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Bioware, Your Game Isn't Fun Anymore.


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What is fun in this game? Leveling up your characters and making them powerful is fun! Relying on an EXTREMELY slow grind process that's RNG based is NOT fun. I hope someone over at BioWare fixes this, otherwise a very well written story (IMO) will be overshadowed by this mess.


Unfortunately, it already has been overshadowed. :(

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I found this little known game that still does everything right:




Except of course:

- the inane Artifact XP grind that punishes players massively if they a) want to play and gear up an off-spec, b) want to play and gear up an Alt.

- The moronic choice to gate basic craft skill leveling behind Mythic+ content.

- The moronic choice to gate parts of the alleged Solo-centric story content (Suramar) behind group-centric Mythic+ content.

- The RNG gearing system that no longer rewards effort or skill but relies entirely on dumb-luck

- Gating Flying (an almost exclusively solo element of the game) behind Group content and claiming that people explore more without flying mounts.


Most of those bad decisions can be be seen to be the result of the worst decision Blizzard has made in years - appointing the current Game Director to his position.


All The Best

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Personal loot in WoW or i n other games like LOTRO comes from drops in instances, according your level and class, not from an stupid galactic command level thats have you grinding everthing on the game to get nothing usefull after a waste of time. Galactic command is a Galactic Error.


Yes but what if I don't like raiding or I am in a more social guild than a hardcore raid progression guild? So, what I just accept that I will never get better gear because I can't do a Mythic+20 dungeon? That's one problem WoW still has... even with the Personal loot, I am forced to do raiding if I want to get better gear. There is no other option.


The Star Wars way I can raid when I can, but I can also stick to heroics or just regular dungeons and get the same gear. How is that not better than forcing me to do Operations (raids) if I want the better gear?

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It all seems the same to me, vis a vis rolling against other players vs. rolling against nothing. It's still RNG.


You're absolutely right. There is no difference between

  • having a 1 in 8 (often just 4 or 5) chance to get a specified item that you know is the one you want/need
    (in guild runs often ending with the item being awarded to the person who really needs it, resp. the char where it benefits the guild/team most)
    - and -
  • having a two-tier roll where the first roll decides whether or not you get an item of the quality you want/need (chances unknown) at all and the second roll being a 1 in what? 28? chance to get the actual slot and itemization you want/need
    (without the option for guilds/teams to equip their members' chars the way the deem most beneficial)


If that's all the same to you, then I understand that you don't understand.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Yes but what if I don't like raiding or I am in a more social guild than a hardcore raid progression guild? So, what I just accept that I will never get better gear because I can't do a Mythic+20 dungeon? That's one problem WoW still has... even with the Personal loot, I am forced to do raiding if I want to get better gear. There is no other option.


The Star Wars way I can raid when I can, but I can also stick to heroics or just regular dungeons and get the same gear. How is that not better than forcing me to do Operations (raids) if I want the better gear?


Completing harder content should give better rewards. That's only fair. You do more, you get more.


Getting your CXP by AFKing in a bunch of warzones and having the exact same chance of getting a set bonus piece as someone who cleared an entire HM operation is the opposite of fair.

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a legacy commando rank would be even worse!


what would they mean to BW? they would lower the droprate and you

only get a payout for the character you are playing with! this means much

more grinding, like now!



there will be two ways they need to change, but hold on the rng-system:


1.) raise the drop-chance for set-items. my actual rate is 3% of 100 crates.

it is okay, if they raise it to 25%.

2.) change they given set-items to tokens, so we can change them to the

items we want.


this is the best way, in my opinion, to keep that "winning" feeling with every crate

and give the players an option for gearing up in a acceptable time.

grinding is always a part in a mmo. but what they did is just horrible. they fix something

without thinking about the consequences, like reducing the gold ones.

operations are useless, heroics are useless, chapters are useless, uprinsings are useless,

dailies are useless, crafting is useless


the only thing to gear up fast is using "exploits" or afk'ing in pvp. no need to do anything,

to get much points. and it wouldn't take long until the creditseller will offer gXP-pushings,

during your offtime. great job!

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Little trivia, back in 1.x the operation loot was assigned randomly to random persons based on their base class. in pvp we had bags with a random chance at the gear too.


They got rid of that system. RNG sucked then. it sucks now. Whomever thought up this bright idea to reintroduce the system they SCRAPPED a very long time ago is an idiot and a moron. Or a group of idiots and morons.



^ This.


Look, its OK to make a mistake we all make them; what is important is to learn something from the process of making and fixing that mistake. Some people can even learn from the observation of others' mistakes.


Now it is forgivable to not learn from the mistakes of others; but it is wholly unforgivable to not learn from your own mistakes and to go on inflicting them on to the consumer time and time again.


Bioware scrapped RNG because they realised they lacked the imagination and competence to do it properly. So it simply beggars belief that 5 years down the line they try and reintroduce what they already know they fail at.


That is just moronic on an epic scale. It is up there on a par with Richard Rowe not signing the Beatles because "guitar bands are on the way out".



All The Best

All The Best

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Yes but what if I don't like raiding or I am in a more social guild than a hardcore raid progression guild? So, what I just accept that I will never get better gear because I can't do a Mythic+20 dungeon? That's one problem WoW still has... even with the Personal loot, I am forced to do raiding if I want to get better gear. There is no other option.


