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Survey Feedback: Couldn't fit it in 400 characters? Post it here!


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Due to 400 character limit on the recent survey, I thought I may as well post my full feedback here.


Question: What would you change in Star Wars the Old Republic Knights of the Eternal Throne?


Return the focus back to being a MMORPG. Over the years the game has lost focus on the 'Massively Multiplayer' aspect, with most content either being Story based and therefore Solo or small group content (4-Player). Operations have taken a back seat for a few years now which little new content (scaled up Operations are not new content) and there is little reason to venture out into the 'Massively Multiplayer' world, World PVP and World Events are scarce and the ones we do have are either recycled or lacking in content.


I find little reason to keep playing a game that doesn't offer a rewarding progression system, RNG gearing isn't rewarding. It's luck. And not satisfying when you receive an item you want (as you didn't work for it) and even more unsatisfying when you don't. It should be a system to compliment a more standardised gearing system not completely replace it.


Story content has been entertaining and it is the main reason I continue to play, but like last expansion I will most likely unsubscribe and stop playing once I complete the released Chapters due to the lack of engaging multiplayer content at the Level Cap.

Edited by Ferrety
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I got one too, before knowing there was a limit I wrote...


The loot distribution with the galactic command system is bad, random is not good and this just makes it an ETERNAL grind to get any half-decent gear PER character. Loot distribution needs to change, if each box contains at least one usable item with mods, or a chance for that or if not getting that getting special currency to save and buy off a merchant something you can use you will actually feel you get something. And the best stuff can still be from the crates, but people will feel they get something at least and eventually will get geared to a degree.


Light vs. Dark is too black and white, in the early days you even removed alignment restrictions because people wanted neutral to be viable. There are also "neutral outcomes" in some of the class stories, even if only minor like the title at the end of the inquisitor story (I made sure to get that one at least once during the DvL event after I learned it would be improbable to be achieved afterwards).


Removal of the "learn the base class before picking an advanced class" is bad, it was a good way for people to get to know their character so they could still decide their advanced class after getting a better feel for the core class. Even if people asking what the BEST advanced class for them was annoying, it allowed us to help them choose something that they could actually enjoy. Much like Marauder is not a class for many people, now people have to choose without being able to get a feel for the warrior so they don't know they are better off playing a juggernaut (real example because there are no decent marauders, there are a few very good ones, the rest is just awful, and I refuse to play mine competitively because I know I don't play them well, and that is fine).


I think I had more, but I will have to see you even taking these surveys seriously.


They wanted us to give details, right?

Edited by Lyshar
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400 limit? i got 50 limit =(


just finished said survey. figure i'll leave my full text for last box here lol

would be awesome if:

1) race and gender of your character actually MATTERED, it would make having alts so much more fun and interesting if the race would make a difference in the story;


2) the story has to be at least a bit more diversified. It can't be all the same no matter who your character is, that makes playing chapters on other characters after your main really quite boring;


3) new end game content


4) of course a new pvp map or too would soothe the ruffled feathers of our pvpers that are still coming out of shock after removal of expertise from gear >.<


5) RNG in gearing!!! there really needs to be some sort of catch up options for new players / alternative characters. Also ways to mitigate bad RNG. And really, some characters need 2 sets of gear if they play 2 roles =)


6) can i please please please romance lord scourge? he's so much more interesting than most of the male companions lol


7) some presence of gold posts on forums would probably sooth players and give them the idea that they're indeed not being ignored >.> (i'd even volunteer to do it)


Well, that is a very shortened list of what I personally would like to see in my dream star wars MMO. If at least some parts can find home in future patches / expansions it would make me one very happy sage :p



after agonizing on what to leave i just said: new ops&pvp. make race matter lol

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Did you check your junk mail? And i didn't receive it on my phone, but I could see it on my pc. Maybe its just a problem with my phone but thought I'd mention it.:rak_03:


Yup, check spam and junk and everything. I hope I'll get one later. ....unless I don't count since I unsubbed? That might be the case, wouldn't surprise me.

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Yup, check spam and junk and everything. I hope I'll get one later. ....unless I don't count since I unsubbed? That might be the case, wouldn't surprise me.

Hmm I don't think so, I'm not subbed anymore either. I think some people said you had to sign up for something, a newsletter or promotions(?) I don't know if I ever did or if it's true. :rak_02:

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I enjoyed with two expansions, but....


