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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

We Need Faster Mission Respawns


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There are some missions that require us to either kill a certain number of something, or kill something that drops a mission item. Unfortunately, too many people are in that area for the same thing.

One of the best examples is a Coruscant Weekly Heroic called, "The Face Merchants."

When I enter the area, it is almost always empty with several people waiting for respawn. We usually have to wait a long time for respawn, and hope that someone else doesn't get it first.

There are other missions that have this same problem as well.

This could be much better if mobs in these areas would have faster respawn rates.

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The reason that some of them are open-world is so that imps and pubs can OW PvP over the spawns. - Look how popular that has been on Makeb, Czerka, and section X for instance.


But yeah, some of them need the timers reducing. I'm sure there are a lot of people who've had to wait for that Sith to spawn on Dromond Kaas for instance, when it should've been instanced.


It's not like people could farm champions for CXP now anyways.


Best interim solution is to group up with anyone also on the mission, at least then you don't have to wait too long.


But I wouldn't hold your breath on this matter. - It took many months to come up with a CXP and gearing model that's almost universally despised. - This is small fry.

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"The Face Merchants" on Coruscant, and "Possessed Hunter" on Dromund Kaas absolutely need to be instanced. The timer on "Possessed Hunter" is too long, and there's often that one player who runs up, refuses the group invite, and snags the gold. "The Face Merchants" has a bonus that comes from killing all the mobs that provide the key needed to enter the instanced part of the heroic. Edited by Nmyownworld
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"The Face Merchants" on Coruscant, and "Possessed Hunter" on Dromund Kaas absolutely need to be instanced. The timer on "Possessed Hunter" is too long, and there's often that one player who runs up, refuses the group invite, and snags the gold. "The Face Merchants" has a bonus that comes from killing all the mobs that provide the key needed to enter the instanced part of the heroic.




Possessed Hunter has a 'hilarious' respawn timer of five minutes last time I counted. Who thought that was a good idea?

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The issue with face merchants is the bonus. You have to kill so many mobs before you enter to get the bonus. This normally means clearing out all the mobs in the area leaving none for the next person that comes by. For mobs that are not in an instance like that and tied to heroic missions they really need to increase the number of them in the area or decrease the spawn timers. Taris is another one that has the same issue (forget the name of the mission). I normally skip that one unless I am playing at 2am and there is no one else in the area.
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Yeah, getting rid of the first part of Face Merchants is a good idea. Getting rid of the bonus is better. There is no practical reason for the bonus.

I always ignore that bonus and go straight for the mission after I get the key.


That Taris mission should be instanced. It is worse than Face Merchants since I have to kill 5 just to complete the mission.

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I don't expect BioWare to make changes on missions like this after all this time. They have bigger issues to deal with.

I suggest that you players group up whenever possible, maybe try to have some patience or just choose to do certain heroics only during off-peak hours.

If someone is there before me I'll back off and wait my turn.

If I see a mission area is crowded I have no problem with logging out (maybe switching over to another alt to send companions on crafting missions) and returning shortly later when the traffic has died down.

Edited by JediRelentless
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Most of the tweaks needed are simple to implement, at least at first glance:


Face Merchants - Just eliminate the key card part, have the heroic start with you accessing the console.


Mutations (Taris): Make the left side rooms after the first room instanced, similar to how the right side of the room is instanced for "Knight fall".


I used to skip these quests, but with cxp requiring all quests in these two planets there is no way around them. Grouping helps, and I usually take the initiative if I see someone. But it is aggravating sometimes when someone stays in stealth the whole time beside you and tags the mob.

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All you have to do is group.


For Valen Korik or whatever his name is on Dromund Kaas in the Dark Temple, it's silly to fight over the kill. Right click their portrait. Invite to group. Then everyone in the group gets credit for the kill. Then I say 'ty' in group chat for thank you at a minimum. Then I quit the group and move on to the next DK heroic. It's that easy. I do it every time whether I'm there first or someone is already waiting.


One time, I got there and three people were waiting. I invited all of them. One refused so I offered again. Declined again. Ok, so not an accident. So then me and the other sniper just laid down AOEs over Valen Korik's spawn area, one after the other, so that there was no gap in cast time. Korik spawned and we got the aggro of course. Then we killed him in under a few seconds. The guy who wouldn't join the group gets triggered and says: 'seriously, f*** you guys.' I thought about saying 'next time just accept the group invite' but I decided to let him figure it out given he was already raging.


Don't be that guy. Group for a few minutes.


Nobody will expect you to say anything or stick around for anything more than that one particular quest or even just the one quest objective. Some of them do make you do objectives again if you quit the group early, like Shadow Spawn on DK, so you have to finish the quest as a group.


There is no reason not to group for a few minutes, so everybody gets the kill(s) and gets the quest done quickly. I'm not normally playing Republic side, but on "Face Merchants" it'd be even better. Why wouldn't you want to blow through the quest much much faster?

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All you have to do is group.


- snip -


I think the rest of your post is proof enough why grouping doesn't always work (in your case, for the other guy).


We'll have better luck tweaking a game mechanic (especially if it is easy to implement) than expecting the entire game community to change. The chance for "that guy" to be present in the same area as you is always there.

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I always try to group when I am in these areas. Unfortunately, many times the person declines when I invite. Sometimes the person is in a group and doesn't invite me when I ask.

BW probably won't change anything, since they probably would have already changed it if they intented to.

I'm not asking for anything major. Just something simple such as shortening the respawn timers.

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"The Face Merchants" has a bonus that comes from killing all the mobs that provide the key needed to enter the instanced part of the heroic.

Pfft. The bonus for one of the Ord Mantell H2s involves killing mobs (6 Scavenger Lookouts, IIRC) outside the Heroic area. These mobs belong to groups that are required for one of the Trooper class missions.


*THAT* is rude.

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