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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bravo Bioware for not giving into kneejerk reactions of a vocal minority


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"A dozen or so"




"some tweaks"


You are either a Bioware employee, a troll or a moron.


Anything up to 500,000 players - even at 1,000 people on these forums complaining, that would only be about 0.2%. So yeah, that would be a minority.

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You miseed the part of not knowing if capacity was added prior to KotET launch during the downtime. BioWare doesn't share this information with players.


While in theory true, there wasn't really a practical reason to expand capacity. (They have announced capacity expansions in the past, while we do not know if that were all the adjustments they did, it's not like they never do it.)


Do all the colours mean the same thing on different servers? Do the colours mean the same thing all the time, or are they different at different times (if there are more players at peak times, does it still register as "light" because it's "light" for that time of day)? Are the changes "live" or do they only change when someone at Bioware can be bothered to change the status of the server? Are they even linked to server populations, or are they just there to distract the people with the pretty colours?


Numbers can be compared, these meaningless terms can't.


And again, in theory, you are right. Those are all possible reasons why things may not be how they seem. But in reality it's a very weak argument against what players actually experience on their servers and just see confirmed by TorStatus' graphics.

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Do all the colours mean the same thing on different servers? Do the colours mean the same thing all the time, or are they different at different times (if there are more players at peak times, does it still register as "light" because it's "light" for that time of day)? Are the changes "live" or do they only change when someone at Bioware can be bothered to change the status of the server? Are they even linked to server populations, or are they just there to distract the people with the pretty colours?


Numbers can be compared, these meaningless terms can't.


you really have to be pulling this out of your nether regions. No one makes displays like you are saying because it would invalidate the whole reason you are making the graph. You are intentionally trying to cloud the issue. You have the appearance of someone trying to cloud the argument out of desperation.

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you really have to be pulling this out of your nether regions. No one makes displays like you are saying because it would invalidate the whole reason you are making the graph. You are intentionally trying to cloud the issue. You have the appearance of someone trying to cloud the argument out of desperation.


Well, this is hardly surprising given that player proudly put "Queen of the white knights" in his sig. :)

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you really have to be pulling this out of your nether regions. No one makes displays like you are saying because it would invalidate the whole reason you are making the graph. You are intentionally trying to cloud the issue. You have the appearance of someone trying to cloud the argument out of desperation.


I dunno, I think she was merely pointing out that the figures aren't very accurate. Quoting inaccurate figures to support your point of view seems a bit Trump-y to me. Just had a look at my local temperature, global warming must be a lie, cause it was quite chilly this morning.

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I dunno, I think she was merely pointing out that the figures aren't very accurate. Quoting inaccurate figures to support your point of view seems a bit Trump-y to me. Just had a look at my local temperature, global warming must be a lie, cause it was quite chilly this morning.


You sure are doing tribute to your signature :). Although i wonder, what are you questioning now exactly?


Say, you are questioning the data that is being used (released by Bioware, used by TORstatus), that would push people like me (who are doubting about Bioware's claims) even further away from the game. Because if the data is unreliable, Bioware isn't just lying in their statements but also in releasing their data. Now, as a gamer, well so be it. You like something, you don't like something, fine. But as a consumer that could be seen as fraud. And fraud could lead to serious cases in court. So, i will just assume here that their released data is at least correct.


Say, you are questioning things that are being said after analyzing data. Things like: there is no exponential increase in playerbase. That's fine, question it. But post data to contribute to your questioning. When opinions are put versus factual data (let's at least hope it is factual, as stated in the previous part of this post) things get out of hand.


The only real claim that could be made here is: "how do i interprete the data that is given?" Let's assume we use the same data that Bioware has given us. How would you interprete that?

Edited by cashtwomuchos
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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


ahh but what you fail to account for is that inaction is also a knee-jerk reaction to a previous reaction and what was said was basically inaction. from my point of view.

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I see it didn't take long for the bullies to fall over themselves with insults. Sad but predictable but I'm sure you all will be quitting any day now, right?


Funny how when someone criticises the game, these "bullies" do the same thing as you're describing. You even made a thread criticising other people, right down to calling them children. Pot meet kettle?

Edited by DarthWoad
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Back to the same old story - quoting TorStatus as factual figures (you know all they do is take the data from Bioware's published data, right?).


How many player does it say are on when it's "Light" and how many at "Heavy"? Without knowing any of the levels or tolerances, all TorStatus shows is a pretty picture that I'm going to pin up on the fridge.


It's trend analysis. If the trend is static or declining you can't say there are more people playing. Simple as that. It won't tell us how many people are playing but it does tell us this trend.


You might not like this to be the case and can ignore it all you like but it doesn't make any less accurate.

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Anything up to 500,000 players - even at 1,000 people on these forums complaining, that would only be about 0.2%. So yeah, that would be a minority.


But if 990 of the 1000 forum users are complaining they represent a quantifiable portion of the player base as a whole as to the general attitude towards the expansion and changes.


So right away we can make an assumption that the majority of the players within the game are not happy with 5.0 changes based on this portion of the games player base ( reddit being another ) . Have you got anything to the contrary? Do you honestly believe that the majority of players are happy with the 5.0 changes and just a "vocal few" are crying out on the forums?


This whole "vocal minority" thing doesn't wash and is the last desperate resort for people to try show imply that really people are happy with 5.0

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Huge props to Bioware for listening to the constructive feedback and attempting minor adjustments to a system the vast majority of the folks are happy with. It would have been extremely easy to bow down to the deafening roar of a dozen or so vocal forum posters that are completely out of touch with reality and insist on behaving like spoiled children.


The system needs some tweaks, I admit it but it's really not bad overall and DO find the results screen exciting (I know you guys are getting mocked for this statement) when opening crates. I was pleased to hear you're analyzing the data and are willing to be accommodating to some of the few legit concerns. I personally would like to see something done to encourage playing with our alts.


Keep up the good work and keep gathering the constructive feedback. Try to shrug off the pathetic negativity a few are trying to spin on these forums.


How many cents does EA pay you for these posts?

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