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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Threat Meter, why do we not have this yet?

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if tanks are not doing so well you have two choice:


ask them to review their skills / talent tree to see what skill does what damage and what CD they have in order to build threat fast


or ask the dps to hold back and not starting to nuke the second he lands 1 hit :)



i really love the idea to play without addons


no more dps meter spam , people need to use their brains instead of depending on addons to do it for them


we have to evaluate everything on our own : every action has a reaction



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Tanks are not doing so hot...why? because there is a lack of a threat meter. a Threat meter is a tool that helps the tank do his job correctly, how can DPS know how much aggro they are doing until its too late? then the tank has to go down hunting that one guy. and healing causes a lot more threat than people think. I think that an optional threat meter would be a great asset to tanks everywhere...and it would make for a much smoother Flashpoint experience.


Dunno about other classes but I know the SI has a threat reduction ability for themselves as well as other members of the party and should use them on occasion as any competent player would, especially if they are seeing other dps or themselves gain aggro too much. However, tanks should have taunts ready incase that does happen and then attack that npc for awhile to build back aggro. However, the dps shouldn't be attacking anyone BUT the target that the tank is attacking for that very reason. I do see often where dps tries to tank a mob and as a healer it's more work for me. Mark targets, CC, do whatever you need to do to reduce the stress on everyone.


Threat meters aren't need as long as you have players who know what to do and how to play their classes.

Edited by Rokokii
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Tanks are not doing so hot...why? because there is a lack of a threat meter. a Threat meter is a tool that helps the tank do his job correctly, how can DPS know how much aggro they are doing until its too late? then the tank has to go down hunting that one guy. and healing causes a lot more threat than people think. I think that an optional threat meter would be a great asset to tanks everywhere...and it would make for a much smoother Flashpoint experience.


It's called group communications.. why do you need a threat meter? Oh.. I forgot... so it's easier for you... Awh I forgot about the lazy people out there that may have to actually think and play the game. You shouldn't be a tank then.. My tanks have no problems what-so-ever.

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It's called group communications.. why do you need a threat meter? Oh.. I forgot... so it's easier for you... Awh I forgot about the lazy people out there that may have to actually think and play the game. You shouldn't be a tank then.. My tanks have no problems what-so-ever.


you saying this proves that your opinion doesn't really matter.. lol

maybe you are just bad and never pull aggro off the tank?

also you talk about being lazy?? your dps... i dont want dps meters because im bad is all i hear.


and honestly what the hell are you people thinking of when threat meter is mentioned??

all i would like is a little glow around the portrait with 2 different colors.. its not a game breaker. has nothing to do with dps. isnt going to destroy the game because tanking is to easy..

Edited by Oogresh
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Since when do tanks need threat meters? Threat meters are for dps. The only time a tank would need a threat meter is if they simply keep losing aggro too easily and is looking to improve on their rotations/etc. In a sense your right, those that need it shouldn't be tanking, but a threat meter will help them learn and improve.


A lot of people simply don't understand that these meters are a supplement. They are there to help you improve. Period. In no way do they make the game easier, not even boss mods, else NO ONE would make a single mistake. And if you've been in a raiding guild before that used boss mods, more specifically DBM for WoW, you would know this is a fact. And believe it or not, this remains true for top raiding guilds. Hell it took SK-Gaming around 175 attempts to get the world first on Kil'Jaeden back in Burning Crusade. Even in Cataclysm, the world first for Deathwing took more than 300 attempts by a Korean guild.


And please, for logics sake, if you haven't experienced any hard mode content in TOR, you literally have 0 credibility towards this discussion. Else your just arguing something you don't know anything about.


They need them because instead of dps watching their threat it usually falls to the tank to try and start spamming agro abiities to compensate.

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I don't see how Threat meters are necessary. It is part of knowing how to play your class, be it DPS, Healer, or Tank, to have an idea of your threat generation. DPS should know when to nuke and when to slow burn. Healers should know how to juggle their heals and detaunts so they don't get aggro. Tanks should know how to build threat and use their "emergency" taunts to reclaim threat if they lose it. It's also each individuals job to know how to lose threat if they need to or learn to survive with aggro.


Using addons to help you play your class effectively is like asking for an "I WIN" button. What sets each individual apart is their skill, awareness, and adaptability.


