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Disappointed with KOTET/KOTFE storyline, anyone else feel that way? (Spoilers)


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It should be noted, spoilers for class stories and expac stories here. It should also be noted that I am aware I have too much time on my hands, lol.


So I played through KotFE and KotET, and I have to say I am more than a little disappointed. Let me preface this by saying I typically play dark sided and Imperial, and those characters are the ones I felt disappointed on. Here are some of the reasons why I felt the story was lacking:



1. Very little difference in the story based on class. In fact, as far as I can remember, the only differences are in dialogue (Warrior acknowledged a few times as once being the Emperor's Wrath, Inquisitor's ghosts occasionally referred to, etc). This upset me the most, because the characters are very different and deserve different stories. Forming an Alliance or some sort of army to take on Zakuul makes sense for the Warrior, who has lead armies before (such as on Taris) to take on big targets (the war trust).

The Inquisitor should have been focused on discovering artifacts and rituals to become more powerful in order to take the Eternal Throne. This would have been a cool tie in with the Inquisitor's class story that would have allowed you to also really explore some of the mysticism and lore of Zakuul. Ultimately, the dark side inquisitor is power hungry and insatiable. In KOTFE/KOTET, we are hunting down the former Sith Emperor, who has mastered a ritual that grants immortality. Obviously a power hungry Sith sorcerer is no doubt intrigued by this and wants to learn it. The finale of the Inquisitor story of KOTET could have been about choosing whether or not to master this ritual and use it. It goes without saying we should have been able to do some force-walking, I mean look at all the powerful spirits you could have bound as a darksider (Vaylin, Arcann, Senya, Valkorion namely). I kept my ghosts bound in the class story, but regardless of that decision it is treated as if you had let them go. (Also, RIP Khem Val)


2. Big choices didn't make big differences. I should preface this by saying I am aware of all the companions that can be killed. What I am referring to as 'big choices' are choices central to the story arc. Whether or not you kill Koth has no effect on the end result of KOTET(taking the throne). Some of the big choices I was disappointed by were:


a. Accepting Valkorion's power in Chapter 1 of KOTFE. Firstly, Valkorion should have dismissed Arcann from the room. Lets be honest, Valkorion is the most powerful being in the galaxy at this point. He has lead, manipulated, and devoured multiple civilizations. If he couldn't read what was going on in Arcann's mind, or even reason that he would be vulnerable while transferring power to you, he'd have to be really inept. Ultimately, the decision to take his power should have lead to a different story where you are trained as a Knight of Zakuul or a Scion. Of course, Valkorion would still only be training you to become powerful so he could take over your body, but it would have been so much better. You would have gotten a first hand look at the inner workings of the Zakuulan culture as well as a fresh perspective on different ways to learn the Force. It could have revolved around a rivalry between you and Arcann for the throne, with its own levels of betrayal and possible redemption.


b: This wasn't a choice in KOTFE/KOTET, but I wish it had been: choosing whether or not to ally with the Republic/Sith Empire in your fight. Most of the Imperials I play are loyal to the Sith Empire. I had hoped that we would have a choice not to work with the Republic (maybe form a rogue Imperial faction instead, or you leading the New Sith Empire instead of Acina). Of course, this would result in consequences such as: taking much longer to achieve victory, more battles needing to be fought, betrayals and death of loved ones and lots of other difficult sacrifices to make. Now, I would have been fine with having no choice but to work alongside the other faction as long as we had an option at the end to betray them/return to our old factions. This choice was also missing. This is a fictional universe to begin with, why make it so that there is only one objectively viable path to power?


3 The Eternal Alliance. Lol. That doesn't even make sense. Eternal means without beginning or end. Alliance means a state of being joined. If something is in a state of being joined with something else, it means that 'something' was in a state of independence beforehand; meaning it has a beginning (which it does in the story anyway--the alliance doesn't exist really until SOR if you want to make that stretch), so it can't be eternal. Not only is the name boring and uncool (my opinion), it doesn't even make sense and is contradictory by definition (fact). So it's not really an Empire, you don't even get to call it an Empire (even if dark side), it is an alliance, but I am also Galactic Emperor with two other powerful factions existing in the same galaxy. Wat. At least you could forgive the Eternal Empire for being a contradictory name because its cool(my opinion), and extremely old (the eternal fleet is older than the Republic). The alliance is only a few years old.


