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Where's master Ranos?


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So, I've finished Chapter 16, I have in my mail the holocomunicator(meaning I am eligible).


Yet there's no alert.


The holocomunicator says it will happen naturally after ChIX of KotFE.


Looks like not happening for me. Tried 2 different characters.


Any ideas or help appreciated. Thanks.

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So, I've finished Chapter 16, I have in my mail the holocomunicator(meaning I am eligible).


Yet there's no alert.


The holocomunicator says it will happen naturally after ChIX of KotFE.


Looks like not happening for me. Tried 2 different characters.


Any ideas or help appreciated. Thanks.


There should indeed be an alert, named " The light triumphant" one of Theron's alerts.

I just got the alert on a character that hasn't even started the new chapters.

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for what its worth and i expect that aint much.


I for one am disgusted, repulsed and wholly dissatisfied with having yet another filthy light side aligned companion foisted upon me under the guise of reward, HTH is another filthy corrupted hypocrite lightsider infecting my most glorious and honorable dark legacy a reward and NOT a punishment. I worked long and hard on numerous servers in hopes of adding another Noble darksider to my eternal Alliance, but no screw me and my personal plans and schemes for MY gaming experience.

The victorious armor set is basically useless for all my sith toons, i mean seriously; least you could of done was given allignment appropriate "rewards" instead of cookie cutter reward/punishments for game factors quite literally beyond the control of the indiviual premium players control. Especially since the last two years worth of released content has driven the game into a more individual experience wholly and completely negating the co-op gaming experience in story. A piece i miss dearly from the original content story line, esprcislly on rp servers man, come on. I know the communtiy is huge, and the endeavour od developing content that is enjoyable, challenging and has a playablility that will allow tolerance of grinding; as grinding is now an intensely integral part of the game is immense and challenging, but seriously guys if your going to run rp servers then you have to kinda keep the content viable in that venue setting. huh!?!

Can you recognize that if your creating a system that makes endless grinding for com pts a necessity that it might be prudent, hell even beneficial to give lil things like this more attention as it pertains to the general moral and overall health of the servers and players satisfaction in general with the exchange.

and thus i will end my rant. I said my peice on the this glaring frustration of mine.

#anticlimactic #grindingfornothing #punishedforhardwork

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Also bugged.

Got the e-mail that contains the summon item, but no Alliance Alert.

Character in question with the bug completed all of KotFE and KotET prior to today (and account meets all the DvL requirements).


Another character that completed KotFE but not started KotET also has the bug.

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for what its worth and i expect that aint much.


I for one am disgusted, repulsed and wholly dissatisfied with having yet another filthy light side aligned companion foisted upon me under the guise of reward, HTH is another filthy corrupted hypocrite lightsider infecting my most glorious and honorable dark legacy a reward and NOT a punishment. I worked long and hard on numerous servers in hopes of adding another Noble darksider to my eternal Alliance, but no screw me and my personal plans and schemes for MY gaming experience.

The victorious armor set is basically useless for all my sith toons, i mean seriously; least you could of done was given allignment appropriate "rewards" instead of cookie cutter reward/punishments for game factors quite literally beyond the control of the indiviual premium players control. Especially since the last two years worth of released content has driven the game into a more individual experience wholly and completely negating the co-op gaming experience in story. A piece i miss dearly from the original content story line, esprcislly on rp servers man, come on. I know the communtiy is huge, and the endeavour od developing content that is enjoyable, challenging and has a playablility that will allow tolerance of grinding; as grinding is now an intensely integral part of the game is immense and challenging, but seriously guys if your going to run rp servers then you have to kinda keep the content viable in that venue setting. huh!?!

Can you recognize that if your creating a system that makes endless grinding for com pts a necessity that it might be prudent, hell even beneficial to give lil things like this more attention as it pertains to the general moral and overall health of the servers and players satisfaction in general with the exchange.

and thus i will end my rant. I said my peice on the this glaring frustration of mine.

#anticlimactic #grindingfornothing #punishedforhardwork


How this answers my questions or helps me? But hopefully this at least helped you.

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I have similar problem, Ranos recruitment mission is neither in log nor in alerts.

Also, I couldn't submit any bug report or ticket - my customer service tab was stuck on "Updating..."

I'm after chapter 9 of KotET and Legendary tier of DvL so 100% eligible

Edited by NobPL
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I checked some of my toons. Got the email, no alliance alert. Also all my DvL event achievements are at 0% although Ive finished it and had 100% hence the email. I will check imp side, so far I checked only rep side.
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Quick survey on this, too:

For the people who got versus didn't get the Alert, were you Eternal or Legendary?

I've seen a couple who were Legendary posting they didn't get it, and it's the same here.


Is it possible that those of you did were Eternal? Maybe it's tied to that.

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