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Jedi Knight's Emperor's Wrath vs Sith Warrior storyline - timeline (spoilers)


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Hello everyone,


I was wondering where in the timeline exactly it fits if you compare the Jedi Knight's storyline and aquiring Scourge (who is the Emperor's Wrath) and you becoming the Emperor's Wrath as the Sith Warrior.

I presume the Warrior's storyline would have to take place - after - the Jedi Knight's story?

But in turn poses a problem as you "kill" the Emperor in the finale of Jedi Knight storyline, and you interact with him during the Warrior's storyline, or do the two kind of coincide with a few timejumps here and there between Chapters?


Any clarification would be appreciated :)

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Hello everyone,


I was wondering where in the timeline exactly it fits if you compare the Jedi Knight's storyline and aquiring Scourge (who is the Emperor's Wrath) and you becoming the Emperor's Wrath as the Sith Warrior.

I presume the Warrior's storyline would have to take place - after - the Jedi Knight's story?

But in turn poses a problem as you "kill" the Emperor in the finale of Jedi Knight storyline, and you interact with him during the Warrior's storyline, or do the two kind of coincide with a few timejumps here and there between Chapters?


Any clarification would be appreciated :)


No you save the emperor on Voss by killing him. Then his spirit got a new body and that is the one the JK killed.

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No you save the emperor on Voss by killing him. Then his spirit got a new body and that is the one the JK killed.


I thought that the voss one was the first replacement of the one the Jedi Knight kills and that baras took advantage and "imprisoned". You (warrior) kill that one to free him to find another.

And then comes a long silence (makeb), the end of SOR, Ziost and kotfe? (all that part played only with inquisitor for now)

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I thought that the voss one was the first replacement of the one the Jedi Knight kills and that baras took advantage and "imprisoned". You (warrior) kill that one to free him to find another.

And then comes a long silence (makeb), the end of SOR, Ziost and kotfe? (all that part played only with inquisitor for now)


No because the JK kills Sek Malkor who was in a battle of will with the emperor on Voss for the Voss body. He was killed on the JK mission on Voss before that on Corellian and that on Dromund Kass to kill the emperor.

So the event of the SW on Voss must have happened before the JK killed Sek Malkor.

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KOTFE retconned the emperor.


But the point of the Voss arc was to establish that emperor can only have ONE voice and to gain another the previous one has to die. Otherwise the entire Sith Warrior Voss arc wouldn't make any sense.


I'm not even sure if it was truly retconned. It's still possible that he only could have one voice while he was using Valkorion as his main host, voice being just secondary puppet to use in the Empire, while his grand scheme was concentrated in Zakuul.


Although, it gives more questions about SoR and Ziost storylines. It now seems that during both he had a physical form - that of Valkorion. Was him being vulnerable just a ruse to bait Revan? Ziost would mostly make sense considering what we have learned at the end of KotET, that all the Emperor did, both in Zakuul and during the Empire-Repiblic war was still part of his plan to consume the galaxy, all the other motives he suggested during KotFE being lies. Ziost could have been just another episode of prolonging his life and empowering himself while also severing his ties with the failed tool - the Sith Empire. As we all know, most evil gods are not beyond being petty. ;)


But in general, as to the original question, both storylines are close to each other when it goes to timeline. Lord Scourge's betrayal must come before SW is contacted by the Hand and as someone pointed out SW's visit to Voss must come before JK's, but both stories are mostly parallel (as all vanilla storylines are).

Edited by Plk_Lesiak
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-Tenebrae/Vitiate is over 1400 years old

-The Valkorrion body is over 100 years old

-Senya said Valkorrion would grow distant and distracted for months at a time

-The Emperor's Hands claim that the body destroyed by the Jedi Knight at the end of Act 3 is only a Voice

-Tenebrae is described as having "eyes as black as the void of space"

-The Sith at the end of Act 3 did not have black eyes

-One of the writers for KOTET has said that the Hands were lying


Conclusion: The body that the JK destroyed at the end of Act 3 was the Emperor's true body and the devs simply weren't on the same page as the writer so his eyes weren't black. The Hands lied to prevent the Wrath from ignoring them and after Yavin 4 the Emperor hopped back into his part-time Voice, Valkorrion who he would later use as his new primary body. At the end of Chapter 1: The Hunt, Vitiate is planning on making US his new Voice.


That's what the ritual at the start of KOTFE was all about, that's probably how he made the Voss Voice and all the others. If he'd succeeded you'd have become his new Voice and died forever.

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-Tenebrae/Vitiate is over 1400 years old

-The Valkorrion body is over 100 years old

-Senya said Valkorrion would grow distant and distracted for months at a time

-The Emperor's Hands claim that the body destroyed by the Jedi Knight at the end of Act 3 is only a Voice

-Tenebrae is described as having "eyes as black as the void of space"

-The Sith at the end of Act 3 did not have black eyes

-One of the writers for KOTET has said that the Hands were lying


Conclusion: The body that the JK destroyed at the end of Act 3 was the Emperor's true body and the devs simply weren't on the same page as the writer so his eyes weren't black. The Hands lied to prevent the Wrath from ignoring them and after Yavin 4 the Emperor hopped back into his part-time Voice, Valkorrion who he would later use as his new primary body. At the end of Chapter 1: The Hunt, Vitiate is planning on making US his new Voice.


That's what the ritual at the start of KOTFE was all about, that's probably how he made the Voss Voice and all the others. If he'd succeeded you'd have become his new Voice and died forever.


Wait, the emperor you kill as JK is human and Emperor's original body was a Pureblood Sith. So it could have been his "true body" (that is his main host), but not the original Tenebrae. Also, considering that already at that time Emperor is many times referred to as "silent", the version with Valkorion being his true host and true focus through the whole SWTOR story makes more sense.

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Is it normal that i now feel even more confused than I originally was when I posed the question? xD


Also nobody specifically touched on the Scourge vs SW topic, I presume SW replaces Scourge?

Edited by Svancara
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Is it normal that i now feel even more confused than I originally was when I posed the question? xD


Also nobody specifically touched on the Scourge vs SW topic, I presume SW replaces Scourge?


In the knight storyline, before one actually starts chapter 3, there is a cut scene. It's made out to be MONTHS of time spent under the Emperor's control.


Since that's where Scourge leaves the Emperor and beginning of Chapter 3 is where Warrior becomes the Wrath and it's doubtful the Warrior spent months trapped under the rocks. Figure Scourge left first, but the Emperor likely took the Warrior as the Wrath pretty quickly.

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I've read the thread and find the info and the insight useful. I wish there was some kind of "infographic" or such that showed how each of the storylines came together.


The only storylines I've completed, to date, are the Knight, Consular, and the Bounty Hunter... This discussion gives me a bit of a motivation to get through my SW mission.


I do agree with Svancara (the poster two above me) though... Sometimes it is more confusing than clarifying :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
I've read the thread and find the info and the insight useful. I wish there was some kind of "infographic" or such that showed how each of the storylines came together.


The only storylines I've completed, to date, are the Knight, Consular, and the Bounty Hunter... This discussion gives me a bit of a motivation to get through my SW mission.


I do agree with Svancara (the poster two above me) though... Sometimes it is more confusing than clarifying :)



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