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RNG is perfect for SWTOR and I'll explain why.


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I would assume it is likely you took offense to my comment, expecting it was aimed directly at you, and decided to fire back before taking the time to perhaps think about what you were doing, and to whom you were directing the vitriol.


In the future Aowin I would strongly recommend that you take some time to perhaps consider what you are posting before you post it, otherwise you risk making yourself look rather foolish.


What "offense" to your comments did I take? You made silly statements implying BioWare was never going to make tweaks to Galactic Command and even went further suggesting anyone defending the initial system was making a "baseless" argument since BioWare had apparently turned 180 degrees. I pointed out the obvious faults in your logic. I did not assume whether you were a "progression raider" or not, as I merely responded to your post.


I apologize that my response offended you, as it obviously did based on your rhetoric and how defensive your post became focusing more on my state of mind and less on the actual topic at hand. The truth of the matter is BioWare has not done anything out of the ordinary. Again, I direct you to the Producer Live Stream that happened right before KOTET even went live. BioWare, even at that time, was open to tweaking and altering the system.


Nothing of what BioWare is doing now is somehow validating those who believe GC or RNG was a "disaster." All BioWare is doing is providing a bit more certainty in what is otherwise a perfectly fine progression system. I believe some of you are blowing this out of proportion because you can't admit to being wrong and you want to truly believe that GC was so terrible and that 4.0 was so great that BioWare will do whatever you say if you make enough noise.


This is not the kind of feedback BioWare needs. It's fine to be critical and to provide your own opinions of how you believe things should be better. It's something entirely different when you are completely disregarding other points of view because you believe BioWare has endorsed your way of thinking.

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Golly Gee Wilikers, this thread has 136 pages! I feel like I'd be here for a week if I needed to read every post. I'll simply respond to the thread title. For me RNG is NOT perfect for swtor... Why can't we go back to how things once were when everyone was happy before 5.0? xD Edited by DuckKing
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Golly Gee Wilikers, this thread has 136 pages! I feel like I'd be here for a week if I needed to read every post. I'll simply respond to the thread title. For me RNG is NOT perfect for swtor... Why can't we go back to how things once were when everyone was happy before 5.0? xD


Pinpoint me to a time when "everyone was happy before 5.0" and then we can start discussing the merits of your statement.

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Pinpoint me to a time when "everyone was happy before 5.0" and then we can start discussing the merits of your statement.


That's quite a sinister response if I ever saw one. Back off buddy, I was just giving my quick opinion on how I felt. The way you just said that feels like your ready for a legal battle! xD

Edited by DuckKing
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Pinpoint me to a time when "everyone was happy before 5.0" and then we can start discussing the merits of your statement.


Well, there will never be a time when "everyone is happy".


So how about we ask a more reasonable question.


As a general observation do you think more people were more happy with the 4.x gearing system than they are with the 5.x gearing system.


Now, I'll give you a few minutes to go for a 50/50, or even to phone a friend, to make things easier if you need to.


All The Best

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One of the biggest problem with all MMOs is newcomer retention. MMOs historically have a bad track record with encouraging new players to join. Why is this? The game is set up in such a way that benefits the veteran over everybody else. This is particularly true with endgame gear progression.


Um right when 5.0 launched the "veterans' went into NiMs, got schematics for 51 mods and overall 240 stuff and are pretty much done, they now have 240 gear (mods, enhancements) and 234 relics and are spared from teh GC system in total. They can now earn great money from crafting and selling stuff to people who have money, which arent newcomers as they dont have the millions needed.


So you are very wrong.

Edited by merovejec
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For me its clear that the galactic command system is a failure of epic proportions. That it has driven people off I can't prove or know but there certainly does seem some concern that it might have or that some other part of 5.0 might have. The survey and 5.1 streem certainly seem to imply at lesat at some level there are concerns that the players are not as thrilled as expected.


Personally I think they need to drop the entire system and go back to 4.0 gearing. It might not have been perfect but it is so much better then this failure that bad would still be miles better. The changes coming in 5.1 are utterly meaningless as detailed by them. Adding one guaranteed drop to ops that still requires command junk isnt the least bit of help nor is it really any sign they are listening or care what we think about this terrible system. Its a smoke screen and I think it fits what they said before. Its just their way to allow you to go after "the one piece" you didnt get from the random crates of junk....only you and I all know you aren't missing just one piece but they are failing to accept that. So basically it isn't a real change in response to our dissatisfaction with the worthless system they forced on us, its just them doing what they said they would before they got any feedback.


