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Sith players: If Star Wars was real would you really join the Sith?


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I play a bounty hunter but I don't believe that BH is a true "Sith" class. it depends on the choices of that BH.


It's possibly the biggest issue I have with TOR atm. The defined line between Empire and Republic as already mentioned there is no such clearly defined line between light and dark. It's all about the choices we make based on what we each believe.


Admittedly Jedi Vs Sith is very clear cut however Smuggler and Bounty Hunter are both very "grey area" classes. At the very least I think there should be a Neutral option in TOR this is where I think these classes fit better.


Best case scenario I'd have loved a game where no one started with an alignment but your characters "alignment" was decided by your actions in game. But meh that aint going to happen.

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Would anyone really join the Sith? If you think about it. The way their government works isn't that much different from North Korea or Nazi Germany, and their religious values closely resemble a stereotypical form of Satanism.


I wouldn't - I would, however, be a bounty hunter who works for credits (regardless of the good/bad things that I would do).


I know: standard bounty hunter stuff. If you think about it, a lot of execs in corporate America operate like bounty hunters (albeit without blasters and murdering people) and we need self-motivated people to perpetuate capitalism...so I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd be the Donald Trump of bounty hunters. Just a mean, snide mother****er.

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Our current, real-life republic is an utter failure. I'm already a monarchist IRL, and would certainly support overthrowing the congress and starting from scratch.


Yes, I would be a Sith. America -- the American myth -- is over.


Somebody has been reading up on Hunter S. Thompson's literature works and what Fear and Loathing was actually about.


I'm guessing 10th/11th grade.

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I thought the same thing about the smuggler & BH, why choose a side? There should be a nuetral group (BH, smuggler, pirate (?), etc.). Why not have a Sith Trooper?


Anyway, Sith all the way. Remember, Sith are force users and everyone else in just a citizen of the Empire.

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One thing I've noticed in this thread is that people seems to mix up Jedi, dark Jedi, gray Jedi and Sith.


First of all, all who use the dark side of the force isn't Sith. Sith is a defined set of beliefs and an organisation which oppose the Jedi.


Dark Jedi are force users who has fallen to the dark side, but doesn't adhere to the Sith way. And then we have the gray Jedi. I, and Wookieepedia, place Jolee Bindo here. They are Jedi, former and practising, who aren't the goody two-shoes we are used to.


At least that's what I gather from Wookieepedia's articles.


Oh, and I'd totally join the Republic whether I'm a Jedi or not.

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When we're talking about this period of time the Sith, and Jedi, are actively seeking force sensitives (as do the Jedi in the "Clone Wars" setting). One of the quests state that force sensitives in the Empire go to Korriban or die. What the Repbulic does with those that want nothing to do with the jedi, you tell me. I would guess Jedi or Sith can "fall" from their path but you need to start somewhere.
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Yes! I would join the Sith willingly. Why? Simple, Sith use feelings, fear, passion as the main source of power. As well they are not limited to the dark or light and can freely indulge in both arts. Politics and religion of both the jedi and sith are not as different as they appear both are far wing extreme groups.
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The Sith Empire has more order, more law, and over all more protection for loyal citizens of the Empire. On the other hand being an Alien or non-loyal citizen in the conquest zone you are basically a Gaul and Rome has come knocking. You are stripped of any individuality and forced to work for those in power.


The Sith themselves aren't evil perse they just value power which is unfortunately a failing of all sentient species in any form of subject material. Consider the Sith are a play on Sauron from Lord of the Rings and everything in that was corruptible by power it is just a commentary on what is inside everyone to begin with. Sith are underhanded but more liberal with their dogma.


The Republic on the other hand is in a state of economic upheaval caused by the war. They have less than favorable terms with the Treaty and have a lot of issues even policing their own capitol. Loyal citizens of the Republic aren't as protected as they would be within the Empire. For citizens there is more freedom but more of a cost to it.


The Jedi aren't good perse they just feel that they should serve power instead of seek it for their own ends. Consider the Jedi a play on Gandalf or Aragorn from Lord of the Rings, Gandalf took unassuming creatures and turned them into tools for a war, Aragorn ran from power but embraced it as a way to bring peace. The Jedi are too attached to a dogma that they have again and again abandoned in order to rebuild their order. The idea of attachment being a down fall is foolish as it ever was and honestly why it was left out of the Original Trilogy and added for the prequel to make added drama of a forbidden romance.


Both sides are messed up and good. In the end it comes down to a question of personality. In the Sith Empire you rise to the top through displays of strength and crushing rivals. In the Republic you rise to the top through charisma and willingness to appear for the people. I'd go Republic in the end, but that is just how I am built.

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The SW Universe is really created with such extremes of "good and evil" that it can't translate to real life (human nature won't allow it, because I think we'd all agree we're a bit of that loverly shade of grey)


I agree with your statement. Star Wars is a society where human nature doesn't exist. In this universe the humans and aliens live by strict codes of philosophy of what are right and wrong/good and evil. The movies IMO brings this up, their needs to be balance (to the force).

