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On a Brighter Note


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My guess is they will being doing some CGI redos, simple allusions to .... to kill off her character in the next episode.


I will miss Carrie deeply.


Not for her roles in Star Wars movies, which were mediocre in my view, but for the outstanding intellect she carried through life and her ability to write and express life with edgy accuracy.


She was an outstanding author and script writer who eventually found healthy ways to heal from the pains of growing up in a volatile family environment. I particularly enjoyed her live stage monologue performances, and I genuinely feel they were helping her in recovery from some of the miseries she endured (both as victim, as well as self-inflicted).


She was a role model in recovery for women everywhere, and will be greatly missed.

Edited by Andryah
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My guess is they will being doing some CGI redos, simple allusions to .... to kill off her character in the next episode.


I will miss Carrie deeply.


Not for her roles in Star Wars movies, which were mediocre in my view, but for the outstanding intellect she carried through life and her ability to write and express life with edgy accuracy.


She was an outstanding author and script writer who eventually found healthy ways to heal from the pains of growing up in a volatile family environment. I particularly enjoyed her live stage monologue performances, and I genuinely feel they were helping her in recovery from some of the miseries she endured (both as victim, as well as self-inflicted).


She was a role model in recovery for women everywhere, and will be greatly missed.


Wow this is probably the best tribute I've read so far and one to actually make me take note of the accolades of her life as a person.

All this "Goodbye Princess Leia" nonsense, both here and all over reddit, ( as though the character had actually died ) sort of illustrated people's lack of knowledge of Carrie as a person.

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Wow this is probably the best tribute I've read so far and one to actually make me take note of the accolades of her life as a person.

All this "Goodbye Princess Leia" nonsense, both here and all over reddit, ( as though the character had actually died ) sort of illustrated people's lack of knowledge of Carrie as a person.


Boy you hipsters make me laugh with this condescension. You act like because you're aware of her personal life, that your memories are somehow more meaningful than other people's. You act like you knew her personally and that because you respected her as a person, that means more than someone who loved her for the role she played. And you make alot of assumptions, thinking that because someone says "goodbye Princess" that that's all they know her for.


I got news for you two. You're on a Star Wars related forum. People are going to associate her with the iconic role she (and only she) played on film. For you to be dismissive of ther portrayal is frankly ludicrous and pretentious. Princess Leia was a strong, tough female role, and Carrie Fisher struggled hard to live up to the character. she became a hero loong after she played one on screen. If you think one can exist without the other, you're very wrong.

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Boy you hipsters make me laugh with this condescension. You act like because you're aware of her personal life, that your memories are somehow more meaningful than other people's. You act like you knew her personally and that because you respected her as a person, that means more than someone who loved her for the role she played. And you make alot of assumptions, thinking that because someone says "goodbye Princess" that that's all they know her for.


I got news for you two. You're on a Star Wars related forum. People are going to associate her with the iconic role she (and only she) played on film. For you to be dismissive of ther portrayal is frankly ludicrous and pretentious. Princess Leia was a strong, tough female role, and Carrie Fisher struggled hard to live up to the character. she became a hero loong after she played one on screen. If you think one can exist without the other, you're very wrong.


Stopped reading after the initial flame, I'm sure it was utterly insightful though. :rolleyes:

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Stopped reading after the initial flame, I'm sure it was utterly insightful though. :rolleyes:


Sorry too long?


TL: DR: you're condescending without actually knowing what you're talking about. Your reply proved that better than the original post.

Edited by eriksarcasm
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Wow this is probably the best tribute I've read so far and one to actually make me take note of the accolades of her life as a person.

All this "Goodbye Princess Leia" nonsense, both here and all over reddit, ( as though the character had actually died ) sort of illustrated people's lack of knowledge of Carrie as a person.


Well i chose to leave out a lot of info i knew of her over the years. Do to the fact that i thought for those that do not know about her Drug abuse might not care to know at this sad time about their hero or perhaps they admired her or both. But to name one period of her time was when she dated John Belushi, her & John actually knew each other before the Blues Brothers days. The two of them would do coke together amongst other drugs & Booze. Technically she probably should of died decades ago from drugs & alcohol abuse, Just like John did. Of course she wasn't in the best of Mental Health neither.


One time in her young life she was on a the verge of a mental/nervous break down. But yet she was Very intelligent, although the way she acted from time to time, you would not get that from her, but it depended who she was around, which Carrie she would allow them, to see, the Ditsy funny Carrie or the Funny intellectual side Carrie. Or that Serious i'll pull no punches side of Carrie when she would talk about her Mental illness or her drug abuse. But do to her strength & passion for life, she pulled her self together and Done what most would fail at and just let the reaper take them away.


She wrote many books on her Mental Health, & her battle with Bipolar Disorder. & what a lot of people didn't know? She was Hollywood's Script Doctor. When ever Hollywood had a good script that had some dead spots in it they called on the Script Doctor to Fix those dead spots and bring them to life. She was like a ghost writer. She got paid Big bucks for writing it, but Never got ANY CREDIT for IT. This is why this isn't well known on the out side of Hollywood.


