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How many have actually cancelled their sub


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Due to losing millions, hundreds of items, 300+ of each of the arch crafting node mats that i farmed, GCXP ranks, gear, achievements, conquest points due to this server rollback of the Harby. I just uninstalled. The only thing that was keeping me here was making money from the gtn and crafting but 8 hours of crafting, gathering, gtn sales, 5 million in grade 5 gifts and the rank 50 comp back to rank 4 is the last straw.


I am a dev myself in a small company and we would be in emergency mode, shutting the server down, posting on the forums, apologising to the player base and compensating the players for the loss. We would be called in from holidays and back to work fixing the server/game problem.


But hey I am only a small time dev, what would I know.

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2nd account cancelled, main account just renewed unfortunately but unless something changes will get cancelled, I don't feel any desire to login since I completed the new story (which I enjoyed) but don't want to grind the same old stuff yet again + rng
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Well I will be at the end of January. Don't know if I'll leave for good yet. Might just take a break and focus on more important things such as school, studying for some exam certifications and trying to get a job. I will see how the next month and a half goes before I decide for sure.
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I'm definitely not un-subbing. GC gives ocassional players like me the chance to earn end game gear without having to find big raiding parties etc. Still, for those that raid regularly, they should have the option to earn end game gear that way as well. Once you get to lvl 15 GC, it does become arduous. Maybe give us both!


What I can say is that I already have 4 pieces of the 230 set bonus and I love it!


As far as story goes, I'm a huge bio ware fan and like the cinematics. I do wish they would go back and explore more of the ancient Jedi/ Sith lore as a main story plot. Eternal empire is beginning to feel more like a tangent and less like an integral part of star wars history.

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Yep, I unsubbed about a week after the announcement of the Command Crates RNG gearing system. Since I had a 6 month recurring subscription which would run out during November, I decided to get a 180 time card from the website to give me enough time to check out the expansion and everything, but after that I'll be taking a break from the game. Housing is coming to ESO, and I play there from time to time, so that'll keep me entertained for a while
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Just stopped mine minutes ago. So I'll be "here" till January 3rd, possibly. Finding myself logging in and weighing what to do based on how much GCEXP it gives results in me doing nothing. The information that the group content we'll be getting in January will be "5 new uprisings and master level difficulty for chapters" with a vague shot of "maybe some larger scale group combat" made me re-evaluate my entertainment choices.
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I use 60 days subscription cards, mine ends on the first week of january, from which i'll be gone for good. I'm done with bioware.


One of the dot coms I consult with sends me the codes off of the cards whenever I ask for one. Not sure what they're playing now. They move around every 3 months. Have to ask them.


They usually play fantasy which is something I don;t enjoy.

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I changed my sub from a 6-month (which expired last week) sub to a 30 day sub.

I'll let my satisfaction with the game on a month-to-month basis determine whether or not I remain a subscriber.


I don't hate the CXP system, but the elite nerf turned it into such a hardcore grind that I'm not sure I want anything to do with it, and if I'm not participating in it, there's really nothing left for me but to run alts through the brutally repetitive story chapters.

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Hah, so it's not just me? I'm slowly finishing my first playthrough of DA:Inquisition lately and I've realized that they used pretty much all the same tropes in KotFE and KotET... Like literally even identical dialogue lines appearing on a few occasions. :o


EDIT: BTW, I've cancelled my sub just after setting it up and then diving a bit into the forums... Want to have it active while I'm going through the new story content, then I'm probably out for a few months (or forever, as this game is going to die soon unfortunately).


Also I don't get one time passwords today for some reason, so can't play anyways. That doesn't get me highly motivated either. :p


I agree if your talking DA2 or ME3.

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Sub expiring in 2 days. I've been on 6 months recurrent sub since about 3.5 years and SWTOR was my first MMORPG . I cancelled when Galactic Command was announced, tried the expansion, enjoyed the story despite the horrible gameplay (waves of stormtrooper yeah!), but Galactic command rng-grind is not "exciting" for an altoholic like me.

They just announced changes for January and it's a very good step. But not enough and too probably too late. I've been having fun on FFXIV and ESO since 4 months and I'll stay on these game for a while as they still add regular meaningful content. I would have never tried other MMOs in the first place if Bioware was more respectful of long term players.

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