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Companions lagging behind


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I've been noticing this since i came back, but i thought maybe the bug was only for me, or maybe i didnt see the companion running next to me but he was actually there. You just run and they stay behind, but if you stop and turn the camera, they come quite fast to you.


In some missions, if i aggro a group of mobs, the companion seems to dissapear underground somewhere, with the mobs pointing their guns at the floor and shooting there. Usually after the fight ends, the companion just appears there.

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Falling under the floor especially annoying if your comp is DPS and you're a healer. They attack mobs, mobs attack them, but you can't target them to heal them. They die.

F1 to target yourself, then F1 to target the companion. Of course the floor is opaque so you'll get the "Cannot see target" message. To resolve that, you'll have to rely on AoE heals if yours are good enough, or put the companion on passive and run the ---- away. (Eventually you'll get far enough away that the mobs lose interest and go back, AND you'll also go far enough that your companion will "pop" up to floor level. Not necessarily in that order. Don't forget to put the companion back OFF passive.)

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F1 to target yourself, then F1 to target the companion. Of course the floor is opaque so you'll get the "Cannot see target" message. To resolve that, you'll have to rely on AoE heals if yours are good enough, or put the companion on passive and run the ---- away. (Eventually you'll get far enough away that the mobs lose interest and go back, AND you'll also go far enough that your companion will "pop" up to floor level. Not necessarily in that order. Don't forget to put the companion back OFF passive.)


You assume everyone's F1 is keyed to the same ability. Mine isn't. ;)


I appreciate your willing to help, but it's not about me working around the bug but the bug to be removed. I found some ways to fight it, but it's not the point here. The point is the bug should be addressed and removed, since it causes a lot of various problems in many situations.

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Yeah, this should be a priority fix! Also companions taking forever to attack.:rak_06:

All the te that I've yelled "Arcann tf you standing there for?" Here inside my home! It isn't his fault, fix it BW! You're creating problems in my relationship with my husbando.🎅


He better make it up to me....good.:rak_03:


I'm such a pig.



Edited by Eshvara
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You assume everyone's F1 is keyed to the same ability. Mine isn't. ;)


I appreciate your willing to help, but it's not about me working around the bug but the bug to be removed. I found some ways to fight it, but it's not the point here. The point is the bug should be addressed and removed, since it causes a lot of various problems in many situations.

I agree that it should be removed, but in the meantime you can reduce its negative effects in the way I suggested, albeit with a different keybind. ;)

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  • 11 months later...
1. They've been lollygagging since 2011.


2. Holy Necro, start a new thread. ;)


There's no reason to start a new thread when one already exists for a problem that's still a problem. The only time a necro is actually a bad thing is if someone is drudging up old topics that are no longer relevant, or bringing light to issues that have already been solved.


Seeing as this is still an issue that needs to be fixed, this thread qualifies as neither.

Edited by SourOrange
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No, it started doing this around the time the OP mentioned it. It wasn't as noticeable before. And imo this thread is a good reminder that the bug is nearly two years old.




Thing is.. I have rarely found it to be an actual problem for me.


Yeah.. they tend to lolly-gag and stop and smell the SW roses... but I have found that unless they get stuck on a terrain feature somehow (which is rare).... they quickly speed port to you when you engage in combat. So the only annoyance is if you are out gathering resources and need your companion to do it for you... but if the companion is out of range.. the character will start the harvest instead OR the companion will also do it's little speed port to the target. I'm more bugged personally by my companions constantly "eye-balling" me when they are standing next to me. Makes me want to /slap them every now and then. :p


So I don't consider it a mission critical bug to be fixed. It could in fact be an artifact of the many changes they made for companions since 4.0 released. should it be fixed? Yes. Is it a giant tragedy of playability if they don't? No.

Edited by Andryah
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