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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How do I enter the Knights of the Fallen Empire?


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This is an issue for sub players as well. I am an active sub player and I purchased this expansion and went through it on a few other characters. I also can not access Knights of the Fallen Empire when I attempt to do so from my ship. The option is not there. I also do not know where or how to access it at this point. Edited by starzandstripes
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Ok just figured it out. Go to the triangle on the menu on the top of your screen. Go to chapters and select the one you wish to start. If you purchased the expansion and have your character ready, you can access chapter 1 and begin playing that way. It worked for me.


It didn't work for me - I also noticed that every character in the same Legacy as my main character (who was the only one to do both KotFE and KotET) were marked in the 'chapters' section as having completed all chapters of both expansions. If I try launching chapter one of KotFE with a character that hasn't done it before it gets treated like a chapter replay - so I have no access to the new companions, no access to Wild Space to get to Zakuul by my ship - and support has deleted two of my tickets requesting help.

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This just happened to me with my second character to finish Ziost. Prelude was added, it told me to go to the mission terminal, the mission terminal did not list chapter 1. Adding chapter 1 from the triangle auto-sets it to Veteran even if I choose story, and the Play button does not work. Sigh. I was looking forward to making some dark side choices this time....


Edit: I did get it to work, but only after I changed the difficulty to Veteran. And once you start the story in Veteran you can then toggle the difficulty down to Story. Which I did -- fighting level 68 enemies in level 55-60 gear without a healer is no fun.

Edited by HarmlessDave
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It didn't work for me - I also noticed that every character in the same Legacy as my main character (who was the only one to do both KotFE and KotET) were marked in the 'chapters' section as having completed all chapters of both expansions. If I try launching chapter one of KotFE with a character that hasn't done it before it gets treated like a chapter replay - so I have no access to the new companions, no access to Wild Space to get to Zakuul by my ship - and support has deleted two of my tickets requesting help.


What you're looking at is legacy completion. Not what chapters you have done on that character. What you should look at instead, is if the chapter title is grayed out. If it is, it's not accessible on that character.


Or in other words, those chapters that are not grayed out, you have either done or they are the next chapter to do.

Edited by Dragondog
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