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Disappointed with KOTET/KOTFE storyline, anyone else feel that way? (Spoilers)


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Hehe. (partly right for the most part. In addition, before my friends and I started playing the game, and found out the inquisitor was a slave, the roleplay we had done actually had my sorcerer against the empire for something in her past so she never trusted the empire and when this story came out this time and it gave the option for her to be empress it fit perfectly into the roleplay story and the funny part is my friends and I never expected that lol.


The bounty hunter honestly never made sense to be loyal to the Empire. They will work with them but why would they be loyal to the empire.


My agent didn't forget what the Empire did to her and so to her they did not deserve her loyalty after that.


OMG yes. I have no idea why my Hunter is so anti Republic. Neither side really condones what she does, but both sides do seem to want to use Hunters, except Rep side likes to say they're even more illegal :p

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There are multiple reasons for one-size-fits-all stories: For starters, the devs operate under budget constraints, they simply do not have the hundreds of millions of dollars they had when they made the base game at their disposal anymore (especially because the game was a huge financial loss at first). Thus, they have to allocate their resources wisely and cannot spend as freely as they could at the beginning of the development process. Second, strict adherence to a two-factions-at-war paradigm (Horde vs. Alliance, Empire vs. Republic, Klingons vs. Federation, Red vs. Blue; you get the idea) can only work for so long. After some time, this type of story can and will grow stale, at which point the writers will face a problem: the player base will cry for something new or, in typical fashion, outright claim that the game is dying. This is when a new threat will have to be introduced, and it is just easier to go with a one-size-fits-all story, as it significantly cuts down development time, which is crucial in sating the appetite of impatient players. Finally, in addition to the story growing stale, the writers would just as easily write themselves into a corner: They would need to constantly keep with the theme of the two factions, greatly reducing their creative freedom, which, unsurprisingly, contributes to the story growing stale.


In the end, the Eternal Alliance allows the writers far more creative freedom while cutting down on development time and allowing them to work under a tighter budget. While this might seem lazy to some, it allows the writers to write themselves out of their corner more easily.


Summing up, I respectfully disagree with you, as I believe that the Eternal Alliance creates a greater degree of possibilities for the writers. While there might be nothing more Star Wars than Sith fighting Jedi, even this might come to be seen as boring and cliché if overused.


PS: This is a matter of personal taste, but I love "Alliance" stories where two warring factions put their differences aside to fight a greater threat.

Edited by RoboticRobin
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There are multiple reasons for one-size-fits-all stories: For starters, the devs operate under budget constraints, they simply do not have the hundreds of millions of dollars they had when they made the base game at their disposal anymore (especially because the game was a huge financial loss at first). Thus, they have to allocate their resources wisely and cannot spend as freely as they could at the beginning of the development process. Second, strict adherence to a two-factions-at-war paradigm (Horde vs. Alliance, Empire vs. Republic, Klingons vs. Federation, Red vs. Blue; you get the idea) can only work for so long. After some time, this type of story can and will grow stale, at which point the writers will face a problem: the player base will cry for something new or, in typical fashion, outright claim that the game is dying. This is when a new threat will have to be introduced, and it is just easier to go with a one-size-fits-all story, as it significantly cuts down development time, which is crucial in sating the appetite of impatient players. Finally, in addition to the story growing stale, the writers would just as easily write themselves into a corner: They would need to constantly keep with the theme of the two factions, greatly reducing their creative freedom, which, unsurprisingly, contributes to the story growing stale.


In the end, the Eternal Alliance allows the writers far more creative freedom while cutting down on development time and allowing them to work under a tighter budget. While this might seem lazy to some, it allows the writers to write themselves out of their corner more easily.


Summing up, I respectfully disagree with you, as I believe that the Eternal Alliance creates a greater degree of possibilities for the writers. While there might be nothing more Star Wars than Sith fighting Jedi, even this might come to be seen as boring and cliché if overused.


PS: This is a matter of personal taste, but I love "Alliance" stories where two warring factions put their differences aside to fight a greater threat.


