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Vaylin should be hotter...


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This is how I think Vaylin in real life should look: (Actress: Beren Saat) (I photoshopped the picture a bit)



She doesn't look mad enough, facial features are too soft. I always thought Fairuza Balk looked like Vaylin in game.


When she was younger at least!

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As it turns out, there's really no good reason for the women in SWTOR (or anywhere, really) to need to conform to anyone's particular standard of "hot."




For what it's worth, I think Lana's adorable, but it's her personality and caring for the player's character that draws me in.

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This is how I think Vaylin in real life should look: (Actress: Beren Saat) (I photoshopped the picture a bit)



That's pretty good.


Model wise: Vaylin's fine the way she is. Not a fan of her appearance in KOTET, that hood/robe thing is weird.

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MY female toons are supposed to be the "hottest" and imo --- they are -- that is the way I want it --- but they are just pixels lol and I really don't care -- but then again ... all my women toons in MMOs are good looking, except for the Trolls; and they are just incredibly "cute- ugly "
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Male characters get to be characters ... female characters apparently only matter as eye-candy.:rolleyes:


I read the title of the thread and came to agree that yes...we should get to roast Vaylin over an open fire until her flesh melts off...imagine my disappointment when I find a bunch of hor.ny Outlanders wanting to get it on with Nasty Pixel Barbie.

Edited by Lunafox
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As it turns out, there's really no good reason for the women in SWTOR (or anywhere, really) to need to conform to anyone's particular standard of "hot."


Basically my thoughts. There is no rule that says all of the female characters in the game need to measure up to a very specific standard of beauty. Besides, everyone has a different idea of beauty, it's a matter of taste.

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Basically my thoughts. There is no rule that says all of the female characters in the game need to measure up to a very specific standard of beauty. Besides, everyone has a different idea of beauty, it's a matter of taste.

So where are our female body type 4 and male body type 4 love interests? :rak_03: Or may there be a reason why there aren't any? Same goes for female 3, though there is Akaavi.:rak_03: I personally like female body type 4, though typically from what I'm seeing running around female 3 and 4 and male 1 and 4 are the least used.


When I do see male 4 it's often dressed up beyond silly.

I think it does say something when almost all female love interests have body type 1 and 2 for and male have 2, with the exception of pierce, who is a flirt.

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So where are our female body type 4 and male body type 4 love interests? :rak_03: Or may there be a reason why there aren't any? Same goes for female 3, though there is Akaavi.:rak_03: I personally like female body type 4, though typically from what I'm seeing running around female 3 and 4 and male 1 and 4 are the least used.


When I do see male 4 it's often dressed up beyond silly.

I think it does say something when almost all female love interests have body type 1 and 2 for and male have 2, with the exception of pierce, who is a flirt.


While the moddable resculpt seems much different, and it seems they've made her a 2 there, the KOTFE/KOTET Lana's a 3 or 4. If she's standing next to a character with a type 2 or 3 female body type, you can see she's bigger.


It's completely true that not everyone finds the same thing attractive. While the majority in the game might lean toward the skinny Barbie doll and 'big strong men' body types for their toons it doesn't mean that the other body types aren't attractive at all - just that one is preferred more.

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That's pretty good.


Model wise: Vaylin's fine the way she is. Not a fan of her appearance in KOTET, that hood/robe thing is weird.


I always find her hot in game I dont know why :D

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I read the title of the thread and came to agree that yes...we should get to roast Vaylin over an open fire until her flesh melts off...imagine my disappointment when I find a bunch of hor.ny Outlanders wanting to get it on with Nasty Pixel Barbie.


Isn't that what you lot do for Quinn? :D or Pixel Ken.

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It's completely true that not everyone finds the same thing attractive. While the majority in the game might lean toward the skinny Barbie doll and 'big strong men' body types for their toons it doesn't mean that the other body types aren't attractive at all - just that one is preferred more.


