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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's next after KOTET?


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Very curious as to how they will dispose of the Eternal Fleet. It was perfect to help explain how a new power could appear from Wild Space and quickly concur a galaxy dependent on inter-planetary trade.


However, its sheer strength and the fact that you have total control over it will be a liability for future storytelling. Any new threat will need to be on a smaller scale and likely something that cannot be physically destroyed, like some sort of force entity.


Anything else? You summon the Eternal Fleet to obliterate it either in space or bombard it on the planet. Problem solved.


Maybe the Republic or Empire will develop either a computer virus to render the ships adrift or order them to self-destruct? Or perhaps a new super weapon to destroy the fleet outright?

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Very curious as to how they will dispose of the Eternal Fleet. It was perfect to help explain how a new power could appear from Wild Space and quickly concur a galaxy dependent on inter-planetary trade.


However, its sheer strength and the fact that you have total control over it will be a liability for future storytelling. Any new threat will need to be on a smaller scale and likely something that cannot be physically destroyed, like some sort of force entity.


Anything else? You summon the Eternal Fleet to obliterate it either in space or bombard it on the planet. Problem solved.


Maybe the Republic or Empire will develop either a computer virus to render the ships adrift or order them to self-destruct? Or perhaps a new super weapon to destroy the fleet outright?


I belive its pretty easy, remember that in KotFE, we send kaliyo and jorgan to cripple the eternal fleet, but they end up failing. With that, at least we know that the eternal throne is vulnerable, but then again, maybe destroying it would lead the eternal fleet in a rampage mode again.


Either way, it could go as you said, they are droids, even if their techonology is vastly superior, there has to be some wreckage from when they atacked Coruscant/ Dromund Kaas, so it would make sense if both the republic and the empire are trying to reverse engineer what they can from it, and once that is done, they could probably find a way to cripple or outright destroy the ships with ease.


Another thing, with us at the head of the throne, both the republic and empire wont have to keep sending tribute (which arcann and Vailyn might have used to repair the fleet), meaning that keeping the eternal fleet on top condition would be far beyond the capabilities of the alliance (i mean, it required the help of almost the entire galaxy after zakuul started invading both imps and pubs)

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Acina unwittingly created an Empire that would support and welcome the return of Malgus, a stronger leader.


You make a very good point. Ever since his uprising, Marr and Acina have adopted his viewpoints to the point that Malgus would not necessarily be unwelcome should he return.

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You make a very good point. Ever since his uprising, Marr and Acina have adopted his viewpoints to the point that Malgus would not necessarily be unwelcome should he return.


Yes, a big argument Malgus made was that the infighting among the Dark Council was holding the Empire back from its true potential. Acina has removed this from the equation, Marr was working on it before her.


Though Acina herself had to work her way through the Sith politics both before the Eternal Empire and after, her ascendancy is still what Malgus fought against. Malgus never entertained those politics and power struggles to the same extent, he earned his respect and power not be underminding fellow allies but instead fighting wars against enemies.


Overall Malgus is a stronger combatant, brilliant military mind and a charismatic leader. In the Empires current state I do not see how they would ever accept Acina over him.

Edited by Newyankalt
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Yes, a big argument Malgus made was that the infighting among the Dark Council was holding the Empire back from its true potential. Acina has removed this from the equation, Marr was working on it before her.


Though Acina herself had to work her way through the Sith politics both before the Eternal Empire and after, her ascendancy is still what Malgus fought against. Malgus never entertained those politics and power struggles to the same extent, he earned his respect and power not be underminding fellow allies but instead fighting wars against enemies.


Overall Malgus is a stronger combatant, brilliant military mind and a charismatic leader. In the Empires current state I do not see how they would ever accept Acina over him.


The main problem I could see would be the stigma towards him. After Ilum, he was known as Malgus the Betrayer. While his actions did save the Empire, he was branded as a HUGE traitor, While the new political climate is more along the lines of what Malgus wanted, it may be hard for him to get past that issue.

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The main problem I could see would be the stigma towards him. After Ilum, he was known as Malgus the Betrayer. While his actions did save the Empire, he was branded as a HUGE traitor, While the new political climate is more along the lines of what Malgus wanted, it may be hard for him to get past that issue.


Well I don't think it's too much different then the views against the Outlander in the Eternal Empire. The Imperials respect strength and Malgus can provide.


I doubt a lot of them are happy with the current peace loving Empire.

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Well I don't think it's too much different then the views against the Outlander in the Eternal Empire. The Imperials respect strength and Malgus can provide.


I doubt a lot of them are happy with the current peace loving Empire.


Good point good point. Time will tell, but I hope we can witness the return of Emperor Malgus in the near future.

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Yes, a big argument Malgus made was that the infighting among the Dark Council was holding the Empire back from its true potential. Acina has removed this from the equation, Marr was working on it before her.