I enjoyed being able to kill off some major players, but there's really not enough difference to make me want to wade through all the skytroopers again. It's also not worth seeing my character getting thrown around like a rag doll by all the main characters 1000 times (I really hated that if you couldn't tell). Not to mention the lackluster ending that gave you a feel you are going to be losing all of the power you just acquired.


Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe my expectations for the story are too demanding or unrealistic. Maybe I'm disappointed by this expansion for the wrong reasons entirely, or I shouldn't be disappointed at all. I just felt like the story was rushed, the plot neglected so many good opportunities(ghost binding, immortality ritual and all of that good stuff), and some things were just downright contradictory to the point of it just being silly (lets not forget the whole 'destiny' contradiction in KOTFE).


What does everyone else think about the KOTFE/KOTET story?


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I will agree on the idea of not liking my force users being thrown around. You'd think they'd be a bit better than that. You know, being the best of the last few generations.


I still don't feel the story fit non force users.


The big wait for KotET was for the return of companions that they promised we'd get back in KotET, but they decided to go back on that.


Last scene wasn't us with a LI or anyone.


Personally didn't care for the Walker parts of the story, they moved to slow :p

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Personally , I can ''Tolerate'' their exuse that the Vitiate family are monsters when it come to the force . (I still hate being thrown around) .


But what I found lame , is how dueling with lightsaber.....make us look like we never used one . And holding it like it is a baseball Bat ! *facepalm*...really ? lol


Accepting Valkorion's power in Chapter

That's pretty much my biggest annoyance . We never get real powers . We get small powers for cutscene and a fight . Vision in the dark Hinted to growing beyond dark and Light and we get a simple weapon with Buffs !


No new powers . Nothing . We fight Arcann shoving a shield in his face . And by the end of Kotet , we are still with the same old same old......


I think BW like the mobs but doesn't like the players . They took some of our abilities and gave them to the ennemy lol and we still have nothing to show off for all that preaching about being a chosen one and all . Lame Lame Lame...

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It should be noted, spoilers for class stories and expac stories here. It should also be noted that I am aware I have too much time on my hands, lol.


So I played through KotFE and KotET, and I have to say I am more than a little disappointed. Let me preface this by saying I typically play dark sided and Imperial, and those characters are the ones I felt disappointed on. Here are some of the reasons why I felt the story was lacking:



1. Very little difference in the story based on class. In fact, as far as I can remember, the only differences are in dialogue (Warrior acknowledged a few times as once being the Emperor's Wrath, Inquisitor's ghosts occasionally referred to, etc). This upset me the most, because the characters are very different and deserve different stories. Forming an Alliance or some sort of army to take on Zakuul makes sense for the Warrior, who has lead armies before (such as on Taris) to take on big targets (the war trust).

The Inquisitor should have been focused on discovering artifacts and rituals to become more powerful in order to take the Eternal Throne. This would have been a cool tie in with the Inquisitor's class story that would have allowed you to also really explore some of the mysticism and lore of Zakuul. Ultimately, the dark side inquisitor is power hungry and insatiable. In KOTFE/KOTET, we are hunting down the former Sith Emperor, who has mastered a ritual that grants immortality. Obviously a power hungry Sith sorcerer is no doubt intrigued by this and wants to learn it. The finale of the Inquisitor story of KOTET could have been about choosing whether or not to master this ritual and use it. It goes without saying we should have been able to do some force-walking, I mean look at all the powerful spirits you could have bound as a darksider (Vaylin, Arcann, Senya, Valkorion namely). I kept my ghosts bound in the class story, but regardless of that decision it is treated as if you had let them go. (Also, RIP Khem Val)


