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Mercs aren't the problem. Lazy and stupid players are.


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This is why your entire wall of text screams pure ignorance and hyperbole. Seriously, anyone that thinks heavy armor grants the merc extra protection in a wz is clueless.




If you are using only 4 buttons hotkeyed, that is embarassing.




So when 3-4 enemies attack you and you manage to use your dcds and live, you feel this is fine? But, if a third merc throws an enet on you and you die, "oh woe is me"?


If you get focused by any 3-4 of ANY class, you should die bro.


Even 3 or 4 of any other dps, without enets should easily tunnel you dead but I see your frustration you are so used to being able to stealth out of any potential loss and live. No wonder enets and mercs make you so angry.




I do. I see your entire post as extremely stupid.




This post is just another stealth or melee crying because they no longer are banking free easy merc kills. You really think that you should never die, and should always be able to kill mercs, that's all this boils down to.


You aren't mad because of imbalance, you are mad because your stealthing out of combat to avoid deaths is now not as successful as it was before because mercs can actually kite you and kill you before you can stealth out.


Too bad, bro.


Learn to adapt and get used to it, mercs aint going anywhere. That or cry and whine everytime you happen to die to one.




There is no need for rudeness. The class is over-buffed (stated clinically). I just think they're a bit of an embarrassment to the game at the moment (stated emotionally). That's all. This makes everyone long for the good ole days of sage/sorc bubble with forever forcestoms (stated for hyperbole).


I've played a merc and mando since beta, and enjoyed them even in the worst of times. I know I'll love them again after they get ratcheted down a notch! They don't need nerfing into oblivion..just tweaking. I wanted some extra survivability just like everyone else, but I personally thought we were decent in the last patch and only needed minor changes.


And, you do only need 4 hot keys to top the dps leader board in regs now. I didn't say I only used four hot keys, but I and everyone else witness it over and over. Four abilities spammed with the occasional fillers in between of defenses, CCs and heals.


Any way, maybe I am ignorant too. Does armor not mitigate some energy and kinetic damage? I always thought it did. I thought that was the point of armor. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. My apologies on the ignorance.


I also didn't say I shouldn't die from getting beat on by 3 or 4 people, but isn't that the reason we wanted merc/mando buffs in the first place? Tired of getting focused or feeling gimped right? Wanted a chance to escape constant pressure in ranked right? See, no dps class can escape three nets in a row. It makes other classes' escapes completely impotent. Please offer guidance on how you'd adapt to that instead of simply calling me ignorant and clueless.


Is it really unreasonable to have net added to resolve or set some limit to how often one player can get one?

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Ooh, another match, only one mando on my team!


Unfortunately the other team was half mercs (they had three for sure and probably at least one more.) They were super bad, but twice, my Sent had one of them beat down through their KS pop and I'd watch them pop TR and I'd back off... until someone else would inevitably run in and start beating health procs back into them. Despite me trying to get them to stop in ops chat.


This is (in my experience) the current meta in regs.

What you just said as an example does not show me that the Merc is OP, but it shows the problem with bad players not understanding TR.


If that said player didn't come in and start beating on his shield with DPS you would have won the fight and brought him down. Essentially in a 1v1 scenario, you would have beat said OP Merc but due to the misinformation and bad play of your teammates you watched the Merc get a second chance.


Merc's should be judged in a 1v1 scenario (Infact all classes should be judged in a 1v1 scenario) to really prove if they are OP or not.


If there is NO COUNTER play to a Merc or another class in a 1v1 situation than said class is defiantly OP.


Judging a class in an 8v8 scenario is bad because the skill of players is too varied.

Edited by Iron-Wu
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Threads like these are the reason why there should be a rating system, similar to Group/Solo Ranked, implemented into the PvP forum to stop the casuals from posting.


And this is true, a rating system would be great if only it was possible.


The funny thing about these threads is, you have accomplished ranked players who even have opposing opinions along with the casuals. The opinions stated about a class do not always reflect a player's skill or knowledge.

