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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

CXP Booster are a scam


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A scammer is someone who presents something as if it is one thing, but it really is something else. They prey on people who don't know any better or who are frustrated to be without. SWTOR is manipulating the game to prey on the unwise and doing it for financial gain. By nerfing the CXP and then introducing these boost they are preying on the unwise players who assume it help with the odds of the drops, and the frustrated players who think that getting more boxes to open, increases your chances of getting what they are after. Each individual box rolls against the same odds, so having more boxes doesn't make the roll any better. ALL boxes have bad drop rates, go read some of the threads where ppl are posting their drop results.



Any Nerf to CXP gains from here on out increases the value of the boosters...Based on past precedent BioWare doesn't need motivation to make unappealing game design changes....but now they have one.


I will never purchase a CXP booster and the day I feel its a requirement is my last day with this game period. Hard stance no debate needed.

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"Scam" is a pretty loaded word with lots of "definitions". Nobody (that I've seen in this thread at least) is saying that what BW is doing is *illegal* (and that would vary by location). People *are* saying that it is dirty, underhanded, disingenuous, and discussing this particular business model as a scheme (and not in a neutral fashion).


Just because the terms of a "scam" are obvious and any layman *should* be able to see what's going doesn't mean that people in the crowd shouldn't warn rubes/marks about what's going on, and the [English language] word "scam" is not an inappropriate description. It may not be the *best* word to use ("scheme" is probably better, but even it isn't without negative connotation).

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"Scam" is a pretty loaded word with lots of "definitions". Nobody (that I've seen in this thread at least) is saying that what BW is doing is *illegal* (and that would vary by location). People *are* saying that it is dirty, underhanded, disingenuous, and discussing this particular business model as a scheme (and not in a neutral fashion).


Just because the terms of a "scam" are obvious and any layman *should* be able to see what's going doesn't mean that people in the crowd shouldn't warn rubes/marks about what's going on, and the [English language] word "scam" is not an inappropriate description. It may not be the *best* word to use ("scheme" is probably better, but even it isn't without negative connotation).


Your very right, Scheme would have been a more accurate word, if we were in a legal battle over it, but we are not. Nor would we ever be, because a court would simply say, quit playing. I call it a scam because I'm not happy with what they are doing, as I have invested a lot of money (paying for 4 subs for over 3 years) and I have built up a respectable tank for doing what I, and my wife and boys, enjoy. Running OPS. My wife built a respectable healer, and my two boys have built DPS toons that parse respectfully. Now that has been taken away from this game, and it looks like, to me, simply to run a scam (scheme) to make more money. No thought, or they don't care, about how the loyal SWTOR fans are going to be affected.

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All I know is that they better fix this CXP mess and make playing our alts a viable option again. Can I play my alts now? Sure, but it'll take way too long to grind a few main raiding toons. They simply need to make CXP a Legacy feature or boost the amount of CXP we get for doing "endgame" activities.
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