Of course she had 2 talented Parents Ms. Debbie Reynolds, a gorgeous classic actress. Her Famous Father Eddie Fisher, a Singer Performer. But a man that had a few demons of his own.


There is so much more on her, Good & Bad. But sometimes or occasions, somethings shouldn't be mentioned, or perhaps at a later date if mentioned at all.


Any way......


Take Care & Be Well........

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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Well i chose to leave out a lot of info i knew of her over the years. Do to the fact that i thought for those that do not know about her Drug abuse might not care to know at this sad time about their hero or perhaps they admired her or both. But to name one period of her time was when she dated John Belushi, her & John actually knew each other before the Blues Brothers days. The two of them would do coke together amongst other drugs & Booze. Technically she probably should of died decades ago from drugs & alcohol abuse, Just like John did. Of course she wasn't in the best of Mental Health neither.


One time in her young life she was on a the verge of a mental/nervous break down. But yet she was Very intelligent, although the way she acted from time to time, you would not get that from her, but it depended who she was around, which Carrie she would allow them, to see, the Ditsy funny Carrie or the Funny intellectual side Carrie. Or that Serious i'll pull no punches side of Carrie when she would talk about her Mental illness or her drug abuse. But do to her strength & passion for life, she pulled her self together and Done what most would fail at and just let the reaper take them away.


She wrote many books on her Mental Health, & her battle with Bipolar Disorder. & what a lot of people didn't know? She was Hollywood's Script Doctor. When ever Hollywood had a good script that had some dead spots in it they called on the Script Doctor to Fix those dead spots and bring them to life. She was like a ghost writer. She got paid Big bucks for writing it, but Never got ANY CREDIT for IT. This is why this isn't well known on the out side of Hollywood.


Of course she had 2 talented Parents Ms. Debbie Reynolds, a gorgeous classic actress. Her Famous Father Eddie Fisher, a Singer Performer. But a man that had a few demons of his own.


There is so much more on her, Good & Bad. But sometimes or occasions, somethings shouldn't be mentioned, or perhaps at a later date if mentioned at all.


Any way......


Take Care & Be Well........


Each to their own. I personally find how she battled her way through the incredible battle that was her addiction utterly inspiring.


My point is ideally there is more to her than just being "princess leia" to the point that I PERSONALLY find it almost insulting to her memory that that is all this human being was to many.


Princess Leia does and will live on through various forms of media, the human who played her has passed away and perhaps those people who don't know who she was should educate themselves further on this.

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My point is ideally there is more to her than just being "princess leia" to the point that I PERSONALLY find it almost insulting to her memory that that is all this human being was to many.


Yeah, but do you think it was a good idea then to insult other people by being dismissive about their experience? I mean the character Princess Leia was a big deal back then. Female strong characters are more common now but "just" the Princess Leia role had a big impact back in the 70s and early 80s. You completely dismiss that as if it's not enough and indirectly it does mean you're saying that your experience is deeper or better than another's.


Wouldn't you agree that that was perhaps not the best way to approach this?

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My guess is they will being doing some CGI redos, simple allusions to .... to kill off her character in the next episode.


I will miss Carrie deeply.


Not for her roles in Star Wars movies, which were mediocre in my view, but for the outstanding intellect she carried through life and her ability to write and express life with edgy accuracy.


She was an outstanding author and script writer who eventually found healthy ways to heal from the pains of growing up in a volatile family environment. I particularly enjoyed her live stage monologue performances, and I genuinely feel they were helping her in recovery from some of the miseries she endured (both as victim, as well as self-inflicted).


She was a role model in recovery for women everywhere, and will be greatly missed.


That was beautiful and fitting. At a time that I find myself inarticulate and grasping for what to say, I appreciate this.


Thank you for this. I miss her so much.

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I miss her so much.


I genuinely do not get this; in all honesty it smacks somewhat of emotional virtue-signalling.


How do you miss her?


Unless you knew her personally your only experience of her is through her works, those works still exist, so you can continue to know her through them for as long as you choose to.


All The Best

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I genuinely do not get this; in all honesty it smacks somewhat of emotional virtue-signalling.


How do you miss her?


Unless you knew her personally your only experience of her is through her works, those works still exist, so you can continue to know her through them for as long as you choose to.


All The Best


Those works still exist but there won't be any new ones. No new interviews, no appearances on shows, no new books or shows of her own (I watched Wishful Drinking last night, I recommend it wholeheartedly) and that's on top of what Lucasfilms/Disney may do to her character Leia in the franchise now so... Yeah, there's definitely something to miss and reason to miss her even without knowing her personally. Furthermore, I personally feel she was a positive force and influence in this world, through her own hardships and her way of dealing with them and inspiring others and I'll miss that too.

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I genuinely do not get this; in all honesty it smacks somewhat of emotional virtue-signalling.


How do you miss her?


Unless you knew her personally your only experience of her is through her works, those works still exist, so you can continue to know her through them for as long as you choose to.