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Last time my guild had the pleasure of facing marrots team in 4s we won the 1-2 times we played them on JC. BUT according to "EU standards" guess that doesn't outweigh how I'm a bad cuz I wrote a guide and cuz harbinger players stand in cleave in group ranked? Haha.


I love how hard you had to stretch the conversation in this thread to make a personal attack on me as a knowledgeable PVPer.



Edited by kissingaiur
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*Braces for the hate*


Yes, I said it. This game has some lazy and dumb dps players in it. The PvP section is now littered with thread after thread complaining about Mercs and it gets old seeing it. I hate trying to throw some logic into this forum section as it tends to always get met with unconstructive criticism by players or forum trolls that want to mock people for trying to have an opinion.


There are problems with 5.0 sure but, there have been problems with previous patches before too. This part of the game isn't new to any of us that have committed to playing this game for the long haul. Assassins with 121% Accuracy is an example of a real issue in 5.0. One thing that isn't an issue with 5.0 is Mercs.


Here's why:


The dumb players that use to be able to kill Mercs quickly pre 5.0 aren't yet use to fighting the new Merc for 5.0. In pre 5.0 melee classes and melee ranged classes like PT could make short work of Mercs because Mercs had little to no defense to rely on to help mitigate the massive amounts of dps that could be pushed by other classes. Now that Mercs have the ability to help mitigate damage and heal themselves better, it has caused people across all servers that were so use to running over most Mercs in warzones to be furious that they now have to teach themselves a new way to fight a class they use to just walk all over.


So instead of trying to learn a new style or adapt to the changes or practice and learn to watch players buff bars and learn how to switch targets and when to use stuns/knock backs....instead of taking the time to learn something new they'd rather take to the forums and complain at the devs for shaking things up.


I'll say it again. Mercs are not the issue. It's the lazy and dumb PvPers that are unwilling to learn how to deal with the new changes to Mercs. They can't handle going from super easy kill to having to really try and think while they play, instead of just rolling right over Mercs when Mercs are isolated and alone. Players are too use to being able to focus Mercs right down. The fact other classes now have to switch targets bothers people. The devs took that option away from the other classes and now players of other classes are mad they have to learn to adapt to that change. Not Mercs fault other people are lazy and dumb.


None of that is the Merc players fault. The fault is 100% on the players of other classes unwilling to focus a little harder and learn how to counter new abilities and moves.


lol OP merc that got killed by the only class that can get through the 9 lives a merc has now QQing about assassin gets popcorn. Yes i said it sin are the only class that can kill Mercs

Edited by Neoforcer
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Anyway, all the personal insults aside, we all should know the pattern here and find it quite familiar.




  • Apex pvp class constantly complained about and hated and loved for most of the same reasons.
  • Months/a year passes, apex pvp class is nerfed, new class is buffed making it the new apex pvp class.
  • Apex pvp class constantly complained about and hated and loved for most of the same reasons.
  • Months/a year passes, apex pvp class is nerfed, new class is buffed making it the new apex pvp class.
  • Apex pvp class constantly complained about and hated and loved for most of the same reasons.
  • Months/a year passes, apex pvp class is nerfed, new class is buffed making it the new apex pvp class.
  • Apex pvp class constantly complained about and hated and loved for most of the same reasons.
  • Months/a year passes, apex pvp class is nerfed, new class is buffed making it the new apex pvp class.




....Continues like this till game dies.

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Yea mercs are fine but when you have five on the other team gets old fast. Yes i play on harbinger that server is always known for exploiting the op class. 4.0 was common to see 5 sorc heals on a team. Now its the other way pretty sure merc was always op. Zorz cleared tos with mercs and pt. all they needed was a lil defensive in pvp but not godmode.
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all they needed was a lil defensive in pvp but not godmode.


Agree with this. People in their bias and hate want to pretend mercs were fine in 4.0, they weren't.


That being said, mercs needed a car to get to work, and oddly the devs gifted them with five Lamborghinis.

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Oh more personal attacks because I called you out for your ********? Tell me more how you are a troll :)


Love how you started mouthing off to me way earlier in the thread and, once it was exposed you couldn't adapt your Mitigation Tank post 5.0 now suddenly I'm attacking you? You shot first, I'm just using my Merc CDs to withstand your weak trolling attempts sweetheart. Maybe next time pick a different target.


