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lol hon, but that will make it too hard for them newbies :p

I suppose I still think the younger generations don't all have to be braindead.


though damn i do miss blowing people up in dread fortress >.>:D:D:D

Ahh those memories. I managed to blow up almost an entire 16-man group with one shot once. Those were the days...so much rage hahahaha :D

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I suppose I still think the younger generations don't all have to be braindead.

Ahh those memories. I managed to blow up almost an entire 16-man group with one shot once. Those were the days...so much rage hahahaha :D

oh yes, SM is tooo easy, HM - boring, NiM.... with my timezone hard to get a group lol... so i've decided to do some pvp until they decide to make a raid lol... or a new game >.>


lol, it seems the secret world will take a LOT of time to download.... if i even manage to play it solo that is, that was after all why i didn't manage to go on with ESO or WoW

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I really found myself going down the rabbit hole with the lore. Great community too. I met so many weird people who played. It was nice. The most memorable mission for me was early on in the game at the hotel in Kingsmouth where you follow the trail of that occultist across the world.


The culmination of that was a trip!


Speaking of... in the Blue Mountain, added with Issue 12, was the Secret of Tyler Freeborn quest chain. It was at a time of the night where I said to myself, one more quest then time for bed (I didn't know it was a quest chain), but the story and missions were so well done, I kept going as each mission presented itself. I wanted to know what happened to Tyler Freeborn. Well, long story short, three hours later (so much for one more quest) I finally found out what happened to him. More importantly, I love how the quest chains help give further information on the area you are in (in this case the mysterious fog around Soloman Island).


Also, after playing it a while now (though I am only up to City of the Sun God), I feel it is one of the best story MMOs out there. The stories, even little quest chain ones, really get you hooked. I also like how, even though there are separate missions, they all kind of tie into the area you are in (so, for example, regarding the Filth and the mysterious fog on Soloman Island). The missions themselves are also very well done, not the boring "Kill ten rats" stuff. I think the biggest hurdle for new players in learning the character customization system (which is extremely customizable and well done). By the time I got through about a half of the second area of the Savage Coast though, I had it figured out enough to start working on constructing builds (which wasn't to hard since I played a lot of GW1 back in the day).


The other thing is it is very well voice acted and there are many memorable and interesting NPCs.


I believe TSW is one of the under-rated gems that are out there right now.

Edited by Wayshuba
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oh yes, SM is tooo easy, HM - boring, NiM.... with my timezone hard to get a group lol... so i've decided to do some pvp until they decide to make a raid lol... or a new game >.>


lol, it seems the secret world will take a LOT of time to download.... if i even manage to play it solo that is, that was after all why i didn't manage to go on with ESO or WoW


Youre choice but I hope you don't care about character customisation because when you choose a faction and gender, you basically get 1 face to choose from.


I tried it anyway but I couldn't really get into it. Be interested to see what you think of it.

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Youre choice but I hope you don't care about character customisation because when you choose a faction and gender, you basically get 1 face to choose from.


I tried it anyway but I couldn't really get into it. Be interested to see what you think of it.


I didn't see that. It appeared to have quite a bit of customization on the faces, bodies, hair styles, etc. Much more than SWTOR does.

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I didn't see that. It appeared to have quite a bit of customization on the faces, bodies, hair styles, etc. Much more than SWTOR does.


It does have a lot of customisation options but when I tried it you didn't get a choice of faces. Also the customisations didn't come over very strongly to me. Graphically I found the character and character model rather underwhelming.


And I did get tired of zombies quite quickly.

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I didn't see that. It appeared to have quite a bit of customization on the faces, bodies, hair styles, etc. Much more than SWTOR does.

thats due to other games caring about its player base and community.


swtor doesn't all they care about is p2w money systems and ripping you off. you really need to read reddit more to see how bad the gaming world is now. funcom are one of the good guys along with sony.

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thats due to other games caring about its player base and community.


swtor doesn't all they care about is p2w money systems and ripping you off. you really need to read reddit more to see how bad the gaming world is now. funcom are one of the good guys along with sony.