They keep saying they are listening. I think we can all tell By what they do if they are. First did anyone ever ask for there to be one piece per op and that it require tokens from the command junk? No, who would ask for that? Its worthless and we all know that. So no they did not add something we asked for as many claim, they added something they always intended to. But that's just one topic. Another one that was a deep concern for many before 5,0 was the return of missing companions. This was everywhere and lots of players from raiders to RP'er wanted their important companions back. So did they do anything in that direction to show they were listening? Well I think we can all clearly agree, no. How about something very simple. Many posts asked for just something small with the new chapters, that after each one the story would break and not just auto launch you into another chapter. Again how did they respond to what seems to me to be a pretty simply and basic request? They ignored it. As they have with every other request from the community it seems these days. So are they listening? I think we can see for ourselves, they are not.


They also talk about how humble they are. If your truly humble you really wouldn't do that or need to.


The rng is a broken and worthless system that has certainly not helped the game and I feel has hurt it. I think it has helped hurt 5.0 to the point were everything else that came with 5.0 was poisoned by it. From uprisings to the new story its all poisoned by this gearing system. I've run the story twice and am about to do it a third time, doing so actually hurts my gearing because its first of all a terrible way to earn cxp, and second means I am not playing my main. I've decided to ignore their gearing system as much as i can because its worthless and will only force me to do content I dont want to. I've done uprising and for what they are they can be fun. I think they add to the game a way to do something when short on time and that's a good thing. It would be nice if they did listen, and show it by removing the galactic system.

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It does seem a bit odd, at this point, to try and cling to the notion that Bioware finds the original GC system design anything short of flawed, considering that comments from Bioware clearly demonstrate they think otherwise.

I'd love to think of them as intelligent folks or at least aware enough to put two and two together. Yet time and again they completely miss the mark. They were told as far back as the closed beta that this idea was a non-starter. They're being told that the offered adjustment isn't even close to acceptable yet the Lead Producer comes out with this gem in an interview:


"... the player feedback from that idea has been really positive."


Link: http://www.mmorpg.com/star-wars-the-old-republic/interviews/biowares-ben-irving-on-swtors-5th-anniversary-and-future-plans-1000011429


BINO does. not. get. it. At all. They're dead set on cramming this system down our throats. They're on strike 3 or 4 by now and they still don't show any sign of making a real correction. I'm afraid the only way this is going to get fixed is if there's a house cleaning.


Pinning my hopes on EA actually putting somebody with real MMO management experience in charge feels like sheer insanity. They're more likely to install somebody that cut their teeth on P2W mobile games.

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For me its clear that the galactic command system is a failure of epic proportions. That it has driven people off I can't prove or know but there certainly does seem some concern that it might have or that some other part of 5.0 might have. The survey and 5.1 streem certainly seem to imply at lesat at some level there are concerns that the players are not as thrilled as expected. .


And herein lies the core reason that SWtOR isn't the "WoW Killer" many claimed it would be.


The Devs are so, so far out of touch with the playerbase that they expected us to be thrilled and excited by the fustercluck that is Galactic Command.


Anyone, and I do mean anyone, who genuinely thought players of SWtOR would be happy with this gearing system isn't even fit to be the cleaner at Bioware Austin.


We had 8 months where the only thing worth doing was the DvL Event that required us to create masses of Alts, and then to release a patch with a gearing system that does everything possible to make players not be able to play Alts is ... ...well, I can't even begin to get my head round it, I just can't.


The person that though Galactic Command was the "way forward" really, really does need to reconsider his/her position - take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself "am I really up to this job?" and if the answer you give yourself is Yes then you should start to understand why you are part of the problems that beset this game, and not part of the solution.


Likewise the person who gave this the green light, especially after the overwhelming tide of negative feedback prior ro 5.0's release.


Now I suspect that it is one and the same person. If that is the case, this game is in deeper trouble than we think.


