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Diplomacy missions have wrong Dark/Light icon


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Pre-5.0, there were both dark and light Diplomacy missions and you could see which ones there were based on the icon in the crew skill window.


Now, all missions show whatever alignment you selected in the alignment toggle, but when you complete the mission, you still get the pre-5.0 alignment (in addition to some points based on your alignment toggle).


Therefore, please either:

  • Make the mission show the correct icon in the crew skill window, or
  • Always have the missions grant dark/light based on the alignment toggle


Otherwise, it becomes impossible to know whether a mission will give you dark or light side points.

Edited by Jerba
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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.

Edited by TaitWatson
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In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.

This is really non-intuitive, and not conducive to quick use either.

For that matter, since all non-Diplomacy crafting missions are all going to give new-DvL points anyway, why do they even need to have an icon in the first place?

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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.


Say what?

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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.


I don't see the logic. Hover over the icon? ....what? How are people supposed to know to do that?

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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.


then it should show what you are getting light side or dark side points like it used to not show a dark side or light side icon according to galactic command that you have chosen it makes no sense to have it the way you have it set up now, and if you are trying to get dark side points or light side for your appropriate galactic command allegiance you ruin it for yourself and others who are trying to get influence for their chosen allegiance.


If you are going to keep diplomacy missions giving out light and dark side points put a light side icon there if you allied to the dark side and visa versa with the light so you can tell at a quick glance that you are going to get light side and dark side points it is a pita having to mouse over the icon ever time to make sure your not getting what you don't want.

Edited by GolgoXIII
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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.

That is unintuitive and makes no sense at all. The design is flawed and should be redesigned.

The dark/light alignment icon shown by the mission should be the one for what you're getting, just like it used to be. You can see your galactic command dark/light alignment on the little icon on fhe galactic command alignment GUI element anyway.

Alternatively, which would perhaps make more sense than the original design (it would at least be less annoying), would be that the icons stay the way they are and all diplomacy missions would simply grant you old-school dark/light alignment points for the side you've chosen to support in galactic command.

Edited by Glzmo
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This is really non-intuitive, and not conducive to quick use either.

For that matter, since all non-Diplomacy crafting missions are all going to give new-DvL points anyway, why do they even need to have an icon in the first place?


Just that.

The old icons where much more useful.

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This is a very flawed design. All of mine are showing 0 dark side points as I have chosen to align Light. However reading the flavour text some of them are very clearly darkside actions and I believe I am getting dark side points if I choose them despite it saying I am not.


This is unacceptable to anyone who is trying to truly play their character in a certain way. Please put the old icons back so that we know what it is we are choosing without having to double check the flavour text every single time.

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Agreed - as i see now only diplomacy missions allows you to rule your alignment... so-so. all other gathering skills give you lite/dark points ( as i understand depending on what alignment you are) sooo all this PUSHES you towards the darkest/lightest point. and what if i wanna stay neutral?... Or even more - i wanna turn my character from light to dark (RP matters or i just wish so). With this system i wont be able to - even if i'd be choosing all dark options in all FP - all my gathering skills will neutralize all my efforts...


Please fix this. I do have a few characters which i like to be where they are - dark I, light I neutral and so on...

Or at least make missions differ so people would be able to choose - like in diplomacy.


Otherwise this will lead to JUSt 2 options of alignment - totally dark or totally light. with crafting/gathering this is just inevitable.And i wanna have my characters as they are - a bit dark or a bit light, neutral and so on... :(:(:(

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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.

You earn points based on the galactic alignment selection but also points for the opposite alignment, hidden behind an icon people are unaware of??


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.

So people who dont know that this icon has a new function wonder why they level both alignments while having selected only one alignment and the mission makes the people believe they level only one alignment?


Just to be sure:

This crew skill is supposed to grant us dark/light side points. ONE alignment per mission. Getting dark and light side points at the same time for ONE mission defeats the purpose of pushing towards a specific alignment. I dont want to end up with a neutral char, I want either full light side or full dark side. On one char I wanted to go back to dark side 1 for the eye coloring. Under the new design it will take significantly longer to reach that goal because as much as I push light side I work against my goal at the same time.


Its like shoveling your own grave, just throwing it behind you, then turning around and shoveling half the pile back and so forth. At some point you reach the necessary depth but the grave will only have half the size you wanted.

Edited by Zasszz
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thx, i had the same problem :D


False adverstising....very misleading...and totally stupid if you aren't above level 70 and the dark vs light doesn't apply to you. Stop breaking things that worked fine and fix the bugs like mobs going underground and certain mounts distorting the character.:mad:

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This is working as designed. The icon displays your selected alignment, because you will earn points for your chosen alignment by completing the Crew Skill Mission. HOWEVER, you will also earn the original value of Light or Dark side points as determined by the Mission.


In order to see this in action, you can hover over the Dark/Light icon in the top left corner of the mission to see how the math works out. Example: you're set to Light Side about to do a Dark Side mission, it will still show as Light. Hover over the icon to see the actually alignment point value. Also, if the Mission crits, it will give points based on the inherent points of the Mission, not your setting.


That maybe so, but could you check the mission text with the alignment gains for Rank 10 Diplomacy Missions?


I ask this because it seems to me that the alignment changes are the wrong way around. You get bonus dark side points for choosing missions that advocate a peaceful solution, tolerance, aiding someone, etc.; you get bonus light side points for choosing missions that promote war, unfair advantage, or dubious means to an end, and so on.


Light side points for dark, callous outcomes; dark side points for selfless, well-intended outcomes.


In short, it's working as intended, but not 100%: the light/dark points inherent to each mission appear to be reversed from what it should be.

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