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Everything posted by EtherealSlasher

  1. Just wanted to give three suggestions I think would improve on this game and motivate people to subscribe and purchase stuff from the cartel market more. 1. Update textures and fixes to armor and other appearance options. We've seen from these recent armor sets that textures can look great and especially for armor sets that are years old whether they are sets you can get from the cartel market or otherwise can most definitely be improved. Some can argue that modifying these armors that people spent real money in order to obtain is not a good idea, but I'm talking about updated resolution. No adding extra shoulder pads or taking them away or any of that. This is worthwhile because people might for the first time buy the armor instead of comparing it to the newer stuff and going "ew." Another thing is that we have cases such as with the male hairstyle "Undercut" that has a glaring clipping issue in the back of the head that has for years been reported and never fixed. Considering it is from the cartel market it should at least be fixed. 2. More content. This can't be said enough. Whether releasing monthly flashpoints or something else, many need a reason aside from the monthly sub rewards and the few sub benefits given to be motivated enough to spend $15 a month on this game. I don't think it's too much to ask from a AAA game developer with EA as their overlords for their Star Wars MMO is it? You can forget about that random mount or new companion with a 1 min conversation introducing themselves and having nothing to do with the rest of the game after. Give us something to do besides repeating old content. 3. Old characters deserve attention too. Give them that attention. It is wasted potential. I'm not talking about mails. They are not good enough and the fact that I'm seeing that some have set the bar low so much that they are proposing to at least send random mail every big update shows how disappointing things have gotten. Am I asking for 24 hours worth of content for each and every companion every update? Absolutely not. Go on a rotation much like how these companion alerts were done and give maybe 4 companions at a time some actual content. But how about this, assuming the companion is alive we'll get actual conversations and side missions that would happen after completing the big mission (maybe even include them in the flashpoints and such like Raina and be able to make a few "cherry on top" choices like telling our love interests or whoever our decision to ally with the republic or empire and get their thoughts on my choice. This saboteur role I'm sure will be touched on in the future, but allow me me to let my most trusted people in on the secret that I am a double agent. It does not have to affect the overall story. Of course some can't be trusted so leave this choice out or better yet have the fact you told Jorgan you're betraying the Republic or tell Kaliyo you're a double agent thinking they won't sell/give that info to anyone and the secret "accidentally" gets leaked and affects future content in that way. This would bring some of the minor companions like Ashara, Guss, Akaavi, Talos, T7, etc. a chance to be given the spotlight, be somewhat relevant even if it doesn't really affect the overarching story, and allow for more development/fleshing out for their character. Even better don't separate the content per companion and have companions like Vette and Risha interact with each other if they are still alive and a part of our friendship/ally circle. Actual mini side missions like what we had with Guss and Talos would be nice. But what if the companions are dead? Too bad you killed them so you can't talk to them unless Bioware pulls a Darth Marr or Leliana (from Dragon Age) on us. Ideally it would be best to incorporate them into the main story. If they are dead in this case Bioware can do like they did for Urdnot Wrex (from Mass Effect) and replace them with a substitute. Just because they died in someone's playthrough doesn't mean that person will kill them off every time and I don't know anyone who has only played just one character who is still playing this game and is not new. Giving attention to potentially dead companions/characters is not a waste imo. A slight rant but I hope my points have been made well. This game is overall enjoyable for me and I think it can improve in many ways. It really does feel like a minimalist approach has been taken on this game where those managing the distribution of resources for this game doesn't think more needs to be given and maybe it does not and they are raking in lots of money, but it seems the majority of those resources are promoting the cartel market, making less personalized and more streamlined content, and cutting corners as much as possible which for a game that started out with a great base such as having 8 distinct class stories with different ways to roleplay the protagonist and lots of planets to explore is disappointing. I do think recently things have improved a bit in terms of looking at feedback and such and it is why I think this game can be better and focus on satisfying the customer more by improving the quality rather than this milking tactic that seems to be used. Hope my suggestions give some food for thought for the team. Thanks for what you have done so far. I have enjoyed much in this game that I have not enjoyed in other MMOs. Been around since May 2016 I'm still coming back and playing it.
