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Questions for advanced players


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I've recently returned to the game after an extended break, and I was hoping some folks could clarify things for me:


1. I've heard that you lose all your companions at some point in the storyline, but get them back again later. Does this include the droid companions I've purchased from the auction? I purchased the unlocking items and then got the droids via a quest in the cartel market area. I've also maxed out reputation (via a LOT of gifts) for my HK-51, Treek and the smuggler companion I accidentally acquired when right-clicking an item I got in the mail. Will I lose all the reputation that I spent time/credits acquiring?


2. I've reached level 64 so far and I'm on a planet called "Risha" (sp?) The game seems to be scaling me downward in level; does it do this through max level content?


3. Can someone point me to a list of the flashpoints that I can do in solo mode? Also.... where do all the flashpoints start? I always seem to end up in the wrong area... >.>


4. I've done a couple flashpoints as part of the story process, but I've gotten no loot at all; I've upgraded my gear from a modification vendor. Did they get rid of loot, or is it the setting for the flashpoint?


5. I thought a million credits was a lot, but I've seen items on the auction that are 500 million credits each. Am I that far behind? The thing I'm looking at right now is an unlock for a neat looking probe droid companion. Is there a way to just get it from the cartel market? I'm not 100% sure if the things that look good to me are solo purchased items or from the random crates; is there a way to tell? I'd rather just buy some stuff with cartel coins that I've accumulated rather than trying to figure out how to get 500 million credits - I don't have that many hours in the day... >.>


6. What is the deal with the light side/dark side winning? Does it matter only at maximum level, or is there something that is fun that I can participate in while leveling up?


I'll probably think of a few other things, but thank you in advance for any assistance! :)

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Welcome back! :D I hope you're enjoying the game thus far.


I've recently returned to the game after an extended break, and I was hoping some folks could clarify things for me:


1. I've heard that you lose all your companions at some point in the storyline, but get them back again later. Does this include the droid companions I've purchased from the auction? I purchased the unlocking items and then got the droids via a quest in the cartel market area. I've also maxed out reputation (via a LOT of gifts) for my HK-51, Treek and the smuggler companion I accidentally acquired when right-clicking an item I got in the mail. Will I lose all the reputation that I spent time/credits acquiring?


There is a part in the storyline where you do lose your companions, and can opt to get them back later. That does include HK-51, Treek, and Nico Okarr (the smuggler companion). You don't lose any of the influence/reputation you've acquired with those companions when you get them back.


2. I've reached level 64 so far and I'm on a planet called "Risha" (sp?) The game seems to be scaling me downward in level; does it do this through max level content?


That scaling downward is called level sync. It ensures that you don't ever "outlevel" a planet. Heck, if you wanted to, you could level from 1-70 and never leave Coruscant/Dromund Kaas. It doesn't impact the rewards you receive, as those will be gated to your actual level, not the level you're scaled down to. (For example, I am level 65 and doing some Heroic missions on Balmorra, a low to mid-level planet. I receive rewards appropriate for a level 65 character, not whatever I am scaled down to.)

(It's Rishi, by the way. ;) )

I'm not sure if this extends to Operations. I think there it's actually *reverse* level-sync, meaning you're bolstered to the highest level?? I...have never done an operation, so...excuse my complete lack of knowledge in this area. :o


3. Can someone point me to a list of the flashpoints that I can do in solo mode? Also.... where do all the flashpoints start? I always seem to end up in the wrong area... >.>


Not sure I can answer this one fully, but here goes...

Taral IV / Maelstrom Prison (Republic)

Boarding Party / The Foundry (Empire)

Battle of Ilum / The False Emperor (shared; as is everything else from here on down)

Directive 7

Korriban Incursion

Assault on Tython

Depths of Manaan

Battle of Rishi

Blood Hunt

Legacy of the Rakata


I feel like I left some things out there... >_>

Anyway, Taral IV / Maelstrom Prison start on the Republic fleet. They're part of a story arc called "The Jedi Prisoner," meant to be done at about level 37 or so.

The equivalent for the Empire (I forget what the story arc is called, but the two flashpoints are Boarding Party and The Foundry) also starts on the Imperial fleet, again meant to be done at level 37 or so - but of course, you can do these quests later if you want. Also, the Imperial flashpoints' story arc (Boarding Party / The Foundry) is chronologically slightly after the Republic arc.

Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor are at the end of the Ilum storyline. They're able to be picked up on Ilum, however, regardless of where you are in that quest line.

Assault on Tython / Korriban Incursion / Depths of Manaan / Legacy of the Rakata, however, are all part of the prelude to Shadow of Revan. (If you're on Rishi, chances are you've already done them.) Shadow of Revan proper (the storyline on the planets Rishi and Yavin IV) has two more flashpoints as part of the storyline, Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi.


4. I've done a couple flashpoints as part of the story process, but I've gotten no loot at all; I've upgraded my gear from a modification vendor. Did they get rid of loot, or is it the setting for the flashpoint?


Nope; I believe that's a bug, actually, due to be fixed this Tuesday with patch 5.0.1.