2. Big choices didn't make big differences. I should preface this by saying I am aware of all the companions that can be killed. What I am referring to as 'big choices' are choices central to the story arc. Whether or not you kill Koth has no effect on the end result of KOTET(taking the throne). Some of the big choices I was disappointed by were:


a. Accepting Valkorion's power in Chapter 1 of KOTFE. Firstly, Valkorion should have dismissed Arcann from the room. Lets be honest, Valkorion is the most powerful being in the galaxy at this point. He has lead, manipulated, and devoured multiple civilizations. If he couldn't read what was going on in Arcann's mind, or even reason that he would be vulnerable while transferring power to you, he'd have to be really inept. Ultimately, the decision to take his power should have lead to a different story where you are trained as a Knight of Zakuul or a Scion. Of course, Valkorion would still only be training you to become powerful so he could take over your body, but it would have been so much better. You would have gotten a first hand look at the inner workings of the Zakuulan culture as well as a fresh perspective on different ways to learn the Force. It could have revolved around a rivalry between you and Arcann for the throne, with its own levels of betrayal and possible redemption.


b: This wasn't a choice in KOTFE/KOTET, but I wish it had been: choosing whether or not to ally with the Republic/Sith Empire in your fight. Most of the Imperials I play are loyal to the Sith Empire. I had hoped that we would have a choice not to work with the Republic (maybe form a rogue Imperial faction instead, or you leading the New Sith Empire instead of Acina). Of course, this would result in consequences such as: taking much longer to achieve victory, more battles needing to be fought, betrayals and death of loved ones and lots of other difficult sacrifices to make. Now, I would have been fine with having no choice but to work alongside the other faction as long as we had an option at the end to betray them/return to our old factions. This choice was also missing. This is a fictional universe to begin with, why make it so that there is only one objectively viable path to power?


3 The Eternal Alliance. Lol. That doesn't even make sense. Eternal means without beginning or end. Alliance means a state of being joined. If something is in a state of being joined with something else, it means that 'something' was in a state of independence beforehand; meaning it has a beginning (which it does in the story anyway--the alliance doesn't exist really until SOR if you want to make that stretch), so it can't be eternal. Not only is the name boring and uncool (my opinion), it doesn't even make sense and is contradictory by definition (fact). So it's not really an Empire, you don't even get to call it an Empire (even if dark side), it is an alliance, but I am also Galactic Emperor with two other powerful factions existing in the same galaxy. Wat. At least you could forgive the Eternal Empire for being a contradictory name because its cool(my opinion), and extremely old (the eternal fleet is older than the Republic). The alliance is only a few years old.


I enjoyed being able to kill off some major players, but there's really not enough difference to make me want to wade through all the skytroopers again. It's also not worth seeing my character getting thrown around like a rag doll by all the main characters 1000 times (I really hated that if you couldn't tell). Not to mention the lackluster ending that gave you a feel you are going to be losing all of the power you just acquired.


Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe my expectations for the story are too demanding or unrealistic. Maybe I'm disappointed by this expansion for the wrong reasons entirely, or I shouldn't be disappointed at all. I just felt like the story was rushed, the plot neglected so many good opportunities(ghost binding, immortality ritual and all of that good stuff), and some things were just downright contradictory to the point of it just being silly (lets not forget the whole 'destiny' contradiction in KOTFE).


What does everyone else think about the KOTFE/KOTET story?

I wish the Sith empire could have overthrown the Eternal Empire. Then you could have to choice of becoming emperor of the sith empire...:)
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I´m not neccesarily dissapointed, but I feel the story writers have written themselves in a corner right now. We all know this ´´Eternal Alliance´´ is something that cannot stay. I assume the Alliance will have to allign themselves with either Republic or Empire, depending on what faction you are playing for. Or another possibility would be to fight against both factions. Still, I think there´s no way the story can be continued without it being dissapointing, meaning ´´So much for becoming Emperor´´ or ´´So much for keeping galactic harmony´´
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The Story from these 2 expansions are epic. IF your a Force user. A none force user it doesn't feel right. I will say only reason why it works for my bounty hunter is mainly because of the Back story on her. Which is: a daughter of a Jedi mother & a sith Father. It was a forbidden love between her parents. So she struggles between the light and Dark but once she was blown out of the skies of Balmora and her and most of her crew was put back together with cybernetics, she is half machine now and with that comes bitter anger & hatred Towards her once beloved Republic because it was their friendly fire that brought her down & she struggles no more, she slips to the Dark Side fast and hard. Once and for all.


