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Nautolan Player Race!


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We all want it!

Speak for yourself. I'm totally indifferent to it. They'd also need to do a lot of work, unless you want all Nautolan player characters to be combinations of blue or pale green-blue for colour and male or female for sex, since there is ONE head-form for males and ONE head-form for females.


(It's worse for Devaronians. There are TWO Devaronian models in-game: Gault Rennow and Tyresius Lokai. All other Devaronians look like Tyresius Lokai. Neither of them is female.)


There is, of course, precedent for that work - if you look at classic-story Cathar, there aren't many models (and none of them match what you can create with the character creation / editing tools).

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I'm surprised there hasn't been a new playable species added recently.


Every time I glance at the popular tab for the cartel market the Togruta unlock is listed. Although I don't recall the Cathar unlock being there, I do see plenty of Cathar running around the game. I would think both of these were profitable for Bioware, particularly the former.

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Speak for yourself. I'm totally indifferent to it. They'd also need to do a lot of work, unless you want all Nautolan player characters to be combinations of blue or pale green-blue for colour and male or female for sex, since there is ONE head-form for males and ONE head-form for females.


(It's worse for Devaronians. There are TWO Devaronian models in-game: Gault Rennow and Tyresius Lokai. All other Devaronians look like Tyresius Lokai. Neither of them is female.)


There is, of course, precedent for that work - if you look at classic-story Cathar, there aren't many models (and none of them match what you can create with the character creation / editing tools).


Every non playable race is the same way with 1 male head, and 1 female head. All that changes between them are the textures. Both the Cathar and Togruta were the same way before they were made playable.


The reason why the player character Cathar/Togruta don't match the existing ones is because apparently the older styled ones could emote as well or show a wide enough range of emotions that are required by the player character in the cutscenes.

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I'd rather Bioware focus on expanding the customization options for the races we already have before diving into something completely new.


I too would like to see that, but it's not as if they can add things like facial/body sliders, however that being said there are a number of texture related changes they can make that would increase the variety in options that players have available to them as well as creating more diversity among the playerbase as well.


What I'm referring to are things like


- Separating eye brows from Complextion

- Cybernetics for other races

- Adding/Unlocking the Class specific tattoos/markings/scars for other races/classes

- Separating the Horn selection from Hair with Zabraks.

- Full body tattoos/markings/suits (Zabrak tattoos, Trooper style black body suits, etc)


There's other stuff I'm forgetting, but my point is that they could expand the character creation options without even having to generate new art assets, not counting the full body tatts/suits. I wouldn't even suggest the full body stuff given that armor typically covers it, but given how many skimpy or exposed clothing items they've added and keep adding to the game via the CM you'd think they would've added something like that awhile ago.

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At the moment, all the Nautolans in the game share the same 2 heads. They'd need to add more, and some different coloring options, but sure. Why not?


I can understand why Rodians and most other unplayable species are absent as they have significantly different body sizes and they'd need new versions of all the armors and animations for them to work, but Nautolans are the same size as humans and could use the same animations. I don't think folks would care if the tentacles weren't animated... although that would be cool.

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At the moment, all the Nautolans in the game share the same 2 heads. They'd need to add more, and some different coloring options, but sure. Why not?


I can understand why Rodians and most other unplayable species are absent as they have significantly different body sizes and they'd need new versions of all the armors and animations for them to work, but Nautolans are the same size as humans and could use the same animations. I don't think folks would care if the tentacles weren't animated... although that would be cool.


There are technically 3 Nautolan heads in the game. Male Body Type 2, Female Body Type 1, and Male Body Type 3.


Both the Cathar and Togruta races only had 2 head models in the game but they were made into playable races.


Rodians also use the existing body types in the game as do a number of other races like the Voss. If the race is wearing clothing/armor that the player can wear it’s a pretty safe bet that they’re using one of the existing body types in the game. Some races like the Voss have the scale value of their models adjusted to make them appear bigger/smaller, but they’re still using the player body types. In the specific case of the Voss they’re using a rescaled Body Type 2. The Jedi Knight companion Lord Scourge is using a rescaled Body Type 3 that makes him more imposing, so for instance even if your male JK is using Body Type 3 your character will be smaller than Scourge.


The races that don’t use the player body types are generally those that have a significant height difference, Wookies, Jawa, etc.

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