I agree. I enjoyed the expansions. What I would like to see now is reconstruction with the aid of the Galactic Alliance. I want to see it eventually turn to wiping out organized criminal syndicates like the Exchange, Czerka, the Hutt Cartel etc. This is ultimately futile as those organizations are too entrenched, dug-in, and integrated into the Star Wars mythos and galactic infrastructure to be removed.



Aside form all that, I feel pretty satisfied that my Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer is the Emperor of Zakuul or that my Jedi Knight Sentinel is the head of the Eternal Alliance


Edited by Darth_Krushya
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Yes, the trailer was really promising, the actual game was pretty bad.




The worst decision they made was to make Valkorion the Eternal Emperor. Very bad idea.


Arcaan was just a blustery bad guy yet again. Not very well done. He has no redeeming features, is just roided up all the time.


What would have made this game interesting would be if Zakuul were a genuine third faction which sought to save the galaxy from the Jedi/Sith bickering. The artwork definitely shows an "empire of good" vibe, unlike the Empire of Evil that is the Sith Empire.


The sister with the stones embedded in her head was another incredibly bad choice.


This was not a good game in the least.

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I guess there's not much point in being dissatisfied, not like it is going to change anything lol. I understand your point about creative freedom and Imps vs Pubs all the time would get stale. I'm actually fine with third factions, I would just like to be able to choose to fight them without the aid of the Republic. ROTHC is a good example, there was a greater threat to face but it didn't abandon the dichotomy of Republic vs Empire (but a ROTHC type story should be changed so you could form an alliance if you wanted to). Speaking of stale, the last three expansions have all had the same exact main antagonist behind the scenes (Vitiate).


Plus, if they were always going to make the one size fits all story,

then they shouldn't tease players like me such as in Mandalore's revenge during the conversation with Shae Viszla where you tell her after the Eternal Empire is finished to target the Republic.




I mean that's just cruel. Don't bring my hopes up only to tear me down.

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I understand your point, and in the end I think it's a matter of personal taste. You would like to keep the Imp/Pub dichotomy, while I love Alliance-type stories to death. Also, I agree with our sentiment that the Vitiate storyline was getting stale and dragged out, but now it's over and the writers can concentrate on new stuff. But the three expacs were indeed a long path to his final defeat.




I was also very satisfied with the ending. My Jedi Guardian having become the leader of a powerful organization dedicated to keeping peace and finally killing his nemesis was just awesome.

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Wasn't the number one thing requested during the KOTFE era, the return of our companions? followed by more herocis, operations and flashpoints? Couldn't they have done an expansion they focused on the return of all our previous companions while continuing the Zakuul Arc?




Maybe have a Chapter set with all the force user companions ( Kira, Nadia, Jasse, Ashara ) banding together to do something stupid and we have to go save them before they do it?


Maybe set a mission on one of the five worlds Arcaan bombed ... and have Doc, Temple, Dorna, Criso running a relief mission to said world to help survivors?


Or something on Korriban with Lord Scourge and Valkorian arguing endlessly with one another.

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I honestly don't want my comps back now. Knowing how they butchered our character and didn't recognize their class stories like at all, they will probably have butchered our companions as well. I mean they already made Dark Jaesa leave you for someone else. I literally paid BioWare to turn my character in a cuckold lmao thanks BioWare top tier trolling. 0/10
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Wasn't disappointed as a whole just In some aspects such as I wish kotet was longer than 9 chapters and that kotfe chapter were longer I mean was it just me that finished in in a day also kinda hoping to see more back story and lore maybe the new dlc in a year will be better and breath some new life into the game just my 2 pence worth
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TBH, after KotFE ending I went into KotET expecting a complete mess, but I was pleasantly surprised. For my LS Warrior the whole thing was actually pretty acceptable when it goes to class fantasy and the story was wrapped up decently. All major plotlines were resolved and the result, while forcing another arbitrary, binary choice, was quite satisfactory to me.