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I agree with your statement. Star Wars is a society where human nature doesn't exist. In this universe the humans and aliens live by strict codes of philosophy of what are right and wrong/good and evil. The movies IMO brings this up, their needs to be balance (to the force).


Yet neither the Sith nor the Jedi can find that balance. It seems that neither side will ever find balance, but is that such a bad thing? Strife can lead to innovation and creativity as much as it can to death and destruction.

Edited by RedTails
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I would not join the Sith but if you meant Sith as a general term for Empire, then yes, I would definately join the Empire.


I think the Jedi Order, Sith, The Republic, and The Empire should be looked at as separate entities. The Empire is not evil, the Sith are. The Republic is not good, the Jedi are. I have an Inquisitor, a Consular, a Trooper, and an Imperial Agent. At first glance at the Empire, I though of them as like in the movies, killing rebals and putting a tight leash around its citizens. After playing the Imperial Agent, I have a new point of view, a lighter and broader perspective on the Empire.




In the class quest where you go to speak to Keeper when you get to Drumond Kaas, you learn that new Agents may be Patriots or joined the agency because of personal reasons, but Agents are the janitors of the Empire, they clean up after Siths and cover up their mistakes. The evil in the Empire is because of the Sith.



From experiencing the Empire from the Imperial Agent perspective, non-force users are all the same, be it Empire or Republic.


Would I become a loyal patriot of the Empire? Definately! Would I join the Sith, no.

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If I somehow found myself living in the Star wars universe and was force sensitive I would hope to be born on a good planet, no slave trade, from a normal family and then hope that I was never found by the Jedi or the Sith. Being an untrained, unaware force user sounds like a lot more fun then either option to me. Jedi means giving up everything that resembes a normal and happy life and Sith means being turned into a phycopath, or die trying.
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I've played Empire side in TOR, and the devs don't get it. The Empire in TOR is a laugh. 'Evil' people do not think they are evil. Neither Hitler nor Stalin thought they were evil, they thought they were right and just.


I concur, I've played WoW for a couple of years and though stories are generally better written in SWTOR, I kinda expected the same division as Horde/Alliance in Warcraft.


You know Self-righteous,zealous and arrogant "good" guys vs the noble (but ugly) savages...

Instead, the empire reminds me more of the scourge or burning legion (undeath/demons) than of a horde-like faction.

Having played a sith inquisitor and a jedi knight, I would've liked more variation in the passions of the sith: love, friendship, (healthy) ambition and so on.


To reply to the OP: IRL I'm more likely to follow the sith code rather than the Jedi code, but in game both factions are pathetic: Childish jedi (or worse emokids when they go darkside) vs B-movie kind of evil sith (at least they go darkside because it's fun :) )

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I would not join the Sith but if you meant Sith as a general term for Empire, then yes, I would definately join the Empire.


I think the Jedi Order, Sith, The Republic, and The Empire should be looked at as separate entities. The Empire is not evil, the Sith are. The Republic is not good, the Jedi are. I have an Inquisitor, a Consular, a Trooper, and an Imperial Agent. At first glance at the Empire, I though of them as like in the movies, killing rebals and putting a tight leash around its citizens. After playing the Imperial Agent, I have a new point of view, a lighter and broader perspective on the Empire.




In the class quest where you go to speak to Keeper when you get to Drumond Kaas, you learn that new Agents may be Patriots or joined the agency because of personal reasons, but Agents are the janitors of the Empire, they clean up after Siths and cover up their mistakes. The evil in the Empire is because of the Sith.



From experiencing the Empire from the Imperial Agent perspective, non-force users are all the same, be it Empire or Republic.


Would I become a loyal patriot of the Empire? Definately! Would I join the Sith, no.



I like this post.

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It's fascinating how many people in this thread are rationalizing how dominating others through fear and power is a good thing because it brings 'order' or 'freedom'.:rolleyes:


Or how making emotional responses are better than reason.


The only path to peace is the utter and complete elimination of free thinking, for so long as there is an ideal of dissent, there will be struggle and chaos.

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Well since im playing a BountyHunter-Mercenary and that suits me since im kind of an oppurtonist and during my travels in the story im not having that much envolvement with the Emperials more than they pay me to get **** done.

And from my point of view im basicly a freelancing gogetter willing to do misc things for a days pay.

So i dont know if i would join them in real life but i sure see a point in my choice where i do not really care about their war im just trying to make it by day by day like the average joe.

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If it was real i would be on the Republic side , Sith are mentally weak and just cover that up with superiority ,seen that so much in real life .


Sad people that try every day to make our life as miserable as they feel inside :p


One advice 4 all never take a game serious , rather do this in real life to be the best you can be :cool:

Edited by blindstrike
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