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What Happened to Our Stealth


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One of the biggest reasons I went SW Marauder was because it was as I thought from the char progress video a Duel Wield Med armor stealth class. Or at the very least had some stealthing ablity.





Watch from 1:10-1:18 of the video taken right here from this site and was launched back on 4/22/11.



It clearly shows a sith war Mara AC going stealth. I wont even get into all the other things it shows that arent in game or the way they were shown IE heads up cloaks Force choke Pre lvl 10 Force scream that Knocks back.



So what happened?

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I am lvl 38 ATM Carnage spec.



Force Camouflage is not a stealth ablity. You can not move while it is active and only works a 4 sec threat dropper like Faint in WoW for rogues. It is not a stealth ablity at all.


It is exactly what was shown in the progression video. I'm not sure what you're doing but yes, you can definitely move while it's active.

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What specare you guys in? Do you have some skill that makes it do all that. Cause as carnage it does NOT work like shown in the video. And when I click it and try and move it drops. On top of that its only up for 4sec. Much shorter then in the video.



I would ove to make a video and post it showing how it does or doesnt work for me.

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It doesnt have anything to do with Carnage. Force Camo is just a regular Marauder skill. (However, Carnage does have a tree skill that allows Force Camo to remove any movement impairing effects).


Just like in the aforementioned video , you can stealth for 4 seconds. (Yes, despite your comment, the stealth does actually last for 4 seconds in the video.) I think using like they do in the video is a little silly... mostly I use it for dropping aggro when I take it from the tank, or if I need to remove a nasty effect.

Edited by Feedori
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What specare you guys in? Do you have some skill that makes it do all that. Cause as carnage it does NOT work like shown in the video. And when I click it and try and move it drops. On top of that its only up for 4sec. Much shorter then in the video.


Either you're using the wrong skill or you're just simply not using your movements to move while using FC lol. I'm Rage tree spec and FC works like a charm both in PvP (quick get away) and PvE (lose aggro)

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Force Camo is not a true stealth. IT doesn't allow you to sit in hiding for a long period of time or gain any bonuses from attacking from a stealthed position. It's simply an aggro dump that actually has nice uses for escaping sticky positions in PVP as well. I'm amazed they gave us that kind of a powerful escape tool on a warrior so I wouldn't complain about it.
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Camo is our "oh ****" button, much like feign death or vanish.


We get no bonus from being in stealth besides the slight movement buff (unless you spec into the break-movement-impairing effects or the damage-immunity while it's up) and it's really just a threat dump in PvE and a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free-card in PvP: use it for people to stop targeting you for a short time and get a healer to pop some heals on you before you jump back in.


It does not break combat and, unlike feign death/vanish, if you're the only one with threat it will not stop mobs from attacking you, but it does have its uses. The two "main" stealth classes are Assassins and Operatives.

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We get no bonus from being in stealth besides the slight movement buff (unless you spec into the break-movement-impairing effects or the damage-immunity while it's up) and it's really just a threat dump in PvE and a bit of a get-out-of-jail-free-card in PvP


Agreed. I admit though that before trying the ability myself I thought it was a quick stealth ability so I can understand why others thought the same. It has a very narrow focus and virtually no stealth properties which is disappointing especially considering its visual effect.

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I am lvl 38 ATM Carnage spec.



Force Camouflage is not a stealth ablity. You can not move while it is active and only works a 4 sec threat dropper like Faint in WoW for rogues. It is not a stealth ablity at all.


Now I know why people claim that Marauder is broken. They suck.

You can not move while Force Camouflage is active.. I mean.. BWAHAHAHAHHA, this is so funny. I.. sorry.. HAHAHAAHHAA .. so.. bwahaha.. funny... HAHAHAHA



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