All The Best


Why should you get to judge me? People just assume too damn much about others. It's not any of your business why I miss her, just that I do. I don't have to justify my feelings to you or anyone else. It sounds to me like you're accusing me of being disingenuous, to which I say, how dare you. Just leave me alone. I chose to express my grief along with others. Why single me out.


I don't need your judgment or your opinion so pick on someone else. People like you are the reason I want to avoid people all together.

Edited by Lunafox
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Why should you get to judge me? People just assume too damn much about others. It's not any of your business why I miss her, just that I do. I don't have to justify my feelings to you or anyone else. It sounds to me like you're accusing me of being disingenuous, to which I say, how dare you. Just leave me alone. I chose to express my grief along with others. Why single me out.


I don't need your judgment or your opinion so pick on someone else. People like you are the reason I want to avoid people all together.


I wasn't judging anyone, and I am genuinely sorry if it came across that way.


I was asking a question, in order to better understand things.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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I genuinely do not get this; in all honesty it smacks somewhat of emotional virtue-signalling.


Some people are more emotional than others or more in tune with their emotional side if you prefer. I wouldn't so quickly say I miss someone that I never really knew up close myself, but some people genuinely feel a loss as if it was in their personal life even at such a distance. People really are not all the same and sometimes some people seem almost alien because in some aspect they are so far removed from what we are ourselves. It happens and it can be hard to see the difference between someone who is just vying for attention and someone who genuinely feels that way.

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My guess is they will being doing some CGI redos, simple allusions to .... to kill off her character in the next episode.


I will miss Carrie deeply.


Not for her roles in Star Wars movies, which were mediocre in my view, but for the outstanding intellect she carried through life and her ability to write and express life with edgy accuracy.


She was an outstanding author and script writer who eventually found healthy ways to heal from the pains of growing up in a volatile family environment. I particularly enjoyed her live stage monologue performances, and I genuinely feel they were helping her in recovery from some of the miseries she endured (both as victim, as well as self-inflicted).


She was a role model in recovery for women everywhere, and will be greatly missed.


Definitely this. My heart hurts. Prayers for her family and friends.




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Unless you knew her personally your only experience of her is through her works, those works still exist, so you can continue to know her through them for as long as you choose to.


You did not comprehend what Lunafox actually stated. If you had, you would have realized that my post resonated with her feelings, and she was acknowledging that and that she will miss this very important person. Not important because she was Princess Leia, but important for the more notable efforts in her life to expose her Biploar Disorder for what it was AND to challenge it head on and overcome it to the point where she could effectively manage it on a day to day basis. She did not stop there though... she became a role model and living encouragement for others who suffer from mental illnesses.


Believe it or not, you do not have to know people personally in order to build an emotional and intellectual bond with them. All you need is empathy, understanding, and the ability to embrace someone for what they do. I did meet her in person one time when I want to see one of her live monologue performances, but that is not how I "Knew her". I knew her .... the real her, not a 2D fantasy character in a movie... but as the real person who exposed her every vulnerability as a human being in her writings and her live monologues. She was courageous and brave in the face of serious disease.. and wore it all on her sleeve for all to see. THAT was Carrie Fisher.


Carrie was an extremely brave and strong woman who battled an inherited disease called Biploar Disorder. She not only had to deal with it directly in her father as she grew up (made worse by her mothers dismissive approach to it), she also had to deal with it personally in her life at a time when it was not commonly recognized, diagnosed, and well treated. She had the courage to step out of her attempts to self medicate and to actually take on her struggles in life dealing with it directly and indirectly. THAT was Carrie Fisher.


She is a hero to me precisely because she faced her demons, fought them to submission, and kept them in submission in her later years. And once she did, she blossomed as a person, able to be forthright, honest, and to take on life's challenges without wimper or apology, and with an edgy sense of irony and humor as she shared it with others. As with all people with chemical imbalance diseases like Biploar Disorder, she continued to have to deal with it throughout life... and did so.. publicly and bravely. She became both advocate and role model in recovery from this awful disease.


She died too young and we as humanity will never know how meaningful she would have become as she continued to write and share herself with all of us who were willing to look beyond Princess Leia and understand the actual human being that was Carrie Fisher. To understand is to embrace, and to embrace is to connect with, and to connect with is to miss deeply when a person like Carrie moves onward.

Edited by Andryah
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People like you are the reason I want to avoid people all together.


Yeah; I get this. But another way to see it is that there are so many people on this forum who did not pick on you. So if one out of 100 post-viewers pick on you, then you did good and your feelings are okay because even if those 99 people did not voice their support you are free to assume their support. Support by omitting picking. I hope this makes sense :D


So here's my voiced support: your feelings are valid and reasonable. Carrie Fisher was present in our lives by virtue of our participating in her work, being interested in her welfare, and by our identification with her humanness that we also see in ourselves. We also have this in common with her; we know she has passed and we all will pass away. We all will walk/slide/fall/crash/crawl through that same door. God have mercy.

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