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The missing Jedi/Sith companions


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So I was surprised to learn that the Master Ranos character has updates on all the old force using companions from the class stories that are still missing. On the one hand, I'm glad because this is kind of exactly what I asked for, back in August (among other times). But on the other hand I'm not happy that only people who played enough of the Dark vs Light event to recruit her actually get to hear the updates for themselves, because not everyone did.


That said, for all the Jedi girls and Lord Scourge, she still gives you some vague but much needed news about them. In most case, she gives you inconclusive but generally discouraging hints about them.


Kira and Nadia she personally met before they both disappeared again. Jaesa, Ashara and Scourge she has only heard stories about. I will say it still was nice to hear a reference to the Kira romance, though. I would assume there's one for the Nadia romance too, but I haven't been able to find a clip.


Kira eventually came to believe you were dead and joined one of the rebellions against Zakuul, but Arcann later stamped it out. DS Jaesa is obsessed only with finding darkside relics to become more powerful. Nadia was the only one of them who never gave up on you and kept searching for the Jedi Consular until she vanished in the attempt. LS Jaesa is allegedly helping people on the fringes wherever she finds them while staying hidden. And Ashara is supposedly accomplishing many noteworthy deeds of indeterminate and unknown morality.


Also Scourge was said to be seeking a way to end the eternal suffering he experiences from being made immortal in the Emperor's service, but she thinks that sounds too far fetched.


Do you think this will lead to anything? Is this a sign that they might be coming back next, or is this just a bone thrown to us that means nothing and leads nowhere?


Taken at face value, the updates suggest that Kira and Nadia are likely dead, and that Jaesa doesn't care about you anymore. I'm going to assume Bioware isn't so stupid to make three popular love interest characters just die or end their relationships with you offscreen, but if KotET is really the end of the story for the foreseeable future, I guess that would be the end they have.


Every piece of bad news she gives you does have potential out: Kira could have been in some of the few who escaped Arcann, Nadia's ultimate fate is still unknown, and Ranos doesn't actually know Jaesa personally or what her history with you is, but still this could conceivably be interpreted as Bioware either setting up new content with them or slowly phasing them out of the story altogether.


But regarding the KOTET storyline:


It's kind of hard to see where they would go from here with them though. The story that initally separated you is now completely wrapped up. All the characters responsible have already been dealt with. They can't come back to help you with that anymore, so anything they do come back for will feel less relevant. At least with Ashley and Kaidan in Mass Effect, when they returned to you, Shepard was still on their larger quest to defeat the Reapers.


Edited by OldVengeance
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Thank you very much, that's really -and literally- great news!! Regarding our game of course, nothing more....


It's the very first time I learned so important news about this game!!

What about Ashara Zavros?!? Sorry, I didn't see the information! Well, what about the Imperial Agent's romance, that Force User girl? Any news for any non-Force user?!? Nope, I guess...


I am pretty sure that these companions will come back one way or another and if someone has been perished, there will be a worthy replacement who also has important information about her assassins and/or some very important plot! I guess that the very same holds for the non-Force Users.

Edited by cunctatorg
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My thought on Ranos's answers was that the game tried to say they all went off into wild space, away from being able to see that you're alive and that's why they're still missing.


My guess is, that's the same for the other missing companions. They're all off in far off areas, cut off from the known galaxy.

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I think the devs are hedging their bets.


It leaves an opening to bring them back at some point, should they choose, but also gives their characters arcs an ending if they don't get around to it.


Hopefully they do come back at some point. Off screen deaths in particular would be incredibly lame.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Do you think this will lead to anything? Is this a sign that they might be coming back next, or is this just a bone thrown to us that means nothing and leads nowhere?


Taken at face value, the updates suggest that Kira and Nadia are likely dead, and that Jaesa doesn't care about you anymore. I'm going to assume Bioware isn't so stupid to make three popular love interest characters just die or end their relationships with you offscreen, but if KotET is really the end of the story for the foreseeable future, I guess that would be the end they have.


Every piece of bad news she gives you does have potential out: Kira could have been in some of the few who escaped Arcann, Nadia's ultimate fate is still unknown, and Ranos doesn't actually know Jaesa personally or what her history with you is, but still this could conceivably be interpreted as Bioware either setting up new content with them or slowly phasing them out of the story altogether.


As sucky as it sounds, it does fit for some companions to have died/moved on during our character's five year absence. Granted, we all would like a chance to reconnect with them in some way, but like in life, sometimes that's not always possible or will go the way we hope. For as much as many went the DS Jaesa route to be able to romance her, it does fit with how psychotic she turns that she's gone completely powermad and won't come back. Another example would be with how Mako talked about how it seemed she was losing everyone she cared about, I can see her completely leaving the Bounty Hunter circles because she just can't take losing more people she cares for.


From a business perspective, I can also see the decision being made to whittle down companions because VAs cost money, especially with some known names doing the voicing. It also cuts down on how much past story has to be taken into account for future content so resources can get stretched further. It's not like we need so many companions filling specific roles since the companion revamp.


As much as I do heartily wish all the remaining romance companions get some showcasing for reconnecting with our characters, especially considering out of all my roster, the only returned romances are Torian and Theron, as much as I'd dislike off camera resolutions to the point of complaining on these forums at length, at least it'd be something more than the silence with vague hints of maybe we've been getting so far.