All The Best

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What "offense" to your comments did I take? You made silly statements implying BioWare was never going to make tweaks to Galactic Command and even went further suggesting anyone defending the initial system was making a "baseless" argument since BioWare had apparently turned 180 degrees. I pointed out the obvious faults in your logic. I did not assume whether you were a "progression raider" or not, as I merely responded to your post.


I apologize that my response offended you, as it obviously did based on your rhetoric and how defensive your post became focusing more on my state of mind and less on the actual topic at hand. The truth of the matter is BioWare has not done anything out of the ordinary. Again, I direct you to the Producer Live Stream that happened right before KOTET even went live. BioWare, even at that time, was open to tweaking and altering the system.


Nothing of what BioWare is doing now is somehow validating those who believe GC or RNG was a "disaster." All BioWare is doing is providing a bit more certainty in what is otherwise a perfectly fine progression system. I believe some of you are blowing this out of proportion because you can't admit to being wrong and you want to truly believe that GC was so terrible and that 4.0 was so great that BioWare will do whatever you say if you make enough noise.


This is not the kind of feedback BioWare needs. It's fine to be critical and to provide your own opinions of how you believe things should be better. It's something entirely different when you are completely disregarding other points of view because you believe BioWare has endorsed your way of thinking.


My comment in no way implies that Bioware is not going to make changes to GC, nor does it imply that they never intended to do so.


I also did not say anyone defending the base system is making baseless arguments.


I feel like you don't even bother to read the posts I make. That must be it, because it seems like you are reading something else.


I'm sorry Aowin, but you're entire post regarding mine makes no sense whatsoever.


This comment....


It does seem a bit odd, at this point, to try and cling to the notion that Bioware finds the original GC system design anything short of flawed, considering that comments from Bioware clearly demonstrate they think otherwise.


At this point it is reasonably clear they feel the initial design was a mistake, and have intent on correcting that mistake.


I personally feel any comments or positions that clearly contradict Bioware's obvious position on the matter at this point are likely more combative and baseless than substantive.


Means the following.....

1) it is odd to claim that Bioware does not find the original system flawed. They do, they have said as much, clearly, directly, SPECIFICALLY in post release interviews.


2) Bioware has clearly, on multiple occasions, expressed a willingness to make adjustments to the system.


3) Any comments that contradict either truth (1 or 2) are baseless and made purely for the sake of forum pvp.


Again. Read what you are replying to before you post.

Edited by LordArtemis
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1) it is odd to claim that Bioware does not find the original system flawed. They do, they have said as much, clearly, directly, SPECIFICALLY in post release interviews.


2) Bioware has clearly, on multiple occasions, expressed a willingness to make adjustments to the system.


3) Any comments that contradict either truth (1 or 2) are baseless and made purely for the sake of forum pvp.



If I may. They have said a lot of things. What they say and what they have done though are two vastly different things. They have not made any useful changes to the system yet. 5.1's change is also not useful nor does it seem to be in line at all with what has been requested from the community. It is actually more in line with what they said they would do reguarding people who just didn't get that one missing piece.


They can express whatever they want. If they dont act on it then its totally meaningless. They said they were listening too, I'm seeing a lot of evidence from them that is not at all true. Not only in regard to this topic by others as well.


And some of us are not asking for adjustments but to totally remove this system and either go back to 4.0 or something else but we don't see this system as even remotely useful. So even if they truly were willing to adjust it...which they have not shown, that wouldn't be enough.

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1) it is odd to claim that Bioware does not find the original system flawed. They do, they have said as much, clearly, directly, SPECIFICALLY in post release interviews.


2) Bioware has clearly, on multiple occasions, expressed a willingness to make adjustments to the system.


3) Any comments that contradict either truth (1 or 2) are baseless and made purely for the sake of forum pvp.


Again. Read what you are replying to before you post.


My remarks are the same. BioWare gave clear communication ahead of time that they would likely make changes to the system. The system, however isn't "flawed," as that would suggest it is somehow beyond repair. What BioWare is doing is building upon the foundation that has already been laid. They are refining it, but any rhetoric beyond that or to the contrary is merely over-embellishing for the sake of trying to make a weak and unconvincing argument.


Yes, BioWare expressed a willingness to make adjustments BEFORE KOTET even went live. That is the operative word you seem to be missing as you are relying on third party interviews after the fact and not BioWare's own remarks.


