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RNG fatal improvements


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Hello there, this is my feeling about that RNG/GC system.


I was reading a bunch of threads around the Forum and Social Media about that RNG system implemented. And after testing it in-game, I realize that is not, by far, "exciting" as the Dev said it is.


If the plan is really to keep that system for now on, it MUST be improved and adjusted A LOT to make sense and work as it should work.


I say that because how can be a company that instigates, induce it's community to create toons of Alts in-game with Events and rewards and then just throw there a system where player will be forced to waste about 8 months or maybe more in just ONE character to finally get a good GC lvl and useful gear? This is ridiculous, seriously. Thinking that way, the old Commendation system and vendors were much better and works fine.


I can't really understand how a company that is proud of having "87 MILLION" characters around the game just throw that system that break the fun of game to everyone... especially to casual players who even playing as casual, are subscribers like hardcores one's.


Futhermore, speaking to a lot of folks this phrase was constant: "I am GC lvl 10 (20, 30, 40 or even more) and I did not get a SINGLE PIECE OF USEFUL THING from those galactic boxes...". I can sign down this, it's true. The drop rate is absurdly ridiculous and that's why the old commendation system is better.


However, I think that those things below I will write could adjust this stupid RNG system, IMO:


1. Improve the drop rate urgently, this is fatal.

2. Place in the boxes ONLY gear... nothing more please. No compaion gifts, no reputation token... only GEAR jesus, we want GEAR.

3. Add Legacy Perks to improve the percentage gained in activities (just like other we have in personal character perks - 6% > 12% > 18% > 24% > 30%), but place that as LEGACY and not personal character.

4. Add something in the Legacy that allow us to gain GC points through ALL our toons independent of it's level... making it Legacy Wide YES, it is possible, it is fair and it must be done.


That's it, like you or not, I think those improvements would give the fun of playing back after this ridiculous RNG implemented.

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2. Place in the boxes ONLY gear... nothing more please. No compaion gifts, no reputation token... only GEAR jesus, we want GEAR.


Speak for yourself. If it was only gear in crates, they'd be useless by and by. Not to mention all the people who play for more than "whatever gives the most plusses."


The crates should be structured such that there is always a piece of statted gear in them (which they're supposed to be), but there is and shoudl be more than that in a crate. They appear to have 3 slots (Statted gear, cosmetic/schematic/rep, jawa junk) and a chance for a second cosmetic/schematic/rep.


The days of fast and easy gear acquisition are gone. There is certainly work needed to cut off the unlucky side of the RNG bell curve, but it's quite obvious that gear acquisition speed has been slowed down deliberately.

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The days of fast and easy gear acquisition are gone. There is certainly work needed to cut off the unlucky side of the RNG bell curve, but it's quite obvious that gear acquisition speed has been slowed down deliberately.


Just to clarify, it is easier to get gear now than before. To get 244 in 4.0, you HAD to do NiM Ops - you know, actually hard content.


I think what is better to say just FAST gear acquisition may be over - and even that is not the case. As an example, on my guardian I am CR18 and still haven't got a single 230 set piece. In fact, my last 6 crates were entirely disintegrated - not a single item was kept. On my Juggernaut, however, he in now CR8 (just 8) and he has FULL 230 purple set gear. Yeah, that was faster than if I had to do Ops.


You see, with the RNG it can be fast or it could be painfully slow. That is the nature of RNG. And as time goes by, just like in Black Desert, it will cause players to bleed like an open artery as they fall behind the gearing curve and can no longer keep up with those that have already ground through a ton of CxP levels.


The system itself, except for solo players, is self-defeating.

Edited by Wayshuba
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Just to clarify, it is easier to get gear now than before. To get 244 in 4.0, you HAD to do NiM Ops - you know, actually hard content.



The system itself, except for solo players, is self-defeating.


And what I'm getting from the stream is that they don't want you to play solo, and seem to be actively discouraging it, though we will seeon Tuesday when they adjust/balance the PVE CXP

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And what I'm getting from the stream is that they don't want you to play solo, and seem to be actively discouraging it, though we will seeon Tuesday when they adjust/balance the PVE CXP

well..... seeing as how MMO stands for : Massively Multi-player Online......... as far as i'm aware that it, i can't possibly imagine WHY they'd be discouraging towards playing solo ...:D:D:D:D.....dunno, i personally get bored real easy if i at least can't talk to some friends/guildies on TS lol:D:D:D i might just be crazy tho, who knows:eek::eek::eek:

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well..... seeing as how MMO stands for : Massively Multi-player Online......... as far as i'm aware that it, i can't possibly imagine WHY they'd be discouraging towards playing solo ...:D:D:D:D.....dunno, i personally get bored real easy if i at least can't talk to some friends/guildies on TS lol:D:D:D i might just be crazy tho, who knows:eek::eek::eek:


True enough, so why since KotFE have they been emphasising solo play? They're being inconsistent at best, though irrational might be applicable too...

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well..... seeing as how MMO stands for : Massively Multi-player Online........:


I get sooooo tired of seeing this.


Well... Seeing as how "massively multiplayer online" means that one is online simultaneously with many other players...


...but that's ALL it means.


It DOES NOT define that one has to actually group with them to play the game.


There should be no reason players couldn't solo if they wanted to.

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I get sooooo tired of seeing this.

Well... Seeing as how "massively multiplayer online" means that one is online simultaneously with many other players...

...but that's ALL it means.

It DOES NOT define that one has to actually group with them to play the game.

There should be no reason players couldn't solo if they wanted to.


hei, no one says you can't play solo if you want to. buy it's just so annoying to see how people like Aowin keep saying that 5.0 RNG is better than token / commendation gearing of 1.0 - 4.0 because it levels out the feel, stops gear from being unobtainable and blah blah blah. just why do we who enjoy playing together have to deal with this crate RNG crap that is more beneficial to people who don't have time/desire/capability to do the content that drops the gear? 0.o

./sigh so frustrated...:(:(:D:D

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And what I'm getting from the stream is that they don't want you to play solo, and seem to be actively discouraging it, though we will seeon Tuesday when they adjust/balance the PVE CXP


There is absolutely nothing wrong with them encouraging/incenting group play in a solo friendly game. Same goes for harder content gaining more incentive... since most player do actually play for the rewards.. not just for fun. It is an online MMO after all.


And no hardcore raiders.. when I say group play.... that does not mean only OPs... so don't start.

Edited by Andryah
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Hello there, this is my feeling about that RNG/GC system.


I was reading a bunch of threads around the Forum and Social Media about that RNG system implemented. And after testing it in-game, I realize that is not, by far, "exciting" as the Dev said it is.


If the plan is really to keep that system for now on, it MUST be improved and adjusted A LOT to make sense and work as it should work.


i am far more excited for when Mass Effect Andromeda is coming out, this on SWTOR i don't care for any more.


as for adjustments and improvements to this rng machine, if the players are happy to see the changes and it gets better over the next few weeks, then good. but i would imagine it would take some convincing adjustments to pull the others who left because of the RNG machine.

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i am far more excited for when Mass Effect Andromeda is coming out, this on SWTOR i don't care for any more.


as for adjustments and improvements to this rng machine, if the players are happy to see the changes and it gets better over the next few weeks, then good. but i would imagine it would take some convincing adjustments to pull the others who left because of the RNG machine.

when IS it coming out?? march right?:D:D

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