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After Six Month Break, it's Hack City


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Pretty disappointed in the game's developers. Maybe the only people left playing all hack so Bioware can't sanction them all? I see Mercs running through walls and appearing out of thin air, being hit by DOUBLE everything (like a heat sinker that does double damage), enemy health continually regen with no hots on them (and I'm not talking about the classes with built in healing abilities), immune to all sorts of attacks, etc.


I re-subbed last week for 2 months to warm up for 5.0, but after only a few days I'm not wanting to log in again. Players openly taunt in pvp about not having any fear of sanction for hacking. Add that to the fact that last night there were only 50 people on the JC fleet during 'prime time,' and the game's feeling broken and dead. Am I wrong?

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I've only met 2 hackers in wz's since I've been playing again starting June. With one being rather " popular" or w one on the red eclipse or whatever you wanna call it. :rak_03: Though I haven't seen him around lately. Edited by Eshvara
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i dont see any hackers

maybe if you provde some actuall proof of hacking before spouting nonesense out your ***


The proof has been sent in the form of photos. Judging from your post, I could not care less about trying to prove anything to you. The only one spouting nonsense is you, kid.


My characters are all in max pvp gear and augs. A Merc, for example, should not be killing in three shots. He should also not be able to run through walls in civil war, or suddenly appear in the central area of a civil war match with no operative providing stealth. His health should not be continuously ticking up with no healing ability on him. And that's just one Merc I've seen; it's not isolated to one class.

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There are only a handful of not dead servers remaining. For east coast US, you probably want Ebon Hawk rather than JC. You can use somebody's referral link and get one free transfer, then power level a few more on that destination server (double XP for about two more weeks). I'm bringing this up because you mentioned only 50 on fleet during prime time.


I've seen a few obvious hackers on harbinger and Ebon Hawk over the years, but it's not common. I've never played on JC, so I have no idea what's going on with that server.

Edited by teclado
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There are only a handful of not dead servers remaining. For east coast US, you probably want Ebon Hawk rather than JC. You can use somebody's referral link and get one free transfer, then power level a few more on that destination server (double XP for about two more weeks). I'm bringing this up because you mentioned only 50 on fleet during prime time.


I've seen a few obvious hackers on harbinger and Ebon Hawk over the years, but it's not common. I've never played on JC, so I have no idea what's going on with that server.


I haven't noticed any hackers, but I don't play ranked. (On JC)

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Where is the proof I wonder? Without photos, who's going to believe you? Hmm?


Well since it sounds like he has submitted them to BW to investigate then that's probably where the photos are. As for you or others on this thread seeing them, NOPE. Naming & shaming is against the rules, or don't you know that? Which means if he posted them, he'd get in trouble by BW himself.


Why does he need you to believe him? lol I think this thread was more of a be aware kind of post so that if we see said merc doing strange things to report him also.

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Haven't seen anything like this in a long time either. I wonder if some of it is lag maybe with mercs rocket out or being pulled. If you don't run or defensive, it is pretty possible that a lot of classes can kill you in 3 hits, with armor debuffs or what not. Healing could be the medpacks, emergency scan, the 2 instant charges from power surge to rapid scan heal, not hots, its instant with power surge. Also i believe if they have stacks in arsenal?, forget what its called, it speeds up their next rapid scan, up to a 5 stack, most opt to use it on rail shot i think? Its been a while, but they could use it for the heal.


Not calling you a liar, just trying to make sense of it. Bioware usually wants videos i believe for hacking. I could be wrong.

Edited by Krazhez
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