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Provide an option to queue as player + companion


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The one thing I've found across all tacticals is that having a healer makes the run much smoother. There needs to be the option for tacticals and the new expansion uprisings to queue as player+companion. Most tacticals with 4 dps are much more tedious. The best tacticals I've run are with 2 players + companions - much faster and actually a lot more fun. Without this option, uprisings seem to be tactical 2.0, and just as prone to failure.
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Yeah true, the times when people got GF pop, kicked the people and replaced them with companions..... Well while I do understand you reasoning, Bioware just wont do it. They cannot admit that the companions are so OP and cant have them be replaced by players.


I am soloing HM FPS with just my companion and its better and faster than doing it with a group as you stealth through mobs and finish Conversations way faster. But that is not as it was intended so it will probably never work.


But 10 points for the idea :)

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Yeah true, the times when people got GF pop, kicked the people and replaced them with companions..... Well while I do understand you reasoning, Bioware just wont do it. They cannot admit that the companions are so OP and cant have them be replaced by players.


I am soloing HM FPS with just my companion and its better and faster than doing it with a group as you stealth through mobs and finish Conversations way faster. But that is not as it was intended so it will probably never work.


But 10 points for the idea :)


Not to high jack but... What would you recommend your gear & companion influence be at to solo tactical FPS? I've want to finish up my DvL and just need a few FPS. Getting a group has been a no go for me so far, though i will have a bit more time this coming week.

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Not to high jack but... What would you recommend your gear & companion influence be at to solo tactical FPS? I've want to finish up my DvL and just need a few FPS. Getting a group has been a no go for me so far, though i will have a bit more time this coming week.


Why would you want to solo tacticals? There is not reason, if you want to just finish the Tactical because of story or achievements do the solo version.

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So far no matter what kind of run it is, as long as someone have experience with the flashpoint, the run went smoothly even if there were a few hiccups a long the way.


I barely have experience with flashpoints except for the ones I did for the story. Getting partied up with others none experienced and especially lower level players means we get wiped out over and over. But getting someone knowing how to approach things makes the whole thing goes by faster and almost no deaths.


Only thing I might wish for is an option for experienced players to have no problems partying up with first timers. Some players I grouped up with simply rush stealthy leaving everyone else trying to catch up and if we are having a little problem they simply leave, no instructions or advice or anything. Some are very considerate and teach us how to approach things and what to do against this boss and what not.

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Yeah true, the times when people got GF pop, kicked the people and replaced them with companions..... Well while I do understand you reasoning, Bioware just wont do it. They cannot admit that the companions are so OP and cant have them be replaced by players.


I am soloing HM FPS with just my companion and its better and faster than doing it with a group as you stealth through mobs and finish Conversations way faster. But that is not as it was intended so it will probably never work.


But 10 points for the idea :)


...Okay. Which HM FPs are you soloing, and on which class with which gear?

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Why would you want to solo tacticals? There is not reason, if you want to just finish the Tactical because of story or achievements do the solo version.


He very clearly said he is trying to finish up the tacticals required for DvL, but hasn't gotten the pops. Some servers do not have the player base to get pugs on a regular basis. DvL requires eight or so flashpoints that do not have solo versions. If he wants the companion he needs to solo those remaining tacticals.

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2 person tactical fps with companions is and outstanding idea!


It all boils down to what classes you end up with. Some combinations are just far superior to others.


Level is not a good indication of player ability. gearing level is all over the place.


When someone leaves a FP I am in the first thing I type is DO NOT RE-QUEUE US!


I then pop a healing companion and no matter what we have the FP becomes a ton easier, the only thing you need to do is toggle passive a few times to avoid some mechanics and even that is rare.


Anything to get people playing more is a good idea as far as I am concerned.

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