I want return to base game content, I want to see my keeper and watcher two again, sniper base game storyline was truly amazing in my opinion. Best class story ever, so I asked BioWare bring back good old base storyline content. Don't get me wrong I fairly enjoyed with Kotet/Kotfe but I'm a story-based RPG player, and I don't appreciate keep seeing unwanted nerfs to pvp. I'm %95 sure everyone playing SWTOR for story, so I am, so please focus on story BioWare!


Very limited romance was also disappointing in expansions, in entire KOTET ı was only do a small kiss to lana. I don't care if this game is T rated, then make it M rated so we can all enjoy with glorious content including, more action/violence and romance.


I also like to see my base game companions, all of them. Its been a long time and I want them back with default voice actors.


Fixing the group finder would also great, no one using that, instead everyone looking for a group in chat

and this results in spam.

Edited by ShieldProtection
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I wish they had stated in the survey that 400 characters was the limit before I spent the time typing my feedback essay! Also, I think participants for the survey were selected randomly from subscribers as I haven't signed up for anything else. Anyway I originally suggested:


WEEKLY HEROICS: Remove heroics from the Galactic Command Planetary Mission interface and add a new level 70 only terminal on the fleet so we can pick and choose which weekly areas we want to do. I also suggested changing the weekly CXP rewards to 250 for doing 3 heroics per planet or 600 for doing the maximum required (currently 5+ depending on where you go) heroics per planet. Since heroics now give CXP, to reduce frustration and game enjoyment, make the republic side heroic "MUTATIONS" an instanced area or increase the number & reduce the re-spawn time of irradiated rakghouls. For Empire side's "POSSESSED HUNTER" make Valen Korik a multi-taggable champion or instance the area.


STORY: I would have liked more new story content once KOTET was completed. Whilst KOTET was really enjoyable, I could not help feeling that

The story had been completely altered just to get rid of it. Basically all Valkorian was doing from the beginning was a modified Darth Zash



COMPANIONS: All missing companions should have been returned through the story and the lack of companion romances and story was disappointing

also, Arcann should have been romanceable - my super dark side sorcerer has been left wanting



ALERTS: The format of alerts was terrible; the whole lack of character interaction through conversation was awful as having to select from limited text based answers removed immersion in the recruitment story line and made it quite boring.


GEARING: Remove RNG through command crates as the only way to get higher level gear. Currently my level 70s are primarily in their KOTFE gear with just one or two slight improvements to a gear slot. My main has gear that's good enough for heroic Star Fortresses but nowhere near good enough for the more difficult content of KOTET. I want to do the VETERAN MODE chapters for the achievement but am being carved up by even the skytroopers. So far I've only been able to complete chapter 1 at veteran level because my gear is far too low and is unlikely to improve anytime soon with the stuff I've been getting from the crates (*** do I need a gun on my sorceror for)? I suggested that they switch to a system of personal loot in which the crates ONLY contain items that your character (class & spec) can use & also have a decent chance to be an upgrade on what you currently have equipped. If you get a duplicate then this can be disintegrated.

Edited by Sarova
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I enjoyed with two expansions, but....


I want return to base game content, I want to see my keeper and watcher two again, sniper base game storyline was truly amazing in my opinion. Best class story ever, so I asked BioWare bring back good old base storyline content. Don't get me wrong I fairly enjoyed with Kotet/Kotfe but I'm a story-based RPG player, and I don't appreciate keep seeing unwanted nerfs to pvp. I'm %95 sure everyone playing SWTOR for story, so I am, so please focus on story BioWare!


Very limited romance was also disappointing in expansions, in entire KOTET ı was only do a small kiss to lana. I don't care if this game is T rated, then make it M rated so we can all enjoy with glorious content including, more action/violence and romance.


I also like to see my base game companions, all of them. Its been a long time and I want them back with default voice actors.


Fixing the group finder would also great, no one using that, instead everyone looking for a group in chat

and this results in spam.


Agreed, Agent story was the best. Played her into KotFE and KotET but as a non-force user it doesn't make a lot of sense and the story wasn't compelling enough for me to replay. I have done the Sith Warrior four times as I love going through the chapters to get Jaesa Willsaam as my companion.

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