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So I was surprised to learn that the Master Ranos character has updates on all the old force using companions from the class stories that are still missing. On the one hand, I'm glad ...


Do you think this will lead to anything? Is this a sign that they might be coming back next, or is this just a bone thrown to us that means nothing and leads nowhere?


Taken at face value, the updates suggest that Kira and Nadia are likely dead, and that Jaesa doesn't care about you anymore. I'm going to assume Bioware isn't so stupid to make three popular love interest characters just die or end their relationships with you offscreen, but if KotET is really the end of the story for the foreseeable future, I guess that would be the end they have.


Every piece of bad news she gives you does have potential out: Kira could have been in some of the few who escaped Arcann, Nadia's ultimate fate is still unknown, and Ranos doesn't actually know Jaesa personally or what her history with you is, but still this could conceivably be interpreted as Bioware either setting up new content with them or slowly phasing them out of the story altogether.


Well, I have a few nice ideas regarding your question! And an ugly one... :o


It's quite interesting that every Class has a few missing companions, Force Users on not. The most interesting part is that this arrangement is giving (in principle, just in principle...) the developers the possibility (not the obligation, just the chance!...) to create a future, Class-oriented (again!) expansion where every Commander will go out in search of the traces and the fate of one missing companion of his/her SW:TOR basic story-line!! Thus you could have another story-line for the JK who is in search, say, of Kira Carsen and another for, say, the SW who is in search of the alleged assassins of, say, ... Malavai Quinn! Another Class might be in search of a group (or pair) of missing companions of its basic story-line and another Class in search of a pair of really assassinated (or kidnapped) companions etc.


However the implementation of this idea (of mine?) has a prerequisite, namely that the interest of the SW:TOR fan-base (and the MMORPG community) will be high enough then!!... Well, I guess it will be because only the SW fan-base is hungry and eager and SW:TOR is pretty good and very satisfying!...


However there are more questions: there are two Jaesa Williams, the LS and the DS one and there are two IA romanceable girls, the Force User perhaps and mine, just an Operative... Here there are more possibilities but there is also more cost for development... Well, not really: Ensign Raina Temple (that's my girl, just an Operative...) was absent for five years or more ... and in the meantime she might decided to become a Force User, even a Sith despite my old piece of advice that she had gladly followed!...


However (third time) there is one more option: that one companion from every Class (another as there are many missing companions from every Class...) was unlucky enough and he/she became another Valcorion's vessel...


Last but not least: there is the :sul_evil: (really dark) possibility that BW becomes the assassin of the less popular companions :csw_jabba: and just offer us one more interesting replacement instead... They will not assassinate Kira Carsen of course, they created her in a way to become much popular and loveable; I hope that they will not assassinate Mako 'cause I like her, she is an orphan and a tender, caring and kind girl ... but BW, not me, has the control of the SW:TOR strings...

I would consider that very approach though too much discriminating and I don't support such a scenario ... though there are many ****** ******* who would gladly sacrifice sweet and tormented Nadia in favor of one :csw_deathstar_un: sexier girl... Well, in that case BW should at least create two expansions just for Nadia, the miserable "get rid of her" and the tolerable "keep her alive and -perhaps- give us one more sexy girl too"...

Edited by cunctatorg
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As sucky as it sounds, it does fit for some companions to have died/moved on during our character's five year absence. Granted, we all would like a chance to reconnect with them in some way, but like in life, sometimes that's not always possible or will go the way we hope. For as much as many went the DS Jaesa route to be able to romance her, it does fit with how psychotic she turns that she's gone completely powermad and won't come back. Another example would be with how Mako talked about how it seemed she was losing everyone she cared about, I can see her completely leaving the Bounty Hunter circles because she just can't take losing more people she cares for.


From a business perspective, I can also see the decision being made to whittle down companions because VAs cost money, especially with some known names doing the voicing. It also cuts down on how much past story has to be taken into account for future content so resources can get stretched further. It's not like we need so many companions filling specific roles since the companion revamp.


As much as I do heartily wish all the remaining romance companions get some showcasing for reconnecting with our characters, especially considering out of all my roster, the only returned romances are Torian and Theron, as much as I'd dislike off camera resolutions to the point of complaining on these forums at length, at least it'd be something more than the silence with vague hints of maybe we've been getting so far.


The problem with that thinking, is they returned some of the more unpopular companions, instead of the more popular ones. So, why cut down on the VAs but bring back the companions we really don't care about :p


Yes, every companion has someone saying, "My fave!" (likely anyways) but there are mass favorites, and companions such as Jorgan and Gault were not those mass faves.


So, they decided every force user died? :p Terrible idea.


I'm not saying they shouldn't cut down on VAs if it's a real money issue, but they should pick which to keep better.

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The only one I'd be really concerned about changing is Jaesa (which is unfortunate for me because she's my favorite of the lot of them) because she hasn't been back since Galactic Starfighter. Everyone else is in Shadow of Revan, and Kira came came for Fallen Empire. I remember Nadia's voice actor also was the voice of one of the Zakuul Knights. So it would be extremely hard for me to imagine them not bringing either actor back if their characters come back. Especially Laura Bailey.


Loosing any of them would really suck though. Rachael Leigh Cook has a pretty distinctive voice and she does an amazing job bringing Jaesa to life. I don't know what the likelihood of her coming back is, but she does have some recent voice work credits on her imdb page.

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