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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New gearing system looks worse than we thought


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they have stated if people are unable to get the gear they need from the crates they will look at changes. and possibly removing it all together. and lets not forget we can also craft the top tier gear as well. everyone needs to chill and actually see how things work out before complaining. because who knows, maybe it turns out better then the old system.


This pretty much. Theres a lot of calls going out on how "This is ruined" or "That is ruined". A little patience may end up going a long, long way with all this. Besides, only 2 and a bit days until the Expansion.


Bioware rely on metrics in the worst possible form. it's a known fact. Now, if most of the "whiners" quit, then what is the metrics will tell to them after these 2-3 months? Yeah, nothing useful about gearing. :confused:

Edited by Glower
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Ironically 5.0 has put me in an interesting place...I tuned everything back to two characters and am now just consolidating and exchanging currencies etc....which is actually a good thing. In a way I'm happy to tone it back I was running far too many alts and didn't care about half of them....I felt compelled to get full conquest on 9 plus toons....now that's not going to be an issue.


Another bonus is that I am switching over to Republic permanently....I wanted to play Republic from the start but I was out voted by my launch group....which are all gone now...


I am going back to basics and keeping it simple...PvP in this game was never serious for me because its tab target...which to me is PvP on rails to begin with....


I will continue to PvP and yeah it will be frustrating some days but it is now....If the gear deficit proves to be ridiculous it will get adjusted.....

Edited by Soljin
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maybe here i am black sheep, but i like this idea for hard to make top gear.

U guys can be mad, but complaining becose game is to hard is useless.


my view : if u like this game and u play more u become stronger then others players and u can dominate in pvp.

U can be famous how strong u are in galaxy :-).


When i was younger and i had more time for play i love hard gearing. Be superior and dominant in pvp was my motivation for play.


On other side is big big game change from free get gear for casuals to Hardcore gear up.

I think comunnity in this game are predominantly casual players . I dont understant why devs do this, but i can live with that, but i want this gear ranks for legacy. Not only for my main.

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my view : if u like this game and u play more u become stronger then others players and u can dominate in pvp.

U can be famous how strong u are in galaxy :-).


The thing is, i and many others want to "dominate" by being better than others. Not by having better gear. Gear shouldn't matter at all in PvP, only player skill.

Edited by Kirpputori
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the lamest thing is that they said they are doing this because they want ppl to learn there main ... ******ES can you tell the Devs my alt will woop there main lol <3


Really, they said that? It's not that hard to master a class/spec. Plus, I get bored just doing the same role over and over. I PvP mostly as a Vig Guardian but sometimes I feel like healing, or playing stealth.


I would think an alt friendly game would encourage people to play more and it's odd to me that they seem to think differently.

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Really, they said that? It's not that hard to master a class/spec. Plus, I get bored just doing the same role over and over. I PvP mostly as a Vig Guardian but sometimes I feel like healing, or playing stealth.


I would think an alt friendly game would encourage people to play more and it's odd to me that they seem to think differently.


After 5.0 I don't know if this still qualifies as an Alt. friendly game...... That said up until skill cap just having muscle memory tuned up for a specific class can make a difference...if the skill cap is not maxed at low input....


If you play the same class/character often it is more likely strategy and play level are higher for that class......but that also depends on many variables....


realistically its the game difficulty that limits peoples level of skill ..they would need to adjust baseline difficulty, in this case they did a gear reset and gimped our gear.....increasing difficulty that way....same result.

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Turns out BW is the best Tank in the game. They don't have defense or Absorb stats, they have a God stat called Ignore. They just run through and Solo wreck the game and Ignore everything that comes their way.


They just geared up skank tank and are now globalling threads.

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I'd prefer if gear were not a thing at all in PVP, and I have been saying that since a month into launch. When gear is a factor, you buy skill. When RNG and iLevel are factors, you place barriers to keep the new people down. But then you "OLD GUARD" come in spazzing out about not having a reason to live every damn time. Have you considered that you may be the problem?
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