Though Acina herself had to work her way through the Sith politics both before the Eternal Empire and after, her ascendancy is still what Malgus fought against. Malgus never entertained those politics and power struggles to the same extent, he earned his respect and power not be underminding fellow allies but instead fighting wars against enemies.


Overall Malgus is a stronger combatant, brilliant military mind and a charismatic leader. In the Empires current state I do not see how they would ever accept Acina over him.


he got mopped in the floor in the flashpoint of Ilum .


Malgus was charismatic ? the guy couldn't even get Marr to stand by him . And he is ugly like hell .


I for one , won't stand in the way of his return . As long as I get to kill him once last time . Because , I personally I hate when you kill someone..and they ''Pouf'' No explanation..come back to life ! and I'm supposed to be awed or something .


Marr would've been good for the Empire , but he was also a warrior who liked the battelfield better . And Acina is a good choice . Unless we can take the chair ourself .

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he got mopped in the floor in the flashpoint of Ilum .


Malgus was charismatic ? the guy couldn't even get Marr to stand by him . And he is ugly like hell .


I for one , won't stand in the way of his return . As long as I get to kill him once last time . Because , I personally I hate when you kill someone..and they ''Pouf'' No explanation..come back to life ! and I'm supposed to be awed or something .


Marr would've been good for the Empire , but he was also a warrior who liked the battelfield better . And Acina is a good choice . Unless we can take the chair ourself .


Malgus lost to a group of the best fighters in the Galaxy, he didn't exactly get moped to the floor.


1. You don't know what Marr looks like lol and 2. What does looks have to do with anything? Malgus is definitely Charismatic, he inspired tons to stand behind his empire knowing full well that by doing so they would be betraying a galactic superpower and leaving behind everything they once possessed.


And no, Acina is a terrible choice. She is extremely passive (which is practically how she came to power in the first place) and I think the fact that she appointed that retard Lorman to minister in the first place speaks wonders of her administration, she had not control over the closest things around her. The only reason she is not dethroned is because the rest of the council presumably died in battle or killed each other. She allies herself with us because she knows we can dethrone her too, she is weak.

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Malgus lost to a group of the best fighters in the Galaxy, he didn't exactly get moped to the floor.


1. You don't know what Marr looks like lol and 2. What does looks have to do with anything? Malgus is definitely Charismatic, he inspired tons to stand behind his empire knowing full well that by doing so they would be betraying a galactic superpower and leaving behind everything they once possessed.


And no, Acina is a terrible choice. She is extremely passive (which is practically how she came to power in the first place) and I think the fact that she appointed that retard Lorman to minister in the first place speaks wonders of her administration, she had not control over the closest things around her. The only reason she is not dethroned is because the rest of the council presumably died in battle or killed each other. She allies herself with us because she knows we can dethrone her too, she is weak.

To be fair:



Lorman was involved with Saresh and the Genoharadan. It's easy to say Acina was an idiot for allowing that to happen, but the Genoharadan are known for their skill in discretion and Saresh made her career on conspiracy and backstabbing.


Acina was dealing with (through Saresh) one of the most skilled backstabbers in the galaxy and through the Genoharadan, one of the most skilled organizations in the galaxy at making targeted assassinations. She survived though, with the help of the Outlander, and remained a calm leader throughout the entire ordeal.


We could even speculate (though it's not stated in the story) that Acina reached out to the Outlander when she did because she sensed a threat and saw an opportunity to make herself appealing with the Voss conflict. I don't remember her being all that fazed when the ship went down.


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Malgus lost to a group of the best fighters in the Galaxy, he didn't exactly get moped to the floor.


1. You don't know what Marr looks like lol and 2. What does looks have to do with anything? Malgus is definitely Charismatic, he inspired tons to stand behind his empire knowing full well that by doing so they would be betraying a galactic superpower and leaving behind everything they once possessed.


And no, Acina is a terrible choice. She is extremely passive (which is practically how she came to power in the first place) and I think the fact that she appointed that retard Lorman to minister in the first place speaks wonders of her administration, she had not control over the closest things around her. The only reason she is not dethroned is because the rest of the council presumably died in battle or killed each other. She allies herself with us because she knows we can dethrone her too, she is weak.




I may not have seen what Marr look like . But I don't need to . He is impressive regardless . And that's what Malgus Lack . I don't care if they wrote a hundred of idiots to support him . If he doesn't impress the PLAYER...who cares !


Malgus was at best an annoyance on Ilum . So hell no , I don't find him charismatic , or a Noble leader or Sith worthy of anything but another butt kicking .


Acina is better , because she has been holding on the chair and she has a head on her shoulder . Malgus decided to start a war in a middle of a war lol that's so Genius .