Again, here you go attempting to dismiss anyone who does not agree with your point of view. You are more than entitled to be upset, frustrated, and angry at how BioWare has handled KOTET. That is your prerogative. However, please stop this inflammatory rhetoric trying to suggest your opinion is somehow higher than everybody else. It makes it hard to take you seriously or read anything you type.


Also, I'll only ask you this once: Stop with the condescension. That's the only warning I'll give.

Edited by Aowin
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My remarks are the same. BioWare gave clear communication ahead of time that they would likely make changes to the system. The system, however isn't "flawed," as that would suggest it is somehow beyond repair.


That is what it suggests to you. I tend to think that it is highly unlikely that it would suggest that to many....


What BioWare is doing is building upon the foundation that has already been laid. They are refining it, but any rhetoric beyond that or to the contrary is merely over-embellishing for the sake of trying to make a weak and unconvincing argument.


You are not a spokesman for Bioware Aowin. You are not privy to their intentions, their design focus, long term goals, or anything more than any other informed forum member that has followed public statements IMO.


Nor, IMO, are you a very reputable source with respect to what is defined as a strong or convincing argument. This threads recent history stands in evidence.


Bioware devs are FAR more reputable with respect to this subject than you are. any claim to the contrary would be absolutely arrogant and patently foolish IMO.


Yes, BioWare expressed a willingness to make adjustments BEFORE KOTET even went live. That is the operative word you seem to be missing as you are relying on third party interviews after the fact and not BioWare's own remarks.


Seriously? You are going to ignore quoted comments from devs...are you insinuating they are somehow false or disingenuous? Because that contention would be the very definition of ludicrous IMO.


Again, here you go attempting to dismiss anyone who does not agree with your point of view. You are more than entitled to be upset, frustrated, and angry at how BioWare has handled KOTET. That is your prerogative. However, please stop this inflammatory rhetoric trying to suggest your opinion is somehow higher than everybody else. It makes it hard to take you seriously or read anything you type.




First, I am dismissing nothing but your silly contentions, absurd conclusions and assumptions with respect to this exchange and my comments. I am NOT dismissing your stand on the GC system, or any cogent, logical arguments you may have proffered in this thread.


Second, I am not angry about how Bioware handled Kotet...that much would be obvious to ANYONE that spent any amount of time reading my posts.


Third, my opinion is next to worthless, as, again, I have indicated many times. My post history, again, stands in evidence.


Also, I'll only ask you this once: Stop with the condescension. That's the only warning I'll give.


Now that is just downright silly. I am not sure what you are threatening me with here, but I assure you I have the UTMOST confidence that I have strictly adhered to the forum rules and guidelines.


But you are more than welcome to report my posts if you wish. I don't think I will be allowing you to silence my opinion today Aowin.


This thread, and our exchange remains one of the strangest I have ever had here, and that is saying something.


To sum up Aowin....Dev comments are more reputable with respect to this subject than your opinions.


One more time, just in case you missed it....Dev comments are more reputable with respect to this subject than your opnions.


In other words, all things being equal...if a dev comment contradicts an opinion you have proffered, I tend to find the dev comment is more reputable...and I think this thread stands in evidence to the fact that many likely feel the same way.


You will likely have to find some way to be at peace with that.


I am not sure what you endeavored to achieve with this thread Aowin, but I dare say that the thread itself likely stands in evidence of a failure in that respect.


Back to you....

Edited by LordArtemis
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I'd love to think of them as intelligent folks or at least aware enough to put two and two together. Yet time and again they completely miss the mark. They were told as far back as the closed beta that this idea was a non-starter. They're being told that the offered adjustment isn't even close to acceptable yet the Lead Producer comes out with this gem in an interview:


"... the player feedback from that idea has been really positive."


Link: http://www.mmorpg.com/star-wars-the-old-republic/interviews/biowares-ben-irving-on-swtors-5th-anniversary-and-future-plans-1000011429


BINO does. not. get. it. At all. They're dead set on cramming this system down our throats. They're on strike 3 or 4 by now and they still don't show any sign of making a real correction. I'm afraid the only way this is going to get fixed is if there's a house cleaning.


Pinning my hopes on EA actually putting somebody with real MMO management experience in charge feels like sheer insanity. They're more likely to install somebody that cut their teeth on P2W mobile games.