She has learned a few force powers over the years. So for me and that story that i concocted in my head, KOTFE & KOTET story lines works for her. If any thing it brought the force hidden deep with in her out of her, that was actually being force suppressed.


But my Agent and my Gunslinger and Trooper, Um Not so much....

Edited by Sith-Viscera
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I feel the story writers have written themselves in a corner right now.


This is my thought as well. They really created too expansive a story concept to really make it consistent/enjoyable for everyone. A third, powerful faction with its own history and philosophy, multiple antagonists and protagonists, and all of them have to tie in with your character somehow despite characters being radically different from each other. In my opinion I would have liked it way more if they had decided to just make more class stories completely unrelated to each other for the expansions, such as:



-Warrior delves deeper into working for the Emperor and or Empire (or if you're lightsided working with ls Jaesa to change the Empire to the light), maybe joining the Dark Council or becoming a general. It could focus on changing the Sith to stop infighting or something.

-Inquisitor gets to do more as head of the sphere of ancient knowledge, learning more powerful rituals (BTW what the hell happened to your search for more of those alien devices that increased your lifespan? I was darkside and dedicated research to it then we never heard about it ever again.)

-Bounty hunter becomes Mandalore the "______" (title could depend on darkside/lightside/gray)



etc, etc. The more I think about it the sadder I become that it didn't happen lol.

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As an Inquisitor, even though I tried to get rid of my force ghosts, I know at least one of them (maybe 2?) stuck around anyway. Which makes it really weird that there's not a hint of them in all those scenes in my head or fighting force spirits. No acknowledgement that they're still there at all.
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This is my thought as well. They really created too expansive a story concept to really make it consistent/enjoyable for everyone. A third, powerful faction with its own history and philosophy, multiple antagonists and protagonists, and all of them have to tie in with your character somehow despite characters being radically different from each other. In my opinion I would have liked it way more if they had decided to just make more class stories completely unrelated to each other for the expansions, such as:



-Warrior delves deeper into working for the Emperor and or Empire (or if you're lightsided working with ls Jaesa to change the Empire to the light), maybe joining the Dark Council or becoming a general. It could focus on changing the Sith to stop infighting or something.

-Inquisitor gets to do more as head of the sphere of ancient knowledge, learning more powerful rituals (BTW what the hell happened to your search for more of those alien devices that increased your lifespan? I was darkside and dedicated research to it then we never heard about it ever again.)

-Bounty hunter becomes Mandalore the "______" (title could depend on darkside/lightside/gray)



etc, etc. The more I think about it the sadder I become that it didn't happen lol.


I had kinda said the same thing back in the beginning of KOTFE after the first few chapters.

You did say it better though. :D

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As an Inquisitor, even though I tried to get rid of my force ghosts, I know at least one of them (maybe 2?) stuck around anyway. Which makes it really weird that there's not a hint of them in all those scenes in my head or fighting force spirits. No acknowledgement that they're still there at all.


I too play an Inquisitor as well as an Assassin, so i know what your saying. But in the Supernatural world a entity can posses your body and either take it over. Where your mind is not your own. Or your mind & body is strong enough to suppress the entities mind and absorb its essence, making it, Your own. Now in this case a Spirit of a Force user, you eventually absorbed its powers as well. Now you have all the power it did plus your own and you have nothing of its mind controlling you.


As Valkorion would of surly done to you if you left him roaming around your head and body long enough. And there would of been nothing left of you, but your powers now he has possession of & added to his.


So any way buy the time KOTFE ever happened those Spirits that was roaming within you. You already absorbed them long ago. So no signs of them would be left now by the time ole Valkie got in your head.

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It should be noted, spoilers for class stories and expac stories here. It should also be noted that I am aware I have too much time on my hands, lol.


