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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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. It does not change the fact that KOTFE was the most successful expansion to date.


Still waiting on proof to support that statement ... and waiting ... and waiting ...


Oh you still mean that open letter? Lol how naive you must be ... wait wasn't that also written 6 months before the end of the content cycle? 4 months before the last of the chapters even dropped? How then could it be deemed to be the most successful? Also there is this:


It received critical acclaim from press




A mighty 6.5 from IGN ... "critical acclaim" heh.


If anyone would know whether KOTFE was a success or not, you better believe Ben Irving is a credible source. His livelihood is dependent on whether these expansions succeed or fail.


Lol ... that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time. Ben Irving, producer for SWToR is a credible source on how SWToR is doing. That is your factual logic at play here? Time for a new career choice me thinks champ.

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You, and the ten other people complaining about KOTET on the forums, do not make up the entirety of the game's population.


Lol love how he mentions conspiracy theories and "reality" then follows it up with a statement implying there are only "ten other people" complaining about Kotet around here.


Honestly I almost feel somewhat like a bully pulling apart Aowin's posts ... :(

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TOR status is not a reputable source and never has been. Again, the only one who actually has reliable numbers would be BioWare as they actually know.


Why continue to lie to yourself? You may as well just accept reality for what it is.


I don't see any numbers in Irving's post. I see adjectives. Adjectives aren't data, they're PR.


So, once again: where are the data on which you base your assertions of fact?

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Kinda wondering what the OP is smoking? :confused: This new system sucks. Honestly this game has way too much grinding in it from the player base jacking prices on the GTN for items people want and at least if you are stupid enough to grind for that high priced item instead of letting the person who wants the item for say 100 mil do it themselves with how supposedly "easy" it is to get credits in this game at least that's rewarding where as this is not. All this grinding and hardly getting the top gear is dumb. At least prior to 5.0 the grinding for Data Crystals while long and tedious was worth the reward. This is just stupid.


I'm not saying that everything we grind for should be handed to us Willy Nilly, it's not like wasting money on a Cartel Pack and not getting an item you want as dumb as that is, but really RNGing our gear in the game and you may get lucky and get top gear? What's the point of ranking to get gear if it's not rewarding?

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Okay, so pretty much there is two trains of thought on this thread now....


There is Aowin, the white knight...





Me? I'm on Aowin's side, mostly because the doomsayers are saying the same thing they've been saying for five damn years. You know what? SOMEDAY the doomsayers will be right. Someday. Maybe it will be this month or this year. I doubt it though, just like I've doubted it the past five years.

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Okay, so pretty much there is two trains of thought on this thread now....


There is Aowin, the white knight...





Me? I'm on Aowin's side, mostly because the doomsayers are saying the same thing they've been saying for five damn years. You know what? SOMEDAY the doomsayers will be right. Someday. Maybe it will be this month or this year. I doubt it though, just like I've doubted it the past five years.


You forgot people like me. I don't think the game will end but I do think RNG gearing is a bad idea.

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You forgot people like me. I don't think the game will end but I do think RNG gearing is a bad idea.


The game probably won't end but the game will get worse for everyone that stays if people leave. The Command Crates is a huge grind/disappointment to many. They are not fun. They come so pretty darn slow and it gets worse the higher you go. There is rarely anything of value in them. It's a complete fail. People will get sick of it and leave at some point.


it unfortunate because threads like these do far more harm to a game then the OP and others realize.

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IMDB is your source? Really? For one, if you actually took the time to read it, you'd know that distinction of "lead writer" is vague as it's applied to every expansion that has released for SWTOR. Hall Hood was the actual lead writer for ROTHC (he wrote the story). Charles Boyd also was not the lead writer on SOR. Really, there were actual promotional videos who showed you who was actually writing these expansions.


How about we actually use a credible source?




