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KotET End Game - Endless Trash Farming


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Based on Fleet chat, end-game in SWTOR in KotET has been reduced to farming trash in an old operation to level to 70 ('LFM Bestia XP Farm), followed by farming trash in an older operation to level GC ('LFM KP CXP Farm').


This is sad, SWTOR, even in 4.0 with all the rehashed content, used to be about actually playing the game - not farming endless trash in old instances over and over.

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Based on Fleet chat, end-game in SWTOR in KotET has been reduced to farming trash in an old operation to level to 70 ('LFM Bestia XP Farm), followed by farming trash in an older operation to level GC ('LFM KP CXP Farm').


This is sad, SWTOR, even in 4.0 with all the rehashed content, used to be about actually playing the game - not farming endless trash in old instances over and over.


Huh? I went into Kotet with a 65 and hit 70 within the first 5 chapters. I don't see how anyone going in at 65 could make it through all 9 chapters without hitting 70 due to quest xp even if they did manage to stealth the majority of fights. As for GC; it can be but they said in stream it's not meant to be grinded on mobs. The majority of it comes as a reward from group content.

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Based on Fleet chat, end-game in SWTOR in KotET has been reduced to farming trash in an old operation to level to 70 ('LFM Bestia XP Farm), followed by farming trash in an older operation to level GC ('LFM KP CXP Farm').


This is sad, SWTOR, even in 4.0 with all the rehashed content, used to be about actually playing the game - not farming endless trash in old instances over and over.


Personally i saw this coming from miles away. Grinding system ------> grinding way of playing. CXP never should have come to SWTOR. Interesting thing is that quite some players have given many options for the game, things to do (new things). But there is no back and forth communication with the developers anymore. It has become a one way street and now we gotta take it like a man, GRIND GRIND GRIND! Have fun yo :)

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Personally i saw this coming from miles away. Grinding system ------> grinding way of playing. CXP never should have come to SWTOR. Interesting thing is that quite some players have given many options for the game, things to do (new things). But there is no back and forth communication with the developers anymore. It has become a one way street and now we gotta take it like a man, GRIND GRIND GRIND! Have fun yo :)


i agree, bioware has brought this on themselfs. players now look for the most efficient way to grind cxp.

does anyone play actual content? Uprisings anyone? there is one way communication dev's selling us a broken product, while the community is screaming on the top of their lungs about so many things....



Gear is a lie, there is only the grind.

Through grinding, I gain ranks.

Through ranks, I gain RNG.

Through RNG, I gain flair.

Through flair, my chains are broken.

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Huh? I went into Kotet with a 65 and hit 70 within the first 5 chapters. I don't see how anyone going in at 65 could make it through all 9 chapters without hitting 70 due to quest xp even if they did manage to stealth the majority of fights. As for GC; it can be but they said in stream it's not meant to be grinded on mobs. The majority of it comes as a reward from group content.


Just because you want to do the story, doesn't mean everyone else does. When you going to learn that? lol Especially on multiple toons, if they're actually going to run alts. Most seem to be shelving alts, as it's too painful.

Quickest way to 70 is Bestia farming which is what I've been told. The story took painfully long to level in. Even with XP boosts running.

Plus there is a benefit of starting the story at level 70 as you get CXP on the get go.

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Based on Fleet chat, end-game in SWTOR in KotET has been reduced to farming trash in an old operation to level to 70 ('LFM Bestia XP Farm), followed by farming trash in an older operation to level GC ('LFM KP CXP Farm').


This is sad, SWTOR, even in 4.0 with all the rehashed content, used to be about actually playing the game - not farming endless trash in old instances over and over.


Interesting that players would take the view you have presented. It's irrational in my view, as 65-70 goes so fast via any path you choose, and many types of content can and are played that reward Cxp.


There ARE some balance issues between the different segments of content at the moment ... and frankly... I don't see OPs getting their fair share for time/effort/organization yet.


These players are not playing the game.. they are playing the gear grind and chasing the carrot. It reads like an "OPs or die" mind set.