(Most) Everyone wants to be the best in the community, but you ought to just play as best as you can and have fun.


PS. IMO, part of having fun is the challenge of learning to play and overcoming the challenges (flashpoints, operations, or whatever you want to "beat") in the game.

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I only have one problem with this game: there is no indication between aggro loss and a random attack. Take HK-47 in False Emperor for example. His snipe ability is cast on a random party member. He turns, starts the induction. I know that Snipe is random, so this turn is normal. 9 times out of 10, HK-47 will return to me as normal. But if during snipe I have somehow lost aggro, there is no indication for the DPS or myself that this has happened.


This in and of itself will not cause wipes. I taunt very quickly afterwards, when I notice he does not return. But something -- target of target, threat meters -- that would indicate that he turned during a random attack would be very helpful and appreciated.

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I think people just have to realize the following. Wait 5 SECS let the tank get his aggro. Sometimes tanks have to deal with knockbacks / knockdowns. Also if you notice by using ability x at the start of a fight pulls agro, than DON'T use it, wait a few secs till using it. Don't be a dumb face rolling dps. In wow i never had a threat meter, did not pull threat, and lead meters cause i did not play like an idiot.
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Yep, like most people said here. I came to Swtor because it is something diferent than WoW and about a story that i love since little kid .


I don´t want it to become like WoW in most given ways, and a threat meter, 1 hit macros and so on and so forward will all lead to what is todays WoW endgame raiding :


Spamming 1, two, maybe three buttons in a whole raid only to see white, yellow and green giant numbers popping out for hours and hours . I´d like this game to have a more person-to-character interactivity , based purely out of intuition and perception - not percentages and mathematics.

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Screw a threat meter..I want target of target...


That along with skill target forwarding would be useful for us healers. Although, I can still manage without and bouncing allies and foes. Definitely much harder though. =S

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The game really needs both a threat meter and combat log. Without the dps meter raiding is so much more boring. DPS meters bring in a competitive atmosphere for DPS, without them it's just less fun.


Dps meters make the end game raid is just sad. If you need a meter to let you know how you are doing than you need to get out more.

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Screw threat meters, never really needed it in WoW, don't need it here. Is it difficult for tanks to not press buttons or... are they just challenged?


In all seriousness, there's some other UI issues I rather have than a threat meter. It's true that there's a target of target keybind but I rather just have a window above the enemy's name rather than it change my actual targeting to say myself, especially since tab targeting is something to be desired at times.


And party frames need a lot of work, I've been using the operation frames up to this point since it seems to update far better than the party frames ever did...


Some minor quality of life additions to the UI would be an indication of if some1 has aggro on something would be cool, like a red outlines on their raid/party frame. I can keep track of numerous mobs and keep them on me, but I'm not infallible, when I'm keeping track of 3 elites, 4 lts and some trash mob it tends to tax me a little on my multi-tasking (and CC is boring :p).


A combat scrolling text if you're about to steal hate or have high threat would be nice.

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Tanks are not doing so hot...why? because there is a lack of a threat meter. a Threat meter is a tool that helps the tank do his job correctly, how can DPS know how much aggro they are doing until its too late? t


experiment and get a feeling for it, anything else is lazy and easymode

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Pff, I don't know what people got against addons. I've never used a damage or threat meter other than to constructively tell people that they're doing something wrong.


Without meters, there's no way to tell who's pulling their weight or not and you will never know whether your class is balanced in the DPS department, compared to others. Yes, blah blah, there are other things than DPS - yes there is, but that's to be balanced on their own.


Seriously, either you ended up on the wrong stick of a bunch of meter jockeys (which probably means that you weren't doing what you should) or you just don't like numbers.


I love the statistics metagame. I want to be able to see both an post fight chart and a real time one.


Also, everyone knows that this UI is crap (that it's early game or not is irrelevant to the discussion), or you probably never configured one before. I want a wide array of UI features to choose from, and Bioware won't make them quick enough.


Can't do it fast enough? Take help from the community.


Stop with the addon hate, there is NOTHING that becomes less skilled because you're using an addon.

