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Old companions not returned and balance of returning companions


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Well, since they've told us that Quinn and Elara are showing up next season, the list is down to 13 of the LI left to return. This is going to take awhile.....


Hopefully they will be returning them in pairs (like Quinn and Elara). But even then, I doubt we'll see all of them return by the end of the year.

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With the next patch, I'm wondering if depending on what side we choose whether be Imps or Rep are we only able o choose the companion from that faction. If we side with imperials we can only choose Quinn or is there an opportunity to choose Done at some time off the story and vice versa. Edited by Zyonz
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I really hope they don't insist upon hoisting "kill or save" decisions on all our LI's. It feels like a lazy cop-out to me, honestly, like they want a excuse not to have to write our fave companions into their stories anymore.


There's a reason why they are favorites, you know. :rolleyes: Taking them out of the story forever is counter-intuitive.

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So I played both KOTFE and KOTET. I found out that in the storyline, this is the "balance" of returned companions


Jedi Knight: T7-01. And that's it for Jedi Knight.

Jedi Consular: None.

Smuggler: None

Trooper: Aric Jorgan. I don't consider Tanno Vik as a returned companion, since he dosen't join the Alliance. And that's it for Trooper.

Sith Warrior: Vette. And that's it for Sith Warrior.

Sith Inquisitor: None.

Bounty Hunter: Gault Rennow and Torian Cadera. And that's it for Bounty Hunter.

Imperial Agent: Kaliyo D'jannis and SCORPIO.


And that's it for all! Remember, I do not consider returned companions by Alliance Alerts or Yuun, that is returned by the mission "To Find a Findsman".


With that said, there is a HUGE unbalance here!:mad: Bounty Hunter and Imperial Agent were the ones that had most companions returned. WHY? They aren't even the Cannon Classes! The Cannon Classes are Jedi Knight (becuase he killed the Sith Emperor) and Sith Warrior (becuase he is the Emperor's Wrath). This NEEDS balancing!


What I suggest is that you make a new expansion (Rakghoul Plague gets worse, expands beyond Taris, Rakghoul transform into Nekghouls and have an immense power, the Ethernal Alliance needs to stop them? And the Rakghoul Leader is Valkorion) where there are at least 9 chapters. The 8 first to recover the old companions (each chapter has all companions of each class, light and dark) and the 9th to FINISH the Rakghoul Plague (not really, you just set them back all the way to Taris and make it almost impossible for the Plague to leave it). And that's it.:o


Counselor gets Qyzen back on side mission

Trooper also gets Yuun in the very beginning

Knight also gets Rusk -- and BH can get Skadge on same mission

Warrior gets Pierce via pvp

Trooper gets Forex via pvp

Sorcerer also gets Xalex and Talos Drelik

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I really hope they don't insist upon hoisting "kill or save" decisions on all our LI's. It feels like a lazy cop-out to me, honestly, like they want a excuse not to have to write our fave companions into their stories anymore.


There's a reason why they are favorites, you know. :rolleyes: Taking them out of the story forever is counter-intuitive.


I agree! I still resent the Torian/Vette thing and think it's just gimmicky, bad writing. To make it worse, the return terminal is broken for them 😡

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I agree! I still resent the Torian/Vette thing and think it's just gimmicky, bad writing. To make it worse, the return terminal is broken for them 😡


I was just going to comment on how that wasn't fair since Scorpio could be retrieved after killing her, so why not Vette or Torian? I logged on to check this, just to make sure I was remembering it right. And you know what? Vette was listed as well! (I killed her on my evil agent, sorry. :o ) In fact, all the comps he'd killed in KOTET were there: Koth, Senya, Scorpio and Vette. The only one who wasn't was Arcann, but he's kind of a special case, so I'm guessing that's intentional.


GIve the terminal another try. They either fixed this or maybe there's some other requirement. (Like you have to finished KOTET for example.)

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With the next patch, I'm wondering if depending on what side we choose whether be Imps or Rep are we only able o choose the companion from that faction. If we side with imperials we can only choose Quinn or is there an opportunity to choose Done at some time off the story and vice versa.


Well in the next season's case, it wouldn't matter either way which side you choose. Unless they're a character's LI. Quinn and Elara are basically fraternal twins on opposing sides if you think about it


But yes. It was confirmed on the livestream in January that if you choose the Pubs you get Elara, while if you choose the Imps you get Quinn.