  2. You misunderstand, I was asking why do certain types of people in the game support the Empire not why players play for the Empire. Most of my playtime is on the Empire's side and I typically find the 4 Empire classes much more interesting, but whenever I try to play a "good" character it just doesn't make sense why individuals who value equal respect for others or genuine unity support the Empire. There are many intelligent and level headed characters that are proud to fight for the Empire and supporting the notion that the Sith are superior to everyone else. My LS Inquisitor until KOTFE when he became the leader of his own faction and saw that he could do much more good if he cut ties with the Imps and Sith and just did his own thing with the Alliance was for the Empire despite the fact that he was a slave within it and was forced to go through the sith trials on Korriban and experience betrayals and senseless violence wherever he went. The only path good Inquisitors have is attempting to reform the Empire, but the core ideals of the Empire and the Sith will not change no matter how hard he tries to tell them "this is not necessary" or "there are other ways to do this." Eventually my good Empire class characters always conflict with what the typical Imperial/Sith pushes you to do and think whereas with the republic's general culture which is to bring each other up and not cause needless violence when there are clearly other ways to solve certain issues, my Imp characters find they are treated much better compared to the treatment of their own Imperial allies. Of course the jedi certainly have their shortcomings as do the republic. Many jedi hop on the sith hate train where the instant they see a sith they automatically assume they are purely evil and the pubs with their disorder and corruption, but you can't really blame the jedi for assuming due to the typical sith being power hungry anything to get what I want sort of people and no society will ever be absent of corrupt officials, but the moment their corruption is made public the republic will be imprison or execute the the official depending on the severity of their crimes whereas the sith and some Imperial officers are openly corrupt and brutal, but the Empire disregards them so long as they are powerful. What I am saying is that it just seems nonsensical unless most of the imperials are brainwashed/conditioned into being unsympathetic towards the non imperial, blindly following authority no matter what most of the time, and taking extreme methods for the sake of being extreme to rp a character who thinks they are truly doing the right thing in supporting the Imps to take down the pubs. And if it's true that the Empire has not had much outside influence for a long period of time I suppose it would make sense that people within the Empire just naturally accepting the Empire as the faction in the right. To summarize, there are a lot of good people in the Empire but the Empire in general does not even try and justify its methods (slavery, execution on failure/displays of weakness, prejudice towards all things not Imperial, etc.) and I just find it really strange for those people to be like "For the Empire!" despite this. Edit: post above me described what I was trying to say. Ty for simplifying things
  3. One thing I have always wondered since playing this game is why do so many support the Empire? When playing through all 8 class stories as well as all the story content afterwards, I have a hard time seeing why so many people with different principles serve the Empire and even allowing the Sith to rule the empire. You encounter people with principles that serve the empire to help people, but it openly endorses slavery and will not bat an eye to executing someone just for speaking out against it. You also have people who are so loyal that they would kill/imprison their own family members for the sake of their duty towards the empire. I just don't understand why a person with a good morality and respect for others would assist the empire. Then you have the Sith order where most do not even care about the people of the Empire itself and often intimidates even the most high ranking and loyal individuals and people for some reason serve them despite their selfish and violent tendencies. Now I know the Republic is not perfect, in fact, there are lots of things in the game that shows there are some corrupt individuals that take advantage of the people, but as a whole they support independence, equality, and respect towards those who are loyal to it. I get that people would support the empire if they feel like the Sith are superior beings when compared to everyone else, but I'm sure all the moffs could easily gather the military that many sith treat like trash and make the empire a more respectable faction by booting them out or at least intimidate them into giving up their authority and find power elsewhere or just become a connection like the jedi are to the republic.
