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Level 30's Already???


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Juyo has level 30 players already...


First day!!!


Also a bunch from 25-29...


How the hell are these people leveling so fast...


By the time the rest of us get online, they will be 50... :(


Good job BW letting all the full time testers in on day 1. Not like they will know how to level fast and exploit or anything.

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who cares? it's not a race


PVE is not a race, PvP kind of is. If one faction gets a leg up on the other then it would give them an unfair advantage. Personally, don't think it matters too much. if it is an exploit, folks using it will get banned, if not then they earned it. In 4 months of beta I didn't encounter any world PvP griefing until the late part of Nar Shadda, more so in Tatooine onward.


The nature of MMOs is that we as players are also doing testing for events like this for them to hotfix.


No biggie.

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Exploiters should be dealt with.


No-lifers are just making a choice. I dont really care if they invest all their time into this game.


That said, I dont know why anyone would want to fiendishly level as fast as they could the very first day the game is out. I have been looking forward to playing for a long time and plan on taking my time to enjoy the ride.


how does getting to lvl 50 stop you from going back and doing low lvl quests you skipped?


how does getting lvl 50 stop you from leveling up alts to see other story lines?


getting to 50 fast means you have access to "everything" to play when and where you want, the ability to enter end game content, the ability to pay to do crafting to help your friends and the ability (in open world pvp) to bodyguard your lower lvl friends


none of that stops you from "enjoying the game" at any pace you wish, it simply means you have access to more options sooner


also note: many of us played "slowly" through our primary class roles in beta up through lvl 30ish already, we dont need to "watch" that story arc again, blowing our main class role up to 50 quick just means now we have time to kick back and enjoy the game at any level we wish freely


i for one will rush 50 on my bounty hunter, having seen a good portion of the story arc anyway in beta. at 50 ill have teh ability to craft what i want when i want and than go play alts for "fun" whenever i want and still have my lvl 50 on call for guild needs, raids, pvp, or whatever


even people who rush 50 can be casual players, they are simply more interested in having all their options available before slowing down to enjoy other aspects of the game

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I said it in other post but why in a story driven game like ToR would you wont to be lv 30 in a day, you miss haff the game whats the point?


So of these folks may have been long term beta people. In 4+ months of beta I had to redo my characters quests at least 3 or 4 times until they stopped doing wipes. As story driven as the game is the fun will wear off after a bit so I can see why folks would spacebar story you already know, especially side-quests and flash points that you have run possibly hundreds of times.


Also, since the advent of easy mode MMOs like WoW (and pretty ever MMO since) people find a perverse sense of pride in hitting cap as fast as they can.


They can play how they want, it doesn't effect your experience unless you let it.


And as mentioned before, if it is an exploit and they are abusing it rather than reporting it, they will get admins all up in their business and possibly get banned. Actions have consequences. I hope they are having fun.

Edited by nullunit
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even people who rush 50 can be casual players, they are simply more interested in having all their options available before slowing down to enjoy other aspects of the game


Sounds like the opposite of what "casual" even means.


If they're sitting there for massive amounts of time to reach level 50 at the fastest rate possible, they're not "casual players".


A casual player reaches lvl 50 "when they do".

They enjoy the content that is available at the time.


They don't go to the extreme just to reach "casual gameplay".


- DH

Edited by Diet-Hutt
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Just to point this out- if people are using an exploit to level fast, it's a good thing that BW didn't open the floodgates and let everyone on at once. Now they have an opportunity to fix the issue before too many abuse it.


The exploit is happening because not enough people were let in.

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To me, they are missing out. This game is about the Journey as much as the desto.


But, I say good for them. If that's how they want to play, I hope they have fun.


They're not missing out. They'll have a lvl 50 to farm up stuff, make a lot of money, get their guilds ahead, etc...and can then do the story stuff later. it's almost like starting your account with a pre-made lvl 50.

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They're not missing out. They'll have a lvl 50 to farm up stuff, make a lot of money, get their guilds ahead, etc...and can then do the story stuff later. it's almost like starting your account with a pre-made lvl 50.


Agreed. You might be stressing out about getting your first speeder, but they will just take their level 50 and farm for a bit, and then be able to get speeders the minute their alts hit the right level.


There characters will stay in the best gear from crafts and twink purchases. They will be able to jump in and help friends that get stuck on tough flash points.


These people are not missing the game, they are going to be able to experience more of the game leveraging their level 50's than you ever will, and they get the easy road to 50 thanks to what has to be one of the worst cases of missing a bug I've heard of.

Edited by Bluejayoo
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they're members of the "level through pvp" scum-class that bioware catered to for some reason, what a stupid decision.


I am leveling through PvP and I am only level 14. Do warzones end early? Yes. Am I getting the same amount of XP as I would if it did not end early. No way.


At my level, a full match gives between 5-8k XP. One that ends early only gives around 400-800. This issue may be server or faction specific. Additionally, I do not see how this is the players fault, especially if all they are doing is playing warzones.

Edited by leviboley
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Talk on the pvp servers is that those in the high end lvl 30's have been banned. I don't know how accurate this is but they are certain they haven't seen anyone over level 30 for the last 7 hours... Edited by Neurath
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I said it once before..


name one other MMO that has ever had lvl 50's before launch?


This is going to kill launch, and the economy.


Thanks a lot you elitist day oners.


Who are entitled to your day one access.


a) It doesn't affect you, stop whining.


b) They will be dealt with by GMs.


c) It won't kill launch, won't even affect it at all


d) You can only list 50 things on AH, so that won't kill the economy. GMs can easily see if they're exploiting the economy and their level anyway.


Please sit back and relax.

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