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Could I Please Return to my Faction?


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I know I'm not the only player who isn't interested in the binary motive offered by KotET's finale. My main character's home and loyalties remain with the Sith Empire and his original plans were reform it into what he'd consider a perfected apotheosis of Sith philosophy worthy of subverting the Galactic Republic and reigning supreme over the Galaxy. All throughout the story he sought vengeance and reparations against Zakuul for humiliating and subjugating his people who he swore to defend at the end of his class story.


I wanted to completely flip the order of things after Valkorion robbed the Sith Empire to finance Zakuul and his twin brats scoured its throne worlds. I have no interest in being the Eternal Commander of an alliance that has served its purpose. I don't want to walk a thin grey line to keep the respect of both Sith and Jedi subordinates in Sana-Rae's clubhouse and I don't want to send Republic Troopers out to pacify Imperial citizens.


I think that I've been boxed a situation where one size fits few and poorly at that. Where is this story going to head without either a blunt retcon or a ham-fisted Deus Ex Machina to reset the status-quo? Are they even planning on that, or is the last proper story content the game gets before it's tapered off life support?

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I agree. I imagine neither the Republic nor the Sith Empire are entirely cool with you holding control over a fleet that could wipe them both out. I would like my republic characters to start developing relations with the republic again, and for my sith empire characters to help quell any signs of hostility from the empire. I want to return to the "different side, different story" model that worked well and was enjoyable in the past. This one size fits all model they have right now really hinders replayability options, because it's redundant to play a different class but having to listen to the same lines of dialogue over and over that don't even sound remotely characteristic for half of my characters.
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I actually love the Alliance and that that's where the story takes us. It suits most of my characters better than being stuck on Republic or Empire. Although it would be nice if there was some way that we had the option to choose whether to keep with the Alliance or return to our original faction. I'm afraid they're going to just end up dismantling the Alliance and returning to Republic vs. Empire, which I don't want because I find the Alliance much more interesting, but obviously the Alliance doesn't exist in the SW movies, so it's going to have to go at some point.


And I do totally agree that there should be more differences in the story between classes than we've gotten with the latest stuff, as it really does hinder replayability.

Edited by MollyDresden
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I love the Alliance and would really like a choice whether to remain or return. Not all my Sith toons or Empire toons like the Empire for various reasons and really likes the idea of being in the Alliance with all those ships at her command and loves the way those ships made the empire kneel and realize they are not all that powerful.
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I love the Alliance and would really like a choice whether to remain or return. Not all my Sith toons or Empire toons like the Empire for various reasons


For me, most of my characters (Imp and Pub) have this view, and that mostly comes from the legacy system and the way that my characters have relatives on both sides (for the most part), which kind of makes them less antagonistic about the other faction. Almost all of my Pub characters are the children/grandchildren of my light-sided (or grey) Imp characters, so the whole Alliance idea works out super well, because they're almost all already of a "can't we just work together?" or "meh, our faction's not perfect either" mindset.

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Most of my characters would prefer to return to their own faction yes, but I think the best route would be to give you the option to make your alliance lean one way or another (or maybe neither).


Well I immediately sent my Eternal fleet to kill all Republic worlds


Theron has spent the last 7 years being tortured before I finally let him die.


Lana was executed for gross incompetence.


I then had the Eternal Fleet suicide bomb Zakuul before I quietly returned to the Sith Empire working on Korriban as an instructor.


I then unsubscribed and never played the game so that I cannot see what abortion of a plot they come up with next.

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I actually love the Alliance and that that's where the story takes us. It suits most of my characters better than being stuck on Republic or Empire. Although it would be nice if there was some way that we had the option to choose whether to keep with the Alliance or return to our original faction. I'm afraid they're going to just end up dismantling the Alliance and returning to Republic vs. Empire, which I don't want because I find the Alliance much more interesting, but obviously the Alliance doesn't exist in the SW movies, so it's going to have to go at some point.


And I do totally agree that there should be more differences in the story between classes than we've gotten with the latest stuff, as it really does hinder replayability.


They'll only have to get us back to just Republic vs Empire, if they go thousands of years into the future.

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The alliance was fun for what it was, time to shove it off the table! And I think that's what the next expansion will focus on, especially given the ending scene with Theron and Lana, Satele and Have seemingly back in Coruscant.


I hope the alliance story doesn't continue at all.

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