Besides.. when did Fleet Chat become the "magna carta" of objective game play?? :)

Edited by Andryah
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Just because you want to do the story, doesn't mean everyone else does. When you going to learn that? lol Especially on multiple toons, if they're actually going to run alts. Most seem to be shelving alts, as it's too painful.

Quickest way to 70 is Bestia farming which is what I've been told. The story took painfully long to level in. Even with XP boosts running.

Plus there is a benefit of starting the story at level 70 as you get CXP on the get go.


I would say the story seems to be the fastest way to level up to a point. I was gaining a level a chapter on my Inquisitor until KotFE stopped giving xp at level 67. Then I didn't really gain any xp until KotET. I think it took 3 or 4 chapters to get to 70.

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Interesting that players would take the view you have presented. It's irrational in my view, as 65-70 goes so fast via any path you choose, and many types of content can and are played that reward Cxp. There ARE some balance issues between the different segments of content at the moment ... and frankly... I don't see OPs getting their fair share for time/effort/organization yet.


These players are not playing the game.. they are playing the gear grind and chasing the carrot. It reads like an "OPs or die" mind set.


Besides.. when did Fleet Chat become the "magna carta" of objective game play?? :)


It's 50-70, and there just trying to get there alts up until a point so they can use them in ops or get some form of galactic command crate gear in hopes of getting anything useful.

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I would say the story seems to be the fastest way to level up to a point. I was gaining a level a chapter on my Inquisitor until KotFE stopped giving xp at level 67. Then I didn't really gain any xp until KotET. I think it took 3 or 4 chapters to get to 70.


No, bestia farm can level you to 70 in 15 minutes.

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Interesting that players would take the view you have presented. It's irrational in my view, as 65-70 goes so fast via any path you choose, and many types of content can and are played that reward Cxp.


There ARE some balance issues between the different segments of content at the moment ... and frankly... I don't see OPs getting their fair share for time/effort/organization yet.


These players are not playing the game.. they are playing the gear grind and chasing the carrot. It reads like an "OPs or die" mind set.


Besides.. when did Fleet Chat become the "magna carta" of objective game play?? :)


it takes something like half an hour to level from 65 to 70 on Bestia's trash (not an exaggeration and judging by posts above me even less then half an hour - I haven't done Bestia faring since before Kotet and then only on a single character I wanted to do ops with with another guild. it didn't pan out, but I digress). far FAR faster than leveling the regular way, which means leveling via Bestia gets people to 70 and CXP faster.


moreover some people would like to get back to progressing through content they were progressing through at lvl 65 but didn't have a chance to finish - faster after being set back to essentially zero.


last but not least, do NOT dismiss the fleet chat, its often very much representative of state of the game as a whole. that and when I see my guildies suggesting and and think.. this is what we have come to. from wanting to progress through harder boss fights, to grinding trash, because its the only thing that will get us to attempting those bosses again - faster.


are people chasing that gear carrot? yes. because that's what bioware set them on a path to. becasue this is what this game as come down to. do NOT blame the players for merely using the system that bioware pushed on us

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I would say the story seems to be the fastest way to level up to a point. I was gaining a level a chapter on my Inquisitor until KotFE stopped giving xp at level 67. Then I didn't really gain any xp until KotET. I think it took 3 or 4 chapters to get to 70.


In a fraction of the time it took you to do one chapter, my toon will have dinged 70. Got 5 alts leveled in an hour compared to your one doing a chapter in the same period of time.

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Truthfully, bw has made sure to boil swtor down into what gives the most cxp for your in game time and anything that deviates from that is put to the side. That could be alt play or content or even other players should they slow you down.


endless farming of extremely old content for some really crapping RNG crates.


bw has made all efforts to really screw over the paying gamers with RNG, massive grind, mediocre and limited new content and an over reliance of 2-5 year old content we have been doing for a long time and killing off any reason to look at alts except to do some professions.


Its sad moment in swtor. So sad it seems worthless to CAPS swtor or bw anymore. :rolleyes:

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Gear is a lie, there is only the grind.

Through grinding, I gain ranks.

Through ranks, I gain RNG.

Through RNG, I gain flair.

Through flair, my chains are broken.