So I played through KotFE and KotET, and I have to say I am more than a little disappointed. Let me preface this by saying I typically play dark sided and Imperial, and those characters are the ones I felt disappointed on. Here are some of the reasons why I felt the story was lacking:



1. Very little difference in the story based on class. In fact, as far as I can remember, the only differences are in dialogue (Warrior acknowledged a few times as once being the Emperor's Wrath, Inquisitor's ghosts occasionally referred to, etc). This upset me the most, because the characters are very different and deserve different stories. Forming an Alliance or some sort of army to take on Zakuul makes sense for the Warrior, who has lead armies before (such as on Taris) to take on big targets (the war trust).

The Inquisitor should have been focused on discovering artifacts and rituals to become more powerful in order to take the Eternal Throne. This would have been a cool tie in with the Inquisitor's class story that would have allowed you to also really explore some of the mysticism and lore of Zakuul. Ultimately, the dark side inquisitor is power hungry and insatiable. In KOTFE/KOTET, we are hunting down the former Sith Emperor, who has mastered a ritual that grants immortality. Obviously a power hungry Sith sorcerer is no doubt intrigued by this and wants to learn it. The finale of the Inquisitor story of KOTET could have been about choosing whether or not to master this ritual and use it. It goes without saying we should have been able to do some force-walking, I mean look at all the powerful spirits you could have bound as a darksider (Vaylin, Arcann, Senya, Valkorion namely). I kept my ghosts bound in the class story, but regardless of that decision it is treated as if you had let them go. (Also, RIP Khem Val)


2. Big choices didn't make big differences. I should preface this by saying I am aware of all the companions that can be killed. What I am referring to as 'big choices' are choices central to the story arc. Whether or not you kill Koth has no effect on the end result of KOTET(taking the throne). Some of the big choices I was disappointed by were:


a. Accepting Valkorion's power in Chapter 1 of KOTFE. Firstly, Valkorion should have dismissed Arcann from the room. Lets be honest, Valkorion is the most powerful being in the galaxy at this point. He has lead, manipulated, and devoured multiple civilizations. If he couldn't read what was going on in Arcann's mind, or even reason that he would be vulnerable while transferring power to you, he'd have to be really inept. Ultimately, the decision to take his power should have lead to a different story where you are trained as a Knight of Zakuul or a Scion. Of course, Valkorion would still only be training you to become powerful so he could take over your body, but it would have been so much better. You would have gotten a first hand look at the inner workings of the Zakuulan culture as well as a fresh perspective on different ways to learn the Force. It could have revolved around a rivalry between you and Arcann for the throne, with its own levels of betrayal and possible redemption.


b: This wasn't a choice in KOTFE/KOTET, but I wish it had been: choosing whether or not to ally with the Republic/Sith Empire in your fight. Most of the Imperials I play are loyal to the Sith Empire. I had hoped that we would have a choice not to work with the Republic (maybe form a rogue Imperial faction instead, or you leading the New Sith Empire instead of Acina). Of course, this would result in consequences such as: taking much longer to achieve victory, more battles needing to be fought, betrayals and death of loved ones and lots of other difficult sacrifices to make. Now, I would have been fine with having no choice but to work alongside the other faction as long as we had an option at the end to betray them/return to our old factions. This choice was also missing. This is a fictional universe to begin with, why make it so that there is only one objectively viable path to power?


3 The Eternal Alliance. Lol. That doesn't even make sense. Eternal means without beginning or end. Alliance means a state of being joined. If something is in a state of being joined with something else, it means that 'something' was in a state of independence beforehand; meaning it has a beginning (which it does in the story anyway--the alliance doesn't exist really until SOR if you want to make that stretch), so it can't be eternal. Not only is the name boring and uncool (my opinion), it doesn't even make sense and is contradictory by definition (fact). So it's not really an Empire, you don't even get to call it an Empire (even if dark side), it is an alliance, but I am also Galactic Emperor with two other powerful factions existing in the same galaxy. Wat. At least you could forgive the Eternal Empire for being a contradictory name because its cool(my opinion), and extremely old (the eternal fleet is older than the Republic). The alliance is only a few years old.