Edited by Venn_Dras
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Well in the next season's case, it wouldn't matter either way which side you choose. Unless they're a character's LI. Quinn and Elara are basically fraternal twins on opposing sides if you think about it


But yes. It was confirmed on the livestream in January that if you choose the Pubs you get Elara, while if you choose the Imps you get Quinn.


Which will be interesting to see who people choose!


Will they choose based on their characters? Rep vs Imp?


Or will most choose based on which companion they like more?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just want confirmation that our missing companions will be returning and will be repopulating our ship.


Ive held back completing the 2 expansions on the rest of my toons (only 1 of 7 completed them) until i know i will be getting my companions back

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I just want confirmation that our missing companions will be returning and will be repopulating our ship.

Eventually, and no(1). (Returned companions do not repopulate your ship. Terminalified companions do, until they return in the story or an alert.)


(1) Unless they fix that up somehow.

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Eventually, and no(1). (Returned companions do not repopulate your ship. Terminalified companions do, until they return in the story or an alert.)


(1) Unless they fix that up somehow.


Wait so you can get individual companions back on your ship and they leave it when they return?


That seems to suggest they should theoretically be able to let you have some of your old companions back on your ship, even when they aren't all back yet.

Edited by OldVengeance
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That seems to suggest they should theoretically be able to let you have some of your old companions back on your ship, even when they aren't all back yet.


The old class companions are actually different characters than the ones recruited by the Outlander. For some like Scorpio and Torian it's more obvious due to the weapon change, but the others also no longer gain influence in conversations from old Flashpoints or Heroics, and no longer have comments on the surroundings.


Seems like the old companions that used to be on the ship are simply removed when you recruit their new incarnations. Sometimes it bugs out - my Operative has duplicates of Kaliyo, Lokin, Scorpio and 2V under "unavailable companions" that still have the influence they had before I started KOTFE.

Edited by Mubrak
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Wait so you can get individual companions back on your ship and they leave it when they return?


That seems to suggest they should theoretically be able to let you have some of your old companions back on your ship, even when they aren't all back yet.

First part: yes. Go into the small room in the Odessen War Room complex, just off the corridor that leads to Hylo Visz, and you'll find a terminal that you can use to summon class companions before their normal return moment. These are the "old" versions of the companions. I believe they appear in your ship until they return in the story or an alert.

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I was just going to comment on how that wasn't fair since Scorpio could be retrieved after killing her, so why not Vette or Torian? I logged on to check this, just to make sure I was remembering it right. And you know what? Vette was listed as well! (I killed her on my evil agent, sorry. :o ) In fact, all the comps he'd killed in KOTET were there: Koth, Senya, Scorpio and Vette. The only one who wasn't was Arcann, but he's kind of a special case, so I'm guessing that's intentional.


GIve the terminal another try. They either fixed this or maybe there's some other requirement. (Like you have to finished KOTET for example.)


Just now saw your response.


Torian is listed as available to reclaim, but when you click that yes, you really do want to bring him back from the dead, he doesn't actually become available again. It's very clearly bugged. There has been no mention of a fix so I haven't checked recently to see if they did a stealth fix.

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Just now saw your response.


Torian is listed as available to reclaim, but when you click that yes, you really do want to bring him back from the dead, he doesn't actually become available again. It's very clearly bugged. There has been no mention of a fix so I haven't checked recently to see if they did a stealth fix.


A fix was mentioned in the patch notes awhile back but it's still bugged for some people based on posts I've seen - definitely saw someone still bugged on Reddit a week or two ago too.

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So, how many LIs are still missing? It must be quite a writing challenge to come up with so many different reasons these companions could not get in touch with you. Plus how each one will be killable when they do return.


(And why do I have this image in my head of Kira and Vector together, as if Kira joined the killiks to make sure she wouldn't fall to the dark side after the knight disappeared. Completely random and sadistic, I know, sorry.)


Oh man.. Vector, he'll be killable someday, how awful :( I mean I've had time to come to terms with Quinn dying, but Vector? I just can't even..


It's not hard to come up with a reason why they couldn't get in touch with you. What's impossible for the writers to justify is why they keep giving us NO options to try to find them. No normal person just ups and forgets their LI's, particularly when it's only been a short time in their own frame of reference since they were last together. By the end of Kotet, it's plain laughable that you've had both an audience with both Acina and Saresh, and control the Eternal throne but apparently aren't allowed to look for your LI or even ask about them.


