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Kotet (SPOILERS) feedback


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Especially with us still being in the early access period, I want to be extra careful about warning people. So...


***If you haven't played KOTET story yet, don't read this thread unless you're ok with parts of it being spoiled. ***




I've posted a lot of negative stuff lately cause there's been a lot about this game and the way it's been handled that is bothering me, especially concerning 5.0.


But I wanted to take a moment away from that to give feedback on the KOTET story experience. Feedback that I'm happy to say is mostly positive. I'm going to divide it into two sections, story and gameplay, so it's easier to read.





I did a full dark side playthrough marathon run today. Have not done light side yet. So my feedback is based on that.


I don't have a lot to say, honestly. You guys did an excellent job of tying up the loose ties and you weren't kidding about being able to "rack up quite a body count." No betrayal left unresolved, no hanging plotlines. This was tied up so neatly that if the game was shut down before we get more story, I would be ok with where the story ended.


I have to make a point of saying, watching the Sith Emperor... the primary antagonist in the game for basically the entirety of its life... watching him finally be destroyed, with his family jeering at him was immensely satisfying. Especially knowing the extent of how twisted he is, such as the **** he did to Vaylin. I mean, just the way he died was executed so well. That primal desperate power... the only comparison I can think of to do justice in describing it is Voldemort's death in Harry Potter.


And I was really impressed with the way you utilized the memory sequence to explain Valkorion's convoluted plans, which now seem pretty straightforward in retrospect, so kudos for that.


The only minor niggle I can think of that left me scratching my head was why "bow before the dragon of Zakuul" worked on Valkorion at the end. I feel I must have missed some little moment that explained it. Perhaps I was so dazed from marathoning at that point that I missed some part of the sequence. Best I could think of is if it had something to do with the holocron, but it doesn't seem like it was explained how.


Aside from that, I was well and truly satisfied with the ending, and I have to say that that ending moment was perhaps one of the best experiences I've had in RPG storytelling ever.


Other notable moments I enjoyed in no particular order: Arcann and Vaylin dueling for the camera. Executing Arcann for the camera. Punching Saresh and then killing her, in particular the way that scheming piece of filth tries to run and Lana is standing there. Zakuul guy (Vaylin's former aide... his name escapes me)... using a rocket launcher in the last chapter to help you out; his wit was fun and I could see him being an amusing and memorable companion character down the road, if the opportunity ever arises. Lying to Arcann and telling him he killed Senya and watching him go "noooo!" like a five year old. Finally ending Tenebrae... oh, I mentioned that already, didn't I? I think it bears repeating. :D





The variety was a lot better. I was happy about that. The first walker felt a little sluggish and I feel it should have played more like the robot on Iokath. The robot on Iokath was just pure destructive fun. Second walker improved on the first, but I'd still take the Iokath robot any day over both of them.


Zakuul undercover mission was a good job of going off the beaten path. Only complaint there was the amount of running back and forth. I just used the hints a lot because I wanted to get through for efficiency. But even with hints, it was a lot of up and down, up and down, go down this long hall, then around this one because you can't go straight through that one. More tedium than was really necessary, but the premise was cool.


Controlling a mouse droid. Didn't really understand that part. Not sure if it's bugged or what. Would go to a console and click it, it would count for the objective, but I lost that mouse droid and had to go from the beginning for the next console. Not sure why I can't just go straight through on one mouse droid if I'm careful. Neat little mini-game, but that part was a little annoying.


Having both Theron and Lana as a companion later on. Nice to have them both, but as a stealth class, a little annoying. The one who was "officially" my comp would stealth, while the other didn't, drawing aggro on stuff if I wasn't careful.


Skytroopers inside the Eternal Throne tower at the end were a bit over the top. Skytrooper gauntlet, I guess. Probably a challenge on Veteran. I was doing Story, again for efficiency. Just felt a bit obnoxious at that point though. Like the gameplay culmination is to go back to your roots of waves of Skytroopers? Luckily, it was saved on the gameplay front with the dream sequence, which had a nice taste of feeling like Valkorion for a time. And the use of the holocron against Valkorion in combat was a nice change from spamming my Scoundrel rotation.


Overall, gameplay was much improved from KOTFE, but there were still chapters that I can't see myself wanting to repeat, for gameplay reasons. Chapter 1 being one of them, because of the sluggishness of the Walker.

