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For a good laugh, if you have a female character use your tauntaun mount.


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So I decided to use my tauntaun mount first time this expansion and noticed that while standing still my female char now looks like the headless horseman or should I say headless tauntaunman. I initially thought it was the game glitching and relogged to find out that it was the same way. As it looks from behind her left arm is extended up with scarecrow fingers, her head is actually pulled down and stretching through her body to the left under her armpit. I will admit it is by far the funniest bug I have seen to date. When you make the tauntaun move however her body returns to normal as soon as you stop it goes back to the headless tauntaunman position. It happens with all my female characters and I had a friend or two with male characters try it and does not happen to them. I just figured people might actually be amused to see people with this so I thought I would share ;)
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The players of female toons in my guild have been tormenting our friends with this since the expansion hit! It's hilarious. I do find it interesting that it only seems to happen to female toons though. The bug also seems to extend to all two-legged animal mounts specifically. Edited by AscendingSky
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The players of female toons in my guild have been tormenting our friends with this since the expansion hit! It's hilarious. I do find it interesting that it only seems to happen to female toons though. The bug also seems to extend to all two-legged animal mounts specifically.


Now I am gonna have to go through the rest of my mounts to get some more laughs, but I am glad to see other people are having fun with it. I mean if they are gonna screw something up might as well do it with flair. Kinda like the time the C2-N2 customizations ended up on treek. And treek no longer looked like treek but a scarecrow version of C2-N2.

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Your wish is my command!




You are the best! :D


Ohh..what the.....lolol I though those were glitch from Nvidia or something ? Didn't someone post something similar before ?


Have you tried to see if it happen only on fleet ?

Edited by SerraShar
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You are the best! :D


Ohh..what the.....lolol I though those were glitch from Nvidia or something ? Didn't someone post something similar before ?


Have you tried to see if it happen only on fleet ?


It happens on planet too. I was so proud of myself, granting my Sentinel a Tauntaun on Hoth... it's not so photogenic now.

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It is not funny in the least, and actually has effectively killed my motivation to do any exploring or other activity where you need to get from A to B. Happens with all two-legged mounts on female characters.


And of course no word even acknowledging this. This one is the last straw for me.


of all the things to get upset about in game just now, you chose this

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