The Star Wars way I can raid when I can, but I can also stick to heroics or just regular dungeons and get the same gear. How is that not better than forcing me to do Operations (raids) if I want the better gear?


They already had this system in 4.0.


Crystal non-set gear was fine for all the PvE story mode content. Thus you had 208, 216, 220 gear for that purpose.


The raid gear, where progression needs the set bonuses was for raiders. Thus you had 216, 220, 224 raid gear.


Then there was 204 and 208 PvP gear.


Now, it is just a mish-mash of a lot of garbage with the occasional useful piece of gear. And now it works the opposite way... why do Operations and Heroics when PvP gets you the gear so much faster. Better even, go into GSF, get a death match and simply crash your ship - in 2 minutes you made 600 CxP. Yeah, so much better than before.

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^ This.


Look, its OK to make a mistake we all make them; what is important is to learn something from the process of making and fixing that mistake. Some people can even learn from the observation of others' mistakes.


Now it is forgivable to not learn from the mistakes of others; but it is wholly unforgivable to not learn from your own mistakes and to go on inflicting them on to the consumer time and time again.


Bioware scrapped RNG because they realised they lacked the imagination and competence to do it properly. So it simply beggars belief that 5 years down the line they try and reintroduce what they already know they fail at.


That is just moronic on an epic scale. It is up there on a par with Richard Rowe not signing the Beatles because "guitar bands are on the way out".



All The Best

All The Best


You got to love this quote from MassivelyOP from the interview MassivelyOP did with the dev team on Friday:


"Flexibility and learning from mistakes really appear to be the theme of this latest expansion. But ultimately, the answer to the question of if the developers have actually learned their lesson is up to you."


I don't know about you, but I don't think many developers would like that first sentence as the "theme" of their expansion. The second sentence is their subtle way of saying the same thing we all are - that this system is atrocious and, taking Ben's comments in the article into account, it is obvious the complaints and criticism is falling on completely deaf ears.


I wonder if the execs at EA have ever realized just what they could have had with this IP if they had just had a competent team overseeing it from the beginning.

Edited by Wayshuba
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I wonder if the execs at EA have ever realized just what they could have had with this IP if they had just had a competent team overseeing it from the beginning.


With a competent Dev team, willing to listen to and address the genuine concerns of the playerbase this game, within arguably the most iconic IP there is, could have and should have been the "WoW killer" it was alleged to have been.


But the Dev team seem intent on repeating mistake they already made and ignoring the playerbase entirely.


Heck the game doesn't even have the excellent story-telling element that Bioware are renowned for.


The 1st half of KotFE was very good, maybe a 8/10. The 2nd half of KotFE was abysmal and could have been written by a 5 year old with no prior knowledge of Star Wars, and was - at best - 2/10.


Having just completed KotET the story telling there while a major improvement on the latter half of KotFE is still really only a 4/10. And the final chapter is maybe a 1/10 just because of the over use of lazy spammable skills by the NPCs that drag out what might have been 3 mins of intense interesting combat into 10 mins of interminable grind-fest crap of the kind seen in Korean MMOs.


With the IP and initial investment this game had it could and SHOULD have been a market leader - that it isn't is entirely down to the lack of imagination and manifest incompetence of the Bioware Austin team.


All The Best

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You're absolutely right. There is no difference between

  • having a 1 in 8 (often just 4 or 5) chance to get a specified item that you know is the one you want/need
    (in guild runs often ending with the item being awarded to the person who really needs it, resp. the char where it benefits the guild/team most)
    - and -
  • having a two-tier roll where the first roll decides whether or not you get an item of the quality you want/need (chances unknown) at all and the second roll being a 1 in what? 28? chance to get the actual slot and itemization you want/need
    (without the option for guilds/teams to equip their members' chars the way the deem most beneficial)


If that's all the same to you, then I understand that you don't understand.


That's not how it worked before. You might not even get a drop you could use that you'd have a chance to roll on. For some people , multiple raids would yield absolutely nothing. I fail to see how this system is any worse than what we had before. In fact, I prefer it.

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That's not how it worked before. You might not even get a drop you could use that you'd have a chance to roll on. For some people , multiple raids would yield absolutely nothing. I fail to see how this system is any worse than what we had before. In fact, I prefer it.


I'm talking about the tokens, and they were usually only rolled for by people for whom that slot item would have been an upgrade. It was clear which boss wold drop which token. Chances for a single player to fill that slot were a lot better than they are now, when even the crafting schematics are up to RNG luck and no token gear exists to fill the gaps.

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That's not how it worked before. You might not even get a drop you could use that you'd have a chance to roll on. For some people , multiple raids would yield absolutely nothing. I fail to see how this system is any worse than what we had before. In fact, I prefer it.


First of all, if you have a fair number of alts you did always have something you can use in any ops. Secondly, you could choose which ops you want to run. Again if you have a couple of alts, each alt also give you an extra go in each of the ops you want every week.


The reason GC is worse is because you have no choice at all, so it will take you longer to collect a set of gear and it's piss poor for gearing up alts.


In essence the reward system went from choice based to luck based.

Edited by Tsillah
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