For me it's absolutely clear that this is the end of the story, there's no point in continuing it now. Everyone can answer in their imagination what happened next and how their characters used their power, how they handled challenges from the Republic and the Empire. The only thing Bioware could do is adding some minor supplements and reuniting us with some of our remaining companions. Some small challenges and recruiting more people to our New Galactic Empire/Our Glorified Charity Initiative could still be fun as means of saying farewell to this game. But trying to conceive a serious continuation from this point would be absurd.

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You know what else stunk about this expack? No interactions with other players. You just pass by them at best. Can't even engage them or do group quests with them.


It was such a big fat mistake to make the eternal emperor valkorion. That makes the game so uninteresting. It's just more of kill the evil wizard. Valkorion doesn't even make a good argument for his side...so bad.

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I honestly don't want my comps back now. Knowing how they butchered our character and didn't recognize their class stories like at all, they will probably have butchered our companions as well. I mean they already made Dark Jaesa leave you for someone else. I literally paid BioWare to turn my character in a cuckold lmao thanks BioWare top tier trolling. 0/10


A lot of them I really don't care about getting back. My warrior couldn't have cared less about getting Pierce and Broonmark back, I mean who cares about them? It was nice getting Vette back but she only seems to remember me about half the time. So yes it feels like our relationship has been butchered.


My question is why did they waste so much time on companions like Pierce and Broonmark? Imagine a chapter on Quinn - he's a love him or hate him character. Everyone who's ever played a sw has a strong opinion about him, and a chapter featuring him would have been memorable, to say the least.


We may or may not ever get that reunion and what bothers me the most is not knowing. Why is everything in this game so secretive?

Edited by grania
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I was disappointed with kotfe. I liked the first 9 chapters then the monthly chapters I felt dragged out the story. then I hated how you beat arcann. I though really a shield lame. then somehow in the latest story were so powerful. but I really like kotet a lot better. nice job on the story. looking forward to more stuff either expansions or next big bad etc... Edited by sithgreyguard
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Yes, Fallen Empire was so bad because Arcann was so one-dimensional. But his redemption in Eternal Throne made it much more interesting.


Meh, I can live with this being the end of all storylines in this game. What they really ought to do is pull some alternate universe stuff so we can get away from the movies.

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I'm going to hate when more companions return. it's going to be filler episodes, and I despise filler.


Will say this though: i was annoyed that Lord Scourge and Kira were not in the expansions. They are the only two old companions that should have been in these.

Edited by cool-dude
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Well I'd really like to get them all back eventually, somehow, filler or no. Even if they aren't my personal favorites - they could be someone else's. The only plus about them not showing up in these two expansions is that at least no one is killing them off.
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I enjoyed the story overall, but the class companions that were left not making their return was a huge letdown for me personally.

If the writers are going to go for a one-story fits all route they need to at least make up for it by adding some diversity among the classes and the companions play an important role in that.

I mean look at the consular, inquisitor, and smuggler. None of these 3 classes had any of their past companions appear in the main story. I'm not even going to count those alliance alerts as those were just low budget filler that didn't even contribute to 5% of the main story. Only thing that was good from those alerts was that you could kill off or cut ties with some of those companions your character didn't like.

It's been almost 6 yrs I believe by the end of KOTET since you were separated from them and though I'm sure some like DS Jaesa have probably given up on your character to do their own thing, I highly doubt all the remaining characters especially characters that you might've romanced like Ashara, Nadia, Theran Cedrax, Mako ect. have not at least heard about you being alive. I also doubt that Theron's contacts have yet to locate any of these companions in the 6 month period after KOTFE as he said in KOTFE that he's still searching for them.

As much as I was not a fan of the monthly chapter thing they did with KOTFE, I think releasing a standalone chapter a month that will give you the chance to reunite with more of your old crew like a Companion Chapter or something would be a neat way of bringing them back, giving them spotlight time, more development they deserve, and tying them into the main story and whatever the next big expansion may be.

Edited by EtherealSlasher
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I was let down by Vitiate/Valkorian just wanting a new host. I thought he would have a bigger plan than to just make me a new host for him. I was actually hoping to find out that our character was Vitiate, only a completely separate and independent part of himself that went off to " live another life" at some point in the Emperor's past, and it isn't until after Ziost, that Vitiate realizes it and makes new plans.
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