Yup. And I wonder how the MMO world feels that there are very strong hints coming from CD Projekt Red that Cyberpunk 2077 may be a MMO..... Because they are another company with a sterling reputation among gamers right now who still tries hard to deliver outstanding value to their customers.

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This game need not go the way of so many others. It could rise again but only if they act to save it and not try and save their galactic gambling system.


Really fix the game. Do it right once and get back to working on content. Because we all know without some new content the system wont matter. Problem right now is what they added isn't talked about because the system is so god awful. Its like a catch 22 of their own creation. But the system fix isn't that hard, so do it.

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Youre choice but I hope you don't care about character customisation because when you choose a faction and gender, you basically get 1 face to choose from.


I tried it anyway but I couldn't really get into it. Be interested to see what you think of it.


lol so far my time played is 14 hours... though i really don't remember anything about htat game except bits where i was chasing some... crow or somehting? looking for some lost papers... but most of all and that is what put me off - ZOMBIES and other ugly things x.x

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lol so far my time played is 14 hours... though i really don't remember anything about htat game except bits where i was chasing some... crow or somehting? looking for some lost papers... but most of all and that is what put me off - ZOMBIES and other ugly things x.x


That sounds a lot like what I remember from it lol.


Mind you, I have some friends who really loved it but they got bored with it after a while as well so I don't think I know anyone who plays it anymore.

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bw wont get rid of it no matter how bad things get because of business. Keeping in GC and the massive grind it brings combined with the RNG is a carrot on a stick they have to push in game. They have no real repeatable content besides uprisings and apparently there not a bit hit (similar to GC).


What we will get is convoluted ways to push gamers into the GC grind (now for comamnd tokens) and then change things like uprisings CXP as to push gamers there just like they moved to PVP because it was too good to pass up even if you hated PVP and just stood around.


bw has no plans to give up on GC or the RNG casino aspect of 5.0


No matter what awesome suggestions gamers make or how well a better idea is presneted. If they cannot keep GC, you might as well have not said it.


Look at the proprosed changes coming to GC and RNG gearing. Did it really solve all that much? No not really.


One because we have no idea of the command rank costs. Cost to high and you are still subject to the garbage RNG crates.


Two, because unassembled pieces do not drop off every boss. Meaning even if you killed HM or Nim bosses, you are still subject to the RNG we were trying to get away from except the last boss. There kicker there being some early bosses are much harder than the last ones.


It's crazy trying to watch bw force GC and RNG into the game to prolong already old content but thats why bw wont let us get away from GC. I'm realy starting to think there is a small CO leak at bw headquarters.


I can see some raid groups with a pug doing TOS. they get to the last boss, kick the pug, invite their under geared guildy and give them the token. sorry pug, you are screwed.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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oh yes, SM is tooo easy, HM - boring, NiM.... with my timezone hard to get a group lol... so i've decided to do some pvp until they decide to make a raid lol... or a new game >.>


lol, it seems the secret world will take a LOT of time to download.... if i even manage to play it solo that is, that was after all why i didn't manage to go on with ESO or WoW


I haven't tried Secret World.


I tried ESO (not bad but the UI / controls / combat are very console-ized and having to move with WASD and not the mouse just drove me nuts), though it seems to have limited end game that doesn't consist of doing endless quests and grinding (they level synced the entire game and have an alternative leveling system at cap).


I keep up a subscription to WoW (using in-game currency) though am not playing much right now (waiting on next big patch / raid tier) - but combat is done well and they add new raids and other content, though the lore and aesthetics are kind of meh IMO. I also love their social system where I can keep up and chat with friends across servers and across other Blizzard games like Diablo and Overwatch.

Edited by DawnAskham
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The changes will not be enough. Continuing to tie standard gearing to galactic command is a mistake again. One piece of guaranteed loot for an eight person op that takes an hour or more is not fair risk reward set up either. Making them do all that then still requiring something else is silly. To fix the system they really need to hear what they have been told. And clearly they have been told their new system is not liked or wanted by enough people that they sent out a survey, held another live stream, and are making changes right away. But they still aren't listening and really accepting what they are being told.