Well, perhaps they had more hope than insight going into this, and I can't really fault them for that. Whatever their intentions they obviously wanted to try something new.


I would have though it obvious that the system, as it was, would not make some folks very happy. And I find it odd that they released it in that state...but perhaps, like I have said before, they wanted to "test the waters" so to speak.


I know that folks feel very passionately about GC. But I still feel strongly, at this point, that they are handling this fairly well so far and, come 5.1, we shall see how the changes fit in the game at large.


I for one expect there may be more adjustments to come, but I think they are on the right track.


I remain hopeful that the changes will satisfy most folks. We will see.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Well, perhaps they had more hope than insight going into this, and I can't really fault them for that. Whatever their intentions they obviously wanted to try something new.


I would have though it obvious that the system, as it was, would not make some folks very happy. And I find it odd that they released it in that state...but perhaps, like I have said before, they wanted to "test the waters" so to speak.


I know that folks feel very passionately about GC. But I still feel strongly, at this point, that they are handling this fairly well so far and, come 5.1, we shall see how the changes fit in the game at large.


I for one expect there may be more adjustments to come, but I think they are on the right track.


I remain hopeful that the changes will satisfy most folks. We will see.


Lesson learned from the v1.0-v1.6 era. The devs don't have the time they think they do to play around with this and fix it. Once the subs cancel and move on, you are pretty much done. For example, over the proceeding two years since launch, they fixed a lot of the issues that plagued them at launch. The problem was 75% of the sub moved on and did not come back. That is what is going to happen here if they think they have a few months to play around with it and get it right.

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Lesson learned from the v1.0-v1.6 era. The devs don't have the time they think they do to play around with this and fix it. Once the subs cancel and move on, you are pretty much done. For example, over the proceeding two years since launch, they fixed a lot of the issues that plagued them at launch. The problem was 75% of the sub moved on and did not come back. That is what is going to happen here if they think they have a few months to play around with it and get it right.


I don't want to somehow infer that hardcore players are not important with my following comments...on the contrary. Though I am most definitely NOT a hardcore player and happen to like the system as it is now (I generally see it as a candy machine) I am concerned for my fellow players that have concerns of their own, and certainly do not want to see them go...


That said...


One thing seems to be certain in the MMO genre. The days of hardcore players dominating MMO development are likely over. The market has shifted, or at least appears to have done so, and I tend to think that most hardcore players have moved on to more challenging content, like MOBAs and FPS.


Also, the NA market appears to be shrinking rather significantly. Asia is making up for this somewhat, but this has had a developmental impact IMO.


We can even see it in this game, and the GC system may be a symptom of this inevitability...casuals seem to dominate the market at this point in time.


Now, there are ways to satisfy the hardcore market, what remains of it, and still make casuals happy, and IMO I believe this system could do just that. But it needs some refinement.


It will not likely make everyone happy certainly. I doubt any single change has any possibility of universal acceptance. I do, however, believe there is a way to modify the system overall and provide for most of the hardcore players concerns without gutting the current GC system or removing the RNG element.


I could see a system that would provide reasonable assurances to specific pieces of armor from hardcore content and STILL provide the RNG fun for casual players.


Again, we shall see if it is possible.

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The system, however isn't "flawed," as that would suggest it is somehow beyond repair.


Wait... what? Something being flawed doesn't suggest it's beyond repair. Why would you...? Well it doesn't to me anyway. For example flaws in clothing can be repaired, and quite easily too depending on what and where they're.

Edited by Radzkie
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Wait... what? Something being flawed doesn't suggest it's beyond repair. Why would you...? Well it doesn't to me anyway. For example flaws in clothing can be repaired, and quiet easily too depending on what and where they're.


Exactly, flawed, imperfect, etc...any of these words have similar meanings, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that the system was beyond repair...or that it even REQUIRED repair.


The following two comments, both made by Ben Irving


We really wanted to do something different with endgame progression and change how parts of the game were played. I think in many ways we did that, but we missed the mark for some of our core players.


We took a risk here; we took a shot. I think we got most of it right, but there are things that we didn’t get right.


Both of these comments, IMO, imply an admitted flaw in design. It did not meet expectations, and they have decided to make adjustments as a result of feedback received. The interviews make this clear IMO. And I certainly don't think this is a bad thing, or implies that the system was somehow horrible, junk, ill conceived, etc.


