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In all this chaos, where are the Companions and The Chiss Ascendancy (Spoilers)


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First i want to say that i enjoyed the story a lot, good job BioWare


what disappointed me is that you didn't bring back at least Lord Scourge (Emperor's Wrath) and Kira Carsen (Child of the Emperor)


and the galaxy is on fire but there was no mention of The Chiss Ascendancy, i have allies from The Republic, The Empire, and The Mandalorians, but no Chiss involvement at all ? are you preparing them for the next storyline ?

Edited by nerazzurroblue
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First i want to say that i enjoyed the story a lot, good job BioWare


what disappointed me is that you didn't bring back at least Lord Scourge (Emperor's Wrath) and Kira Carsen (Child of the Emperor)


and the galaxy is on fire but there was no mention of The Chiss Ascendancy, i have allies from The Republic, The Empire, and The Mandalorians, but no Chiss involvement at all ? are you preparing them for the next storyline ?


What are Chiss? They don't exist, remember? Those players and NPCs that are blue or purple with red eyes don't exist. They're a figment of your imagination. *waves hands around in a mockery of the Jedi Mind Trick*


I admit to being surprised when they released the name of the next chapter months ago with the word "Mandalore" in it, because I personally suspect that BW's trying to pretend that most, if not all, of Acts One-Two-Three-Four don't exist, and that Act Five (SoR) barely exists.


Should be something about the Chiss eventually. Might have been in the scrapped content that BW cut to rush out the rest of the Zakuul arc when they realized players didn't enjoy being jerked around with breadcrumbs every month.

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As for Kira, I think her importance to the "Emperor" story tends to get overstated. She was one failed experiment, and the Children as a whole were basically made a non-thing in the Consular story. I'm not trying to undersell things for the people who want her back (she's not near the top of my list, but I'd rather see more returning than fewer, regardless), but doing the story without her has never seemed unreasonable to me. Could she have added some interesting stuff? Sure. Was she necessary? Not really.


Scourge, on the other hand, is a little more closely tied to it all. Even if he didn't play as directly into to the story, his whole motivation was to destroy the Emperor (and ingratiate himself with the Emperor's successor). He's a smart guy, and to not even see him show up and try to join the Alliance was a little surprising. Even if he didn't have a big role, I would've expected to see him.


As for the Chiss, they've never had a big role. They're a very small nation at the present point in the timeline, one presumes, so they're still just sort of stuck living in the Empire's shadow, as far as the greater galaxy is concerned.

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One thing I'm surprised about is the lack of response from the Hutts. Zakuul sets up a Star Fortress around Nar Shaddaa - which you can helpfully destroy - and there's no mention made of Hutts giving aid to the Alliance, even circumspectly?


Companion-wise, none of the Jedi/Sith companions ever show up again: Jaesa, Kira, Scourge, Ashara, Nadia all disappear forever. The sole exception is Xalek, for some reason.


Once you start building your Alliance, the only saber jockeys you ever get are ones introduced during the story (like Lana and Senya) or that you pick up from side missions, like Choza Rabaat and Veeroa Denz. And fish boy (Languss Tuno!), for some reason.


For whatever reason, BioWare decided that Force-sensitive companions shouldn't be included in the story for KotFE/KotET. Which tells me that the next chapters/expansion may have to do with the Force.

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The Chiss Ascendancy was, surprisingly, briefly mentioned on Hoth as part of the Star Fortress quest. Hemdil Tre, when asked what organizations have pledged themselves to the Alliance (on Hoth), responds with "Republic, Empire, Ortolan settlers, former White Maw, and the Chiss Ascendancy."


...so they're *there*, just not...mentioned ever again. :/

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