To fix things they need to accept their system is not acceptable as the standard gearing method in the game for those who actually do group content. Remove any aspect of command rank/command level/or command tokens from the standard gearing method. What does that mean? Wel let's list that:


1). Every single operation boss drops a guaranteed ua piece, everyone, not a chance to drop them, they all drop them every time.


2) The bosses in hm flashpoints should drop something for the people playing those, maybe partial pieces similar to PvP match.


3) PvP you can earn partial pieces and eventually full ones.


4) None of these piece require anything to do with with command rank, none. No command tokens, nothing. You have a UA you go and turn it in for the piece you earned. End of story. The piece you earned is not based on command level, its based on the difficulty of the boss you beat. Beat a sm boss, you get a sm UA piece. Beat a hm boss, you get a hm UA piece. I don't care if your command rank is 1 or 300, you beat a NiM boss and get the UA from it, you get a NiM level piece. For PvP you want a hm level piece, fine first you collect the sm one using your pieces now with that and set of more pieces you can now get a hm pice. Command rank and tokens are not involved in this in any way.



That is the standard gearing method now. For the alternate method for those who only do solo play they can use the command crates and command tokens. Allow them to buy the piece they want with x number of tokens given they have the right rank. This would allow them to complete sets slowly but still complete them with a known workaround for when lady luck isn't their friend. This method can also be used for raiders/pvper as a secondary method.


I don't include GSF because it has no gear requirement nor use. You don't use gear you would earn in any of these methods so its not really key to being able to complete or enjoy that part of the game. People who play GSF wont need any better gearing options then they have now.


I admit this system favors raiders vs PvPers. But there is a reason. Risk vs reward. There is no risk of getting nothing in PvP. You will get something if you participate. Getting 8 medals is easy, you can do that sleep walking for the most part. The only two classes that can come up short even doing well are sentinel/mara and gunslinger/sniper, because they mostly medal only through objectives and damage they have more limited ways to get to 8. Every other class has healing/guarding as a method that will make getting to 8 super easy. More importantly there is no cost to PvP outside of time, you put the time in you get the gear you don't have to repair or gather 8 people you que and your good. In an op you risk failure. If you fail to get past a boss, you don't get loot not only for that boss but all the remaining bosses. If underlurker on HM stops you that's not one piece you failed to get but three. And there is significant cost to repairing your gear afterwards. Worse the time usage is much higher, you can fail at underlurker as I mentioned above and do so spending two hours of your playing time. In two hours you can easily do 4(very low ball 8 would be possible on a friday night) PvP matches and have 4 pieces of a token the raider will have 2 full pieces, but divided among 8 people.


Anyway their fix is sugar coating it isn't a real fix. It still includes too much random and their silly galactic command stuff which should have nothing to do with standard gearing. They need to really listen this time and remove the random from the standard gearing process.


This fix is a *********** joke. Anyone thinking otherwise simply hasn't thought enough about it. The fact that it is a 5% improvement on something that was made 500% worse is meaningless.


I do not understand why a simple pre-4.0 gear mechanism (No HHM, No EV/KP gearing) is such a bad thing. All this current system does is waste time.


In a game with literally zero new content that requires the gear, gating it is just *********** idiotic. There's no other word for it.


Wake up.

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lol so far my time played is 14 hours... though i really don't remember anything about htat game except bits where i was chasing some... crow or somehting? looking for some lost papers... but most of all and that is what put me off - ZOMBIES and other ugly things x.x


That crow mission is a great example of how TSW doesn't hold your hand. You lose sight of it quickly and have to kinda guess where it went. There's no flashing purple icon that leads you right to where you're supposed to go. And that's one of the easier puzzles in the game... wait until you get to the paintings in City Hall a bit later...


Great game. One of my favorites. Wish I had more abilities on my bar though. Maybe that happens later?

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I came back a little over a month ago to power through the story, and was pleasantly surprised that the conclusion to the story was not gated behind months of additional...grinding.


