed to be that easy.




Don't complain about random players when you choose to group randomly.

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Kick or leave. Have a smoke. Queue again. Move on.


It's a mmo. Expecting every player out there to be decent both gameplay wise and manners wise is stupid tbh. You must learn to accept these things as fact of mmo life and stop working yourself up.




Don't have to like it, but players can and will be players.. of all sorts in terms of skills, temperament, manners, etc.


If that is not acceptable (which clearly it is not, for all people) .. you need to group with people you actually know and trust, not random people.

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Don't complain about random players when you choose to group randomly.


This is not complaint about random players. There is ZERO chance 2 lvl 50 dps group can do Blood Hunt first boss. Zero.

So what is the point of letting lvl 50s do it?

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Kick or leave. Have a smoke. Queue again. Move on.


It's a mmo. Expecting every player out there to be decent both gameplay wise and manners wise is stupid tbh. You must learn to accept these things as fact of mmo life and stop working yourself up.


Did you notice the comment I was responding to or just jump in on my comment without reading first.


I was responding to this:


So many players on this forum complain about how few group these days. I wonder why?


Ever think that maybe you and player(s) like you are part of the problem? Posts like yours does nothing to encourage new players or even old players looking into getting into group content for the first time, to do so.


I was telling this person that some people do try to help new players in group content but there will always be some that don't listen. No where in my post was I expecting everyone to be well geared and courteous. People are people in the game and on the forums. Some listen and cooperate and some don't.

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Heh and thats exactly what started all this!!


Dont nerf the game!! Teach the player!!


Exactly, all of this "fix players who refuse to read codices or ask other people how to play the game" stuff is what resulted in the removal of class specific stats and morphing them into generic mastery, and then we got this Galactic Command fiasco RNG gearing because these same players who don't ask questions demanded that they get best in slot gear without doing activities that awarded it.


I'd like to see Bioware put on a "learn the game" campaign instead of watering down the game to be more "accessible".

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What stat would they put into gear then?


If you want to just stack more crit that would mean even higher dps requirements.


Or they could bring back surge as a stat. Maybe change its curve to help with the power creep...

Edited by Psychopyro
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TBH, this was always an issue. I primarily PvP, so I do not have accuracy in my gear. Back in the day, on my main I used to invest alternate implants, ear piece, MH and OH and one piece with no set accuracy for end game PvE, but gearing also was accessible back then.


Now at the mercy of RNG I do not even have access for the right gear for PvP forget alternate gear for PvE. It is a fail a** gearing system. And they should get rid of accuracy as a stats, it is a silly stats that does not make much sense to begin with.


On another note HM fps are so easy*


* this only applies if you understand your role and spec rotation. And considering how much of a terrible job the game does to introduce you to any level of challenge, a new/less experienced players will not be able to do any level of HM content even in full 242 + 50% damage bonus.

Edited by Ottoattack
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While this is true, it has nothing to do with the accuracy stat which was the point of the OP.




No accuracy. Only one has hilt in offhand. Everyone else seems to have only hilt/barrel in mainhand.

Edited by Halinalle
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Only 5k? You don't even have to do rotation correctly because you can easily do 2,4k with basic attack. Two dds doing 2,4k means 4,8k. Now add tank dps and damage healer deals. Easy.



I meant 5k DPS per player, and that was just an estimate since I don't have actual numbers and can't be bothered to calculate it myself.

I don't think every player is able to hit 2.4k DPS; in your parse you had a high APM (way too many players wait too long between each ability) and probably good gear.

That's why many PuG groups get hit by the enrage timer in HM FPs. Just removing the enrage timer is the wrong solution though in my opinion, because then players won't improve and you'll end up with 20+ minute boss fights in bad groups. The main issue is that the story chapters require no rotation whatsoever, and then players are clueless when they enter group content.


To the OP, I support the removal of Accuracy, it has no place now that PvE and PvP gear are shared. But I don't think it will improve player skill or lead to higher DPS, so removing Accuracy won't solve the problem.

Edited by Jerba
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TBH, this was always an issue. I primarily PvP, so I do not have accuracy in my gear. Back in the day, on my main I used to invest alternate implants, ear piece, MH and OH and one piece with no set accuracy for end game PvE, but gearing also was accessible back then.