And you're still replying to me instead of making another awesome guide for Mitigation Tanks? No wonder you are constantly crying about that class.....how could you possibly have time to learn to play it when you're too busy writing up guides to a class you never learned how to play from the start.



Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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And you're still replying to me instead of making another awesome guide for Mitigation Tanks? No wonder you are constantly crying about that class.....how could you possibly have time to learn to play it when you're too busy writing up guides to a class you never learned how to play from the start.




Wow dude. Continue to fan the flames when you began the OP with "*Braces for he hate*." You weren't bracing for the hate, you were wanting to dish it. You're silly. Hottie for the record is a slippery and exceptional player. It's a game within a game just to see if you can kill the toon. Let's call a truce for now.

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Wow dude. Continue to fan the flames when you began the OP with "*Braces for he hate*." You weren't bracing for the hate, you were wanting to dish it. You're silly. Hottie for the record is a slippery and exceptional player. It's a game within a game just to see if you can kill the toon. Let's call a truce for now.


As an IO Merc....flames are really all I know. Unless I'm on my Veng Jugg.


Uhhh "slippery and exceptional player" aren't the words I'd use for a player crying about Mitigation Tanks.

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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Love how you started mouthing off to me way earlier in the thread and, once it was exposed you couldn't adapt your Mitigation Tank post 5.0 now suddenly I'm attacking you? You shot first, I'm just using my Merc CDs to withstand your weak trolling attempts sweetheart. Maybe next time pick a different target.


And you're still replying to me instead of making another awesome guide for Mitigation Tanks? No wonder you are constantly crying about that class.....how could you possibly have time to learn to play it when you're too busy writing up guides to a class you never learned how to play from the start.




I was trying to get you to understand how and why this season players are choosing to tunnel tanks over dps mercs but apparently you feel like that is "balanced". Since you clearly don't understand the problem in that statement, I rest my case.


There is no point in arguing with a person who literally talks **** to everyone who makes a opinion which is opposite from their own. If you want to be taken seriously you need to stop ignoring good comments and calling out everyone who disagrees with you "bad", "lazy", "stupid". As other players had said. This thread is an abomination.

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I was trying to get you to understand how and why this season players are choosing to tunnel tanks over dps mercs but apparently you feel like that is "balanced". Since you clearly don't understand the problem in that statement, I rest my case.


There is no point in arguing with a person who literally talks **** to everyone who makes a opinion which is opposite from their own. If you want to be taken seriously you need to stop ignoring good comments and calling out everyone who disagrees with you "bad", "lazy", "stupid". As other players had said. This thread is an abomination.


I didn't call the people who disagreed with me 'bad' 'lazy' and 'stupid'. I called the players that continue to beat on Mercs while their healing shield is up 'bad' 'lazy' and 'stupid'.


You didn't read a thing you're just spouting off bs b/c you have to relearn how to play Mitigation Tank and, you aren't happy about it.



Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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I didn't call the people who disagreed with me 'bad' 'lazy' and 'stupid'. I called the players that continue to beat on Mercs while their healing shield is up 'bad' 'lazy' and 'stupid'.


You didn't read a thing you're just spouting off bs b/c you have to relearn how to play Mitigation Tank and, you aren't happy about it.




"Mercs aren't the problem. Lazy and stupid players are." - MercenaryPlayer




"Dude I can only be nice to someone as dumb as you for so long." - MercenaryPlayer

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I'm seriously loving all these mediocre Mercenaries finally happy that they're not free kills to melee. Good Mercs were never free kills. Lhancelot lmfao.........


Remove Trauma Regulators.

Edited by Gabzizzle
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I'm seriously loving all these mediocre Mercenaries finally happy that they're not free kills to melee. Good Mercs were never free kills. Lhancelot lmfao.........


Remove Trauma Regulators.


You can have TR as soon as I get my 30mm Electro Dart given back to me and the old SHRS animation to replace the bs Mag Shot animation.