So as someone who intended to leave after the story here are my 2 cents.


As the gaming demographics clearly show, casual players make up a far larger majority than what one may classify as a hardcore player, now unfortunately these labels are misleading, as quite often the casual players are playing multiple games at once.


This is not a bad thing, as it also means that content doesn't get as stale as fast for those who will consume the content when they want as their attention can be pulled in other directions.


Now notice I didn't say mmo players, as when we're talking about casual gaming, we're talking about all forms, mobile, console, action, mmo, etc. etc. the list goes on. And the amazing thing is...its been proven over and over that casual gamers are the ones more likely to spend real world money on their entertainment. This can be proven by how successful micro transaction games are on multiple platforms.


So where does this lead me in this post and how SWTOR's change interact with the economic powerhouse that are casual gamers?


Grind...yup, pretty simple. There's a fine balance that needs to be achieved about trying to hook the casual gamer to spend enough time...and enough money to feel their time and money is rewarded, and unfortunately it does not seem like these changes to CXP work towards encouraging casuals to consume at their own pace to be equally rewarded.


Now of course those of you who feel that more time invested in an activity should some how intrinsically mean greater rewards have failed to understand that games are ultimately about making a rewarding experience for all...hence inclusiveness.


Command levels and loot boxes actually is on point for that, the concept makes sense, reward players for playing when they can, what they want...the failure on BioWare is that they made it a grind fest. I'll argue with you day in day out that RNG is the culprit , because people enjoy a certain element of randomness (imagine how gambling would be if you were always guaranteed to win the jackpot just for spending time there *rolleyes*) I digress though, and in short..,...


BioWare, you've missed the boat in making command leveling be so slow (yes even with the gains), and now with the proposed changes, you're just adding more grind.

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Your statement was fair from your PoV. Theirs was from their's if a bit harsh.


Do you understand though why a raider and PvPer might not be happy with what you have gear wise? Set bonuses are pretty nice, and can really be a big deal. I have many fully 220/224 set bonus built characters, getting a green 228....well the armoring is worthless to me, the mod usually as well as it is usually a lettered mod (suboptimally statted) maybe the enchant matters....but not likely. 230 blues...same. Purple set pieces are great. Purple relic...maybe if its the right relic. There are purple relics I wouldn't change to even from a 220 to a 230 just because its doing the wrong thing.


I understand that, and they have a vendor now to buy what they need. I don't use greens, I will use blues occasionally but I prefer not to. In general I follow my guild boss' guide to gearing and have mapped them out on paper to make sure every piece is the right stats. It's not 242's or whatever the highest is but it's better than I ever would have been able to do before. I would like it to be made even more convenient for others but frankly I don't think it would be fair if they could just march up to a vendor and immediately grab the top tier stuff right when an xpac drops. There's no working for it that way at all.

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That crow mission is a great example of how TSW doesn't hold your hand. You lose sight of it quickly and have to kinda guess where it went. There's no flashing purple icon that leads you right to where you're supposed to go. And that's one of the easier puzzles in the game... wait until you get to the paintings in City Hall a bit later...


Great game. One of my favorites. Wish I had more abilities on my bar though. Maybe that happens later?


oh dear, with my constant alt-tabbing, it might not be the best game for me then, >.>:D:D

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Once again raiders view the entire game through the prism of operations.


The suggested changes coming in January are adequate, let BW give it a chance to see how it goes before asking for even easier and quicker ways to gear up. I know this is a hard concept for raiders to understand, especially if you have come from wow where developers put you in higher regard than everyone else, but you guys are not the centre of the star wars universe.


Why ask for special treatment for doing a supposed activity you enjoy?

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Once again raiders view the entire game through the prism of operations.


The suggested changes coming in January are adequate, let BW give it a chance to see how it goes before asking for even easier and quicker ways to gear up. I know this is a hard concept for raiders to understand, especially if you have come from wow where developers put you in higher regard than everyone else, but you guys are not the centre of the star wars universe.


