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This is not WoW ... stop trying to make it WoW


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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


Signed and Quoted for truth:)

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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".

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I loathed the moment they adapted SWG to the WOW-crowd.


I'm loathing the fact people are comparing this game to WOW.


It's a new game. It has different features. Yes, there were things that were more convenient in WOW, better developed (hello, how long have they had time to refine their game?), different (:o omg, adapting to something new? NOES) or just not in. Live with it.


However if you -like- this game, then live with -that-.

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You are correct it isn't WoW... However the key to success would be learning from another's example and building upon it. Take the good, ditch the bad, and make the good even better. Then add in some unique things and go from there.


With that being the truth I can absolutely see how people would ask to compare to something they are familiar with and want the features from said familiarity to move with them.


To me that isn't frustrating. To me the frustrating part is the "If you don't do this just like <Insert your favourite past MMO and believe me I've seen more I want SWG II then I want WoW in Space> then this game will fail and I'm outta here".


Odd that I haven't seen anyone trying to make this a SWG clone (being that I came from SWG and would recognize it a mile away).


The model, one might say, to follow would be more likely to BE SWG in fact just for the sake of its longivity (but that is for another thread).


But this isn't SWG and I don't want it to be SWG.


Copy/paste from another game's ideas would be the LAST thing you want to do as a game developer.


Granted there are some things like toolbars and chat boxes that will be in every game.


But expecting them to conform to some other game's mechanics is redonkulous.

Edited by KrelosDarksky
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So far just about every complaint thread I've seen has been from WoW players complaining that SWTOR isn't more like WoW.


Get over it.


This is not meant to be WoW. If you can't handle that go back to WoW, find another game or make your own.


Not quite...see they want a specific version of WoW mainly either WoW Classic or TBC. This same roaming band of gamers goes from MMO to MMO all predicting doom and whining about the very same thing. Honestly I have seen some of the posters with the exact same names make the exact same post on the RIFT, DCUO, STO and AOC forums.


They will be here for a couple more weeks then like the Borg will move on to attempt to assimilate the next MMO.


Sad? Yes

Does it ever work? No so much anymore.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Odd that I haven't seen anyone trying to make this a SWG clone (being that I came from SWG and would recognize it a mile away).


Uhu, me too. I too recognise SWG but I don't mind that -at all- to be honest. The boyfriend recognises some KOTOR in it.


So what?

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I don't play WoW anymore, but that has nothing to do with their ability to make a solid product.


Srsly people, have we suddenly forgotten how often Blizzard shafted up on WoW? And how many patches they released? And patched? And post-patched? And re-post-patched?

Edited by Asvander
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The best thing that can happen is they leave and not pay for a product they do not like, or actually quit trying to compare it.


If any person here thinks WoW at launch was a success, they are soooo wrong. In fact it was a mess.


Not only was there NO end game, but so many things didnt work it was not funny.


Lets not forget it looked like cartoon land. None the less, people need to understand this is not the same product.


Plain and simple. Once they do that the better off they are.

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You are correct, WoW actually works.


I got 15 wins in PvP last night before it gave me credit for 9 :(


I hate you buggy crap!


If WoW worked you'd be playing it and not SWTOR. :eek:

Thanks for reinforcing the point made in another thread that this must be better than WoW or you wouldn't be here playing SWTOR.

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Copy/paste from another game's ideas would be the LAST thing you want to do as a game developer.


Granted there are some things like toolbars and chat boxes that will be in every game.


But expecting them to conform to some other game's mechanics is redonkulous.


Actually, making such a generalisation is incorrect. Whilst yes, each product needs to have it's own unique qualities which set it aside from other products, that doesn't mean that it cannot take inspiration from others. And in some cases, certain elements can even be "borrowed".


As someone said earlier, it's better to learn from others mistakes whilst being mindful that it might be wise to ellaborate on previous designs (flawed or not) and make them better.


Evolution is the key.

Edited by Tarka
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If WoW worked you'd be playing it and not SWTOR. :eek:

Thanks for reinforcing the point made in another thread that this must be better than WoW or you wouldn't be here playing SWTOR.


That is a fallacy. Just because a person isn't playing WoW, doesn't mean that WoW isn't successful.

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You are correct, WoW actually works.


It took over 7 years to reach that point.. Much stuff was added and changed later.. When it was first released.. It didn't work.. In fact even now, there are parts of it that don't work.. Wait until the Panda's invade.. The Talent trees will no longer work.. :cool:

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It took over 7 years to reach that point.. Much stuff was added and changed later.. When it was first released.. It didn't work.. In fact even now, there are parts of it that don't work.. Wait until the Panda's invade.. The Talent trees will no longer work.. :cool:


Actually, one could argue that it only took a couple of years for WoW to establish itself and become highly popular.


WoW DID work. But it DID have glaring flaws. Nevertheless, within a couple of years it did establish itself as the most successful western made MMO.

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I'm a huge WoW fan, but really like the differences presented by SWTOR and can see myself playing both for ages.


1. The voice acting for quest givers is great. It really pulls me into the story.


2. Having a companion and having him/her go off and do things for you is great.


3. Not having to loot every corpse and knowing ahead of time what sort of thing you're going to be looting is great.


I could go on, but those are probably my top three.


I don't believe they're trying to make it like WoW. It's just that some elements are mandatory in MMOs and others pretty optional (that they've made different).



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Looking For Dungeon tool will kill the community of this game just like it did for WoW. Why bother talking to people or doing any quests when you can just hit a button and kill things? I hope it never makes it into the game.


There is no community in this game. A community is more than people spamming for groups in a space station.

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That is a fallacy. Just because a person isn't playing WoW, doesn't mean that WoW isn't successful.


It is not a fallacy because it was never said that WOW wasn't successful.. It was said that WOW didn't work.. Please read your quote again..


WOW does not work and hasn't ever really worked.. :cool:

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Looking For Dungeon tool will kill the community of this game just like it did for WoW. Why bother talking to people or doing any quests when you can just hit a button and kill things? I hope it never makes it into the game.


And sitting in a city, spamming chat all day is the mark of a good community?


The LFG tool didn't kill the WoW community. Certain ******s who play the game did.

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