Yeah , you worship him if you want . I'm putting my money on Acina . :p

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To be fair:



Lorman was involved with Saresh and the Genoharadan. It's easy to say Acina was an idiot for allowing that to happen, but the Genoharadan are known for their skill in discretion and Saresh made her career on conspiracy and backstabbing.


Acina was dealing with (through Saresh) one of the most skilled backstabbers in the galaxy and through the Genoharadan, one of the most skilled organizations in the galaxy at making targeted assassinations. She survived though, with the help of the Outlander, and remained a calm leader throughout the entire ordeal.


We could even speculate (though it's not stated in the story) that Acina reached out to the Outlander when she did because she sensed a threat and saw an opportunity to make herself appealing with the Voss conflict. I don't remember her being all that fazed when the ship went down.


Rolodome to the rescue ! LOL

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Well, truth be told, i believe none of them is a perfect leader:


Malgus knew how to gain loyalty, yet he was maybe too much of a revolutionary, going fully against the empire and all the Dark Council members, he should´ve at least tried to get one or two to side with him, his distrust of the Sith political games made him lose a fight that he might have won otherwise (both the republic and empire had to divert their efforts towards stopping him). A great warrior, a visionary and a leader, yet he has no political skills, he would get assasinated by his own subjects right after taking the throne (or would end up as a paranoid dictator locked on his own room out of fear)


Marr on the other hand is more discrete towards making changes, while he also despises the way sith politics work, he is intelligent enough to avoid drawing too much attention like Malgus did, and actually tries to stay in good terms with the rest of the sith lords (as much as members of the dark council can actually tolerate each other).


In contrast with the other two, Acina is actually an excelent schemer, while the rest of the dark council died or went into hiding, she managed to make herself empress and she actually saved the empire from falling apart, after all, with the dark council empty most sith would start to fight each other for the throne. But thats all we see of her, we dont see her being a military leader, actualy preffering a more subtle aproach, trying to use diplomacy to get things done and secure allies, she seems to be the most peacefull of the three, yet thats her weakness, as part of the siths value strenght above deception, and she would fin herself fighting against both those who are like her, and those who are not, in the end, she wouldnt have any allies from within her own empire, unless she starts rulling fully through fear, which we already know how that tends to end.


So all in all (TL DR), none of them is perfect, they all have their own pros and cons, Malgus and Marr would end up losing the throne to the more scheming siths, while Acina would find herself having problems to control the sith long enough for them to win the war (considering what we have seen from her till now), none of them is Tenebrae, they arent inmortal, they dont have thousands of years of experience and the immense power that he possessed, they can be "easily" killed, they will die out of age (all this considering they dont pursue the same methods that Tenebrae used), and they simply dont emanate the same terror that he did. They would just be Emperors/Empress that have their own strenghts and weaknesses, and in a universe like the one from Star Wars, just being "powerfull" doesnt guarantee a long life, only those absurdly powerfull can hope to achieve what few others have.

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Very curious as to how they will dispose of the Eternal Fleet. It was perfect to help explain how a new power could appear from Wild Space and quickly concur a galaxy dependent on inter-planetary trade.


However, its sheer strength and the fact that you have total control over it will be a liability for future storytelling. Any new threat will need to be on a smaller scale and likely something that cannot be physically destroyed, like some sort of force entity.


Anything else? You summon the Eternal Fleet to obliterate it either in space or bombard it on the planet. Problem solved.


Maybe the Republic or Empire will develop either a computer virus to render the ships adrift or order them to self-destruct? Or perhaps a new super weapon to destroy the fleet outright?


Maybe they could just take them to deep space and tell them to blow each other up

Edited by lilhobojoe
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I just hope that they continue class stories in the next digital expansion. Thoughts, anyone?


I definitely agree with this. It would be great to see a larger expansion, for instance, one that takes us from level 70-100, in the near future, rather than having to wait another year. An expansion that reintroduces a seperate class story for each character would be a pleasant return of the original concept. If they didn't want to get rid of the outlander concept, then perhaps they could create a prequel faction featuring Knights of Zakuul, etc? But to be honest, I liked KotET, as I thought it concluded KotFE well, but I was hoping for something new. That part was a bit of disappointment. Steering off the whole Zakuul thing would be a good move for SWTOR: The Eternal Alliance should be differentiated from the Eternal Empire. I am very happy that Valkorion is defeated, and that the galaxy is (hopefully) moving in a different direction. So please, please, please don't make it that another idiot like Revan wakes Valkorion/The Emperor up again, and we have to do this whole damn storyline all over again.


I also liked the fact that they were introducing a chapter each month! Perhaps they should go back to that, and instead of releasing half of them initially, and then slowly giving us the rest of the story, perhaps slowly building the story up month by month? That's an idea.


And come on guys, where are our damn companions? I love Lana, Theron and Koth. But Seriously, we want our old comps back! :)

Edited by sithsurvives
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