Here's your problem. All of the writers who wrote class stories were given the designation of "lead writer." Here's Hall Hood's page as an example:




The lead writer for KOTFE and KOTET is actually Ian Ryan (watch the credits for KOTFE and KOTET if you don't believe me), who received assistance from various other writers on the writing team. Charles Boyd was never responsible for any of the story. Again, get your facts straight.


Your problem is that you cannot admit faults even when you clearly make them. You were wrong about linking his role as creative director to the story writing of KotFE and you still are. Do not think that your deflection of that worked.


Now assuming that you are right about the writer credits of KotFE (I wasn't talking about KotET so need to bring that one in), that still doesn't mean he had no say in what happened in the stories. He may not have penned them down but chances are he had some influence in how the stories ended up. You cannot deny that it wouldn't make sense to use his expertise as such. Besides what else was he doing in that time? Just sitting around while others wrote all the stories? In the livestreams he certainly seemed to be involved in what happened with the companions coming back or not in KotFE. He even admitted mistakes were made and even uttered a mea culpa on one or two occasions on the subject. Why take the blame for something if you have no involvement in it.


So maybe he didn't actually write KotFE, but it's perfectly reasonable to think he was involved in it nonetheless.


But you, you are incapable of admitting you were wrong even in part. And that's what makes you an unreasonable person in my book.


Here read this interview http://massivelyop.com/2016/05/05/waxing-philosophical-about-swtor-companions-with-biowares-charles-boyd/

Edited by Tsillah
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You forgot people like me. I don't think the game will end but I do think RNG gearing is a bad idea.


This. I have never once suggested that this or any other change the devs have made will be the end of swtor. I do, however, think that RNG gearing makes it a significantly worse game, and one that I probably will not continue with once my current non-recurring sub time runs out. As it is, I pretty much only log in to play the GTN mini-game.

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Okay, so pretty much there is two trains of thought on this thread now....


There is Aowin, the white knight...





Me? I'm on Aowin's side, mostly because the doomsayers are saying the same thing they've been saying for five damn years.


That's not even close to being true, people are arguing legitimate concerns over the game now and why they are considering or progressing with leaving/unsubbing.


To just imply everyone is saying the game is going to outright die just embarrasses yourself and probably wasn't worth the time posting.

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Okay, so pretty much there is two trains of thought on this thread now....


There is Aowin, the white knight...





Me? I'm on Aowin's side, mostly because the doomsayers are saying the same thing they've been saying for five damn years. You know what? SOMEDAY the doomsayers will be right. Someday. Maybe it will be this month or this year. I doubt it though, just like I've doubted it the past five years.


If being rational and realizing this game isn't going to shut down because a of a few, angry forum posters makes me a "white knight," then so be it. At least I live in reality and recognize Galactic Command is here to stay as it is more so a benefit and not the detractor many make it out to be. Never has the entire player base had more opportunity to get top tier gear, and that's a great thing.

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Dude you almost made 300 levels of grinding gear sound ok.....lol.Heres the thing though its still 300 levels of grinding.lol.SO YEA NO SALE:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


All MMOs have grinds, so this is a moot point. It's how the grind is executed that makes all the difference. 5.1 is already doing a lot to alleviate many of the concerns some of the community is putting forth.

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At least I live in reality and recognize Galactic Command is here to stay as it is more so a benefit and not the detractor many make it out to be.

The vast majority of the people that disagree with you do not have a disagreement with Galactic Command, but in its implementation.


I find it very disingenuous that your OP talks about RNG, and then people argue against RNG, and then you make a statement like the above that pretends that people are against Galactic Command itself.

Edited by Khevar
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The vast majority of the people that disagree with you do not have a disagreement with Galactic Command, but in its implementation.


I find it very disingenuous that your OP talks about RNG, and then people argue against RNG, and then you make a statement like the above that pretends that people are against Galactic Command itself.


Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other. While your issue may not be directly with Galactic Command, you cannot dispute that you preferred 4.0 to what we have now.


Many have claimed they want a reversal back to 4.0, even though it was a terrible gear progression system. I find it hard to believe those same folks, who clearly don't care about a more inclusive system, have any positive thoughts on Galactic Command.