I enjoyed being able to kill off some major players, but there's really not enough difference to make me want to wade through all the skytroopers again. It's also not worth seeing my character getting thrown around like a rag doll by all the main characters 1000 times (I really hated that if you couldn't tell). Not to mention the lackluster ending that gave you a feel you are going to be losing all of the power you just acquired.


Maybe I am being too harsh, maybe my expectations for the story are too demanding or unrealistic. Maybe I'm disappointed by this expansion for the wrong reasons entirely, or I shouldn't be disappointed at all. I just felt like the story was rushed, the plot neglected so many good opportunities(ghost binding, immortality ritual and all of that good stuff), and some things were just downright contradictory to the point of it just being silly (lets not forget the whole 'destiny' contradiction in KOTFE).


What does everyone else think about the KOTFE/KOTET story?


My sorcerer like the idea of having her own empire, and not the sith empire. She has personal reasons why she dislikes the Sith empire. I have very few that are loyal to the Empire due to some things they went through. I can count my warrior being loyal to the sith empire, they rest no.

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My sorcerer like the idea of having her own empire, and not the sith empire. She has personal reasons why she dislikes the Sith empire. I have very few that are loyal to the Empire due to some things they went through. I can count my warrior being loyal to the sith empire, they rest no.


Inquisitor was a slave? Agent was not only screwed over (and threatened to be killed) by their own government just for doing their job and saving the Empire while at it? Hunter because it just doesn't make sense for them to be loyal to the Empire?


Am I close? :)

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Inquisitor was a slave? Agent was not only screwed over (and threatened to be killed) by their own government just for doing their job and saving the Empire while at it? Hunter because it just doesn't make sense for them to be loyal to the Empire?


Am I close? :)


Hehe. (partly right for the most part. In addition, before my friends and I started playing the game, and found out the inquisitor was a slave, the roleplay we had done actually had my sorcerer against the empire for something in her past so she never trusted the empire and when this story came out this time and it gave the option for her to be empress it fit perfectly into the roleplay story and the funny part is my friends and I never expected that lol.


The bounty hunter honestly never made sense to be loyal to the Empire. They will work with them but why would they be loyal to the empire.


My agent didn't forget what the Empire did to her and so to her they did not deserve her loyalty after that.

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I´m not neccesarily dissapointed, but I feel the story writers have written themselves in a corner right now. We all know this ´´Eternal Alliance´´ is something that cannot stay. I assume the Alliance will have to allign themselves with either Republic or Empire, depending on what faction you are playing for. Or another possibility would be to fight against both factions. Still, I think there´s no way the story can be continued without it being dissapointing, meaning ´´So much for becoming Emperor´´ or ´´So much for keeping galactic harmony´´


Have they really? This is Legends after all. I mean, canon (now) says the first Jedi temple was on Ahch-to, not Tython (or even Ossus). Unless they decide to go another with another renaming gimmick like Korriban/Moraband.


In fact, I think they are going down this route precisely because they have more literary license.

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Just the same as the topic starter, but as a Light-side Inq I was disappointed even more. And the way the game ignores everything that I lived through in my class story (especially jarring as an Inq LS) was horribly.

Just to quote myself:

Play Inq in the KotFE/KotET only if you're ok with all your backstory, romance included, being lost, your past never addressed, your deeds forgotten. The most sense it made for two sides' protagonists - the Knight and the (male) Agent respectively. They deal with either their story or their past associates. I can recognise some points valid for Hunter and there are some callbacks for Counselor, but the Inq not only has nothing - he is ignored. His main proficiencies are that he's extremely resilient, an artifact expert and a loyal-to-the-core Imperial, who rose from no one to the Dark Council member through exactly those traits. The only trait left to him is resilience. He's praised for changing the Galaxy's face, which he never did. He's shunned for meddling in others' buisness, which - you'd be surprised - he never did also. He served, survived and learned to be free and stand on his own's, he thirsted for knowledge and hunted it down... his story is amazing. Even more so when played as a Light Sider - that makes the freedom of choice even more powerful theme, as it presents how a severely handicapped person - an indoctrinated slave brought up in hatred and humiliation - can choose different path in life and live up to it. Be loving, merciful, caring, never bossy to his followers. always seeking right over easy...


