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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch notes are up...no merc nerfs???


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I've been a Merc since I started and the surviveability I now have is a welcome change. I think many want a nerf because their initial dog pile easy kill in a WZ went away. Lately, now that people have had time to adjust to the changes, it's not as OP as it may have seemed at first. We last longer, but once they (good players) notice we are on cooldown we melt like before. So mercs don't need a nerf, you just need to learn how to play better.


I like the idea of limiting AC's per WZ. I also think that solo queue should be strictly for solo queuing players and not teams. Solo queue for actual solo queues and group for group only queues. That would balance WZ's out a bit as well.

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I've been a Merc since I started and the surviveability I now have is a welcome change. I think many want a nerf because their initial dog pile easy kill in a WZ went away. Lately, now that people have had time to adjust to the changes, it's not as OP as it may have seemed at first. We last longer, but once they (good players) notice we are on cooldown we melt like before. So mercs don't need a nerf, you just need to learn how to play better.


I like the idea of limiting AC's per WZ. I also think that solo queue should be strictly for solo queuing players and not teams. Solo queue for actual solo queues and group for group only queues. That would balance WZ's out a bit as well.


I don't know about limiting ACs as that will screw with pops just like needing a tank or heals does for fps. Not slamming face first into a dream team premade would be nice, though.


As for mercs, just learn the visual cues for the defensives and you can get around them. I main merc. Versus non-stupid opponents, I still melt. It's the people who stick to the same rotation in tunnel vision that tend to burn themselves out trying to brute force through the defensives.


For instance: I especially like popping the reflect just as a sniper starts his penetrating blasts because I know that habit will have him pop the cool down and fire it again the moment it finishes. I've had many snipers kill themselves doing that while I'm also bursting them because they're trying to out dps me.

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Just wait to see what they are planning on ninja nerfing without putting it in the patch notes.Data mining has already found that a change to the kp trash is already coming with the patch which is nowhere to be found in the patch notes.Lets see what other stealth changes they have planned to "forget" to put in the notes.


Oh, snap! I forgot. Lucyware.

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Just wait to see what they are planning on ninja nerfing without putting it in the patch notes.Data mining has already found that a change to the kp trash is already coming with the patch which is nowhere to be found in the patch notes.Lets see what other stealth changes they have planned to "forget" to put in the notes.


Might want to be careful discussing anything that comes from data mining. Any discussion of that sort of information is highly frowned on. Do what you want, makes no difference to me, just a heads up.

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