5. I thought a million credits was a lot, but I've seen items on the auction that are 500 million credits each. Am I that far behind? The thing I'm looking at right now is an unlock for a neat looking probe droid companion. Is there a way to just get it from the cartel market? I'm not 100% sure if the things that look good to me are solo purchased items or from the random crates; is there a way to tell? I'd rather just buy some stuff with cartel coins that I've accumulated rather than trying to figure out how to get 500 million credits - I don't have that many hours in the day... >.>


Probe droid companion... hmm. Well, that companion did come from a cartel market pack, but a) packs are, of course, random crates, so there's no garauntee that if you buy a crate you get the companion, and b) I'm not sure if that particular pack is still for sale... ah, I just looked it up - yeah, it's not for sale any longer, by about a year, actually. So the outlandish price is a result of it being so "rare."

And no, you are definitely not behind - the people trying to sell something for 500 million credits...yeesh. 'Tis overkill. :p


6. What is the deal with the light side/dark side winning? Does it matter only at maximum level, or is there something that is fun that I can participate in while leveling up?


Thaaaaat...is complicated?? Here's a link from Dulfy's website (an AMAZING resource, by the way!) that can explain it far better than I ever could. :phttp://dulfy.net/2016/11/29/swtor-galactic-command-guide/#Dark_vs_Light


I hope I was able to help!

Edited by Jagaimee
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I've recently returned to the game after an extended break, and I was hoping some folks could clarify things for me:


1. I've heard that you lose all your companions at some point in the storyline, but get them back again later. Does this include the droid companions I've purchased from the auction? I purchased the unlocking items and then got the droids via a quest in the cartel market area. I've also maxed out reputation (via a LOT of gifts) for my HK-51, Treek and the smuggler companion I accidentally acquired when right-clicking an item I got in the mail. Will I lose all the reputation that I spent time/credits acquiring?


2. I've reached level 64 so far and I'm on a planet called "Risha" (sp?) The game seems to be scaling me downward in level; does it do this through max level content?


3. Can someone point me to a list of the flashpoints that I can do in solo mode? Also.... where do all the flashpoints start? I always seem to end up in the wrong area... >.>


4. I've done a couple flashpoints as part of the story process, but I've gotten no loot at all; I've upgraded my gear from a modification vendor. Did they get rid of loot, or is it the setting for the flashpoint?


5. I thought a million credits was a lot, but I've seen items on the auction that are 500 million credits each. Am I that far behind? The thing I'm looking at right now is an unlock for a neat looking probe droid companion. Is there a way to just get it from the cartel market? I'm not 100% sure if the things that look good to me are solo purchased items or from the random crates; is there a way to tell? I'd rather just buy some stuff with cartel coins that I've accumulated rather than trying to figure out how to get 500 million credits - I don't have that many hours in the day... >.>


6. What is the deal with the light side/dark side winning? Does it matter only at maximum level, or is there something that is fun that I can participate in while leveling up?


I'll probably think of a few other things, but thank you in advance for any assistance! :)



1 - You lose all of your class based companions, including your ship droid but NOT the companions purchased either via the CM or on the AH. Treek, HK etc. remain and can be used outside of KOTFE/KOTET content as the Chapters are all designed around specific new companions who'll join you. As a side note, not all class companions have returned, a bunch are still missing and will be for an unknown period of time as Charles, the creative lead, has not yet found a suitable way to bring them back.


2 - Max level zones will not scale you down, to the best of my knowledge.


3 - A list can be found here; http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire - there may be some newer ones since then, or at least story/solo modes for some of the Star Fortresses that you'll unlock during KOTFE.


4 - Unsure, I've had the occasional green drop in a SOLO FP but I don't recall getting proper loot.


5 - Some stuff on the GTN are rare/popular items that have dropped from Cartel Packs which are no longer available while other items (such as Thexan's armor) can be bought directly from the CM. I usually use Google and TOR Fashion to determine where a said piece or item is from, pack or direct purchase, if I can't be bothered browsing the full inventory of the Cartel Market. Not sure if objects themselves indicate this. And yeah, credit numbers are high as hell, I'll never catch up to some of the long time players or those who're good at the GTN game.


6 - Not entirely sure but patch notes regarding DvL can be found here and in general, Dulfy is a great source of information.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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1. Yes, you do lose your story companions when you start Knights Of The Fallen Empire (Last Year's Expansion).

2. The scaling is called 'level sync'. You keep your current level with all of your abilities but you will be able to get experience points according to your level (lets say you didnt do a side quest on Tython, you return to Tython for extra leveling as a level 55. You complete the mission and get the same amount of experience points as you would a side quest on Rishi. They have a specific amount of exp you would get per mission per level.)

3. Yes there are multiple flashpoints you can do in solo (story) mode. Like the Shadow Of Revan, Prelude Flashpoints, Esseles, and Blacktalon.

4. They reduced the kinds of gear you get since Shadow Of Revan. :mad:

5. Like I said about level sync, you get X amount of credits at level X (Level 65-70 Gets like 13-18K per mission).

You can get older companions from Cartel Market Packs (But they are SUPER rare).

6.The Light/dark side 'winning' is a Dark Versus Light Event. Dark wins based on the amount of players have a minimum of Dark I. Same a Light.

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