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  • Attack the tank's target
  • Turn off the pet taunts
  • If you get aggro, stop attacking your target and allow the tank to regain aggro
  • Don't run away from the tank if you pull aggro
  • CC adds, when possible. If you break it, you tank it. Aoers beware!


An update to that Crusty. On most multi-mob pulls, DPS should kill the non elites first, then silver, then gold. Some random droid with a blaster will go down fast, and it removes X% of damage from the tank. Rarely will DPS be attacking only my target because I'm cycling through them building threat and moving around.


The biggest problem I am seeing in SW:TOR is people playing like they are questing, Death from Above as an opener for example. I saw this in Warhammer and Rift when I tanked in those games and it took a while for people to get used to their class role. WoW, where I have been tanking for 7 years really doesn't require any tank skills any more due to threat modifications they added to allow anyone to tank to reduce RDF wait times. Tanking in SW:TOR is refreshing and challenging, and takes me back to my 3 stacks of sunder days.


SW:TOR doesn't need a threat meter. Threat is easy to maintain when done correctly. If the group is not behaving, a threat meter won't solve that. The time to recover from a wipe is longer than it takes to mark mobs and communicate with your group what needs to be done. It's a social game, be social and things go smooth.


It does need a combat log though, always nice to go back and see what causes a wipe.

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Screw a threat meter..I want target of target...


That would be handy, but SW:TOR makes it a lot easier to see which way something is facing or attacking than WoW does. Blaster fire is really easy to spot arcing off toward a ranged class.

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Pro tip:


If the mob is facing you and you are taking damage from it, you have aggro. no meter required.


On a serious note, is it that hard for tanks or dps to know when to start/stop damage in order to reduce/increase threat?


In my 8 years of playing MMO's I have never had issues with over-aggroing.


It's quite simple, you let the tank build some threat. then you start damaging slowly. Then, once the tank has solidified the boss on himself, you start doing your full damage rotation.


In case of you being the tank, you TELL YOUR RAID/GROUP what to do. They will (should) listen to you because they won't like being kicked or having you leave the group. Nobody wants to lose a tank half way through an instance.


If you require time to generate threat on the mobs/boss then your group needs to know this. otherwise you are going to have problems.



All that is required is enough brain cells to think for yourself.

Unfortunately it seems a lot of people are incapable of such an unattainable feat.

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Pro tip:


If the mob is facing you and you are taking damage from it, you have aggro. no meter required.


On a serious note, is it that hard for tanks or dps to know when to start/stop damage in order to reduce/increase threat?


In my 8 years of playing MMO's I have never had issues with over-aggroing.


It's quite simple, you let the tank build some threat. then you start damaging slowly. Then, once the tank has solidified the boss on himself, you start doing your full damage rotation.


In case of you being the tank, you TELL YOUR RAID/GROUP what to do. They will (should) listen to you because they won't like being kicked or having you leave the group. Nobody wants to lose a tank half way through an instance.


If you require time to generate threat on the mobs/boss then your group needs to know this. otherwise you are going to have problems.



All that is required is enough brain cells to think for yourself.

Unfortunately it seems a lot of people are incapable of such an unattainable feat.


In your 8 years of playing MMO's you probably never did good damage or challenging content. I assume prepotting, precasting, countdowns are all unknown to you?


On a serious note, it's not only dps suffering from aggro. Healer aggro on trash is a real issue in flashpoints and waiting 5 seconds to heal isn't going to work every time. Sometimes people need heals. Same goes for CCed targets, a healer keeps generating threat while they are CCed, kinda annoying but I guess a threat meter isn't going to help there.

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On a serious note, it's not only dps suffering from aggro. Healer aggro on trash is a real issue in flashpoints and waiting 5 seconds to heal isn't going to work every time.


If the healer is getting aggro, the tank is doing a very, very poor job.

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Tanks are not doing so hot...why? because there is a lack of a threat meter. a Threat meter is a tool that helps the tank do his job correctly, how can DPS know how much aggro they are doing until its too late? then the tank has to go down hunting that one guy. and healing causes a lot more threat than people think. I think that an optional threat meter would be a great asset to tanks everywhere...and it would make for a much smoother Flashpoint experience.


No, a threat meter is a job that lets DPS be derpsauce mcgees and just look at a bar instead of thinking critically about their criticals.

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