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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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Bioware is now telling us what is fun and what isn't? Are you for real?


Also, just for the record. PvP is not a fun source for me, and I am rather certain I am not the only one who thinks so.


In the livestream, I can't remember if it was Charles or Ben, either way, I do believe I heard one of them say that it's not fun farming golds in tattooine( or if they said golds in general, I can't remember) so, yes, they are telling you what's fun;)

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To be honest they are in a no win situation regarding buffing the xp for gold npcs. If they buff it to 2 or 3, they don't get a bonus for the cxp gain and are accused of deliberately trying to keep it from giving an extra point and slow down progress in cxp grinding., and if they buff it to anything over 4 they are accused of doing it to sell more cxp booster packs.


This sort of behavior by players will just end up getting a Band-Aid nerf to PvP and GSF if they keep it up.


And I agree that they need to do a complete balance assessment of how Cxp is paid out across the content segments. Which content you choose should depend on what you like to do, NOT what pays out the most for the least effort AND is exploitable. It's fine if they want to pay out a daily premium for one content segment, as this is healthy in getting people out of their ruts.... but beyond that..


This is MMO behavior, though. Especially considering the RNG aspect in that you literally have no clue when you will be finished gearing, the concern isn't "Is what I'm doing fun?" but "will this help me finish in the quickest time possible?"


It's impossible to properly balance because players are more adaptable and more capable of finding cracks and advantages and the quickest route to cxp farm than the devs are at identifying them in the systems they create, mostly because the players outnumber them by a significant margin.

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This is MMO behavior, though. Especially considering the RNG aspect in that you literally have no clue when you will be finished gearing, the concern isn't "Is what I'm doing fun?" but "will this help me finish in the quickest time possible?"


It's impossible to properly balance because players are more adaptable and more capable of finding cracks and advantages and the quickest route to cxp farm than the devs are at identifying them in the systems they create, mostly because the players outnumber them by a significant margin.


Nothing is more fun than doing everything in the quickest way possible.

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Because apparently, discouraging players from farming gold mobs is their number 1 priority for some reason.....


No kidding and yet they nerfed CXP mobs from 10 to 1 and now to 2 per mob but those less than skilled bw guys just said this in the stream.


"[we] don’t consider farming gold mobs to be an exploit. They are going to bump up the CXP for champions a bit more to 2 points."


Its not an exploit but if you do it, we'll nerf it to the ground just to make sure you wont do it.


you play how be says to play, not what you find entertaining. you find something fun bw will make sure to kill it off till you do things their way.

Edited by Quraswren
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Eh 1 or 2 for golds feels right to me.


Should two golds that go down in 5-10 seconds be worth as much as an entire heroic or heroic bonus mission? I mean come on, obviously not.


That should tell you the missions need more not that mobs need less.

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Its not an exploit but if you do it, we'll nerf it to the ground just to make sure you wont do it.


Again... missing, or deliberately misrepresenting, the point they made.


Doing it was fine, hence not an exploit. It was some people overdoing it that caused the nerf, because over doing it was something not intended by the studio.


There is a difference. If some guy had not deliberately farmed them to the level cap (that was north of 300K Cxp per week) in three days, they would not have been motivated to act with the nerf bat.


If they had a separate and lower cap for killing gold mobs, this would not have happened, and they would not have needed to nerf it. But then again.... players would complain about a lower separate cap for gold mobs. It's a no win for the studio.


I still advocate for separate caps for Cxp, by major content segment, gold mobs, Heroics, FPs, PvP, OPs, etc. That would be the closest and simplest mechanic to drive players in the direction they want them to go (which clearly is to diversify play of content while raising Cxp. Does not even need to be a hard cap for each segment... a diminishing returns cap would do just as well, without an abrupt cut-off. I do not advocate lowering the global cap for Cxp... as that discourages any play beyond the cap they set.

Edited by Andryah
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Eh 1 or 2 for golds feels right to me.


Should two golds that go down in 5-10 seconds be worth as much as an entire heroic or heroic bonus mission? I mean come on, obviously not.


should a pvp match that goes down in ten min be worth 600-700? many heroics take the same and they are worth 20.

make them worth 40. and there is no lockout on pvp. should there be?


when we start valuing kills byt the "feel" we all end up unhappy.

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Again... missing, or deliberately misrepresenting, the point they made.


Doing it was fine, hence not an exploit. It was some people overdoing it that caused the nerf, because over doing it was something not intended by the studio.


There is a difference. If some guy had not deliberately farmed them to the level cap (that was north of 300K Cxp per week) in three days, they would not have been motivated to act with the nerf bat.


If they had a separate and lower cap for killing gold mobs, this would not have happened, and they would not have needed to nerf it. But then again.... players would complain about a lower separate cap for gold mobs. It's a no win for the studio.


I still advocate for separate caps for Cxp, by major content segment, gold mobs, Heroics, FPs, PvP, OPs, etc. That would be the closest and simplest mechanic to drive players in the direction they want them to go (which clearly is to diversify play of content while raising Cxp. Does not even need to be a hard cap for each segment... a diminishing returns cap would do just as well, without an abrupt cut-off. I do not advocate lowering the global cap for Cxp... as that discourages any play beyond the cap they set.


and the people "overdoing" pvp? should big brother bioware limit them to 40 matches per week "for their own good"?

No, that is not a good idea. neither is bioware deciding that instead of putting a limit on the number of golds you can kill, they will just make them worthless.

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Again... missing, or deliberately misrepresenting, the point they made.


Doing it was fine, hence not an exploit. It was some people overdoing it that caused the nerf, because over doing it was something not intended by the studio.


There is a difference. If some guy had not deliberately farmed them to the level cap (that was north of 300K Cxp per week) in three days, they would not have been motivated to act with the nerf bat.


If they had a separate and lower cap for killing gold mobs, this would not have happened, and they would not have needed to nerf it. But then again.... players would complain about a lower separate cap for gold mobs. It's a no win for the studio.


I still advocate for separate caps for Cxp, by major content segment, gold mobs, Heroics, FPs, PvP, OPs, etc. That would be the closest and simplest mechanic to drive players in the direction they want them to go (which clearly is to diversify play of content while raising Cxp. Does not even need to be a hard cap for each segment... a diminishing returns cap would do just as well, without an abrupt cut-off. I do not advocate lowering the global cap for Cxp... as that discourages any play beyond the cap they set.


First off, in the livestreams, players were CHALLENGED to try to meet the weekly cap. Musco and Ben and all them said it couldn't be achieved without cheating/hacking/exploits. They were wrong. More than that, they should have seen it coming and not had the hubris to insist it couldn't be done when people very quickly figured out how it could be done. The fact they couldn't see this coming shows their level of incompetence.


Secondly, why are they punishing 99% of players of the game for the actions of 1% (if that) of players? So what if a handful of people had the patience to deal with the mind-numbing tedium of farming golds and champs all damn day to get to Command Level 100 in 3 days. I'd never do that, it would drive me crazy with boredom, but they did, and they got their Command levels out of it. So what? It doesn't hurt me. What DOES hurt me is nerfing all the gold CXP rewards by 90%, which is what EAWare did.

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