Now at the mercy of RNG I do not even have access for the right gear for PvP forget alternate gear for PvE. It is a fail a** gearing system. And they should get rid of accuracy as a stats, it is a silly stats that does not make much sense to begin with.

If the topic had something to do with HM or NiM Ops then I can see your point but we're discussing HM FP's.


Take two blue 220 implants and one blue 220 earpiece all of the quick savant variety and augment them with blue MK-10 accuracy augs and you'll be sitting at 110.02% accuracy. Bump those up to crafted 230's with purple 228 accuracy augs and you'll be sitting at 109.99% with an open augment slot.


Other than the expense of the augment kits, the blue route is fairly cheap. There's no excuse to not have enough accuracy for HM FP's.

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It's hard mode ... it's meant to be hard. If people can't gear properly then they aren't capable of doing hard mode.


In saying that the bolster is screwy as ****. I don't get why they allowed under levelled people to access the content but didn't make the bolster give them the minimal stats required to actually do the content.


Fix bolster, problem solved and I don't mean fix it so people are over geared either - bare minimum bolster.


I was thinking removing the under levelled players but HM FPs would probably never ever pop then and likewise with "getting better gear" is a poor suggestion now due to the utterly horrible GC grind system ( no more progression gearing even via FPs ).

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Or, just get rid of the accuracy stat altogether.

That would create some problems with the defense stat. I'm assuming you are talking about removing the chance of ever missing your target? If the boss can no longer miss you either, then the defense chance stat would become useless. That would screw up tanks pretty bad. Shield / absorb / endurance would be all that a tank has.


Same goes for pvp...defense would have no purpose (even less than the little purpose that it already has). Every class has a base 5% defense, Inquis/Cons have 10%. Those would both be erased, which would mess with some subtle class balancing that nobody really ever thinks about. Abilities that reduce opposing players' accuracy would be negated. There would need to be something added to replace that loss.


There may even be more implications than that. I'm thinking that removing accuracy would be a rather messy thing to do at this point because it is so closely tied to the defense stat. You'd be removing both of them.

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and it is only gona get worse cause RNG crates for gearing is SUPER SMART and EASY to UNDERSTAND vs Using Comm and gett gear from NPC or run OPS to get Set Pieces.


Before 5.0 HM FP where pain cause they let people NOT max level do them, which one mistake, which they been told to change to only max level can do it, then now compounded it by make gearing next to impossible for new person cause the RNG.


I had very little interested in do HM FP before 5.0 now I refuse to do it.


BW Logic at its BEST

Edited by Kyuuu
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Before 5.0 HM FP where pain cause they let people NOT max level do them, which one mistake, which they been told to change to only max level can do it, then now compounded it by make gearing next to impossible for new person cause the RNG.


Do you remember the time when level cap was 55? Do you remember the time when Balance Shadows used to tank Lost Island HM?

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Get rid of accuracy, and there would be little to no difference between healer and dps gear, which would result in the decline of the few tanks around. Everyone would just choose to be a healer and dps both, and no would want to be a tank. The solution would be a gear check. But no. Because it *uc*ing bolsters right, as if it completely eliminates the need for gear.
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That would create some problems with the defense stat. I'm assuming you are talking about removing the chance of ever missing your target? If the boss can no longer miss you either, then the defense chance stat would become useless. That would screw up tanks pretty bad. Shield / absorb / endurance would be all that a tank has..

I would more think roll it in with another stat like they did with Crit/Surge... I'd say roll it into Mastery (higher mastery should make you more accurate).

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I would more think roll it in with another stat like they did with Crit/Surge... I'd say roll it into Mastery (higher mastery should make you more accurate).


Only 242 gear would give 110% accuracy?


That still doesn't change the fact that you don't need gear for HM FPs. Why it's so difficult to understand?

Edited by Halinalle
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I am a solo player so comments like yours has little impact on me. However so many players on this forum complain about how few group these days. I wonder why?


Ever think that maybe you and player(s) like you are part of the problem? Posts like yours does nothing to encourage new players or even old players looking into getting into group content for the first time, to do so. At least the OP is a little more understanding, though I think he could have made the thread title a little less toxic. Other than that though the actual post was well put and very reasonable.