I applaud them on the attempt...I just think they might have demonstrated more foresight and avoided some of the losses they may have suffered as a result.


I would have likely advised them to perhaps dial back the change a bit, perhaps leave current armor in place but implement the system as an alternate route.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Exactly, flawed, imperfect, etc...any of these words have similar meanings, and I certainly didn't mean to imply that they system was beyond repair...or that it even REQUIRED repair.


The following two comments, both made by Ben Irving


We really wanted to do something different with endgame progression and change how parts of the game were played. I think in many ways we did that, but we missed the mark for some of our core players.


We took a risk here; we took a shot. I think we got most of it right, but there are things that we didn’t get right.


Both of these comments, IMO, imply an admitted flaw in design. It did not meet expectations, and they have decided to make adjustments as a result of feedback received. The interviews make this clear IMO. And I certainly don't think this is a bad thing, or implies that the system was somehow horrible, junk, ill conceived, etc.


I applaud them on the attempt...I just think they might have demonstrated more foresight and avoided some of the losses they may have suffered as a result.


I would have likely advised them to perhaps dial back the change a bit, perhaps leave current armor in place but implement the system as an alternate route.


Yeah, the system is flawed and in my opinion still will after 5.1 'fix' I never thought galactic command was beyond saving yet the fix has gone in the wrong way to fixing it.


There was someone who posted that the command tokens should be the new currency to buy end game gear and I agree, if you said every player got 1 token per crate and that each set bonus gear was worth 10 tokens means a player can grind anything I'm the game to level 70 and have full sets to show for it the 'thrilling' rng playes a part in how quickly a player can gain gear along with guaranteed tokens for last operations bosses, that way the system would be fair and working for all which was the whole point to galactic command in the first place, ie to take higher gearing out of operations only.


The other massive thing that's wrong is the loot table, rep tokens have NO place in there in my view UNLESS it's a rep token of embargoed cartel packs.

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. GC is not changing. RNG is not changing. All of that is here to stay no matter how much you claim the "majority" seems to hate it.


but it already has.


PvP players will no longer be subject to it, and it won't be long before RNG is removed from Ops.


Bioware is realizing only delusional people think RNG is good for swtor.

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Rng is a broken beyond repair system. I think most can see that and its time to abondon it as a primary gearing method. Unfortunately the devs aren't listening at this point. But and I have to say this with a bit of an unfortunate turn but with people unsubbing and quitting the game my hope is they will either see the error of their ways or be replaced by others how care more about keeping the game going then their grand ideas.


I personally can't fathom how they even dreamed this system would be acceptable but they did and now we're stuck with a mess. Sadly they refused to listen to people before it went live and since but like I said before if their profits get hurt then they either listen or the next group will. Its a business, continued failure is rarely acceptable in the end of the day. That seems to be our best hope.


Not sure how to mess up an IP like this with more and more movies coming out around it...but well they have a rare talent I suppose.

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but it already has.


PvP players will no longer be subject to it, and it won't be long before RNG is removed from Ops.


Bioware is realizing only delusional people think RNG is good for swtor.


Wait they are bringing back stupid separate PvP gear? Where did they say that. I hope this is just a case of wishful thinking on your part because you don't want to PvP or something...


Also, as for me unsubbing, well I just got the Galactic Alliance statue which is for maintaining a "continuous subscription since launch" and well, I wonder if this will be a yearly thing now? I'll be finding out. In fact, I will be playing MORE now because finally I don't have to feel like I have to be in a hardcore raid progression guild if I want better gear... I can play my way when I want and if I happen to want to do an ops with my guild, we can as a guild discuss our gear. I can pvp when I want without having to worry about grinding out pvp non-stop for special PvP gear... that's the beauty of this system that so many seem to not get.... you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT in the game and still get gear.


Oh, your guild can't do the raid 20 times in a week on different alts and legacy mail the entire top end set over to your main. Is that the problem? Honestly, getting an entire top teir set in 1-2 weeks seems to be the only reason one would hate this system. Play the game, do what you find fun, and the gear will come... If it's all about the gear and only the gear... what happens once you have that full set of 242 in one week? Bored now, moving on? Go to an alt and start over? Just have fun playing the game. The gear will come.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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Wait they are bringing back stupid separate PvP gear? Where did they say that. I hope this is just a case of wishful thinking on your part because you don't want to PvP or something...


