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Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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Cxp and the shear amount of grinding that is needed - 10 weeks to reach tier 2. 13 more weeks for tier 3, and to get to 300 from the launch of 5.0, 46 weeks.


RNG gearing - enough said


Menu bar - annoying but playable


lack of group content - we shall see in January

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I feel ripped off with the data crystals. For example, the Zakulian Cloud cruiser was 1000 data crystals. If I don't get 1000/1 credits per crystal then it's a rip off because now that sucker costs 10 million credits that I don't have. But I was only 300 crystals shy of the cost. *** were they thinking? So what about the rest of the crystals: glowing and radiant? What are those going to be worth? :mad:
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The ending....I mean how the **** is the story going to work now? I didn't even want to become the Emperor(or Peacemaker), but we have no choice.


I hate the way this game has been going, I hate it even more now. The SWTOR I knew and love is now dead, and will never come back.......so neither will I.


Edited by strallart
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What bugs me about 5.0 so far:


* RNG-based gearing. Am I really the only person that thought the crystal-token system was super simple?


* The fact that BW couldn't be arsed to write decent quest-lines to bring back, or merely hint at the fate of, Ashara, Andronikos, Jaesa, Temple, Nadia, Zenith, Iresso, Scourge, Risha, Akaavi, Elara, or Kira. Skadge, Quinn, and Tharan can stay MIA as far as I'm concerned. Strike that, Quinn needs to come back so I can kill him like I should have been able to do in the main story!


* Having the DvL Achievement wiped/reset to 0. Yet another example that EAware doesn't understand players, or even basic human psychology. Achievements should be forever. People usually don't like to have their stuff taken away, and especially without any warning. The players that care about things like Achievements and the Codex are the ones most likely to buy CC (ie drop real $ on the game). Pissing them off doesn't do the bottom line any good.


* The ridiculous prices for T5/T6 companion gifts relative to the amount of influence gained.


* The fact that companions from KOtFE can't be customized.


* The lousy exchange rate for our "obsolete" (AKA stolen) crystals and warzone tokens.


* That the "planets" aren't really. This would be OK if true, open-world, planets were added from time to time. Zakuul, despite it's shared bits, doesn't count.


* The LvD bar. It's in my line of sight and as buggy as the damned Conquest planetary control annoyance.


^^^^ALL OF THIS^^^^^^ and the fact that it is not only the DL players...i had legendary years ago...its' gone. The flippin light vs Dark giant sign announcing one or the other has gained points. The bugged out heroic ability bar not working correctly by not closing/opening. And the list goes on and on....seriously i want whatever the hell it is you guys are smoking...

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I'm disappointed that they didn't add the ability to play the story with friends and all of us advance. Like in GW2, you can do someone else's story and at the end, they give you the option of having your own done, too.


I'm also disappointed that I can't redo the KotFE chapters and have an option for my new choices to be permanent ones. I would have liked to change some things.

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My biggest 5.0 gripes are:

- No more droid slice. Am I the only one who used it?

- RNG gearing.

- Removal of crystals\commendations

- Removal of unassembled gear tokens.

- Dark vs Light achievements being zeroed out. I know rewards are coming, but please respect my effort, time and resources put into this.


My biggest 5.0 praises are:

- Continuation of KOTFE story!

- New class abilities

- New class utilities

- Advanced classes from the start.

- Will add more as I play and settle into 5.0

Edited by Funky_Munky
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My biggest gripes are:

4. I just noticed that the legendary badge that I earned in 4.0 is now gone from next to my toon's name. Yet another achievement nullfication


The legendary icon isn't gone. you just have to manually activate it now. open up you character titles menu and you'll see a new drop down section called "flair" this is where they hid the legendary status nameplate icon now.

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while they did increase the engine performance in PvP I think they really killed it with the class changes, it's not the same game that I've been in love with for 5 years.


for the love of GOD WHY BIOWARE? FU


I'm done. :confused:

Edited by Gray
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So many bugs, so much stutter/slideshow (my comp. isn't beastly, but it's very far from low-end...And my hardware isn't even being worked by this game, I think it's just that crap server-tech/updating BS that has always been a problem in this game.).


The timed quest being almost impossible to complete because of this pathetic engine's line-of-sight/hitbox issues that have existed since like, Alpha.


Oh for the love of Dog, again with the "Spawn mobs 100m behind you that put you into combat-waddle-speed! Ha-ha, more blatant time-padding for you!"


RNGearing...Because they hadn't done enough stupid **** in 4.xx already?


