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Needed/suggested change to GSF


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Maybe I don't get it but how does it "help" against matches where more then 50% of the ships are of a certain type of ship (6 gunships or 6 blc scouts etc.)


The more viable ships you have on a character the more likely you are to switch and experiment. Lots of players are focusing on one FotM ship because their other ships are crap and/or have no upgrades.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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The more viable ships you have on a character the more likely you are to switch and experiment. Lots of players are focusing on one FotM ship because their other ships are crap and/or have no upgrades.


Having access to four strikes does not make me any more inclined to use them. Since GSF has not gone through the same development ups and downs as the ground game, there is no FOTM. There are the meta ships, and everything else. So, GSF does not actually work the way you are proposing. Pilots are focusing on a handful of ships because they are the only ones that are effective.

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Having access to four strikes does not make me any more inclined to use them. Since GSF has not gone through the same development ups and downs as the ground game, there is no FOTM. There are the meta ships, and everything else. So, GSF does not actually work the way you are proposing. Pilots are focusing on a handful of ships because they are the only ones that are effective.


A handful of ships is better than just one or two ships, which is what the OP's talking about. If you start an alt you HAVE to focus on one or two ships to get going, with legacy requisition grants this won't be an issue.

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I think he suggests making the comms tokens legacy bound because some people who are altaholics will go through many separate instances of leveling up pilots, and will obviously focus most strongly on leveling up their favourite ship rather than spending time on others. This is admittedly a small part of the problem being discussed here but it WOULD help in such a case, and it would be even easier to implement without really any drawbacks as far as this cat's concerned.


I would even take this line of thinking a step further and allow for the comms tokens to be unbound and saleable/transferable to anybody. They should also be stackable IMO. This way the vets could use their excess tokens to help gear up newer players, or sell them for profit. It would also allow people starting off to spend some credits on gearing their ships and get some more life into the SWTOR economy.


Just my two cents.

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A handful of ships is better than just one or two ships, which is what the OP's talking about. If you start an alt you HAVE to focus on one or two ships to get going, with legacy requisition grants this won't be an issue.


You play one match, and with the Introduction to Starfighter breadcrumb quest, you get enough fleet req to buy two of the four-six meta ships (six if you include T3GS and T1SC). If you have 3600 cc you can buy the other two ships of the four, and you have a five ship bar: T1 scout, T1 GS, T1 Bomber, T2 Scout T2 Bomber. But, I see what you are trying to say. I mean, I would in no way ever oppose your suggestion, it is valuable in its own right. But, as to solving the problem of one side stacking a ship class within any given match, I'm less convinced, though you may be right.

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Here's a great way to combat spam strategies: buff strikes to be viable counters to something (anything) in the way that various other ships effectively counter each other.


One possibility I came to think of with gunships would be to have missile lock time halved against charging gunships. (How hard can it be to lock a missile on a stationary target that radiates like a supernova?) This could make them both a bit more susceptible at short range (0.7 seconds to get a cluster volley in your face), and at long range (longer lock on time missiles are now 2.0 seconds at most).


For strikes, they could then get missile range and speed boosts, causing them to be somewhat of a soft counter to gunships at half decent ranges.


Oh, yeah, and lose that second missile break on the gunships.

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