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@Devs: How the CXP system is killing my love of this game


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Taken seriously? Hello, do you really think I am taking you seriously? You and yours have plastered the forums with all these threads and in the end it is about nothing more than ego, everything else posted is spin. You can play the game the same as always, you just don't get that exclusive gear that makes raiders feel special.


You are not special anymore.


I hope the OP doesn't assume this attitude is shared by all non raiders. I never did a single OP. Never did a single group FP for that matter. I goofed off in just about everything I did in this game. Goofed off in heroics. Goofed off going through the class stories. Goofed off leveling up some crew skills. I played that way because that's what I chose to do.


Do I think I deserve the same gear as raiders who coordinate with other people to take down the hardest content this game offers? Absolutely not. This isn't pee-wee soccer where everyone is special and everyone gets a trophy. The very idea is absurd.


Raiders should have the best gear. I'm embarrassed for people who think that those who put a minimal amount of effort into this game "deserve" the same rewards as those who work at it and put in time and dedication.


To the OP:


I get what you're saying and I agree with you 100%. When I raided progressively in WoW my guild lived for raid nights. We loved it. We had a blast together and when everyone hit BIS gear we ran our alts through or pugs. Everyone geared up through raids - first normal and then HM. If the game had pushed us to pvp so we could gear up faster so we could finally do what we loved, the guild would have fallen apart.


PvE'rs who want to gear faster will simply afk out of matches pissing off the PvP'rs and making the game frustrating for everyone. It's a no win situation and it's stupid.

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Taken seriously? Hello, do you really think I am taking you seriously? You and yours have plastered the forums with all these threads and in the end it is about nothing more than ego, everything else posted is spin. You can play the game the same as always, you just don't get that exclusive gear that makes raiders feel special.


You are not special anymore.


You mad bro?

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Noone is making anyone do anything they don't like doing. If you don't like to PvP, don't PvP. It's really that simple. Get your CXP from SM ops.




Who are you competing with? Raid bosses? Are you competing with other guilds to get 5 year old ops done before they do? It sounds like your only "love" is for efficiency and not the game. If that's the case there are plenty other MMO's out there with more efficient ways to gear up.


I agree with Betterclass.


Anyone who feels they are actually "forced" to do anything in an MMO.. needs to take a little break and self-reflect.


They certainly do not have things balanced around GC and Cxp right now.. that is for sure. However, the approach is clearly one of putting in mechanics and methods that in fact DO enable players to play what they want to play. Once they get things tuned correctly... it will actually better enable the very thing the OP is complaining about.


I know.. change is painful for some, and releasing an imperfect system is something some people rail on and expect perfection in an MMO. There IS NO PERFECTION in MMOs. They are by definition imperfect beasts that players must adapt and adjust to as they change and move in different directions all the time.


As for the OPs suggestions... they fly completely in the face of what the studio said in this weeks live stream. Tokens in OPs are not coming back, and GC is staying. This is a hard wall that each player must individually decide how to cope with. Some will adapt in game and move forward, others will leave. My guild raids, we saw this coming, we planned and adapted in preparation for 5.0 and are moving forward. Other guilds are just throwing in the towel and accepting defeat. Some appear to be still in the "bargaining" stage of denial.


On the matter of OPs in general... it should be very clear by now that they are NOT going to continue with the OPs treadmill in this MMO, and certainly not hardcore. if that is your cat's meow in MMOs.. you are playing the wrong MMO and have been for at least two years. OPs can still be fun, but not if you want hardest progressions and expect BiS gear to only come from doing so. That train left the station at lease two years ago. Adapt.. one way or the other... because it's not going to change the way you want it to.


I used to be a progression raider in MMOs years ago. My whole guild was, and did. So I understand the views being expressed. They are simply being expressed in the context of the wrong MMO. There ARE MMOs for hardcore raiders.

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Do uprisings. Fractured can be done with 2 people and it takes appr. 10 mins :D I honestly don't know what the CXP gain from it is though, my husband and I have been having too much fun doing the Uprising to notice :p


Yeah... some people are hating on the Uprisings because they are "too this" or "too that", or "not enough <whatever>". I think they are a refreshing variation on FPs.. and in that aspect they are a good thing for people that like the approach... which clearly some do.. as demonstrated by your comment here. :)

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This is a hard wall that each player must individually decide how to cope with. Some will adapt in game and move forward, others will leave.


It's much better choice to leave and stop paying. Otherwise BW might think people are supporting their bad system.

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It's much better choice to leave and stop paying. Otherwise BW might think people are supporting their bad system.


There are a lot of people that actually DO like the concept. It is the current implementations weak points that is really the issue. It needs more tuning.


As for stay or leave.... that is a personal decision for each. And no.. it's not an effective insurgency approach as there is no coordinated and organized mass exodus. Not even all the players threatening to quit will do so. And many that do make that decision may very well come back once GC is properly tuned.


There is nothing wrong with taking a break when a game frustrates you. It's actually the healthy thing to do for oneself.