Why would such posts be a problem, most people write here that they would teach ppl to play but the new ppl just dont listen and think they know how to play. Also 90% of the player base does not even go to these forums so they dont even get to read this.

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That would create some problems with the defense stat. I'm assuming you are talking about removing the chance of ever missing your target? If the boss can no longer miss you either, then the defense chance stat would become useless. That would screw up tanks pretty bad. Shield / absorb / endurance would be all that a tank has.


Same goes for pvp...defense would have no purpose (even less than the little purpose that it already has). Every class has a base 5% defense, Inquis/Cons have 10%. Those would both be erased, which would mess with some subtle class balancing that nobody really ever thinks about. Abilities that reduce opposing players' accuracy would be negated. There would need to be something added to replace that loss.


There may even be more implications than that. I'm thinking that removing accuracy would be a rather messy thing to do at this point because it is so closely tied to the defense stat. You'd be removing both of them.

No problem there whatsoever. Why do you think defense would be worthless?

Accuracy of 100% means you will hit a target with no defense 100%. Regardless of your accuracy stat. And that's the reason you "need" 110% for Ops, because the bosses there have 10% defense.

But bosses have no additional accuracy, so nothing would change for tanks. Same goes for PvP. The simple solution would be to reduce bosses defense by 10%, giving each player 100% acc and be done with it. Nothing else would change to the status quo. You would still miss 5% against players, 10% against inqui/consulars and whatever defense tanks have.

Well, and a healers interrupt won't miss anymore, looking at you draxxus :D

Edited by Torvai
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Only 242 gear would give 110% accuracy?


That still doesn't change the fact that you don't need gear for HM FPs. Why it's so difficult to understand?


First off, my point in this thread has been PvP, not FPs... If you maybe actually READ thru the entire thread you'd know that... The only reason I agree with the need to remove accuracy as a stat has to do with PvP and needing 2 friggin gear sets for the RNGesus....


Accuracy is needed for OPS, but not PvP. Currently they combined the gear types. You do comprehend what combined means right? Yet accuracy has no place in PvP, it never has. Accuracy for all intents was a PvE only stat. Just like expertise was a PvP stat.


The realistic options would be to remove it entirely and give everyone 100/110 accuracy or tie it to another stat. And there is no reason that 242 gear has to give the 110 accuracy. It could give 115 for all that matters against the mastery stat.

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First off, my point in this thread has been PvP, not FPs... If you maybe actually READ thru the entire thread you'd know that... The only reason I agree with the need to remove accuracy as a stat has to do with PvP and needing 2 friggin gear sets for the RNGesus....


Accuracy is needed for OPS, but not PvP. Currently they combined the gear types. You do comprehend what combined means right? Yet accuracy has no place in PvP, it never has. Accuracy for all intents was a PvE only stat. Just like expertise was a PvP stat.


The realistic options would be to remove it entirely and give everyone 100/110 accuracy or tie it to another stat. And there is no reason that 242 gear has to give the 110 accuracy. It could give 115 for all that matters against the mastery stat.


You still need 105% accuracy to never miss in pvp. 105% is also more than enough in pve if you never do ops. 110% accuracy is only required in operations.

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You still need 105% accuracy to never miss in pvp. 105% is also more than enough in pve if you never do ops. 110% accuracy is only required in operations.


But the theorycrafting has already been done and beaten to death... Accuracy has no place in PvP... It's a wasted stat.. TTK in PvP does not improve with more accuracy.


But again, it does not matter... It's 2 sets of fing RNG gear, which apparently you don't seem to understand. Some people DO OPS AND PVP... The easiest solution is to remove Accuracy...


What are you, one of those high and mighty ops people who think they are some special snowflake that you don't want your precious ops required stat taken away? Or are you some kind of sadist that wants to grind out 2 sets of 242 gear? PvP players already lost their stat, and it was BS, and yet we are still forced to grind out 2 sets to get the right BIS for PvP. All I'm sayin is if you remove accuracy, or tie it to some other stat, then PvP players would no longer have to grind out 2 sets...

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