Also, as for me unsubbing, well I just got the Galactic Alliance statue which is for maintaining a "continuous subscription since launch" and well, I wonder if this will be a yearly thing now? I'll be finding out. In fact, I will be playing MORE now because finally I don't have to feel like I have to be in a hardcore raid progression guild if I want better gear... I can play my way when I want and if I happen to want to do an ops with my guild, we can as a guild discuss our gear. I can pvp when I want without having to worry about grinding out pvp non-stop for special PvP gear... that's the beauty of this system that so many seem to not get.... you can do WHATEVER YOU WANT in the game and still get gear.


Oh, your guild can't do the raid 20 times in a week on different alts and legacy mail the entire top end set over to your main. Is that the problem? Honestly, getting an entire top teir set in 1-2 weeks seems to be the only reason one would hate this system. Play the game, do what you find fun, and the gear will come... If it's all about the gear and only the gear... what happens once you have that full set of 242 in one week? Bored now, moving on? Go to an alt and start over? Just have fun playing the game. The gear will come.


Are you not paying attention...wait never mind you answered that. Yes PvP will allow you to collect pieces that can be traded in for set pieces come 5.1. You can do whatever you want but getting gear is random so many what do you will matter or maybe you just earned a crate full of junk...hey fun....


Its false to claim people want to earn top end gear in a week that's just a way to say your on the side of angels and those against your view are evil...nice but its not a real argument. Its an attack on the character of others and is usually used when you actually have nothing else.....


The system needs to be removed and 4.0 or something else put in its place. Rng gearing wrecks any raid group because its member may all reach the same command level together but their gear levels will be all over the place making working as a group towards a goal impossible.

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That is what it suggests to you. I tend to think that it is highly unlikely that it would suggest that to many....




You are not a spokesman for Bioware Aowin. You are not privy to their intentions, their design focus, long term goals, or anything more than any other informed forum member that has followed public statements IMO.


Nor, IMO, are you a very reputable source with respect to what is defined as a strong or convincing argument. This threads recent history stands in evidence.


Bioware devs are FAR more reputable with respect to this subject than you are. any claim to the contrary would be absolutely arrogant and patently foolish IMO.




Seriously? You are going to ignore quoted comments from devs...are you insinuating they are somehow false or disingenuous? Because that contention would be the very definition of ludicrous IMO.






First, I am dismissing nothing but your silly contentions, absurd conclusions and assumptions with respect to this exchange and my comments. I am NOT dismissing your stand on the GC system, or any cogent, logical arguments you may have proffered in this thread.


Second, I am not angry about how Bioware handled Kotet...that much would be obvious to ANYONE that spent any amount of time reading my posts.


Third, my opinion is next to worthless, as, again, I have indicated many times. My post history, again, stands in evidence.




Now that is just downright silly. I am not sure what you are threatening me with here, but I assure you I have the UTMOST confidence that I have strictly adhered to the forum rules and guidelines.


But you are more than welcome to report my posts if you wish. I don't think I will be allowing you to silence my opinion today Aowin.


This thread, and our exchange remains one of the strangest I have ever had here, and that is saying something.


To sum up Aowin....Dev comments are more reputable with respect to this subject than your opinions.


One more time, just in case you missed it....Dev comments are more reputable with respect to this subject than your opnions.


In other words, all things being equal...if a dev comment contradicts an opinion you have proffered, I tend to find the dev comment is more reputable...and I think this thread stands in evidence to the fact that many likely feel the same way.


You will likely have to find some way to be at peace with that.


I am not sure what you endeavored to achieve with this thread Aowin, but I dare say that the thread itself likely stands in evidence of a failure in that respect.


Back to you....


Bless you. *claps*

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Or what? You won't post again? You'll scream and shout?


I usually don't reply to you, but that is just too cute to pass up. It makes me want to pinch your cheek and pat your head. What are you, six already? Seven?


It's comments like that that ( Aowin's )make me wonder how people don't realise they are being trolled.


I do believe he is semi taking half of what he says seriously but when he becomes purposely obtuse and comments like the one you quoted it's fairly clearly it's just a means of keeping this topic going for some reason as opposed ot wanting to delve into any actual discussion.

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