But if you are a hardcore raider, and care for nothing else.. best to have left two years ago... and actually play an MMO that puts more emphasis on your play style.

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There are a lot of people that actually DO like the concept. It is the current implementations weak points that is really the issue. It needs more tuning.


As for stay or leave.... that is a personal decision for each. And no.. it's not an effective insurgency approach as there is no coordinated and organized mass exodus. Not even all the players threatening to quit will do so. And many that do make that decision may very well come back once GC is properly tuned.


There is nothing wrong with taking a break when a game frustrates you. It's actually the healthy thing to do for oneself.


But if you are a hardcore raider, and care for nothing else.. best to have left two years ago... and actually play an MMO that puts more emphasis on your play style.


It's good that there is SW RPG in making. I would rather play proper solo RPG than this.

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It's good that there is SW RPG in making. I would rather play proper solo RPG than this.


I plan to play both when the time comes. :D


I always have at least two MMOs in active rotation anyway. It's a diversification approach I learned many years ago to inhibit personal burn-out and frustration. It's actually a fairly popular approach for many players these day seeing as most MMOs are on a flexible access model rather then subscription only.

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Did you just suggest to this player to find another game? :)

Be careful with that suggestion as long as you care about the game yourself, just an advice.




It's healthy to take a break when a game frustrates you to the point of being perpetually negative about it. That may, or may not mean going to play a new game. Sometimes just a week or two away from the game is enough for the rational mind to get itself rebalanced. Why on earth play a game that you are perpetually negative about?


Yes.. some will take the advice right now.. but not enough to make the doomsday result you are alluding to. Many will in fact return once their frustration cools or the game makes GC properly balanced.

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I plan to play both when the time comes. :D


I always have at least two MMOs in active rotation anyway. It's a diversification approach I learned many years ago to inhibit personal burn-out and frustration. It's actually a fairly popular approach for many players these day seeing as most MMOs are on a flexible access model rather then subscription only.


Not going to bother with any MMO's anymore. If someone just would make FPS that could rise the level of COD4 promod, I would be there instantly. CS GO is crap like every CS but that is just my opinion.

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There are a lot of people that actually DO like the concept. It is the current implementations weak points that is really the issue. It needs more tuning.


As for stay or leave.... that is a personal decision for each. And no.. it's not an effective insurgency approach as there is no coordinated and organized mass exodus. Not even all the players threatening to quit will do so. And many that do make that decision may very well come back once GC is properly tuned.


There is nothing wrong with taking a break when a game frustrates you. It's actually the healthy thing to do for oneself.


But if you are a hardcore raider, and care for nothing else.. best to have left two years ago... and actually play an MMO that puts more emphasis on your play style.


I agree with you for once!

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it's not an effective insurgency approach as there is no coordinated and organized mass exodus.

Had to comment on that a little bit. If several whole guilds leaves because of this system then you can say that those are organized. And several guilds did leave/are leaving. Mostly end game guilds.

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It's healthy to take a break when a game frustrates you to the point of being perpetually negative about it. That may, or may not mean going to play a new game. Sometimes just a week or two away from the game is enough for the rational mind to get itself rebalanced. Why on earth play a game that you are perpetually negative about?


Yes.. some will take the advice right now.. but not enough to make the doomsday result you are alluding to. Many will in fact return once their frustration cools or the game makes GC properly balanced.


Never said a thing about doomsday. And i agree with you, doing the same myself. But taking a break and telling someone that what they are searching for can be found "in plenty of other games" are two different things imo.

But whatever, don't feel like discussing over words chosen with a certain intention.

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Do uprisings. Fractured can be done with 2 people and it takes appr. 10 mins :D I honestly don't know what the CXP gain from it is though, my husband and I have been having too much fun doing the Uprising to notice :p


What about the others? This would be something interesting for me and my boyfriend.

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I think the problem is the GCXP grind, you have to grind it out for every character you have, and with a limit of 14 chars per server as well as an inability to move the rewards along your account...I can understand the frustration.


14 per server?


There are ladies and gents in my guild with 40 level 70 toons.


And even they think it's a grind to hit CXP 300.

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You can get MORE CXP from 20 minutes of PvP than 2 hours of Operations. Even if you hate PvP it seems stupid not to do it.


And in Operations we have repair bills even when we're not making any money banging our heads against HM Reven, unless something's changes the PVP guys still get off scott free.

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Had to comment on that a little bit. If several whole guilds leaves because of this system then you can say that those are organized. And several guilds did leave/are leaving. Mostly end game guilds.


Let me clarify a bit then.....


When I said organized insurgency, by that I meant thousands of players organizing together to all unsubscribe and leave all at once. In essence an organized electronic protest of thousands to try to make a virtual protest march on the studio in some form or another.


50 here and 50 there... whole groups deciding to go somewhere else... that's not an insurgency and will not be effective as any sort of protest movement. It is however a good thing in my view that like minded players in a guild stick together on things.... even if it means they collectively decide it's time to go play something else.

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