Why ask for special treatment for doing a supposed activity you enjoy?


Easier ? Have you tried killing some HM boss ? Let alone a lot of NiM boss ? See, the complain about raid not dropping unassembled pieces is not about "we, raiders, are special and we want all the loot" almost no raider think like that (except some retarded ****** like every community has), it's that it actually takes, well it took I should say, time and effort to gear a toon in good gear and that was completely fine to us and to almost everybody except some SJW that thought gear should almost be handed to everyone just because they logged into the game. The harder the difficulty, the better the reward. Which is logical. And if you don't think so, try asking your boss to have the same salary he does just because you deserve it for showing up and see his reaction. Should be funny.


Raiders are dedicated, we'll come back every raid night to fight the same bosses over and over again, we don't fear spending a night of wipe if it's what it takes for the group to understand the mechanics. And this dedication was rewarded with an unassembled piece if we killed the boss (which is never guaranteed).


I'm sure you're thinking of the guilds who clear everything is the first week and include all raiders in this group, but they are just the 1% and most raiders will take several weeks or month to gear.


Now with the new system, we are just not rewarded for the time we put into raiding and the 5.1 changes won't solve anything. Saying cancer is better than AIDS doesn't make cancer good.

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Once again raiders view the entire game through the prism of operations.


The suggested changes coming in January are adequate, let BW give it a chance to see how it goes before asking for even easier and quicker ways to gear up. I know this is a hard concept for raiders to understand, especially if you have come from wow where developers put you in higher regard than everyone else, but you guys are not the centre of the star wars universe.


Why ask for special treatment for doing a supposed activity you enjoy?


what exactly is this special treatment?

And for that matter.... how do they put us in higher regard than anyone else? it's been over 2 years now since even HAD a new operation to begin with. You do realize that doing the same thing 2+times a week for over 2-5 years will get boring no matter how much you love said thing. With PvP it's not AS much of an issue, because even if the maps are the same, the player factor won't let 2 warzones ever be the same, simply because different people think in different ways. mobs however, don't suddenly grow a brain lol.

yes you are right, this step is in the right direction, but even you can understand that when only 1/5 or even 1/7 bosses drops a token, it will be rolled off between EIGHT people, so no, this change does NOT make it easier than for anyone else lol. Indeed take your own advice and wait to see how they make these changes and how they behave after that.

And seriously, stop lumping all pve players together ffs, we don't all think the same way and we DO NOT ask for special treatment, most of us want EQUAL rights as everyone else. :D:D

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Easier ? Have you tried killing some HM boss ? Let alone a lot of NiM boss ? See, the complain about raid not dropping unassembled pieces is not about "we, raiders, are special and we want all the loot" almost no raider think like that (except some retarded ****** like every community has), it's that it actually takes, well it took I should say, time and effort to gear a toon in good gear and that was completely fine to us and to almost everybody except some SJW that thought gear should almost be handed to everyone just because they logged into the game. The harder the difficulty, the better the reward. Which is logical. And if you don't think so, try asking your boss to have the same salary he does just because you deserve it for showing up and see his reaction. Should be funny.


Raiders are dedicated, we'll come back every raid night to fight the same bosses over and over again, we don't fear spending a night of wipe if it's what it takes for the group to understand the mechanics. And this dedication was rewarded with an unassembled piece if we killed the boss (which is never guaranteed).


I'm sure you're thinking of the guilds who clear everything is the first week and include all raiders in this group, but they are just the 1% and most raiders will take several weeks or month to gear.


Now with the new system, we are just not rewarded for the time we put into raiding and the 5.1 changes won't solve anything. Saying cancer is better than AIDS doesn't make cancer good.


I can sympathise with those still learning but the reality is most raiders that are left around here have done all the bosses so many times they could do them blindfolded. To give them extra drops or tokens for this content frankly is unfair. We saw it in 4.0, where guilds would breeze their members through it and gear everyone in no time at all.


It just sounds like raiders want their gear faster so they can bypass HM and jump straight into NM. If that's the case, why do we bother with 3 difficulty levels?

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