Apparently not, so directly repeating the mistakes they already made that contributed to this game almost cratering in 1.0, that'll surely do it this time!


250k-creds for a companion gift? Seriously? Seriously?


The cred-costs of mods for even the lowest level vendor:? Seriously? Seriously?


Where the **** are my DvL achievements? Where the **** are everyone's DvL achievements?


Two whole new planets that are story-instances only that we can never go back to again in any "real" sense beyond repeating story chapters, with absolutely zero allowance for exploration? Seriously, in 2016?


(By the same token, at least the story is genuinely quite a bit better this time, not that that's really saying much...Just stop forcing Yandere what's-her-face on me, will you. Not interested in psychos! At all! Ever!! Known a few IRL, TYVM!!)


Sorry, but I really couldn't care less which "side" is stronger, anymore than I ever cared which guild of bads "controls" a given zone...Stop blaring this right into my line of sight, all the *********** time, for ****'s sake...


I won't be gearing up beyond a basic level because of this utter slimeball RNG move...And it's past time we stopped kidding ourselves, OK:


We all know the real reason why they did it, proven by the apparent existence of CXP boosts in the cash-shop, and more re-skinned slops in it than ever, some being explicitly hyped as direct-purchase for the first time.


You needn't bother with your usual half-assed "incentives," this time, either, EAWare...


Depending on how bad that gets, you may have just permanently lost a nearly-unterrupted-since-day-1 subscriber/quiet-but-firm supporter --in the only way that really matters, with my subscription fees-- over this absolute, utter *********** garbage.

And I think I'm not the only one?




The Walker and mouse-droid parts:


No. Just, no:


This game is no-where near optimised enough to handle this. I just did the Odessen chapter's walker bit and most of my "combats" were spent waiting/hoping/praying for abilities to fire off after the fifth *********** time enemies "evaded" in perfect line-of-sight to me.


Yet another old, old, themepark ******** MMO trope:


Let's try and be "cute" to try and hide that we have no creativity, and just ignore how utterly tedious the result actually is for actual players who don't have SysOp-console access.


Dead-honest, this is almost literally painful, I'm not having any fun here. None. At all.


I'm just not.

Edited by midianlord
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RNG Gearing is absolutely abominable, Command XP is a ridiculous grind. In my raid last night in the time it took to throw away all the useless gear we got, we could have had 20 pieces of gear to outfit our raid team with.




No gripes about the story, yet. Seems to be filling more plotholes than it creates.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Removal of the Token system still remains my biggest gripe. I do NOT LIKE this step backwards gearing design. It was fine the way it was. Hopefully people keep drilling that into their heads. That isn't to say I dislike what they've done with the Command UI feature... I just hate how they chose to redo the gearing system. It really *is* the NGE of gearing overhauls and I don't think it was for the better. I still don't after playing through to 70 and toying around with the Command system.


I wasn't particularly happy with an either/or decision they slipped in with the story either. I think their idea of choices that matter and how we want our choices to matter are often two very different things. But that gripe may be more on the opinion side of things-- but I'll bet there are other community members not happy about it either.


I was pretty peeved to find out that all of my Achievement progress was wiped for the DvL Event too after doing Legendary. Already vented about that in another thread though.


On a smaller note... Two things in the UI change kind of bug me.

1) I feel the Inventory Box should still have it's own clickable icon on the bar and not be buried in the drop down.

2) I feel like the Command Stash should be under the same drop down as Character Items

Edited by LunaticFringer
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I only played through chapter II and then couldn't take anymore and had to log. So far in no particular order:



  • Lana and Theron again
  • The menu bar
  • Companions lagging way behind
  • RNG gearing and exorbitant prices of companion gifts (cost vs. reward waaaay out of kilter for everything)
  • Companions not returning
  • The removal of crystals
  • The rapid recon walker isn't really rapid
  • Other bugs such as heroic moment glitching out, my blaster cannon sticking through my face and so on
  • More of Valk, his stupid family and stupid companions that BW loves and I couldn't care less about

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In no particular order:

  • Senya's face (haven't seen Lana's yet, and if you've f****d with Theron's I won't be happy)
  • No returning companions and no information on when those companions are going to come back
  • Bugged out veteran KOTFE chapters where I lost a mountain of XP
  • RNG gearing. I've opened a measly 3 boxes and got nothing but my RNG luck sucks so I'm not hopeful on future boxes.



Vette or Torian. Really? Two characters I love. Sad face.


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