Edited by Rolodome
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Rolodome! BLess your heart and soul !


You know I was gonna ask if anyone did a full DS Playtrough cose I just finished my Sith warrior LS lol and I'm kinda dreading it .


To answer your question , about why the command sentance worked on him . One of the reply I picked was that because he is in your mind , it is your rules . Like your domain . But even that felt a bit weak , I think honestly its also because he absorbed Vaylin spirit (moron)...so he also took her weakness . Since the Vaylin we been fighting in our mind still answer to some sort of command . He use Vaylin powers to command her to attack you....and you can use the said command on Valk twisting the power he is using ...and now I'm confusing myself hahaha


Anyway....that is that . :p


Edit: BTw....that chapter in Nathema . (1) Isnt that where the dream sequence from Kotfe were ? Cose to me it looked like it . and (2) Anyone got a Mass effect deja-vus on Nathema ? Lol I was expecting the Illusive Man to show up and tell me how doing all that crap to Vaylin was for the good of humanity lol .


Edit2: Seriously..I be happy to never see another skytrooper ever again . Whoever gave them a voice box so they can make us our ears bleed with their endless ARGHHHHH everytime they attack..should be shot .

Edited by SerraShar
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Rolodome! BLess your heart and soul !


You know I was gonna ask if anyone did a full DS Playtrough cose I just finished my Sith warrior LS lol and I'm kinda dreading it .

Yeah, I think you'll enjoy it. :)


To answer your question , about why the command sentance worked on him . One of the reply I picked was that because he is in your mind , it is your rules . Like your domain . But even that felt a bit weak , I think honestly its also because he absorbed Vaylin spirit (moron)...so he also took her weakness . Since the Vaylin we been fighting in our mind still answer to some sort of command . He use Vaylin powers to command her to attack you....and you can use the said command on Valk twisting the power he is using ...and now I'm confusing myself hahaha


Anyway....that is that . :p

That makes a kind of sense... I think. I was kinda wondering about the Vaylin absorption thing and maybe that's why, but then I was thinking, he absorbed her after she broke her conditioning, so would it really still apply? I dunno. *shrug* One of those questions.


Edit2: Seriously..I be happy to never see another skytrooper ever again . Whoever gave them a voice box so they can make us our ears bleed with their endless ARGHHHHH everytime they attack..should be shot .

Lol, agreed.


From what I was able to "play" it was a fun ride lots of emotion in the actors. (Got to chapter2)


But the bugs and constant crashing has me giving it a 1/5 at best it was a fraudulent purchase

Sorry to hear that. Guess galactic command wasn't the only thing with RNG results. I didn't run into any noticeable bugs that I can recall.

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That makes a kind of sense... I think. I was kinda wondering about the Vaylin absorption thing and maybe that's why, but then I was thinking, he absorbed her after she broke her conditioning, so would it really still apply? I dunno. *shrug* One of those questions.


One thing is clear though , him absorbing Vaylin..confirm for us one thing : He did the same to the Sorc ghost! LOL


I knowwwwwww...not everyone play Sorc...but this has been nagging and we never got any answer !


She did break her conditioning that is true . (Btw did you get Mass effect Jack flashback when we went there ? lolol I was expecting Illusive Man to show up and tell me its for the good of humanity what they did to Vaylin :D).


But that in the real world..when SHE was in control of her body . Beside that Jarak dude , did say something went wrong......she almost died.......so she forcely broke free . But the imprint of the command will always be there .


Or it is a simple , you are in my brain...I have power here .


I'm curious though..if you don't pick the Holocorn ....how will you kick him out .

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On the ''Why does the command phrase work on Valkorion?'', your character basically replies with ''It's my mind, I decide how things work here'' I assume this is because your character, by beating spirit Vaylin, temporarily weakened Valkorian's hold on their mind; thus allowing them a brief moment of control over how everything worked.


Also, speaking of 'why's. Why do the skytroopers keep on attacking after you've taken the throne? THe fleet shut down, should the Sky Troopers just be waiting for your orders or somthing?