  4. +1 to Jadus, an intelligent Sith with no family drama would be a nice change. I also do not expect him and Empress Acina to get along so I can see both the Imps and Pubs going after him in their own way and leaving the PC to decide which side to support.
  5. When it comes to class companions it's a pretty small list: Skadge, Broonmark, Xalek, Quinn, Pierce, and Vector For my LS inquisitor I personally want a chance at killing/imprisoning the whichever version of Khem remains as it didn't make sense to keep or let him or Khem Zash go free. I wouldn't ditch most characters though I could have done with a lot less Lana. She felt forcefully glued to my character ever since the first meeting with her. I get that she plays a big role in KOTFE and KOTET but honestly at this point I'm hoping that we can minimize her presence if not have some sort of Lana vs. Theron decision where we have to kill or anger one of them so much that they leave believing that there is no point in staying now that the main threat is gone (and hopefully Koth will go with Lana as well).
  6. I enjoyed the story overall, but the class companions that were left not making their return was a huge letdown for me personally. If the writers are going to go for a one-story fits all route they need to at least make up for it by adding some diversity among the classes and the companions play an important role in that. I mean look at the consular, inquisitor, and smuggler. None of these 3 classes had any of their past companions appear in the main story. I'm not even going to count those alliance alerts as those were just low budget filler that didn't even contribute to 5% of the main story. Only thing that was good from those alerts was that you could kill off or cut ties with some of those companions your character didn't like. It's been almost 6 yrs I believe by the end of KOTET since you were separated from them and though I'm sure some like DS Jaesa have probably given up on your character to do their own thing, I highly doubt all the remaining characters especially characters that you might've romanced like Ashara, Nadia, Theran Cedrax, Mako ect. have not at least heard about you being alive. I also doubt that Theron's contacts have yet to locate any of these companions in the 6 month period after KOTFE as he said in KOTFE that he's still searching for them. As much as I was not a fan of the monthly chapter thing they did with KOTFE, I think releasing a standalone chapter a month that will give you the chance to reunite with more of your old crew like a Companion Chapter or something would be a neat way of bringing them back, giving them spotlight time, more development they deserve, and tying them into the main story and whatever the next big expansion may be.
  7. Thank you both so much. I feel really stupid now. Every time after I create a character I use the sprint ability and take it off my quick bar so I never accidentally deactivate it which is why I never really thought about it, but it seems that it got turned off somehow. What I don't get though is why Customer Service never even thought to mention it, I guess they just send automated messages to people they do not care to help. Well, back to the game, thanks guys.
  8. Not sure if this is the right place to post as this is the first play through-long problem I have experienced. One of my characters (A Sith warrior) is suffering a problem where in "Run Mode" his movement speed is decreased. When I draw my weapon or activate an ability that increases movement speed, my character moves accordingly, but when I am just exploring with my weapon sheathed he moves slower than usual. I have went on my other characters and they do not suffer this issue. The last time I remember running normally was on Illum before the Admiral Shai boss. It was only until after the conversation with this boss that I noticed that I was moving slower than usual. To elaborate on my movement speed, my character is doing a slow relaxing jog. It's not the worst problem, but it makes my character feel weighed down and messes with my pacing in the game. I'm currently on Rishi doing the Shadow of Revan content and it still continues no matter what I do. I sent a ticket in and my response from customer service included "check to see if your graphics drivers were up to date." Now I may not be a game developer, but I greatly doubt my graphics drivers have anything to do with my character's movement speed. I hope that a player will give me more acceptable solution that may help or that someone in the team gives a more helpful response. Since I am currently a paid sub, I honestly expected a bit more thought and consideration be had to my request. Thanks for taking the time to read and hope none of you gets this annoying problem. I have submitted another ticket and if an appropriate fix is made I will update this post with the solution so anyone else having this issue will know how to solve it. Solution: Sprint ability got deactivated somehow even though I took it off my quick bar. Anyone who has this issue check first and foremost if Sprint is activated whether or not you never clicked on it after activating it.
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