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Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other.


Utter rubbish.


It would be perfectly possible to keep GC and even keep it at 300 levels and TOTALLY remove RNG from the GC Crates.


To suggest otherwise is just flat out lying.


All The Best

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Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other.

I disagree. Galactic Command could have been delivered without such a heavy RNG component, or with a much narrower gear pool, or with fewer ranks to push to Tier 2, or with a Legacy component, and it would still have "worked".

Many have claimed they want a reversal back to 4.0, even though it was a terrible gear progression system.

Many have also claimed they would be happier with a reversal to 3.x. Or to 2.x. Or to 1.x.


4.0 is low-hanging fruit as far as your arguments go. The introduction of Highlighted Hard Modes, with EV/KP in rotation, was a poor implementaiton. Several of the people that have argued against you in this very thread, had expressed their displeasure in the HHM system when it was first introduced in 4.0.

Edited by Khevar
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Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other. While your issue may not be directly with Galactic Command, you cannot dispute that you preferred 4.0 to what we have now.


Many have claimed they want a reversal back to 4.0, even though it was a terrible gear progression system. I find it hard to believe those same folks, who clearly don't care about a more inclusive system, have any positive thoughts on Galactic Command.


There could be CC without RNG. They are linked currently, but that could change. I wont deny I did like the 4.0 gearing system better than GC (with a couple of exceptions). However I am a HM raider, that is just about all I do. So yes it was the easiest path for me overall. But that doesn't mean I can't get behind GC. I like how crafting has become more important, the ability to get good schematics thru various means has helped greatly. I do not want a reversion back to 4.0 gearing, but I think a balance could be found between the old gearing systems and this one.

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Many have claimed they want a reversal back to 4.0, even though it was a terrible gear progression system. I find it hard to believe those same folks, who clearly don't care about a more inclusive system, have any positive thoughts on Galactic Command.


4.0 gearing was a huge mistake. The level sync while good for other aspects of the game was wrong to do with operations without setting tiers for how the gear that would drop (EV/KP/EC Tier 1, etc). All operations giving the same gear made it too fast to get gear. The highlighted hard mode was just a terrible decision on top of that. Given that they made NiM only chance drops for 224 and gave HHM 100% chance of dropping 220 and 224 gear was just a direct contradiction to their claim they didn't want people getting NiM mode too quickly. It was a glaring instance of the very poor thought process in their decision making. A thought process that continues today with very poorly thought out decisions/implementations.

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Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other. While your issue may not be directly with Galactic Command, you cannot dispute that you preferred 4.0 to what we have now.


Many have claimed they want a reversal back to 4.0, even though it was a terrible gear progression system. I find it hard to believe those same folks, who clearly don't care about a more inclusive system, have any positive thoughts on Galactic Command.


Most people would be happy with the old system and GC for those that want it. That way "anyone can get end game gear" remains true and no one can complain about GC if they have the usual alternatives.


Your problem is you think the current implementation is actually of benefit to the game yet you've not once managed to justify how it is. Just ramble on some nonsense about it being MMO norms and thus it's fine.

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Galactic Command and RNG go hand in hand. They are not separate entities as one does not work without the other. While your issue may not be directly with Galactic Command, you cannot dispute that you preferred 4.0 to what we have now.


That is complete nonsense. You can award gear at set GC levels as easily as award it by RNG. RNG exists for one reason only, and that is to slow down progression even beyond the time required to GC level 300. I don't see anyone complaining that they can't get their gear as quickly as in 4.0. I see people complaining because there is no rational relationship between effort put in and level of reward.

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Rng is a total ********.

I have 5 toons at level 70

1 = cxp level 48 and has 3 settokens 230

2 = cxp level 26 and has 1 settokens 230

3 = cxp level 24 and has 0 settokens 230

4 = cxp level 20 and has 0 settokens 230

5 = cxp level 10 and has 0 settokens 230

and this rng makes me just more and more angry...

Edited by Opaknack
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