So to actually respond to the OP, I found 65-70 super fast. I did it in the story with one character and heroics with another, and neither took longer than a single Major XP boost. 3 hours. If anything, the story took longer on the wall clock due to cutscenes.


So farming Bestia may be faster, but in that case it's a choice to do so. It's very fast to get 65-70 even by normal means.


Now, once at 70 - I made a weird discovery. The GC interface actually works kind of well to gain CXP. I did NOT expect this, but taking its suggestions is really fast for gaining CXP through the old content, if you know what you're doing and just turn down things you know are slow.


The problem is as others note, even when you are cruising through CXP levels, it's still RNG.

Edited by stoopicus
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So to actually respond to the OP, I found 65-70 super fast. I did it in the story with one character and heroics with another, and neither took longer than a single Major XP boost. 3 hours. If anything, the story took longer on the wall clock due to cutscenes.


So farming Bestia may be faster, but in that case it's a choice to do so. It's very fast to get 65-70 even by normal means.


Now, once at 70 - I made a weird discovery. The GC interface actually works kind of well to gain CXP. I did NOT expect this, but taking its suggestions is really fast for gaining CXP through the old content, if you know what you're doing and just turn down things you know are slow.


The problem is as others note, even when you are cruising through CXP levels, it's still RNG.


3 hour vs 15 minute to half an hour tops to 70. which one is shorter.


the only CXP acquisition through that interface that compares to KP trash farm? is pvp. provided you are on a server where it pops constantly. everything else is far FAR slower.


rng is a problem. unequal acquisition of CXP is also a problem compounded by the fact that even with fastest methods it can still feel excruciatingly slow, thanks to RNG. which is why people feel compelled to speed it up by any means possible.

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rng is a problem. unequal acquisition of CXP is also a problem compounded by the fact that even with fastest methods it can still feel excruciatingly slow, thanks to RNG. which is why people feel compelled to speed it up by any means possible.


It was designed to be slow so that people buy the cxp boosts from cm. The whole thing is just a money grab.

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Just because you want to do the story, doesn't mean everyone else does. When you going to learn that? lol Especially on multiple toons, if they're actually going to run alts. Most seem to be shelving alts, as it's too painful.

Quickest way to 70 is Bestia farming which is what I've been told. The story took painfully long to level in. Even with XP boosts running.


When one is presented an entertaining short cut and yet they choose to toil away mindlessly completing their task the long & mundane way, one has no right to whine nor the right to sympathy for doing so. Spend a few hours doing 5 20 min chapters or spend near half the day spamming storm & resetting instances? Decisions, decisions... If they find the writing, that has received numerous accolades mind you, that despicable then they are best hitting the unsubscribe button and investing their finances in far more interesting ventures. Preferably L2, Dark eden 2, Aion or one of the numerous mmos under the PW brand since they seem to prefer the grind to the story.


As for alts; cxp isn't legacy based, there is no expansion or event ongoing or coming that requires a cap. Hence anyone running the hamster wheel simply to hit 70 across the board is inflicting their own suffering. With the DvL event over, people can simply chill and cruise to 70 at their own leisure.


Plus there is a benefit of starting the story at level 70 as you get CXP on the get go.


From Kotfe to Kotet, chapters are repeatable with the same cxp reward level and then there's pvp and uprisings which give double with the boost. Holding out for that chump change is a fools gambit.

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3 hour vs 15 minute to half an hour tops to 70. which one is shorter.


Sure, but like I said, you're *choosing* to take the minmax route there, so then whining about it afterwards is stupid.


Bottom line is 65-70 is ridiculously fast either way.


GC screen has many fast options that aren't PvP which is what surprised me, like I said. I wasn't expecting that. But maybe I was just lucky that the first thing that popped up for me was the Czerka dailies, which take like 10 minutes to do them all plus the heroic (and get the weekly while there). I also think a lot of people don't try just declining and repeating on that screen until they get a fast option. It's annoying but not horrible. It should really be a menu like the heroic mission terminals on fleet or Odessen.


Honestly I was expecting crap and it turned out to be... well, less crap than I expected. I'm not calling it good, just saying that I was surprised it was kind of decent.


Unfortunately though, RNG is still RNG after that. Can't fix random.

Edited by stoopicus
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