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Companions lagging behind


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Has anyone else noticed that companions lagg behind when running. Both on fleet and in stronghold, our on planets, in caves and Odessa. When ever I run my companion seems to be stuck and lags behind quite a distance.

I'm in the Alliance camp HQ and my companion didn't start moving until it almost was out of radar range!!!


Any thoughts?

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It used to happen near doorway or narrow alleyway sometimes but now it happen all the time, best example is on Taris heroics, I believe you place 4 bombs and go back to trigger them and fight a boss, they always stop at the door where you place the bombs.


Seems to me they are worse in fights as well, with healing for example, if you were far and health is low, they used to get closer to heal you but now they just stay put.

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I think my toon must have ran out of deodorant or something, Vette is determined to stay far upwind of me at all times.


Y'all need to stop feeding them water and gruel. They're running out of energy and can't keep up.


I've seen this issue for ages but it does seem to have gotten worse lately. If you get far enough along, the game should jump your companion up but that doesn't always happen.

Edited by dr_mike
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I've noticed the same thing. However, I've also noticed that as long as they stay in camera view they seem to do alright, which leads me to believe it's a draw lag issue. Once they're no longer seen, processes fall behind on them in favor of all the shiny new lighting and shadows.
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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm real upset that they haven't fix this let, it's really annoying to me when they lag behind. :mad:


It's annoying to me for two reasons: roleplay, I don't regard my companions as pets or props, I like them present and accounted for. Second reason, even as a mostly solo player, I do try to play carefully and deliberately. When they're lagging off somewhere in another room or they disappear altogether, it messes up my gameplay, particularly my tanky types.

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I was running flashpoints earlier today and my minions weren't even joining in the fights.


Neither are they paying any attention to gathering material requests. They just stand there.


This is the part that agggrevates me I do not care if my toon can run faster but when I'm in a fight and they don't heal, things get real messy.

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I'm not sure the problem really is companions standing behind, it seems to me that they don't try to reach you by the fastest way possible, but take the exact path you take before joining you back.


I might not be really clear ^^, but the day I notice and report the issue (during last gree event so they know about it for some time now), I was trying to get what was wrong so I start running a specific way very quickly, turning aroung myself and stuff, and then stop to watch my comp.


Before he would have join me straight by the fastest way possible at the spot I was, but he didn't did that, while I was standing still not far at all from him, he followed my exact stupid way, turning aroung himself and stuff just like I did, instead of joining me.


I hope somebody understand me, hard to describe that clearly. :p

Edited by RswanBing
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I'm not sure the problem really is companions standing behind, it seems to me that they don't try to reach you by the fastest way possible, but take the exact path you take before joining you back.


I might not be really clear ^^, but the day I notice and report the issue (during last gree event so they know about it for some time now), I was trying to get what was wrong so I start running a specific way very quickly, turning aroung myself and stuff, and then stop to watch my comp.


Before he would have join me straight by the fastest way possible at the spot I was, but he didn't did that, while I was standing still not far at all from him, he followed my exact stupid way, turning aroung himself and stuff just like I did, instead of joining me.


I hope somebody understand me, hard to describe that clearly. :p


Don't worry, I understand exactly what you mean. I've noticed it too, plus when I slow down, they also slow down so that doesn't help them catch up.

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Don't worry, I understand exactly what you mean. I've noticed it too, plus when I slow down, they also slow down so that doesn't help them catch up.


Exactly, seems to me that somehow the programmed behaviour of companions and pets has been changed.


Or it's a new experience, your companions are now undercover secret agents following your tracks with more or less discretion. This new addition gives a new sense of danger, these guys you know for some time are now acting weird and staying away from you, are they even your real old companions ? Are they clones ? You will know everything about that in next expansion " The Companions Conspiracy".

Edited by RswanBing
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I've noticed it for a few years now, especially in an instance or if I'm soloing a FP that if I turn a corner and immediately get into a fight my comp gets stuck behind the corner and just stands there and looks pretty ... except for Khem :rolleyes:
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  • 4 weeks later...

It started when they patched in KOFET , the same day the chapter went live they started lagging and have lagged ever since.


I noticed sometimes when they are quite far away they can scan a gathering node near you , so it would seem to me the game thinks they are near you but are drawn further away.


Same for healing sometimes the companion is quite far away but healing you.


They do seem to follow the same path you make , but lagging behind is a pain when trying to get through doors that close behind you sometimes.


Yes I agree it is annoying.

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This is why we can't change Lana's outfit in KOtFE and onwards- though she gives the "Blondie" glare to anyone who dares mention it, I'm afraid the fact is that five years on and a few too many evenings of just sending HK-55 out for pizza for her and Koth in the interim, not only does she find constantly sprinting around at Outlander speed leaves her a little bit out of breath, but that old costume from Shadow of Revan just will not zip up any more. HK must have shrunk it in the wash. That's the only possible explanation.
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