I even came up with a whole list of plausible scenarios for what some of the LIs were doing and the circumstances for possible reunion in my story review thread here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=915575&highlight=kotet+review

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Just now saw your response.


Torian is listed as available to reclaim, but when you click that yes, you really do want to bring him back from the dead, he doesn't actually become available again. It's very clearly bugged. There has been no mention of a fix so I haven't checked recently to see if they did a stealth fix.


Oh that stinks. :( I hope they fix this soon. It's almost worse with the way they tease you by making it look like you can get them back and then going, "ha! No dice, sorry."

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It's not hard to come up with a reason why they couldn't get in touch with you. What's impossible for the writers to justify is why they keep giving us NO options to try to find them. No normal person just ups and forgets their LI's, particularly when it's only been a short time in their own frame of reference since they were last together. By the end of Kotet, it's plain laughable that you've had both an audience with both Acina and Saresh, and control the Eternal throne but apparently aren't allowed to look for your LI or even ask about them.


It's true, it's absurd. I can forgive that they didn't give us every LI reunion immediately. Would have been nice if we all had our own LI "search and rescue" missions off the bat, but I understand that would have been a lot of content to develop at once.


What's hard to forgive is the inability to ask about them, talk about them, wistfully daydream about their whereabouts once in awhile. Sure my character is super busy but one or two scenes where he/she's checking the mail, the holonet or just sitting on the bed missing his/her spouse - would that have been hard? Could have just plugged the appropriate companion into it, and would have gone a long way to make our characters less robotic. And also would have done a lot for player morale, I think.

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I noticed that they stop commenting on stuff they used to back on other planets, too. Plus, most of them don't have mouth movements anymore for dialogue when clicked on anymore.


I can confirm that at least some old companions, if reclaimed using the terminal in the Odessen base, -do- comment on the world as you travel around, as they used to. My LS Agent reclaimed Temple, his LI. He was leveled during one of the 12XP events, and so he levelled purely from class missions.


I am currently running planet stories and side quests with him for fun, catching up on the things he didn't do (Now that GC exists, there's a reason to go back and do old quests, since you never really stop getting XP for them these days), and Ensign Temple definitely -does- have comments as you walk around.


First part: yes. Go into the small room in the Odessen War Room complex, just off the corridor that leads to Hylo Visz, and you'll find a terminal that you can use to summon class companions before their normal return moment. These are the "old" versions of the companions. I believe they appear in your ship until they return in the story or an alert.


As to whether they're the old versions of the companions, I can't comment. I'm not sure how you'd be able to tell. Does vanilla Rusk still use an assault cannon, where KoTFE Rusk uses a sniper rifle?


I can, however, confirm that the reclaimed Temple DOES appear on my Agent's ship in the cockpit, which is nice. He finished all the conversations with her prior to starting KoTFE, however, so she doesn't have anything to say to him anymore.


That said, there is lip/mouth animations when clicking on her and she says her canned "I don't have anything to say to you right now" lines.

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I can confirm that at least some old companions, if reclaimed using the terminal in the Odessen base, -do- comment on the world as you travel around, as they used to. My LS Agent reclaimed Temple, his LI. He was leveled during one of the 12XP events, and so he levelled purely from class missions.


I am currently running planet stories and side quests with him for fun, catching up on the things he didn't do (Now that GC exists, there's a reason to go back and do old quests, since you never really stop getting XP for them these days), and Ensign Temple definitely -does- have comments as you walk around.




As to whether they're the old versions of the companions, I can't comment. I'm not sure how you'd be able to tell. Does vanilla Rusk still use an assault cannon, where KoTFE Rusk uses a sniper rifle?


I can, however, confirm that the reclaimed Temple DOES appear on my Agent's ship in the cockpit, which is nice. He finished all the conversations with her prior to starting KoTFE, however, so she doesn't have anything to say to him anymore.


That said, there is lip/mouth animations when clicking on her and she says her canned "I don't have anything to say to you right now" lines.


As far as I can tell, the "new" versions of the companions are always the ones you get back through the KOTFE or KOTET story, either through alliance alerts or chapters. These companions will be using the new weapons, won't comment or gain affection anymore from old content, and won't move their mouths when speaking. From my point of view, they are clearly inferior versions. :(


If you get back your companion through the terminal, then you are getting the "old" version of your companion. They will still comment around the landscape, gain affection in old quest content and move their mouths when speaking.

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