And what is done to this theme in the KotFE? I finished it lately and I can tell: it's ruined. The PC is never ever given a choice to oppose the tracts about destiny and such; he is stripped off his agency and made either a cosmic plaything (which is an optimistic thought) or a toy of his co-conspirators. The insulting scene when those two bosses lectured a former slave about being obliged to bend, to serve and to abandon freedom is not the only one; just the most jarring.

The dialogue choices don't help either - they don't give a single opportunity to rebel, even if that were in futile. While as a player I deadly wanted to forgive Arcann and offer him a chance for redemption, the game is sunken in hatred towards him and I just can make an ugly face and grudgingly let him go. While as a player I never wanted to recognise Valcorion as an ally, everyone else made me do it (like, it's OOC to ask him for help after constant refusal to do so - but the gameplay wants me to be stray in Odessen wilds, so I must do it). What's more, they hate Arcann. who is human even in his bad deeds, but they are completely OK with Valcorion, who freaking feasts on whole planets.


P.S. And the first chapter of KotET gladfully forgets about PC being a member of the Dark Council and makes him insult The Empire. Like I didn't expect that, yay. The second has a person with lesser tenure in the Council lecture him about the Sith ways. Really, it's a LAZIEST writing i've ever met

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They could have done a lot more with the Eternal Empire arc than what they did, and I hate how they do another gap period between KOTFE and KOTET. That six-eight month gap would have been the perfect period to bring back old companions, introduce new Zakuul/Odesson themed Operations, Heroics and Flashpoints.


We got nine chapters that gave me the impression they just wanted to end the Zakuul Arc ASAP.

Edited by fishpeople
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We got nine chapters that gave me the impression they just wanted to end the Zakuul Arc ASAP.


I think you're absolutely right about that. And you know why they abandoned all their plans they had for the story originally? Because players most likely weren't as impressed with the new direction the story was taking as BW still likes to pretend. So they killed off all the remaining comp alerts and plans for a third season to quickly and quietly get over with the whole thing.


I still hope they'll just retcon all of 4.0 and 5.0 in 6.0.

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I'm very sorry to say that I was very disappointed with KOTET. There were a couple of cool plot twists early on, and then nothing. The 'busywork' quests were annoying. It was like they were trying to make things feel like a console game. If we had had to wait for one episode a month like in KOTFE I would have gotten angry.


And, as long as I'm complaining:


I want my companions back! Give me back Dark Jaesa! I want to know who she's been killing. She is also the perfect candidate for same gender romance. Ashara, Kira, come back to us! :mad:

I really hope that they continue with the Empire storyline. It has a lot of promise. Will we have to wait another year?


Edited by Vycktor
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I think you're absolutely right about that. And you know why they abandoned all their plans they had for the story originally? Because players most likely weren't as impressed with the new direction the story was taking as BW still likes to pretend. So they killed off all the remaining comp alerts and plans for a third season to quickly and quietly get over with the whole thing.


I still hope they'll just retcon all of 4.0 and 5.0 in 6.0.


They should have done two. One for force users, one for the others.

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You're spot on with your assessment. However, I'd also like to add something that you didn't touch on. The last and final fight with Valkorian, he's in your head, he let it out about Vaylin's "conditioning", then you use it on him?!?! Like he didn't think of that? As for the end of Khem Val, there's a post and I believe a video out, that states, ALL companions are intended to be returned to us.... eventually, some day, some year, a decade maybe?! :D (Where's Jaesa?) However, that's on back burner!! :mad: I have many alts and have ran through the story-line enough times to know.... some of those fights are ridiculous at best!! As Wrath and as an Inquisitor, both force users, both should be looking for more power, more resources, etc. I, like you, am very disappointed but, if I had to choose between the 2, KoTET was a better story than KoTFE ever was. KoTFE was too drawn out!! Even the Dev's admitted this.
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I still hope they'll just retcon all of 4.0 and 5.0 in 6.0.


That would be great, wouldn't it?