Well yeah, you can't really speak of attractiveness as fact, but in general women being slim and men being muscular is what's find attractive by the masses, so it's only logical to conform to what's desired by most. And it shows in love interest companions. We've yet to see chubby love interests or skinny body type 1 males. Same goes for older companions I guess. Where are the older females and males:confused: There are quite a few older gamers that wouldn't mind romancing a Senya or Valkorion aged companion!

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Lana isn't what I would call super model gorgeous, but I find her bob cut and sithy eyes endearing all the same. Besides it's not her looks that I care about, it's her sophisticated personality and tender qualities that I enjoy. Vaylin 4.0, I found stunning in the looks dept, however her psychotic behavior and woman-child temper-tantrums made her appear extremely grotesque to my senses.

I echo this. The personality does play a big role in how you view someone -- Vaylin has a grotesque behaviour, keeps throwing tantrums and behaves way below her actual age, this alone makes her unattractive, no matter her model's outward. I never did find her good looking however, not one bit.


Though I'm pleased that Lana got an upgrade of her graduated bob style after the Revan's expansion -- because let's be honest, the other one was terrible. Honestly I think it's nice to see that not all women in SWTOR are drop dead gorgeous.

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She doesn't look mad enough, facial features are too soft. I always thought Fairuza Balk looked like Vaylin in game.


When she was younger at least!


I have watched some movies with her, and sometimes when she is at mad situations or when she's angry her face can look very mad! :) :)

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Vaylin has always struck me as thirteen to fourteen year old. She's just not a question at all when it comes to being hol. Lana on the other had, even though I do care for the glowing eyes, seems the perfect female companion though she can be a little to subservant too the player character. I consider the three, my character, Lana and Theron the leaders of the Alliance. We know Theron will do things without our approval but I can't think of any time Lana did. But I appreciate her faith and consider her the sole reason everything has been possible. I can't imagine a time when she'll ever abandon us.


Senya has that typical look that any mother character has. More lines on the face. More times her face is allowed to look "ugly". Which any character can. Vette's personality is what makes her attractive since she looks basically like any other female Twi'lek. I did like Acina's look and personality. Her eyes aren't glowing to the extent of Lana's. Her combat speech always struck me a bit dominatrix which I found funny.


I'm so glad they changed Lana's hair. That was the one thing I found difficult to take seriously and made her seem more puppetish. That voice has always been a hit with me.

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Vaylin was very hot in KOTFE but became downright ugly in KOTET. Personally I explain it by the fact, that Bioware was determined to kill her off and they tried to discourage everyone from asking Let-me-romance-Vaylin.


Shame on you, Bioware!

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I echo this. The personality does play a big role in how you view someone -- Vaylin has a grotesque behaviour, keeps throwing tantrums and behaves way below her actual age, this alone makes her unattractive, no matter her model's outward. I never did find her good looking however, not one bit.


Though I'm pleased that Lana got an upgrade of her graduated bob style after the Revan's expansion -- because let's be honest, the other one was terrible. Honestly I think it's nice to see that not all women in SWTOR are drop dead gorgeous.


Seconding all of this. And yeah, IMHO Lana's hair in SOR and the newer modifiable sculpt were pretty awful because they looked matted, but the KOTET bob is great.

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Does she an endless supply of henchmen to kill when they screw up ? :D


If she plays in a SWTOR movie, yea :D She has very awesome acting skills, especially when it comes to mad roles :)

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I like Senya before the update, now she looks terrible :(


Overall Lana was never "hot" and shouldn't be. For example the companions that the OP mentioned should have been "hot" cause they were your interest but Lana was more a proffesional companion.


Overall, yes, Vaylin should be better as well as Ascina.

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Male characters get to be characters ... female characters apparently only matter as eye-candy.:rolleyes:


Eye-candy matters?


I personally thought that Vaylin was a rather forgettable character in KotFE, very one-dimensional. On the other hand in KotET she became very much more interesting. Sadly, they didn't take this one single great character development KotET and KotFE had to offer and ended it before she could really grow into possibly one of the most amazing characters in SWTOR.


A real shame.

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