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"Mercs aren't the problem. Lazy and stupid players are." - MercenaryPlayer




"Dude I can only be nice to someone as dumb as you for so long." - MercenaryPlayer


So what about this is incorrect? Or is this just your way of admitting defeat? How's the mitigation tank guide for 5.0 coming? Or are you still crying about 'class imbalance'?

Edited by MercenaryPlayer
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My name is TyrellJonez. I've been Merc since beta.


I was there when tracer missles destroyed everything in sight.


I was there when they nerfed us into the ground.


I was there when they gave us (finally) an interupt.


I was there for 3 years when Sents/Mars ruled PvP. Then Juggs. Then OPs. Then Pts. Then Sorcs.


I was there when if you were a merc, you were either a glutten for punishment, or you LOVED the class and refused to abandon it.


Now they made Mercs capable of holding their own. They gave us a response to being focused after 3 years.


Now i'm here for the boo hooing because mercs actually have teeth.


No class is an easy kill. Mercs now have anti-focus abilities.


If you can't hang, its because you never had to deal with a group of players who focused on surviving when survival was impossible and now we have the tools to survive after being focused BEFORE HEALERS for 3 years. So whine, or get better. Either way, i'm loving my Merc and destroying everyone who said "re-roll, mercs are bad" =)

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I haven't really had a problem with Mercs until the last few days in ranked, more and more often you're seeing them stacked to the point that yesterday going against 4 mercs/mandos was getting common. Alone I don't have a problem but we're getting into the same problem we had with smash monkeys, when they're stacked they become incredibly OP.
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I haven't really had a problem with Mercs until the last few days in ranked, more and more often you're seeing them stacked to the point that yesterday going against 4 mercs/mandos was getting common. Alone I don't have a problem but we're getting into the same problem we had with smash monkeys, when they're stacked they become incredibly OP.


Any stacked class is OP. Try 4 snipers or 4 Maras. The issue isn't so much that Mercs are OP as much as they are the FOTM and people have flocked to it and now we are seeing lots of stacking.

So far the only good Mercs I've seen are the long term Merc players like the previous poster Tyrell. Long term Merc players have learnt all the skills required to play the class well when it was underperforming and considered easy kills. Most of those players weren't actually easy kills even before the expansion, so now they have the tools that other classes have they seem OP. The reason is they had to try harder and gain a high skill lvl when the class was more difficult to play and survive.

I think most people will agree that highly skilled players will always seem OP on any class they play, even if the class is hard or underperforming.

What people are finding at the moment is all the FOTM crowd :rolleyes: flocking to Mercs because they can't play anything harder and there are so many. Then you have the other players who haven't learnt to adjust to the new Merc meta. People have just been so used to easier encounters with Merc players, it's a shock to the system and psyche that Mercs can fight back.

Once people learn how to counter the FOTM Merc players, they won't seem as OP. Sure there will still be those Mercs that are OP, but that's because they are good players.

Everyone just needs to chill out for a bit and get used to the new meta. Learn new tactics to deal with them and don't try to face roll them like they used to do. Mercs now demand respect in a fight, you need to treat them like a threat and respond with new tactics.

It's the same as melee don't try to struggle towards a sniper because of that massive burst and then rolling as they get to them, they leave it to the other ranged "or" they develope tactics to deal with it. Everyone always questions me when I say I can destroy most snipers on my Fury Mara and tell me it's impossible or I'm BSing. The reason I can do it is because I developed tactics that most people don't use and the snipers haven't seen, so they don't know how to deal with me. Eventually it will catch on and they will be harder to kill.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Mercs aren't as OP as people think. Most of it is people still learning to counter the meta change, large numbers of people flocking to the FOTM and the small percentage of OP skilled player of the class.

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I play a con sent and the constant targeting switching when they pop a shield is what's causing the biggest problem when they're stacked and the fact that they can still put out huge damage when the shield is up. Maybe the largest problem is Rep side on Progenitor is most people doing ranked are melee which isn't really helping matters, they're pretty much a hard counter to melee right now.
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