"Sorry guys we know we screwed up, we'll start over."


Honestly I would be so happy if they did, even if it took a really long time for the next story to come out. I think you should have included Shadow of Revan in that list imo. I think this game really went downhill story wise with Shadow of Revan, and since then it has just gotten worse. At least in ROTHC we weren't working with the other faction, it still had that Republic vs Empire dichotomy that makes it feel more like Star Wars and not poorly written fan fiction.


I don't play through SOR/KOTFE/KOTET anymore. For my characters its just class stories up through ROTHC and then endgame content. I pretend like it never existed lol. Honestly I see no good reason to stay subbed anymore if all they are gonna do is defame my characters with every new expac (not to mention new content, uprisings are a joke).

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I'm not really sure how to say this, but I genuinely liked KOTFE/KOTET. This might be because so far, I only took a Knight through it and the story, as many before me have pointed out, makes perfect sense for him (I even heard a rumor that it was originally planned to be a continuation of the JK's class story). Maybe if I took a different class through the story, I could see the problems that others had. I even liked the Attuned saber I got from Chapter 12, mainly for its design, and I have kept it on my Knight ever since.The only problem I had with the story was that it didn't seem to acknowledge my vanilla companions' existence (except T7).


But I have to agree with the sentiment that the writers have written themselves into a corner. This mirrors the feeling I had when, after five or so years, the Iconian storyline in STO finally ended (the game had long since resorted to one-size-fits-all stories at that point, much like SWTOR). The Sith Emperor/Vitiate/Valkorion storyline is over, Zakuul belongs to us, and we possess an enormous military force in the form of the Eternal Fleet and the only known counter to it, the Gravestone, as well as a fleet of ships that came from the Sith Empire and the Republic.

It can be safely assumed that the writers cannot really return to the "Imp vs. Pub" paradigm of the vanilla storylines, as we are basically the head of our own faction now. Returning to the old paradigm would destroy everything we accomplished in KOTFE/KOTET, and while some players might want to see "the slate wiped clean" of these two expansions and hope that it is just retconned and never brought up again, other players might be enraged by such a decision and I also believe that to be impossible to accomplish in a satisfying manner. The easiest way to continue the story would be to introduce a fourth faction that threatens the galaxy, as this would allow the "one-size-fits-all" theme to continue. Which faction (Killiks? Yuuzhan Vong? Republic/Imperial splinter factions? Kephess?) is entirely up to the writers as they seem to enjoy a lot of creative freedom.

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In reply to RoboticRobin,


I see what you are saying. Honestly if they bring a 4th faction in that would be the worst thing ever. Now the alliance which I already hate, has to work with even more pubs to stop a new enemy which is somehow mysteriously all powerful while the rest of us are timid weaklings. No thanks. Allying factions is the worst thing ever for MMO stories, like why does that always happen? There would be a lot less room for error by just making it a continuous war between factions with the occasional (but not all powerful) third faction springing up that both the Republic and Empire have to fight (without needing to ally with each other of course). If it is war on a galactic scale, there is no way for it to be short and sweet, even with the technology of Star Wars it would take decades. Honestly there is nothing more Star Wars to me personally than Sith fighting Jedi, I wish they hadn't deviated from that, or at the very least made it a CHOICE not to ally with the enemy faction so that people who don't like the dichotomy of imp vs pub get something else. I feel sort of deceived, dare I say, by the original game trailers such as 'Return' and 'Deceived' which were the ones that got me hooked into playing (I started the game after 4.0 came out, but I didn't watch the trailer for KOTFE so didn't have an inkling of that mess)

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]I want my companions back! Give me back Dark Jaesa! I want to know who she's been killing. She is also the perfect candidate for same gender romance. Ashara, Kira, come back to us! :mad:

I miss Khem Val badly. He was such a dear fellow, and I just let him free and chose him over Zash...

And that limited interaction with re-acquired companions! I mean, why even bother giong for my second favourite, Talos, if I'm enamoured with his dialogues and get none of them at all? Just pick him up and leave standing in the corner((


(Please, make him a romance option once! For both sexes, preferrably.)

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