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Have the Republic character as the big bad


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I notice that all the previous games and expansion, even within the Sith faction that the bad guys are just the Sith or the Empire. Revan becomes a sith, the whole Val families are all Sith. The Republic has never had the spotlight to be the bad guys. They often paint the Republic and the Empire as this gray area, but the Empire is the only one being portrayed as bad. It's more about variety and adding a gray area to the game and story telling. Satele is also the only leader left from the old game, and it would be cool if Theron Shan is forced to choose between his mother or his LI/leader. Edited by BattlebloodMage
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The reason for that is because the conflict isn't about shades of gray. While the Republic does have it's own ruthless or unscrupulous characters, on the whole it is the good faction, and the empire the evil faction.


The Republic is a representative democracy that on the whole, values peace over war and respect for basic human (or alien) rights. Force users serve the government, which is elected by the people, rather than controlling it.


The Empire on the other hand is an absolute monarchy, ruled by a ruthless tyrant, that prefers military expansion to peace. It has no respect for basic human (or alien) rights, treats aliens other than Sith or their Chiss allies as little more than vermin, and allows legal slavery. The only citizens that ultimately matter are the force users, who rule as an unelected aristocracy. Every one else is merely a resource whose worth is determined only by how useful they are to their Sith Lord masters.


A Republic arch-villain would be simply out of place with that backdrop. While a Republic villain could work as the main villain for an expansion or an Operation, it wouldn't work for the entire game's big bad.

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The reason for that is because the conflict isn't about shades of gray. While the Republic does have it's own ruthless or unscrupulous characters, on the whole it is the good faction, and the empire the evil faction.


The Republic is a representative democracy that on the whole, values peace over war and respect for basic human (or alien) rights. Force users serve the government, which is elected by the people, rather than controlling it.


The Empire on the other hand is an absolute monarchy, ruled by a ruthless tyrant, that prefers military expansion to peace. It has no respect for basic human (or alien) rights, treats aliens other than Sith or their Chiss allies as little more than vermin, and allows legal slavery. The only citizens that ultimately matter are the force users, who rule as an unelected aristocracy. Every one else is merely a resource whose worth is determined only by how useful they are to their Sith Lord masters.


A Republic arch-villain would be simply out of place with that backdrop. While a Republic villain could work as the main villain for an expansion or an Operation, it wouldn't work for the entire game's big bad.


This. The reason the Sith Empire are almost always portrayed as the bad guys is because they are the bad guys.

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Well we got Saresh as a small bad at least :p


Yeah, I was thinking of her. I think a Republic villain is totally doable, as Saresh proves. It would be a different, more real-world kind of villain. Evil is not synonymous with Empire and good is not synonymous with Republic. Evil and good can exist in both factions, but I think a Republic evil would be more insidious, more covert, and would be a lot better at pretending to be good. Which, IMO, is a much scarier kind of evil than a cackling space warlock.

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Yeah, I was thinking of her. I think a Republic villain is totally doable, as Saresh proves. It would be a different, more real-world kind of villain. Evil is not synonymous with Empire and good is not synonymous with Republic. Evil and good can exist in both factions, but I think a Republic evil would be more insidious, more covert, and would be a lot better at pretending to be good. Which, IMO, is a much scarier kind of evil than a cackling space warlock.

I agree, and I prefer a story where you're surprised by the villain and also where society as a whole doesn't see them as a villain and doesn't believe you about them. It makes for a more interesting and clever story IMO than the cackling space warlock as you said :D

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