And you want to know what's the most dissappointing thing about this expansion? With how much Bioware likes to remind us that they made kotor, all the references in SWTOR, they didn't even put in what would of been the best reference. Turning Valkorian into a twi'lek dancer. I mean, common! We had the 'My mind, my rules' line, we should of breifly been able to do so JUST FOR THE LOLS! Okay, it's not that disappointing, but it's the first thing I thought of when that line came up.

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Killing Valk was one of the most satisfying things i've ever experienced playing this game :D I have a question for you though. I take it you killed Senya and Arcann since Lana and Theron were with you in the end but you said that

watching him finally be destroyed, with his family jeering at him was immensely satisfying

So they are still there with you (in your head, i mean) even if you killed them? I'm confused.

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Also, speaking of 'why's. Why do the skytroopers keep on attacking after you've taken the throne? THe fleet shut down, should the Sky Troopers just be waiting for your orders or somthing?


Are the Skytroopers actually part of the eternal fleet? I was under the impression that only the gemeni droids were actually related to the fleet and Skytroopers were invented by Valkorion (or at least one of his droid experts in Zakuul). They are created in various production lines (we see some on Zakuul, on Darvannis and the Starfortresses) which do not seem to be connected to the eternal fleet. And if I remember correctly there is some codex entry that mentions that Zakuuls military has only recently changed into using droids as their main forces. Plus that last boss in Kalyos Chapter in KoTFE stated that the Skytroopers combat protocols were designed after his own combat skills (which supports them only being a recent thing though I can't for the love of the force understand why he thought that that would somehow intimidate anyone;))

Also in that last chapter there were also knights still fighting alongside the skytroopers so my guess is that those are actually some sort of leftover Vaylin supporters who are a bit behind on recent events and are ordering those Skytroopers.

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Killing Valk was one of the most satisfying things i've ever experienced playing this game :D I have a question for you though. I take it you killed Senya and Arcann since Lana and Theron were with you in the end but you said that


So they are still there with you (in your head, i mean) even if you killed them? I'm confused.


on my LS...


Valk summon Vaylin to fight for him . But since I made buddy with Arcann , he use the holocorn and join the fight to help you . And then later Senya does the same . So whole family is in ya head..


No wonder..the first amendement I made is giving me free drinks ! that headech! :D


Edit: Mine werent dead....so...if they could join in your head while alive..I guess they come as spirit to confort him ?


I'm doing a DS now..I come back here with feedback when I'm done !

Edited by SerraShar
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Killing Valk was one of the most satisfying things i've ever experienced playing this game :D I have a question for you though. I take it you killed Senya and Arcann since Lana and Theron were with you in the end but you said that


So they are still there with you (in your head, i mean) even if you killed them? I'm confused.


Arcann is also summoned as a spirit to aid Valkorian if you killed him back at the party, the whole 'absorb their essence when killed' wasn't exclusive to Vaylin. And like you did with Vaylin, you can turn him against Valk with the Holocron.

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Arcann is also summoned as a spirit to aid Valkorian if you killed him back at the party, the whole 'absorb their essence when killed' wasn't exclusive to Vaylin. And like you did with Vaylin, you can turn him against Valk with the Holocron.

ok, thanks for the answer!

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One thing is clear though , him absorbing Vaylin..confirm for us one thing : He did the same to the Sorc ghost! LOL


I knowwwwwww...not everyone play Sorc...but this has been nagging and we never got any answer !


She did break her conditioning that is true . (Btw did you get Mass effect Jack flashback when we went there ? lolol I was expecting Illusive Man to show up and tell me its for the good of humanity what they did to Vaylin :D).


But that in the real world..when SHE was in control of her body . Beside that Jarak dude , did say something went wrong......she almost died.......so she forcely broke free . But the imprint of the command will always be there .


Or it is a simple , you are in my brain...I have power here .


I'm curious though..if you don't pick the Holocorn ....how will you kick him out .

I only ever got through ME3, so don't know the reference, but from what I've been reading on the forums, you're not the only one who saw similarities. And considering that they got Drew Karpyshyn involved for KOTET and he was a big ME writer, it would make sense.


I think he may not be the only writer who worked on both ME and KOTET either.

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Story was the most satisfying. Traitors are dead, Arcann is finally dead (he survived what, 4 times?). And I finally get rid of the Emperor in most satisfying manner, having his own family kill him and using phrase he used against Vaylin against him.

Gameplay... It's still SWTOR. Some variety is here, but still boring.

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